Monday, 19 February 2018

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من قبل المستهلكين، بالنسبة للمستهلكين. تيموثي سايكس بيني الأسهم المليونير تيم سايكس بيني برنامج المليونير الأسهم من قبل تيم سايكس كان مجموع عملية احتيال حصلت ممزق ل 2 K. نيويورك، تعليق المستهلك الإنترنت. هو تيموثي سايكس عملية احتيال قرأت مقال مطلع عنه في مودورلد ريبوتال مالك الشركة. لا بكره. دائما استخدام كنت تملك أفضل الحكم. تعليق المستهلك. إنه لص. تعليق عام . إلى مات بيرام المستهلك التعليق. جعلت تيموثيسيكيس لي المال والكثير من الآخرين أيضا. تعليق المستهلك. استراتيجية تيمس هو العمل بالنسبة لي حتى الآن، وأنا فقط باستخدام حزمة عضوية الفضة اقتراح المستهلك. الإنترنت: أنت تفعل ذلك خطأ التعليق العام. دائما القيام المنزلية الخاصة بك تعليق المستهلك. حل تيموثي سايكس مضخة وتفريغ ريبوف التعليق العام. إند غيم التعليق العام. لا أكره تعليق المستهلك. نحن نعرف تيم سايكس المستهلك التعليق. تيموثي سايكس الغش اقتراح المستهلك. سايكس - أنت مزحة. تعليق المستهلك. سايكس تنفق كل يوم على الانترنت تبحث عن هجوم الناس الذين فضح له ريبوتال الفرد يستجيب. هذا هو الحصول على سخيفة المستهلك التعليق. سيكيس هو كون فنان ريبوتال فرد يستجيب. نشر تعليقات المستهلك غير دقيقة. سيكيس هو كون فنان ريبوتال فرد يستجيب. ذي ريبوب أون ذيس ريفيو، برينغ إيت أون بروموترز أضف رد على هذا التقرير واتس ذيس هل أنت صاحب العمل أو موظف أو موظف سابق لديه معلومات سلبية أو إيجابية عن الشركة أو الشخص، أو يمكنك توفير معلومات من الداخل على هذه الشركة أريبيترات تعيين سجل مستقيم هل أنت أيضا ضحية لنفس الشركة أو الفرد تريد العدالة ملف تقرير التمزق، مساعدة المستهلكين الآخرين أن تكون متعلمة ولا تدع لهم الابتعاد عنها إصلاح سمعتك ماذا يكون هذا حصلت على التقارير المقدمة ضدك حل القضايا وإعادة بناء الثقة من خلال برنامجنا للدعوة للشركات. برنامج الدعوة للشركات: أفضل طريقة لإدارة وإصلاح سمعة عملك. إخفاء الشكاوى السلبية ليست سوى إسعافات أولية. المستهلكين يريدون أن نرى كيف الشركات تأخذ الرعاية من الأعمال التجارية. كل الأعمال ستحص على شكاوي. كيف أن هذه الشركات رعاية هذه الشكاوى هو ما يفصل بين الشركات الجيدة من الشركات السيئة. 0 المؤلف 16 المستهلك 4 الموظف / المالك ريبوف ريبورت خط الأعمال الأول للدفاع على الإنترنت. إذا كان عملك على استعداد لتقديم التزام لرضا العملاء انقر هنا الآن .. لقد اشتريت برنامج المليونير الأسهم بيني من قبل تيموثي سايكس ل 1،997. كان هذا مزق. وكان البرنامج نكتة كاملة. تيم سايكس وعود العالم، ستة ملايين دولار في بضع سنوات. وكنت غبية بما يكفي للاعتقاد به. وجاء البرنامج مع أي شيء سوى عدد قليل من الأسهم بيني سيئة يختار للأسهم التي يملكها وسوف تستفيد من إذا ارتفعت صعودا في القيمة. كان عملية احتيال كاملة بالنسبة له ليس فقط الحصول على 2K الأولى، ولكن في محاولة للربح مني مرارا وتكرارا عن طريق رفع قيمة الأسهم التي يملكها. البرنامج بأكمله هو تيموثي سايكس تحاول الحصول على الأغنياء من لي، لا تبين لي كيفية الحصول على الأغنياء مثله كان حقا واحدة من شاديست الأشياء إيف واجهت من أي وقت مضى. ثم أسوأ من كل شيء، بعد أن كنت قد دفعت بالفعل، جئت عبر هذه المقالة حول بيني الأسهم مليونير. عندما قرأت ذلك لم أستطع أن أصدق ما قاله أوغهه. عندما كنت أعرف أنني بالتأكيد مصاصة. حاولت الحصول على رد منذ لديهم سياسة استرداد 100 ولكن بالطبع كان لديه مجموعة من الثغرات. ريبورت أتاشمنتس: نشر هذا التقرير في تقرير ريبوف في 04/06/2011 12:06 آم وهو سجل دائم موجود هنا: ريبوفريبورت / r / تيموثي-سايكس / إنترنيت / تيموثي-سيكس-بيني-ستوك-ميليونير-Tim - سايكس بيني وبين اسهم-مليونير-برنامج-ب-تيم-S-714404. وقت النشر المشار إليه هو توقيت أريزونا المحلي. أريزونا لا يراقب المدخرات الصيفية حتى آخر الوقت قد يكون الجبل أو المحيط الهادئ اعتمادا على الوقت من السنة. يحتوي تقرير ريبوف على ترخيص حصري لهذا التقرير. قد لا يتم نسخها دون الحصول على إذن خطي من تقرير ريبوف. البحث عن تقارير إضافية إذا كنت ترغب في الاطلاع على المزيد من التقارير ريب-أوف على هذه الشركة / فرد، ابحث هنا: من أجل ضمان أفضل النتائج في البحث الخاص بك: حافظ على اسم قصيرة قصيرة أمبير، ومحاولة أشكال مختلفة من الاسم. لا تضمن، S، Inc.، كورب، أو ليك في نهاية اسم الشركة. استخدم فقط الجزء الأول / الرئيسي من الاسم للحصول على أفضل النتائج. فقط البحث عن اسم واحد في وقت واحد إذا كان لدى الشركة العديد من أكاس. ريبورت أمب ريبتال الرد على هذا التقرير هل أنت مالك أو موظف أو موظف سابق لديه معلومات سلبية أو إيجابية عن الشركة أو الفرد، أو يمكنك تقديم معلومات داخلية عن هذه الشركة هل أنت أيضا ضحية لنفس الشركة أو الفرد تريد العدالة ملف تقرير التمزق، ومساعدة المستهلكين الآخرين لتعليم وعدم السماح لهم الابتعاد معها إصلاح سمعتك حصلت على التقارير المقدمة ضدك حل القضايا وإعادة بناء الثقة من خلال برنامجنا الدعوة الشركات. برنامج الدعوة للشركات: أفضل طريقة لإدارة وإصلاح سمعة عملك. إخفاء الشكاوى السلبية ليست سوى إسعافات أولية. المستهلكين يريدون أن نرى كيف الشركات تأخذ الرعاية من الأعمال التجارية. كل الأعمال ستحص على شكاوي. كيف أن هذه الشركات رعاية هذه الشكاوى هو ما يفصل بين الشركات الجيدة من الشركات السيئة. إزالة التقارير لا أفضل حتى الآن تحكيم لضبط السجل على التوالي أوثر: لا يكون الحاقدين. - (الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية) المقدمة: الثلاثاء، يوليو 07، 2015 نشر: الثلاثاء، يوليو 07، 2015 لا، أنا لم تستخدم الأفكار سكايلز. ومع ذلك، في عام 2008، ورثت قليلا جدا من المال وضد كل حكم، استثمرت 200K ضخم في نيتفليكس التي إذا كنت أذكر كان يتداول فقط فوق 21 أو 22 سهم. وقال زوجي (وحتى صبي الصغير) كنت أحمق. أنا فقط أحب ما فعلت الشركة. هل الرياضيات واسمحوا لي أن أعرف إذا الذهاب مع الغرائز بلدي دفع قبالة. ما زلت أملك أكثر من ذلك (اشترى طفلي الذي هو الآن 17 سيارة 40K هذا العام الماضي - حذار - التأمين هو القاتل) ولكن من المرجح قريبا بيع نفلكس كما وجدت شيئا آخر أن المؤامرات لي. أتساءل عما إذا كان أي شخص سوف يشكك حكمتي هذه المرة فقط أقول، من الواضح أن هذا الرجل جعل حفنة من بطريقة أو بأخرى. ولكن هنا هو نصيحتي مجانا. إذا كنت لا تحب المخاطر، أو يبدو جيدا جدا ليكون صحيحا، لا تفعل ذلك. الرد على هذا التقرير هل أنت مالك أو موظف أو موظف سابق لديه معلومات سلبية أو إيجابية عن الشركة أو الشخص، أو يمكنك تقديم معلومات داخلية عن هذه الشركة أوثر: مونتيبوس - (أوسا) سوبيتد: ثورسداي، ماي 07، 2015 بوستيد: الخميس، مايو 07، 2015 1-جعل مواقع الويب المزيفة عنه. مثال ثيتيميسكيسكام جعل العديد من المواقع وهمية لإخفاء الحقيقة القذرة عنه. 2-هو كاذب، المنافق المتلاعب. على سبيل المثال، وقال انه اقول لكم لا شراء لامبورجيني لأنها مشكلة حتى الآن لديه العديد وانه سوف شراء واحدة أخرى. قال الناس لعدم شراء منزل باهظة الثمن، ولكن منزله هو. مكلفة وانه سوف شراء واحدة أخرى. أخبر الناس أنه بعد 10 سنوات من إنفاق الكثير من المال انه على استعداد لشيء آخر، وهذا هو كذبة، وقال انه لا يزال يريد المزيد من المال، وقال انه لم يكن كافيا، هو مثل إدمان كوكين. لأنه لديه الكثير من المال دونست يعني أنه لا يمكن مزق قبالة الخاص بك. ه التلاعب المعلومات، على بلوق له وبعد أن حذف أي شيء أن أقول الحقيقة عنه، وعندما لا انه سوف يترك الرد الطويل. إذا كنت لا تعرف ذلك أنه لا يترك الرد في كل وقت للناس إسبوسينغ له. 3-تيشينيك له من المستحيل القيام به. هناك قاعدة في سوق الأسهم تسمى حكم بدت. لذلك كنت غير قادر قصيرة إلا إذا كان لديك 25K. الآن إذا كان لديك 25K يمكنك قصيرة يمكنك عتبة تحتاج وسيط لديك أسهم المتاحة قصيرة على بينيستوك تحتاج إلى قصيرة. المشكلة هي أنك لن تحصل على أي لأنه هو الذي حصل عليه. يحصل على حصة أفالابل إلى قصيرة التي لا يمكن أن يكون. 4-انه سيئ حقا في الذهاب لفترة طويلة، إذا كان طويلا كل ما تريد أنت ذاهب لإضاعة المال الخاص بك و TIME. He قصيرة 3/4 وعندما يذهب طويل انه يغيب. 5-انه لا يعطي المال له للجمعيات الخيرية، وقال انه يعطي الناس المال للجمعيات الخيرية، هذا الحق، وقال انه يطلب منك التبرع بأموالك له حتى يتمكن من إعطاء وعندما يعطي المال الخاص للجمعيات الخيرية انه يفعل ذلك للحصول على أدفرتيسمنت لبيع أكثر أقراص الفيديو الرقمية. 6-هذا المحتال حصلت بعيدا لفترة طويلة جدا ولكن سيتم القيام يوم واحد العدالة والحقيقة التي تغطيها بشكل جيد من قبل آلة الوحش الدعاية له ضخمة سيتم الافراج عنهم في يوم من الأيام. 7-اليوم انه يجعل المزيد من المال بيع أقراص الفيديو الرقمية ومع مواقعه الخدمات. وأعتقد أن هذا خطأ بسبب شخص ما يمكن أن تجعل الكثير من المال في الأسهم وودنت يشعر بالحاجة إلى طرح الناس المال ولكن هذا الرجل هو حتى غريدي انه سوف يأخذ المال في كل مكان حتى الأم التقاعد الكبير الخاص بك. 8-وقال انه لا يعطي المبالغ المستردة، لديه ديسافامير، تشتري وكنت مشدود، لا رد. فكر في الأمر، لا رد يعني أنها ليست شرعية. وقال انه يستخدم إخلاء المسؤولية على جميع خدماته أيضا كما الترفيه حتى كنت حصلت عليه، بل هو عملية احتيال. ويستخدم أحيانا خدماته لضخ المخزونات. لا يمكن الانتظار حتى سيك التحقيق معه ولكن دون جدوى انه سوف تحصل بعيدا مع مجرد غرامة صغيرة السخرية. يجب أن يسجن في كتابي لأخذ المال والوقت من الكثير من الناس الصادقين. الرد على هذا التقرير هل أنت مالك أو موظف أو موظف سابق لديه معلومات سلبية أو إيجابية عن الشركة أو الفرد، أو يمكنك تقديم معلومات داخلية عن هذه الشركة أوثر: مات بيرام - () تم تقديمها: الأربعاء، نوفمبر 05، 2014 بوستيد: الأربعاء، نوفمبر 05، 2014 وأنا أعلم أن هذا المنصب هو القديم، ولكن أردت فقط أن تتناغم في. إيف كان باستمرار جعل 200 - 300 / يوم باستخدام استراتيجية تيمس. وهذا هو فقط مع حساب صغير جدا وحرف صغيرة جدا. إيف اشتركت فقط في باكاكغ الفضة وهو 100 / الشهر. إيف كان يراقب له بعد تداولاته، ومشاهدة أشرطة الفيديو، والواجبات المنزلية، وما إلى ذلك وكان يعمل. أنا أفكر في القيام بتحدي المليونير ولكن هو 5500، التي يمكن أن تحملها، وعلى الأرجح يستحق المال، ولكن إذا كان يمكنني معرفة ذلك من دون إنفاق 5500، كل ما هو أفضل بكثير. على أي حال - لهؤلاء الشاكين هناك. حسنا، كنت دائما الذهاب إلى المشتكين. لا يهم أين تذهب - في قاعدة 80/20. إيف كان بائع ناجح لسنوات و إيف دائما بقي بعيدا عن 80s. بقيت بعيدا عن برودة المياه وجلبت بلدي المياه المعبأة في زجاجات - أنظف وأكثر منعش. لأي سبب من الأسباب، ونحن على حد سواء عملت في نفس الشركة، وكنت ناجحة وأنها لم تكن، ولكن لهم كان دائما خطأ الشركة. نفس الشيء مع برنامج تيمس. هذه هي تلك التي على الأرجح لم تتبع البرنامج، أو لم تكن مستعدة بشكل صحيح، لذلك فقدوا المال وهم يلومون البرنامج أو تيم، عندما لها حقا. تأخذ بعض المسؤولية الناس. وقف الذهاب من خلال الحياة كونها ضحية. أنت هجرة على المجتمع. وبالمناسبة - السبب تيم يعلم هذه الاستراتيجية بدلا من مجرد جعل العيش بدوام كامل مع ذلك لأن التدريس يجلب في وايي المزيد من المال. فتح عينيك ليس فقط أنها لا تجلب في طريق المزيد من المال، فإنه يجلب في طن من الدخل السلبي المتكررة، وهو أفضل دخل لديهم. لها أكثر ربحا بكثير من إذا تيم تداول بدوام كامل. أعتقد تيم عندما يقول أيضا مجزية. أنا متأكد من أنها هي. أنها لا تشعر بالرضا لمساعدة شخص ما ينجح. ومع ذلك، وأعتقد حقا لها مجرد المزيد من المال. إذا كنت مشاهدة أشرطة الفيديو تيمس وكنت في الواقع محاولة وتعلم شيئا، سترى أن استراتيجية تيمس ليست لصنع المليارات. أنها لا تعمل مع الأثرياء السوبر، وهناك العديد من الأسباب لماذا. يمكن أن تجعلك مليونيرا - يمكن أن تجعلك مليون أو مليوني / سنة قمم، وأود أن أقول. أنا أضمن أن تيم يجعل أكثر بكثير من 2MM / السنة التدريس. هذا هو السبب في انه يدرس. لذا يرجى التوقف عن القول إذا هيس جيدة جدا في ذلك، لماذا لا يفعل ذلك فقط وليس تعليم. هذا هو الشيء الأكثر غموضا يمكنك أن تقول. على أي حال، فإن البرنامج يعمل بالنسبة لي حتى الآن، وأنا سرعان ما تخطط على جعل الصفقات أكبر حتى أتمكن من جعل أكثر من ذلك. شكرا تيم بس - أنا لا أعمل ل تيم، أنا لا أعرف تيم على الإطلاق. لم أسمع عنه إلا قبل بضعة أسابيع. الرد على هذا التقرير مقدم: الأربعاء، 22 أكتوبر، 2014 نشر: الأربعاء، أكتوبر 22، 2014 الإنترنت عظيم. المشكلة الوحيدة هي الناس الذين يستخدمونها. 99 من التقارير المنشورة هنا تأتي من الناس الذين ليس لديهم فكرة عما يفعلونه. اسمحوا لي أن أشرح الإنترنت لك: القاعدة A: إذا كان يبدو جيدا جدا ليكون صحيحا، هو عليه. القاعدة باء: إذا حدث شيء ما على نحو خاطئ، عادة لأنك ارتكبت خطأ. الإنترنت هو الخطأ أبدا إذا كنت تعرف كيفية استخدامه. ويندرج برنامج تيم سايكس في هاتين الفئتين، بطرق معينة. الآن، اسمحوا لي أن أشرح البرنامج لك: أساليب عمله. وما تشتريه هو التعليم عن كيفية تنفيذ الأساليب المذكورة. انها لا تختلف عن إذا كنت لشراء تعليمي على أي شيء آخر. ومع ذلك، هناك بعض الأشياء أن نأخذ في الاعتبار: 1. قد تختلف النتائج. لن يكون نموذجيا (على الرغم من أنه من الممكن) بالنسبة لك لتحويل 1،000 إلى 1،000،000 في غضون بضع سنوات. 2. عليك أن تأخذ على نفسك لتعلم المواد بشكل كامل. تحصل في ما كنت اخماد. إذا كنت نصف المؤمن التعليم، وأنت تسير في هذا التفكير لها الغنية الغنية مخطط، كنت قد فشلت بالفعل. لأن هذا هو المواد التعليمية الفعلية، لا يختلف عن عندما كان لديك لتطبيق نفسك في المدرسة. أنت لا تصبح طبيبا من قبل نصف كلية أسينغ. 3. هذا ليس غنية مخطط سريع. ليس مخطط على الإطلاق. في شيء عليك أن تأخذ وقتا لتعلم وفهم من أجل الحصول على أي نوع من الاستفادة من. إذا ذهبت إلى هذا البرنامج التفكير يمكنك فقط اتبع تنبيهاته / تنبيهات الدردشة وجعل طن من المال، كنت ارتكبت خطأ. لا شيء في الحياة هو أن من السهل، أقل بكثير كونه مليونيرا. من المنطقي أن يخبرك أنه مع سرعة تحرك سوق الأسهم، سيكون من النادر أن تتمكن من التقاط الاختراق بنفس الشخص الذي نشره. تنبيهات تنذر فائدة رهيبة، جانبا من إعطائك فكرة عما يجب أن تبحث عنه. ومع ذلك، كما شخص الذي قد دفع فعلا الانتباه إلى المواد، سايكس تنص العديد، وكثير، مرات عديدة أن الهدف النهائي هو جعل لكم سيلف-سوفيسيانت. نعم، أنت في الواقع سوف تضطر إلى القيام ببعض من العمل. الذين يعرفون أن تصبح غنية سيكون هذا صعب ما سايكس بيع في نهاية المطاف هو تعليمي على كيفية العثور على هذه الأسهم نفسك والحرف كاملة من شأنها أن تكون مكافأة. سوق الأوراق المالية، كما متقلب كما هو عليه، ونادرا ما تكون معقدة. إذا كنت (باستمرار) تفقد المال في سوق الأسهم، وربما كنت لا ينبغي أن العبث معها. تأتي معظم الخسائر من خطأ المستخدم. أنت سوف تخسر المال باستخدام طريقة سايكس. تفقد المال بغض النظر عن طريقة التداول التي تستخدمها، ليس هناك طريقة واقية تماما. ولكن إذا كنت تعرف ما تفعله، سوف يفوز أكثر مما تخسر. هنا في يكمن الربح. أن أقول أن تيم سايكس هو فنان احتيال، هو مثل القول لم يكن هناك أي شخص ووس من أي وقت مضى جعل المال الشرعي (اقرأ: ليس مثل الأردن بيلفورت) تداول الأسهم قرش. وهذا كذبة. كثير من الناس لديهم، ويمكن. ما يفصل الفائزين من الخاسرين هو مقدار الوقت الذي يقضيه شحذ المهارات الخاصة بك. أنت لن تسجل الاشتراك في التنبيهات الأسهم وكل ما يصل فجأة إيقاظ الغنية. عليك أن تقوم بالعمل. سيكيس يعلمك ببساطة كيفية القيام بهذا العمل. والباقي متروك لكم. وأخيرا، أرى الكثير من المشاركات التي تقول جيدا إذا كان يعمل بشكل جيد، لماذا تضيع وقتك تعليم الناس بدلا من مجرد تنفيذ ذلك وتصبح غنية جدا. مرة أخرى، يتيح تطبيق بعض الحس السليم هنا. هل تفضل الحصول على دخل شهري مضمون من المشتركين، والندوات، وإيرادات موقع الويب أو المخاطرة بأموالك في سوق الأوراق المالية في حين أن طريقة عمله، لم يعد من المنطقي بالنسبة له لاستخدامه. وقال انه سيجعل المال مضمونة من التدريس مع نو المخاطر. تيم هو رجل الأعمال، وإذا سار لي وقال أنا لا حتى التجارة بعد الآن، وأود أن أقول كما كنت لا ينبغي. لأنه يجعل المزيد من المال من التدريس من التداول، والمزيد من المال هو إند غيم. لتلخص: لا شيء في الحياة هو حر. إذا كنت علاج هذا مثل عملية احتيال، وسوف احتيال لك. أيضا، أنت ذاهب فقط لمعرفة ما تريد أن تتعلم. الرد على هذا التقرير هل أنت مالك أو موظف أو موظف سابق لديه معلومات سلبية أو إيجابية عن الشركة أو الفرد، أو يمكنك تقديم معلومات داخلية عن هذه الشركة دائما القيام بواجبك المنزلي: ستيفبريتون - () تقديم: الجمعة، أغسطس 29، 2014 تاريخ النشر: الجمعة، 29 أغسطس، 2014 استمعت إلى جميع مقاطع الفيديو السبعة من تيم سايكيس، ثم فعلت شيئا بدأت أفعله قبل عام تقريبا قبل أن أسقطت أسفل بلدي المال الثابت. ركضت عملية احتيال ومردود البحث وجدت كل هذه المعلومات مفيدة على ريبوفريبورت. الآن أفعل ذلك في كل مرة واحدة قبل شراء أي نوع من برنامج لكسب المال. لذلك لن أكون شراء برنامج السيد سايكس شكرا لكم جميعا. كم من الوقت يمكن أن يبقي خداع الناس تعتقدون، قبل أن يكون مجرد معرفة شائعة بأن نظامه لا يعمل شكرا لكم على مساعدتكم العظيمة وشكرا لكم ريبوفريبورت الرد على هذا التقرير هل أنت مالك أو موظف أو موظف سابق مع إما سلبية أو معلومات إيجابية عن الشركة أو الشخص، أو يمكنك تقديم معلومات من الداخل على هذه الشركة تقديم: السبت، مايو 10، 2014 نشر: السبت، مايو 10، 2014 لقد اتبعت تيموثي سيكيس لفترة وجيزة وصلت إلى استنتاج كامل عنه وتاجره بينيستوك تراثه. لا يمكنك الحصول على الأغنياء من شراء له على أقراص دفد مسبقة أو ميليوندولار طالب كاليج كوست 55000 (مقابلة عن طريق الهاتف) نعم تيموثي سايكس هو الشخص الحقيقي الذي يجعل 90 من أمواله على الترويج نعم تيموثي سايكس هو المروج و أفلييت، وقال انه يجعل من أكثر من أنت وأتباعه (تاجر متأكد) (profit. ly) نعم تيموثي سايكس لديه سجل حافل للمكاسب ولكن أيضا العديد من الخسائر التي هي بصرف النظر عن لعبة لا طريقة تيموثي سايكس ليست أوريغنال على الإطلاق، يمكنك أن تجد أفضل طرق الاستثمار، هو يبيع لك فكرة الحصول على الغني ويعلم الصراصير سوف تتبع وشراء في هدف التعليم فقط دفد / طرق لا تيموثي سايكس ليس فنان احتيال، مجرد أخذ أدفانتج من أقل وبيع منتجه لا كنولج يرجى فهم كل هذا قبل شراء أي شيء منه، شخص مشاهدة الجميع من دفدس له، هو الشخص الحقيقي الذي يتحدث عقله، شخصية كبيرة. الرد على هذا التقرير هل أنت مالك أو موظف أو موظف سابق لديه معلومات سلبية أو إيجابية عن الشركة أو الفرد، أو يمكنك تقديم معلومات داخلية عن هذه الشركة أوثر: كاتشثبادغويس - () تم تقديمه: الأربعاء، 18 ديسمبر 2013 تاريخ النشر : الأربعاء، ديسمبر 18، 2013 هذا التعليق موجه للكاتب جون، الذي قدم تعليقا على المقال الأصلي، الذي يهاجم مجموعة دينية على أساس أعمال واحدة. بسبب كراهية ريتيريك، أكثر من المرجح بسبب الغضب تجاه هذا الشخص واحد، تعليقه يفقد مصداقيته كنا نأمل. أنها لا تحمل الكثير من الوزن إذا تعليقك يرسم لك في ضوء سيئ عندما القارئ يقرأ ذلك. إذا كان ذلك يرجى تعديل مقالته وترك مشاعره الشخصية للخروج منه ومجرد استخدام الحقائق على التوالي، فإنه سيكون موضع تقدير وكذلك إعطاء تعليقه المزيد من القوة في مساعدة القضية. قد يود جون أن يفهم أن الانتماء الديني ليس مؤشرا على أفعال الأشخاص وليس له تأثير فعلي على الانتصار في متناول اليد وهو مضلل وغير صحيح. ربما جون، قد ترغب في قضاء المزيد من الوقت مع الناس من جميع الجماعات الدينية وقد تجد أن الجميع لديه أوجه التشابه والاختلاف التي تعكس في حياتك الخاصة وإيم متأكد من أنك سوف تكون أفضل لذلك، وشملت نفسي. منذ مرور بعض الوقت منذ كتابة التعليق، يمكنك الذهاب أكثر من ذلك وربما نرى نفس الأفكار كان لي عندما قرأت ذلك. إذا كان هذا الشخص قد ارتكب خطأ ثم يمكننا أن نقف معا لمحاربة هذا الظلم. الرد على هذا التقرير هل أنت مالك أو موظف أو موظف سابق لديه معلومات سلبية أو إيجابية عن الشركة أو الفرد أو يمكنك تقديم معلومات داخلية عن هذه الشركة 12 كاتب تعليق المستهلك: سكامد بي تيم سيكيس - () سوبيتد: ويدنزداي ، أبريل 03، 2013 تاريخ: الأربعاء، أبريل 03، 2013 أنا لا أعرف تيم مباشرة ولكن لدينا زميل الذي يعمل مع تيم وهو صديق شخصي. سواء كان ذلك صحيحا أم لا أنا لا أعرف ولكن أنا أعلم أنه صديق شخصي من تيمز كما يظهر لي الصور والأحزاب معه في بعض الأحيان. هيريس ما قال لي في الثقة: سايكس لا يتاجر بنشاط نفسه. عندما سأل صديقي سايكس عن تجارته، والمبالغ التي يتداولها صغيرة جدا فهي غير واضحة. 2. سايكس يعترف شخصيا انه المروج وأنه يهرب زبائنه الذي يشير إلى المصاصين 3. انه يجعل 800،000 في ندوة لمدة 3 أيام. التداول يجعل القليل من المال بالنسبة له انه ليس لديه مصلحة في ذلك. 4. صديقي يعمل في صناعة التمويل يعطيه اللقطات التي ينشرها على موقعه. صديقي يتاجر هذه اللقطات قبل سيكس نشر لهم على موقعه للحصول على أرباح سهلة. 5. انه يعترف انه في صناعة التدريب / الحصول على ريك صناعة سريعة لاحظ ترادينجيندوستري. وهو يعلم ماذا يقال عنه. سيكس يعرف انه هو الاحتيال لكنه يحتفظ له شتيك الذهاب للحفاظ على نمط حياته. الرد على هذا التقرير هل أنت مالك أو موظف أو موظف سابق لديه معلومات سلبية أو إيجابية عن الشركة أو الفرد، أو يمكنك تقديم معلومات داخلية عن هذه الشركة 13 كاتب تعليق المستهلك: dete49 - (الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية) تم تقديمه: الجمعة 31 أغسطس 2012 تاريخ النشر: الجمعة، أغسطس 31، 2012 بعد أن دفعت 50.00 للانضمام إلى غرفة الدردشة سيكيس على أمل القيام ببعض الصفقات الجيدة على الأسهم قرش منذ صفحته الرئيسية يتصور أنه تاجر عظيم على الأسهم قرش، وهذا ما وجدت. تيموثي سايكس يحصل لك لدفع 50.00 في الشهر ثم انه يتجه لتحصل على دفع 1500.00 شهريا للإجابة على أسئلتكم. سيكيس آخر تخصيص الاشياء عن نفسه. لديه إيغو ضخمة، دفعت أنهافينغ 50.00 للانضمام سيكيس غرفة الدردشة على أمل لجعل بعض الصفقات الجيدة على الأسهم قرش منذ صفحته الرئيسية يتصور أنه تاجر عظيم على الأسهم قرش، وهذا ما وجدت. تيموثي سايكس يحصل لك لدفع 50.00 في الشهر ثم انه يتجه لتحصل على دفع 1500.00 شهريا للإجابة على أسئلتكم. سيكيس آخر تخصيص الاشياء عن نفسه. لديه إيغو ضخمة، وليس مخزونات الأسهم قرش مثل صفحته الرئيسية يقول. لديه 200 زائد الناس في دردشة كل يوم في 50 دولارات لكل شخص. ناس جدد يأتي في كل يوم يطلب المساعدة ويقول انه تحتاج إلى دفع 1500.00 شهريا بالنسبة لي لمساعدتك. ومن المشكوك فيه جدا أنه يجعل الملايين من الأسهم بيني التداول ولكن من كل الأموال التي يجمعها من غرف الدردشة وأشياء الفيديو. تيمالرتستيموثيسيكيس: ترقية الألياف إلى الفضة وإغلاق فك حتى، تيمالرتستيموثيسيكيس: إذا ش لا تستطيع 100 / شهر للحصول على معلومات جيدة ش لا ينبغي أن يكون التداول. ومن الواضح جدا أن سايكس يحصل لك في غرفة 50.00 ثم يخبرك لترقية لتداول الأسهم وشراء دروس الفيديو أو إيقاف F حتى. الرد على هذا التقرير هل أنت مالك أو موظف أو موظف سابق لديه معلومات سلبية أو إيجابية عن الشركة أو الفرد، أو يمكنك تقديم معلومات داخلية عن هذه الشركة. 14 كونسومر سوجستيون أوثر: tcaldwell45758 - (يونيتيد ستيتس أوف أميركا) سوبيتد: الخميس، أغسطس 02، 2012 نشر: الخميس، أغسطس 02، 2012 إخلاء المسؤولية لطيفة التي تعكس العديد من المواقع الخاصة بك شرعي تماما التي هي حماقة كاملة. تيموثيسيكيس / شروط الخدمة / أيضا، الحلو شروط أمب الشروط على الربح الخاص بك (.) لي الموقع. profit. ly/disclaimer لاحظ هذا الجزء، تلك ميديا ​​ليك الملقب بروفيتلي ليس وسيط مسجل تاجر أو مسجلة كمستشار الاستثمار. إذا كنت بحاجة إلى مساعدة في العثور على هذا الجزء، تأكد من التمرير لأسفل الصفحة إلى الجزء المسمى سياستنا تجاه الأطفال، إيم متأكد من أن معظم المستخدمين عموما يعتقدون أدلة قوية من لا نعتقد في الواقع لدينا حماقة و هيريس إخلاء المسؤولية لتغطية بيان بعقب لدينا ل يكون تحت تسمية هناك إلى التضليل. آمل فقط أن أعود إلى هنا ونشر واحد من الرتب ممتازة رتبة من موقع الويب الخاص بك مع كل المبتذلة لأنك تحصل على 2500 رسائل البريد الإلكتروني يوميا. أيضا، ليس عميل من يدكم، لم يكن، فقط حتى وقت متأخر للغاية وجئت عبر طرق القمامة الخاصة بك. آمل فقط الناس يستغرق وقتا طويلا لفهم كامل أنها لا تحتاج إلى التفكير أساليبك هي صناع الربح الشرعي. بيني التداول أمر خطير وبالنسبة لأولئك غبي بما فيه الكفاية لمتابعة لكم وطرح مع القمامة طفولي الخاص بك، وأتمنى لهم الحظ، بالنسبة للأشخاص الذين يشترون المجالات التي من المفترض أن تلتقط مصطلحات البحث من تيموثي سيكيس والخداع فقط أن إعادة توجيه لك الصفحة المقصودة الخاصة هي على أية حال. مجرد رمي على الأشياء التي أكره، وجعلت القائمة الرد على هذا التقرير هل أنت مالك أو موظف أو موظف سابق مع معلومات سلبية أو إيجابية عن الشركة أو الفرد، أو يمكنك توفير معلومات من الداخل على هذه الشركة 15 المستهلك تعليق أوثر: جون - (الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية) سوبيتد: موندي، أبريل 16، 2012 بوستيد: موندي، أبريل 16، 2012 سايكس، أنت تدعي أنه ليس لديك وقت للمقاضاة ولكن يبدو أن لديك ما يكفي من الوقت لمراقبة تقرير التمزق جميع يوم كل يوم، وسريعة لنشر واحدة من ريبوتلز الخاص بك عديمة الفائدة. ولكن لسبب ما ليس لديك الوقت للرد على النقاط التي قمت بها. كثيرا بنفس الطريقة التي التعامل مع ما يسمى سجل المسار الخاص بك، كنت الكرز اختيار النقاط التي تستجيب لفي حين تجاهل الآخرين التي كنت غير قادر على التحدث طريقك للخروج. إم يضحك عليك. اسمحوا لي أن أضيف أنك لست منتقي الأسهم. أنت مقامر. ليس لديك أي فكرة عن المخاطر أو أي شيء آخر يتعلق بإدارة الاستثمار الحصيفة. الأسهم بيني القمار، لا الاستثمار الحصول على ذلك من خلال رأسك ووقف صنع كل هذه الادعاءات الكاذبة وعود لامتصاص في الحمقى الجذور. لا يمكن للمرء أن بناء الثروة تداول المضاربة والتلاعب الأسهم قرش على الرغم من المطالبات الخاصة بك. أود أن أقترح عليك أن تأخذ بعض دورات إدارة الاستثمار بحيث أنك سوف تفهم معنى عبارة بناء الثروة. كنت القزم الذهني والمدفوع الأسهم المروج وكذلك يشتبه عداء الجبهة. أنت تعرف جيدا أن ينتشر بين محاولة وطلب بس هي واسعة جدا (والتلاعب بها من قبل صانع السوق) أنه من المستحيل على أي شخص للحصول على أو الخروج من السعر الذي تقوم به، لذلك يمكنك شراء / بيع ثم تنبيه أتباع ساذجة الخاص بك ، الذي يتحرك سعر السهم في صالحك. ما هو مضحك حقا هو أن تجعل هذه الادعاءات مثير للسخرية مثلك كل شيء عن الشفافية، ولكن كنت لا تضع أموالك حيث فمك هو. دعونا نرى إرس الضرائب الخاصة بك إرجاع الضرائب من السنوات ال 3 الماضية، وبيانات السمسرة الخاصة بك، الخ هل تعتقد حقا ليس جريمة لكذب حول مقدار المال الذي تقوم به وكم كنت قد حصلت في الصفقات، وما إلى ذلك عندما كنت ربط الخاص بك ما يسمى الأعمال إليها. مرة أخرى، الرجال الذين يعرفون كيفية كسب المال باستمرار التداول لا تلبي للجمهور التجزئة السذج ملء رأسها مع آمال زائفة وبيعها الثور. فقط كون الفنانين دو. أنت يهودي نموذجي. لا يمكنك يا رفاق كسب حياة نزيهة اقرأ هذا الجزء سيكيس جدا بحذر: إذا كنت تريد المنظمين الأوراق المالية لوضع لكم على الرادار، والحفاظ على التآمر مع ردود لا معنى لها الخاص بك. إذا كنت تفضل عدم التحقيق، إبقاء فمك الكبير مغلقا. في كلتا الحالتين، إم ستعمل يكون الكلمة الأخيرة سواء هنا أو في مكان آخر. الخيار هو لك الفتى اليهودي. الرد على هذا التقرير هل أنت مالك أو موظف أو موظف سابق لديه معلومات سلبية أو إيجابية عن الشركة أو الفرد، أو يمكنك تقديم معلومات داخلية عن هذه الشركة أوثر: تيموثيسيكيس - (الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية) تم تقديمها: الأربعاء، أبريل 06، 2011 بوستيد: الأربعاء، أبريل 06، 2011 كونها واحدة من عدد قليل من جامعي الأسهم الحقيقية في العالم، حصلت على حوالي مليون الأشياء التي يجب القيام به، ولكنني أرفض أن يكون اسمه تشويه من قبل ليس. أرجو أن تسمحوا لي أن دحض و إم متحمس للقيام بلوق وظيفة كاملة مخصصة لهذا، وذلك بفضل ريبوف تقرير الاتهام: عدد قليل من الأسهم قرش سيئة يختار للأسهم التي يملكها والربح من إذا صعد في القيمة لماذا هذا هو كذبة: حتى الآن وكانت معظم الصفقات بلدي افتراضية كما إيف تم إنشاء حسابي على المدى الطويل وشكرا توت انه قوائم المراقبة، والمشتركين الحصول على اللقطات قبل أن أشتري / أقصر لهم شخصيا. ناهيك عن أنها مخزونات سائلة جدا والتي من المفترض أن تعقد لأيام إن لم يكن أسابيع لذلك أنا لا تؤثر عليها. أما بالنسبة لهم القيام كرومي، الحكم على أدائي حتى الآن نفسك: ولوك قصيرة في 70 سنتا (في الواقع فعلت قصيرة بعد 10 يوما في 60 سنتا / سهم، والتي تغطي 33 سنتا / سهم للحصول على 30000 مكاسب) 45 قصيرة كسا في 14.60 انخفض إلى 6S في غضون شهر) 59 شراء كسا في 6.25 بيع 7.05 13 قصيرة الحركة الشعبية لتحرير السودان 3.45 غطاء 2.30 33 شراء موبي 11.15 بيع 1/2 13.10 (بلدي نصف وضعية افتراضية أخرى حتى أكثر نظرا للسعر الحالي 13.60) 23 بوي بلب 0.80 الحالي 1 / حصة 25 لذا يرجى يجرؤ لك أن تقول لي كيف هذا الأداء هو كرومي أما بالنسبة لسياسة رد، لا توجد الأطواق للقفز من خلال. إنثيدر إنزيدر أليانس هو ناشر النشرات الإخبارية، وهي كبيرة حول المبالغ المستردة، على الرغم من أنه كان لدينا أقل من حفنة نظرا لأدائي المتفوق الذي لعب على مدى الأسابيع القليلة الماضية منذ أن بدأنا هذه النشرة الإخبارية. في رأيي يجب أن يكون هناك أي المبالغ المستردة لأن لدينا لطرح مع الأكاذيب من هذا القبيل. ولكن لأن إم متأكد من بلدي استراتيجية ثبت التي يمكنك أن ترى كل ما عندي من الصفقات على مدى السنوات ال 12 الماضية على profit. ly أعطيت في. الناس الذين ترك تقارير مثل هذا يمثل أسوأ جدا من الإنسانية وأشكرهم على عدم وجود الصدق (على افتراض أن هذا الشخص هو المروج الأسهم الذي لا يريد مني أن يعرض هذه الصناعة المشبوهة) أي أسئلة، مخاوف، والاتصال فريق تيموثيسيكيس / الاتصال اختيار من قبل اختيار، فيديو الدرس من قبل فيديو الدرس، إم ستعمل تجعلك الناس أقل غبي وأقل فقراء. ليس مثل هذا يساعد فقط على إلهام لي أكثر. الرد على هذا التقرير هل أنت مالك أو موظف أو موظف سابق لديه معلومات سلبية أو إيجابية عن الشركة أو الفرد، أو يمكنك تقديم معلومات من الداخل عن هذه الشركةكيفية جعل الملايين من خلال التسويق نفسك كمساحة دوش المصور: أندرو هيثرينغتون ل بلومبرغ بيزنيس ويك تيم سيكس لديه الكثير من النصائح للناس الذين يطمحون إلى أن تكون ثري كما هو. اليوم، البالغ من العمر 33 عاما تشيك-تشيكد لديه اقتراح غريب مميز: إيذاء النفس. x201CI يريد الجميع أن يأخذ يديك، x201D يقول في عدسة الكاميرا من جهاز الكمبيوتر المحمول، x201Cand صفعة نفسك في facex201D سيكس يجلس وحده على طاولة غرفة الطعام من جناح 3،000 ليلة في فندق غانزيفورت في وسط مانهاتن. في مواجهة جهاز الكمبيوتر الخاص به في رداء الحمام والنظارات فقط، وقال انه ينظر في الرسم البياني للمخزون من شركة أمنية معروفة تسمى الاتصالات التقنية، بزيادة 30xA0percent اليوم على أخبار عقد لتوفير التشفير للجيش المصري. كما تبحث في شاشته عبر بث مباشر هي بضع مئات من أكثر الزبائن المتفانين. تدير سايكيس شبكة اجتماعية للتجار يدعى Profit. ly، والتي تضم حوالي 50،000 عضو. وهناك مجموعة فرعية من 6،000 الأجر لتلقي نصائح البريد الإلكتروني اليومية، والنشرات الإخبارية الأسبوعية، والوصول إلى الآلاف من أشرطة الفيديو مثل hex2019s ويبينار التداول بدأت للتو. هؤلاء هم الناس الذين فشلوا في تخمين صحيح الإجابة على له hypotheticalx2014x201CWhich الأسهم أنا أتطلع إلى الحق nowx201Dx2014 وبالتالي استلزم ذلك صفعة على وجهه. x201Csackack نفسك إذا كنت donx2019t الحصول على أنه يجب أن تبحث في الفائز أكبر في المئة dayx2019s، يقول x201D سايكس في الكاميرا. x201COver ساعتين التاليتين هذا هو بلدي. x20091 trade. x201D المصور: أندرو هيثرينغتون لبلومبرغ بيزنس ويك سيكس هو الكثير من الأشياء: تاجر بيني الأسهم، رجل الأعمال على شبكة الإنترنت، مدير صندوق التحوط فاشلة، وربما الصحافة بلا خجل شخص صديق في التمويل. ولكن ما هو أكثر من كل شيء هو طالب من الضجيج، وهذا النوع الذي يجعل الأسهم الرخيصة انه يفضل السنبلة والتعثر والنوع الذي يقوم بتصنيعه. في السنوات القليلة الماضية ظهرت hex2019s على عدد قليل من البرامج التلفزيونية الواقعية جعلت أشرطة الفيديو محاكاة ساخرة من أعلى 40 أغنية مع صديقته البالغ من العمر 21 عاما صديقة خصمها نبك عن طريق نشر صورة غير مؤثرة من مرساة ثم أعلى وشراء الرياضة 200،000 السيارة التي انه doesnx2019t تتمتع القيادة، وكلها في اسم الدعاية، على حد سواء جيدة وسيئة. Hex2019s مفتوحة جدا حول ما hex2019s القيام به: x201CI تلعب دور douchexA0bag. x201D الغنية لسيكس، كل يوم يجلب فرصة جديدة لاسترعاء الانتباه إلى نفسه. كما أنه يحافظ على تيموثيسيكيس، حيث يبيع كيفية التجارة مثل لي أقراص الفيديو الرقمية لما يصل إلى 1500. في تشرين الثاني / نوفمبر، لجذب الاهتمام في قرص جديد، وطلب من أتباعه وسائل الاعلام الاجتماعية لترك تعليق أدناه صورة له بورشه، وقال انه hex2019d التخلي عن الشخص الذي يعتقد أنه كان يستحق أكثر من اللازم. x201CI الحصول على احتضان بلدي غرابة، x201D يقول. x201CThe الحارس أنا، وأكثر الفيروسية it. x201D مشاركة لديها أكثر من 20،000 الفيسبوك x201Clikesx201D و 3،800 تعليقات إينستاجرام انه لا يزال hasnx2019t نظرا بعيدا السيارة. سيكس اهتمام المحاكم حتى المستثمرين سوف تجد مواقعه ودفع له للحصول على المشورة. بعد التداول لأول مرة مع المال الخاص به خلال جنون الإنترنت ثم تشغيل صندوق التحوط الذي ذهب التمثال في عام 2007، وقال انه أعاد تشكيل نفسه كمدرس، وأبلغ أتباع كيف يمكن أن تستفيد من شراء وبيع الأسهم قرش. He says hex2019s made 4xA0million on such tradesx2014and he can teach you how to read market patterns, too, if youx2019ll just enter your credit card number. Penny stocks are the most dangerous corner of the marketx2014rife with fraud and get-rich-quick scamsx2014and no legitimate financial adviser would ever recommend them to a client. Sykes views the sketchiness of penny stocks not as a reason to avoid them but as an opportunity to learn more about their patterns. Around the same time that he started Profit. ly, he watched the biopic Kinsey . about the pioneering sex-education researcher, and saw a parallel. x201CLook up stats about sex education before Kinsey got started, x201D he says. x201CPeople just didnx2019t want to talk about it openly. Just like the ugly world of penny stocks. Back then everyonex2019s dirty secret was sex. Today, Ix2019d guess that most traders and investors have tried penny stocks. Theyx2019re so tempting But 90xA0percent of the people who trade lose. Theyx2019re degenerates. Ix2019m trying to give structure to junkies. x201D Sykesx2019s own addiction began as a teenager in Connecticut, when Tommy John surgery cut short a promising tennis career and he was forced to find a new hobby. He quickly became obsessed with the stock market, running between three computers in his high schoolx2019s library to keep up with the rise and fall of companies hex2019d previously never heard of and knew nothing about. x201CAll his marketing makes him look like a jerk, x201D says his mom During the fall semester of his freshman year at Tufts University in 2000, Sykes began trading in earnest using the 12,000 his parents had saved from his bar mitzvah. x201CWe figured he would lose it all and learn a valuable lesson, x201D says his mom, Jo-Ann. He didnx2019t. Instead, he found a convenient creation myth. Naturally impatient, Sykes was drawn to the riskiest category of equities: penny stocks. x201CIn my mind it was simple, x201D he says. x201CPenny stocks were not only affordable, they were more volatile and more predictable than the larger, higher-profilexA0stocks. x201D That predictability was partly the result of something else Sykes didnx2019t yet understand: the Internet bubble. x201CI was about to discover I was in the perfect place with the perfect naivetxE9 at the perfect time in stock market history, x201D he would later write in a self-published book, An American Hedge Fund . One of Sykesx2019s most profitable strategies was to buy shares in any company that announced it was adding x201Cx201D to the end of its name, whether it had a working website or not. By the time he realized that his profits were more a result of luck than skill, the market had turned, and Sykes adjusted. He taught himself how to short and bet against the crashing stocks of hot companies hex2019d bought on the way up. After transferring to Tulane University, in part because the womenxA0at Tufts, he says, were x201Ctoo unattractive, x201D he endowed the Timothy Sykes Daytrading Award for the Talented. The absurdist title was inspired by his love for the comedy Zoolander . which also features an improbably named charity. He charged the 15,000 scholarship to his American Express card. By graduation dayx2014which he missed because he was executing a trade that made him the equivalent of his last semesterx2019s tuitionx2014hex2019d turned his bar mitzvah haul into 1.65xA0million, before taxes, he says. Photographer: Andrew Hetherington for Bloomberg Businessweek Sykes next started a hedge fund called Cilantro Fund Management. Early profits got him included on a 30 Under 30 list published by the short-lived magazine Trader Monthly . a wannabe GQ for the finance world, and that, in turn, led to an invitation to appear on CNBC. The prospect of being on live TV scared Sykes so much, he had to down shots of vodka to loosen up. x201CI was drunk as s---,x201D he says. Sykes spoke openly on-air about his biggest loss, a 200,000 hit, with as much glee as his gains. x201CMost traders donx2019t like talking about their losses, x201D he says. x201CI didnx2019t care, and that set me apart. x201D The response was immediate. CNBC wanted him back, and the segment led to his first appearance on a reality-TV show, Wall Street Warriors . Sean Skelton, the showx2019s co-creator, says Sykes was originally supposed to be in only one episode. But he was a natural in the heavily scripted, drama-rich environment of reality TV. In contrast to the staid financiers Skeltonx2019s camera crews were following, Sykes was eager to perform. He threw furniture, dated models, and partied late into the night. He even let the show film his mom x201Caccidentallyx201D discovering a pair of handcuffs in his bedroom while she was cleaning his penthouse. x201CThere was no one else like him, x201D Skelton says. x201CHe was young and cocky, and he loved the camera. x201D Sykes would tend to agree. x201C Wall Street Warriors was when I realized that even though my performance was shot because of one bad investment, I could still make a name for myself by being unruly, x201D he says. x201Cx2009x2019Cause everyone in finance is so f---ing boring. x201D The TV gig helped his social lifex2014x201CI didnx2019t pay for a drink for six months after it aired, x201D he saysx2014but it did nothing for his business. Likewise, appearances on CNN, where he debated a porn star and a rabbi on the value of greed, were fun but didnx2019t improve his bottom line. Then, in 2007, he was the subject of an embarrassing Page Six item in the New York Post . The tabloid reported that Sykes had been denied entry into Trader Monthly x2019s latest party because his returns had taken a nosedive. In the 24xA0hours after the story ran, Sykes says, he sold 1,000 copies of his book, which was published that week. It was a lesson in the value of infamy. Cilantro kept struggling. Sykes lost a third of his fundx2019s assets, after a failed investment in an e-commerce company, and he shut down operations in October 2007. It didnx2019t affect his marketability. As the reality show got picked up in Europe and South America, Sykes began receiving fan mail from all over the world. The letter writers wanted what Sykes hadx2014moneyx2014but had no clue how to make it. x201CThe show made me realize there was a much greater need for education and transparency than there was for another kid to manage rich peoplex2019s money, x201D he says. Sykes started offering free advice online a year after closing his hedge fund. He wrote about the importance of trading conservativelyx2014x201CI trade scared Ix2019m a f---ing coward, x201D he saysx2014and told his readers to look for fraudulent-seeming stocks and short them. Itx2019s impossible to know how many people lost money on Sykesx2019s ideas, but hex2019s made sure to promote the winners. One day trader, Michael Goode, 34, who lives in western Michigan, says hex2019s made 1.4xA0million investing with Sykesx2019sxA0techniques. At first, Sykes believed hex2019d be best served by writing what he called x201CexposxE9s. x201D The penny-stock world had a remarkable number of famous people vouching for suspect companies, which allowed him to get attention by attacking them. Tiger Woods was a spokesman for a nutrition company called Fuse Sciencex2014the logo was even on his golf bagx2014which now trades at a fraction of a penny per share. Justin Bieber made the cover of Forbes even as two penny stocks hex2019d sponsored lost almost all their value. And Shaquille Ox2019Neal, during an NBA championship ceremony, wore a hat with the logo of a penny-stock company he owned a stake in its dissolution ended with a 20-year jail sentence for stock fraud for the companyx2019s chief executive officer. Sykes wrote relentlessly about these short targetsx2014so much so that he received multiple cease-and-desist letters from lawyers representing the celebrities. It earned him street cred among day traders and potential customers: one truth teller helping small investors go up against big names. But in the end, the reports didnx2019t lead to very much trading profit, and getting dragged into court would have been expensive. Sykes again shifted strategies. x201CI thought, What if youx2019re real but you use scam artist techniquesx201D he says. Or as Goode puts it: x201CHe embraced the douche aesthetic. x201D Photographer: Andrew Hetherington for Bloomberg Businessweek Sykes decided to pattern himself after Tom Vu, the Vietnamese American real estate speculator whose so-bad-theyx2019re-good infomercials in the 1980s and x201990s showed him living a life of hedonistic luxury surrounded by bikini-clad models. In 2012, as a Hanukkah present to himself, Sykes bought the most ostentatious car he could think of, an orange Lamborghini. He paid 60,000 to appear on a Bravo life-on-a-yacht reality-TV show called Below Deck that he knew would portray him as a sleazy stock trader. He began flying private jets and staying in presidential suites so he could make videos of himself splurging and then post them on YouTube and Instagram. x201CAll his marketing makes him look like a jerk, x201D says his mom. Yet itx2019s also made him wealthier than trading ever did. Sykesx2019s life is now a virtuous (for him) circle of sermonizing, trading, and promotion. There is little in his personal life he wonx2019t transmute into attention. When Bloomberg Businessweek asked for proof that he was actually dating his girlfriend, Bianca Alexa, and not just paying her to act as a live prop to boost subscriptions, Sykes e-mailed a scanned copy of the invoice for an engagement ring hex2019d purchased. (Weeks later he proposed during a vacation to Bali she said yes.) Although he says he was banned from CNBC after posting on his blog an unflattering paparazzi-style photo of then-host Maria Bartiromo from the rearx2014the network declined to commentx2014hex2019s appeared on other channels. While avoiding any talk of how many of his customers lose some or all of their money, Sykes makes full use of his outlier success stories. When a second customer, Tim Grittani, claimed to have made more than 1xA0million, the two were written up on CNNMoney and appeared on Fox News and Fox Business Network. x201CIx2019ve hung out with Tim when the cameras arenx2019t rolling, and hex2019s just a completely different person, x201D Grittani says. x201CWhen hex2019s not selling something hex2019s just a normal guy. The difference is incredible. x201D Once a week, Sykes lets paying customers of Profit. ly access a live feed of his computer screen during a trading session. Making his wagers in front of an audience has made him more cautious. x201CPeople will cancel my newsletters if I donx2019t trade, x201D he says. x201CMore people will cancel if I make a bad trade. x201D Sykes says he began 2014 with a 500,000 account. He ended the year up about 875,000, or a gain of 175xA0percent, his best year ever, he said in December. Meanwhile, he said he netted about 4xA0million from Profit. ly sales last year, including newsletter subscriptions, DVDs, and fees to access the writing of other self-styled gurus. The site encourages users to make all of their trades public x201Ctransparencyx201D is a big buzzword. Two years ago, a client from Tajikistan who says he made 250,000 using Sykesx2019s system thanked him by naming his first-born son Timur. Goode and Grittani acknowledge that when it comes to Sykesx2019s students, theyx2019re the exception rather than the rule. Both now get paid to run webinars on Profit. ly and have seen how Sykesx2019s douche marketing can attract the wrong sort of people. x201CSome new students donx2019t realize how much the odds are against them, x201D Goode says. x201CTheyx2019re gamblers. Theyx2019ll say, x2018If I win on this trade my wife gets a new camera. If I lose Ix2019ll be prostituting myself in a Walgreenx2019s parking lot. x2019x2009x201D Close all those tabs. افتح هذا البريد الإلكتروني. Get Bloombergaposs daily newsletter. Is Timothy Sykes a millionaire douchebag That8217s what Businessweek called him, but name-calling isn8217t what Mixergy is about. Our goal is to see how Tim Sykes uses outrageous displays of wealth as marketing for his businesses and how he runs those companies. This is the kind of marketing that they don8217t teach at Harvard. Tim is a stock trader who founded Profit. ly, a community for traders to share their performance and trades openly with each other, Investimonials, the Yelp of the Securities industry, and TimothySykes. where he teaches stock trading. Timothy Sykes Timothy Sykes is the founder of Profit. ly . a community of traders who share their performance and trades openly to help each other learn amp improve. You can also find Tim at TimothySykes . Full Interview Transcript Expand to view full transcript Collapse to smaller transcript view Andrew. Hey there, freedom fighters. My name is Andrew Warner. I8217m the founder of Mixergy. I better talk a whole lot in this intro, because something tells me I won8217t get a lot of words in throughout the interview. Joining me today, I see I8217m going to cut you off before you cut me off, joining me today is probably, not probably, definitely the most controversial person that I8217ve interviewed here on Mixergy. People hate him but they love him. He8217s consistently the most popular interviewee that I8217ve had on. He8217s popular because he says things like, 8220If you8217re not a millionaire, you8217re poor.8221 Ooh, that pissed people off when he said it a few years ago. He first came on here back in 2008 where I interviewed him about how he did 45,000 a month in sales and every year pretty much since then he8217s come on to report his sales. Last year, I remember, he celebrated his first million dollar month to show you how far he8217s grown. I invited him to talk about how he did it, to catch up on what8217s happened since then, and frankly to piss you off because I like the traffic that comes from it. This whole thing is sponsored by Top Tal. At some point in this interview, Tim might show you his Rolex watch and tell you that it cost something like 36,000. I will tell you that if instead of buying a watch with that money, he invested in developers at TopTal, he could get a few months of solid coding work from top developers. I mean, top three in their field if you would8217ve gone to my sponsor, Top Tal, and they would8217ve built a web app for him that would8217ve generated more sales, grown his business, so much more than his watch. He8217s probably going to tell me that I8217m wrong. But Top Tal, regardless, is something that we can all agree on. That is the place to go if you need a new developer, 40 hours a week, part-time, just a few hours, whatever you need, TopTal. And if you go to Toptal/mixergy, they8217ll tell you about a guarantee. I8217ve never seen anyone guarantee development work, but they will. So go to Toptal/mixergy. Tell them Tim Sykes sent you. Tim, you are a stock trader who makes millions from the couch teaching people how to trade. It8217s so good to have you on here. تيم. Thank you for having me on again. Andrew. Last year This is just kind of our ritual. Last year, 2014, where was the revenue Tim. I think we were just hitting six million for the year in 2014, and now this year we have nearly tripled it to 15 million. Andrew. So when you came on in early 2014, it was around Martin Luther King Day at the beginning of the year, you said that 2013 your revenues were 6.2 million, roughly. تيم. Yeah, that8217s right. Andrew. So for all of 2014, so that 6.2 million was for 2013. Andrew. For the following year, for 2014, what was the revenue Tim. Twenty fourteen was 14.9 million. Andrew. Fourteen point nine million, over a million a month on average. تيم. نعم نعم. It was a good year. Andrew. Where did the growth come from We8217re talking about more than double. تيم. I think the fact that several of my students became millionaires and we got press on Fox, we got press on CNN. Those stories went viral because people saw, 8220Wait a minute. There8217s this crazy guy who sits on his couch and he8217s wearing robes all day and he8217s actually made millions and now his students are making millions. CNN vetted us. That was not a fun process, but we showed everything. Andrew. You mean, they went in and they saw your financials, They looked around. They made sure everything was true Tim. Yeah, they poked around everything and the same thing with my students. It8217s kind of crazy when my top student starts with a few thousand dollars. When CNN wrote the article, he had crossed a million. Now he8217s over 2.5 million in trading profits. Andrew. So you8217re saying it8217s still the same products that you8217re selling, just more of it because now the popular press has picked you up more than before. CNN, I saw Neil Cavuto on Fox. He asked no challenging questions. He just let you basically do promotion for your business. You had your student on, so you had a testimonial on Fox with Neil Cavuto and he asked you questions and he was acting like you were enlightening him about the stock market. That was the best press What do you do to get press like that from Neil Cavuto Tim. It8217s from the back end. His producers did all the tough questioning: It wasn8217t just a cakewalk. Those kinds of interviews take weeks to set up. I have a major magazine feature coming out, hopefully in a few days. I8217ve been waiting for this. That took like three months of planning. So when you see the finished result, it looks all nice and easy. But I trade penny stocks, I sit in a robe, I teach from home, I have this all over the internet. So there8217s a lot of cynicism related to my product, but I8217m transparent, I show everything. Andrew. But what do you do to get an interviewer to not ask challenging questions on television I imagine that just for his own credibility, he8217s got to say, 8220But aren8217t penny stocks going to lead to death of all humanity,8221 or something outrageous like that. But he didn8217t. What do you do Is your PR person dating Neil Cavuto Is that what8217s going on Tim. No. I mean, they asked all the questions, they just don8217t ask it on air. It would be tough for me to show an audit on air. I would love to do that. I would love to show them my tax records and show all that stuff on air. It8217s whatever they choose to put on there. I think the beauty of penny stocks is that even though they8217re risky, if you do have a few thousand dollars to your name, Wall Street, Mutual Funds, all of the normal stuff that you hear about on CNBC is irrelevant. It doesn8217t matter if you make 10 or 20 per year. So if you have a small savings and you want to try and actually create wealth, you have to take on a little riskier strategy to try to grow it exponentially. Andrew. Last time, just to do my job, I was pushing you on why you have your Lamborghini in your Facebook photos and how you8217re taking these glamour shots with women and beaches behind you. And I did go and look before and after the interview, and you were getting a lot of likes, a lot of activity. People clearly were in awe of you, and I could see the marketing wheels behind that, not the marketing wheels. I could see the marketing process there. You were getting people8217s attention on the products. You were getting them hopped up, and then they would go and check out your courses and learn how to trade stocks from you. And you had a lot of likes and comments. This year I went back, I don8217t see a lot of likes and comments. Has it stopped working for you Tim. Well, it8217s transferred. So as we were talking before this started, Instagram is now my biggest fan page where I get two, three, four, 5,000 likes on every photo, on every video. Facebook, Twitter, not as much. So it8217s just changed. I8217ve gone with the times. I post my photos and videos everywhere. It8217s just Instagram is more popular. I think that Facebook people 8230 After a while, after you see this for a year or two, you8217re like, 8220All right, I get it. You8217re living a good life.8221 I8217m not going to click like anymore. Instagram, it can go viral. People share it more and people are just more positive and more interested. Andrew. I see that actually. You might get 16 likes on 8220You want a jet8221 on Facebook. Andrew. But I8217m looking at just one of your watch here, the Rolex that I was talking about, in a private jet, I guess. That has 2700 likes, more than 2700 likes. So what I don8217t see from here is how do you get people to your site. It just says 8220On the road again with an early morning flight, Guess where to8221 And then Rolex. Did I keep calling it Rolodex, Rolex Daytona Private Jets etc. JewJetting, but where8217s the traffic that goes out and buys, that you8217re linking Tim. So this is what I8217ve learned where somebody who you want to sell a service or a product, you just need to get them inspired and get them interested in you. You don8217t need to give them a specific link. They8217ll find the link. People are a lot more competent than a lot of marketers give them credit for. And that8217s good. I don8217t want incompetent students. You know, I have enough students. I have temper problems. I have attitude problems. I have a busy schedule. I want competent students. So Instagram is amazing because people actually have to Google. They have to search and find what they want. They want to watch a DVD. They want private mentoring, and it8217s just a question of finding them and interesting them. And then I can go on and teach them. You know, all of my lifestyle pictures, it8217s just to motivate people to study, be like, 8220Wait a minute, I want that Rolex. I want that private jet.8221 A lot of people look down on it. I think it8217s great. Anything that teachers can do to get their students, and really anybody studying, I think it8217s a very good thing. I8217m not selling like drugs. I8217m not selling anything bad, I8217m selling wisdom, lessons I8217ve learned over 15 years. And anybody who watches them, even if you don8217t trade penny stocks, even if you don8217t know anything about the stock market, it8217s good for you. Andrew. So I see. So what will happen is somebody will see one of these photos and then say, 8220Who is this guy, Tim 8220And then they8217ll click to your bio and I can see here your bio says, 8220I8217ve turned 12,415 into 4.2 million while living the dream and teaching my strategy to 5,000 students. Four millionaire students so far. Who8217s next And then you link to your millionaire challenge page which I8217ll ask you about in a moment, and apparently that link, that Bitly link, got 163,000 clicks. Do you keep track of how those clicks convert into customers, or do you just pump it out without worrying Tim. I wanted to go over this. The way that we8217ve grown our business is not through keeping specific track of, 8220Oh, this link does this,8221 it8217s more of just getting the story out there, and I think that in this world with Facebook advertising and you can see how much money you spend on each clink and what converts. I don8217t care about any of that anymore. If you want to learn from me, you come and learn from me. I8217m just trying to find people who are interested in making a better life for themselves. I8217m not interested in optimizing everything. Andrew. So you don8217t even have a dashboard internally that says, 8220From Instagram, we got this many clients worth that much money.8221 You don8217t even keep track like that. تيم. No, because people find me so many different ways. Now I have a column on Entrepreneur. I have a Metro newspaper column. I write for Huffington Post. I8217m on TV. I was on a TV show that made me look like a jackass. Andrew. Which one Tim. It8217s called, 8220Below Deck.8221 Andrew. I saw that actually. I felt like I saw your marketing process in that show. What you did was 8230 and I didn8217t see the whole show, but I saw that you didn8217t just arrive on the boat, you have a helicopter drop you off there. You didn8217t just want to give a tip, you had these bushels of dollars with you, or money with you. Tens of thousands, I forget what it was. And you were rolling off big clumps of it and handing it over to them. You were trying to get attention there. They were making you into a jackass because you gave them the target, and you gave them the target because you need the press, right Tim. بالتاكيد. I definitely made myself a target. I wish they had shown more. I actually made 70,000 while aboard the yacht. They didn8217t show any of the trade. So I8217m walking out of there at the end of the TV show, I8217m all happy and everyone8217s just like, 8220Why is he so happy8221 They didn8217t show anything. I was happy because I paid for the entire yacht trip with the stock trade that I made on the yacht with terrible Wi-Fi. I was like, 8220This is going to make for great TV.8221 They didn8217t show any of that. Andrew. The woman who was with you everyone was making fun of the fact that she was 18, 19-years-old. Is that true Tim. بلى. And now she8217s my fiance and soon to be my wife. Andrew. I see. I saw her also on Instagram. Lots of photos of her in these beautiful locations. Are you guys really dating, or is this just a way to get more likes on Facebook Tim. No, we8217re engaged. Andrew. You8217re engaged. تيم. This is real. We show it off. In hindsight, I probably could do a better job but I8217m excited. This is my life. I love my life, and I want more people to live it. Andrew. So the other thing that happens is someone sees your Instagram photo, they get inspired, they click on your bio to see who you are, they go over to the Millionaire Challenge. It looks to me now like this is the top of your funnel, where what you8217re saying there is 8230 I8217ve got to pause it. You8217ve got a video that plays that says how much money you made with your Bar Mitzvah presents and how you8217re looking for someone to work with. If they want to work with you they click and then they get to start the application process. Then they end up in your 8230 what do you use 8230 get response funnel, right Andrew. You send out emails, that8217s it. What8217s the product that you sell Tim. That8217s one. The Millionaire Challenge is like this mentoring program where we basically give webinars, me and two of my millionaire students. So it8217s not just me anymore, thank God. I used to be giving several webinars a week, I was losing my mind. Now I give one webinar a week. My other millionaire students give webinars. We do video lessons, commentary all day, Q amp A, that8217s one product. But we also have StocksToTrade, so if you don8217t necessarily want to learn from me, if you8217re like, 8220Penny stocks aren8217t my thing,8221 we have a stock trading software program where we actually have a new version coming out March 1st which we8217ve been working on. And now there are other traders. I manage other trader8217s newsletters, like Superman. He doesn8217t specifically focus on penny stocks, he focuses on finding momentum before it happens. He8217s had several stocks that have gone up double, triple. He8217s up 400,000 in January 2015 alone. So it8217s not just, again, a lot of people have one specific product or one specific funnel or something. We don8217t care about any of that. We just look for people who are interested. Andrew. You do care about the funnel. I should say, I can8217t substantiate any of these gains. You might as well say someone made a billion dollars over night because I can8217t substantiate it because I can8217t do the research on it, and frankly it8217s not my passion. So I8217m comfortable with you saying what you want and owning your own words, as long as people know, I can8217t possibly check it out. But also, my passion is understanding your process. I do think you put a lot of thought into your funnel. I do know it because it went from being this small part of your page to now being the welcome gate, the first thing people see, including if they come over from Instagram. There8217s a method to that process. تيم. There8217s definitely a method, but I8217m just saying that too many people are focused on incremental, like 8220Oh, if we change this button from green to red, then we get 0.2.8221 We don8217t care about that. We do focus on obviously driving people to our page, but it8217s not a specific, like we have to have them all on this one product, or all on this one product. I have a whole team now of people and you can converse with them and you can see what product suits you. And that8217s why sales are growing so much because now we offer several products. It8217s not just penny stocks and that opens the door to more possibilities. I should say that the reason why we get CNN and Fox and stuff like that is because unlike a lot of people on the internet, I do back everything up. I actually post my tax records, I post my audits. Andrew. Where Where can I see your tax records Tim. Right now, I paid 1.4 million dollars in taxes in 2014, estimated taxes. Andrew. Where do I see your tax records online I8217d like to see Tim8217s Sykes 8230 Tim. Small Cap. SmallCapMillionaire/proof. تيم. So this is because a lot of people don8217t necessarily have time to day trade every single day, so we show some of my tax records and my audits and stuff like that. I8217ve got all of 2014 first quarter audited where I made 400,000 in trading profits. I8217m going to get that whole year audited, but it takes a while. So we8217ve got one quarter done so far. Andrew. I see it. I see it here. It8217s not your 8230 no, it kind of is. أنه. I8217m looking at one of them. It8217s your accountant, phone number and everything included on here, saying that these are your 8230 Tim. inaudible 00:15:52 going to be profiling me call them up, and they thought are you making this stuff up. It8217s like, that8217s the beauty of my business. I definitely create enemies when I don8217t have to, and I have to probably do a better job of not being so hateful. But I8217m just passionate. I want people to live this kind of life, and I8217m not ashamed to live it and I8217m not ashamed to show it. Andrew. Your team, I was curious about it because you have evolved so much. At first, it was you and it was your mother and your step-father, right Andrew. It was you up front, and they were answering email, and they were processing things, right Andrew. What8217s the next 8230 sorry, what were you going to say Tim. No, no. Go ahead. Andrew. What8217s the next person who you hired Tim. I think the next person was Mike Mossari. He8217s the one that helped me co-develop profit. ly, profit dot ly. We started realizing, 8220Wait a minute. I have this one newsletter where I send out text messages, and there8217s a chat room every time I do a chat, a trade alert and watch list. And I was like, 8220What if we built an entire platform So profit. ly created this whole platform all built into one. So any time I make a video lesson, do a webinar, it sends it out via email, text message on Twitter so all our subscribers can get it. Then we have multiple other traders now who we manage. So I needed a programmer and Mike was and still is amazing. But he found me because he was one of my early subscribers, and he said he tried out a dozen different newsletters, All of them lost him money except mine, and he8217s like, 8220What do you want to do Let8217s build something together.8221 So, he owns nearly half of profit. ly. Andrew. And that was your relationship. You said, 8220I8217m not going to hire you to work on Timsykes. I have this idea for a new product. You code it up, I8217ll help promote it and give the vision for it. We8217ll own it 50/50 about Andrew. Roughly. What 8211 sorry Tim. 55/45 exactly. I8217m transparent about everything, Andrew. Andrew. Why 55/45 You want to make sure that you8217re still the dominant owner. تيم. نعم نعم. It8217s my whole idea. He8217s great, he8217s a great partner, but it8217s worked out very well. We8217ve grown it substantially. Profit. ly, I think, did roughly 7 million, so it8217s roughly half of my business managing other people8217s newsletters. Andrew. So when you manage other people8217s newsletters, they are paying you to get it out Tim. A 30 cut, we8217re like the Apple platform where they pay us to handle all customer support, text messaging, email. There8217s a lot that goes into it. Andrew. That doesn8217t even sound like you to me. تيم. I should mention that of that seven million, I8217m the biggest guru. So it8217s not like we8217re seven million with other traders. I8217m the biggest person on that website, just like Jim Kramer is the biggest on thestreet. The difference is that we show our track records, we show all of our trades in real time, and we8217re not right 35,40 of the time like Jim Kramer, whose ratings are at all-time lows. Our ratings and revenues are at all-time highs because, frankly, we make more money than we lose and we teach that to our students. Andrew. Did we ever talk about Chartly, that site that you created with 00:18:57 who designed your site and designed mine I8217m now on, it was sold to StockTwits. I8217m now on StockTwits looking at their business. First of all, did we talk about how you felt about that sale Tim. I don8217t know what I can and can8217t say about that whole thing. Andrew. You8217re open. What are they going to do now Tim. I8217m open about my business, that8217s a past business and it ended in legal squabbles. I wish StockTwits all the best, but that8217s not necessarily our model. We really want to focus on transparency and showing every single trade time stamped. Andrew. Do you still own a piece of StockTwits because of that Tim. No. I8217m totally out of all of that. Andrew. You8217re done. Are you still pissed at them Is there still a fight going on between you and them about whether you guys8230 Tim. No, there8217s no fight. Different visions, we have different visions. I8217m all about transparency. I love total transparency. I want to see your exact position size. I want to see exact real-time stamps. StockTwits deals with a lot of hedge fund managers. They can8217t report their positions openly. We deal mainly with individual traders, and I think the rise of the individual trader is really going to be huge in the coming years and the individual stock pickers. We8217re launching this 17-year-old kid8217s newsletter and DVD. His name is Connor. He8217s made nearly half a million dollars from trading on his smartphone while in class. He shows every single trade. It reminds me of me and he actually just finished a DVD. I8217m reviewing it right now, and I think that individuals. not necessarily suits and ties as hedge fund managers, I think people can begin to see that they can do this from anywhere. Andrew. And that8217s what profit. ly is, a platform for him to sell. تيم. Do you know I8217ve been to nearly 100 countries While I8217ve been making this money, I know a lot of people on Wall Street who make millions but they do it from a cubicle, and they have to stay in New York City, or New Jersey, or something like that. I8217m everywhere. I was in Bali a few weeks ago getting freaking engaged. Andrew. تهانينا. So far we haven8217t pissed anybody off. I8217m looking for that money shot where I know you8217re going to piss people off and I can make it into the headline. You have your years where we talk and you8217re just in a chill mood, and everybody8217s nice and you need to rein yourself in, why hate people Then you have years where you8217re just on fire, and everybody is going to get hurt. تيم. I mean, I go through ups and downs. For a while, I didn8217t have 8230 for two years I had my Millionaire Challenge, and I failed to create a millionaire. So I was pretty pissed. People were like, 8220Where8217s your millionaire, where8217s your millionaire8221 And I was like, 8220I8217m getting there. It takes time.8221 Now I have my millionaires, now the story8217s out there. I don8217t want to piss people off. I just want to show them that you can be the American Dream. I8217ve already pissed off enough people for five lifetimes. Andrew. So then, you have a side site, and I see that you partner up with Mike to do that. What about in the business, who organizes things It does look like you8217re pretty organized on the outside. You8217re saying on the inside it8217s a shit show, that was the phrase you used with me before we started. Give me an example of how it8217s not organized. What am I missing when I look at the business Tim. I think it8217s just the fact that all these products that we8217re creating from people wanting trading software to learn other trader8217s strategies, is just in response to what customers want. So customers find my lifestyle they like it, they want it. How can you study Well, I don8217t necessarily have too much time so I created a longer term newsletter, SmallCapMillionaire. So we8217re in response to customers. I know most businesses, they have a vision. They8217re like, 8220Okay. We8217re launching this product, customers are going to love it. We8217re going to launch this one.8221 I have no idea what I8217m going to launch. I just try and respond to what customers want and try and find people 8230 Andrew. Here8217s an example, you said SmallCapMillionaire is your site, right Andrew. I got to the homepage, it says, 8220Your website is ready. The site has been successfully created and ready for content to be added. Replace this default page with your own index page.8221 Tim. So we created, I mean, we put that whole proof page there just so people can see the audits. What8217s that Andrew. That proof page works and I see that 8230 Tim. بلى. The proof works because we created that, we needed to actually created the whole website, but that newsletter is fulfilled on profit. ly. Any newsletter can be fulfilled on profit. ly, that8217s the beautiful thing. We can add a newsletter or DVD like that. Then we have to work back and create whole websites, so we8217re kind of in pieces like that. But people ask for proof. You asked for proof, so I8217m like here. Let me throw it up on this page. I probably should8217ve chosen a website that was completely done by then, but that8217s just an example. Andrew. So who puts that together for you Tim. So Mike who works on profit. ly, then I have my team, one of my programmers Dustin, works on TimothySykes and SmallCapMillionaire. And then also Zach, I don8217t know if I talked about Zach Westfall. Andrew. I think you did. تيم. He8217s helped me launch the Millionaire Challenge, now we8217re also launching this new newsletter called UpSellonomics because people say, 8220Hey, I see you8217re a very successful blogger. How do I get my blog8221 So we8217re launching UpSellonomics, which is now two years in the process of launching. I already have 600 videos that I filmed over the years. Andrew. UpSellonomics is another example you said of how disorganized you guys are. You said, I talked about it a few years ago. It8217s still not up because we8217re just not organized enough. تيم. We just haven8217t had time. Andrew. I did a course for Mixergy Premium here where you said, 8220Here is how to be an effective blogger,8221 and I think the promotion in that was UpSellonomics where people can go and see and it wasn8217t even up. Andrew. But that8217s the idea that you8217re going to teach people how you built up your blog. تيم. Yeah, we put stuff together, but I8217m a perfectionist. My new charity DVD, 8220How to Make Millions,8221 it was supposed to be 10 hours, then 20 hours, then I was like, 8220I have more information.8221 Twenty-four hours, it ended up being 35 hours for this instructional DVD. It8217s just 297, HowToMakeMillions and I didn8217t plan that. But I was like I want to just get everything I know in one DVD because I have too many DVDs. People don8217t watch them at all. So I put them all on there and said, you know what People think that I8217m teaching just for money. I8217m like screw it, I8217m going to donate everything. So we8217ve raised nearly 300,000 now in just over two months from HowToMakeMillions. Andrew. Who writes for you Who writes the column for Entrepreneur Magazine, the Huffington Post You8217re doing it all You sit down at a keyboard and you type it Tim. This is my life. Andrew. There8217s nobody who edits it, who says, 8220Tim8217s got to cut back because Tim8217s travelling. He has to trade, he has to talk into the microphone No. Tim. Unfortunately, I8217m a perfectionist, and I8217m a control freak. We8217ve tried to hire other writers for different stuff. We do manage other traders8217 newsletters. But anything with my name on it, I want it to be me. My fiance is very patient for allowing me to do all of this crazy stuff. This, How to Make Millions DVD, I was trying to do that, and I was going back and forth to this jeweler in Boca Raton. This is how crazy my life is. The DVD was supposed to be done before our trip to Bali. Our trip to Bali is the first week in January, but I need to get the ring down because I8217m a perfectionist so I designed the ring from scratch. I8217m trying to finish the DVD before I go to Bali, I8217m trying to finish the ring because I8217m going to propose in Bali. The ring got finished. The DVD didn8217t. Sometimes you have to prioritize. The DVD got finished when I got back. Andrew. I don8217t understand how guys design rings. I see all my friends. I didn8217t even pay attention to rings until after I got engaged. Then I looked at everyone else8217s rings, and they8217re all apparently designed by the fianc. What is this How do you know how to design a ring Tim. I have to thank my uncle, my Uncle Rick. My family was in the jewelry business before they got into my business: The jewelry business didn8217t really go so well. But that8217s my family8217s expertise. So it8217s a five carat diamond from L. A. and we were flying it into Boca Raton because that8217s where my uncle was. We were trying to organize everything and design it. And I knew what my fiance liked, but when you8217re spending six figures on a ring, you want it to look good. I8217m a perfectionist, that8217s the word that everything comes down to. Even though we8217re disorganized, even though my business is a shit show, I have an idea of the lessons I want to give in how useful it is because I think that8217s how I create more successful students. In the end, no matter what I teach, whether I8217m teaching a long-term strategy or a short-term strategy, I need successful students because it does no good for you to create a product and it8217s a shabby product and people don8217t like it. Andrew. What8217s your process for creating a product You know now, for example, how to build a blog that gets traffic, that gets people to buy. It8217s time for you to sit and teach it. What8217s your process for getting everything out of your head and into a website. تيم. Yeah, you have to think 8230 I8217m very fortunate. I still get roughly 3,000 emails a day, so people asking questions. So I can see what the most common questions are now that I8217ve been doing this for seven years. I8217m sorry. I try and break it down and I say, 8220Okay, if I was just starting out today for me, it8217s stock trading or long-term investing or software. What are the basics if I have no idea what he8217s talking about. A lot of people have problems with this when they become an expert they can8217t go back to the basics. They8217re in their own mind. They8217re like, 8220Well, I know this, this, and this and they can8217t relate it to a beginner. So I go back to the very beginning, every DVD, every website starts with a glossary of just basic terms. I think all the most basic terms that I can think of. The 35-hour DVD, I8217ll give you access to it. My favorite brokers actually change from the beginning of the DVD to the end of the DVD because it took me two months and now e-trade is my favorite broker. I fucking hated e-trade at the beginning of the DVD, but now they actually have great borrows on stocks that are hard to borrow for shorting penny stock comps. So things evolve and people have to go with it. It8217s not an exact science, but, again, if your heart is in the right place, and you have the right expertise, people get it. People are very smart if you give them the lessons and all of the tools. But you have to work your ass off on that. I can8217t just create a two hour DVD and teach people how to trade stocks. Andrew. And you won8217t go back and change it and say, 8220Hey, you know what Now I like e-trade, I better go back and change that.8221 Tim. No, no. The beautiful thing is because I want people to see the evolution. It8217s like an open kitchen. You can see the meal being created, and you can see how it evolves. Maybe in two months e-trade won8217t have borrows and I8217ll have to switch to Fidelity or something like that. So that is how the world works, and it8217s part of the lessons. Andrew. What8217s the biggest revenue source for you is you teaching people. What did you want to be You said, 8220I8217m going to be Jay-Z.8221 You said this, I think, four years ago when we were having lunch. You said, 8220I8217m going to be Jay-Z. I8217m going to have all of these other people who are going to be like my artists. They8217re going to teach the way I used to teach.8221 How far along are you there What percentage of your revenue is still coming from you versus from other people Tim. It8217s probably 85, 90 me. It8217s tough first to find profitable traders. Second, it8217s tough to find profitable traders who actually have time and have the energy to teach others. After a long day of trading or investing, you8217re exhausted. So that8217s tough. And then C, you have to be able to find people who are willing to actually write blog posts and stuff like that. You need content. To all of this, it8217s not an easy job. But I am proud to say that both Investors Live and Superman Two, gurus who I manage their newsletters, they8217re making high six, low seven figures every single year now managing their own newsletters, even after the 30 cut that they pay me. Andrew. What about the software Software was going to be your way of earning money without having to speak and teach yourself. We talked about investimonials. You said that that8217s still not a huge breakout. In fact, it8217s not doing that well, right Andrew. What8217s going on there, why not Tim. Investimonials is like Yelp or TripAdvisor, where it8217s reviews of financial products. But as I was saying, when you lose money, you ignore reason and you8217re just like, 8220I hate this product8221 for whatever reason, not necessarily a newsletter or chat room but brokers. Sometimes it8217s the customer8217s fault and the broker is following SEC rules and stuff like that. Sometimes there8217re fees. It8217s not as positive of a place. So we8217re actually in the process of re-launching Investimonials with new content. We8217re going to make it into something where it8217s not just customer reviews, but also expert reviews. We have a whole team now. We have four people who are going to be trying out different brokers and newsletters and writing about their experiences, non-biased, unbiased, no advertising money, just straight up useful words and reviews. I think that8217s going to be very good. StocksToTrade is my trading software. All I can say about that is programming is a bitch. I want a lot of features. I put together a whole PowerPoint for my programmers. I was like, 8220Okay. Here are 183 features that I want.8221 I think they8217re done with 170 of them. The goal is to launch it March 1st. I want it to be the best trading software out there, so you can theoretically manage all of these different brokerage accounts. If you have three brokerage accounts using one software, one ring to rule them all. So I8217m excited to see where that goes. And we8217ve also built a messaging platform on top of that, so you can talk with other traders right in the software. Andrew. I8217m trying to see where the majority of your traffic for all of this comes from, and it all goes back to the TimSykes as the foundation. Where it seems like 8230 Tim. Yeah TimothySykes. I think we bought TimSykes too. Andrew. I saw that. You finally got TimSykes. Now what8217s your email software that8217s on there Andrew. On TimSykes, I8217ll find what it is. تيم. I don8217t know that stuff. Andrew. It8217s Get Response is on there now. تيم. That8217s the beautiful thing about Zach. He handles building all of this stuff. I8217m pretty bogged down with my blog posts and video lessons and webinars and DVDs. So we have a split responsibility. You should interview him. He8217s built up a lot of gurus in the past. It was kind of a surprise when he came and worked with me because he deals with real estate gurus. And after a year or two, I was like, 8220Well, what about when people want to renew8221 He was like, 8220What do you mean when people want to renew8221 In the past the gurus that he worked with in the real estate, no one wanted to renew their subscriptions because they always lost money. We8217re getting 8230 not everybody wants to renew 8230 some people learn enough, like I8217m kind of on training wheels. Some people don8217t make money. يحدث ذلك. Some people don8217t have enough time to invest, but we8217re renewing roughly 50 of the people for another year or two. Andrew. So he8217s the one who8217s managing all of this. What8217s your relationship with him Full-time employee Tim. I mean, I don8217t know the legal structure. We split everything. So I have a partner with Profit. ly and I have a partner with the Millionaire Challenge. That way I can focus on what I do best, namely teaching and promoting newsletters online. Andrew. Zach is the one who manages it. I should be doing an interview with Zach instead. تيم. Not instead. Both of us. This is the beauty of UpSellonomics because it8217s not just him, it8217s not just me we8217re all a part of this. Neil Patel helps out too and you can interview Neil Patel. Andrew. I introduced you to Neil Patel. Now I see you guys are sending traffic, he8217s sending you traffic, he8217s giving you advice on it. What8217s your relationship with Neil Tim. Yeah, he helps grow my website. He has all sorts of little tips and all sorts of 8230 Andrew. Like a consultant, where you pay him Tim. What I don8217t think we do. In the past we had a relationship with his company. I think he just gives us tips, we give him tips. It8217s a good relationship. Andrew. That8217s it Andrew. But with Zach, you have a partnership where he runs the challenge and then you split revenue with him. تيم. Yeah, if you want to simplify it. I don8217t know the exact legal structure but yeah, roughly. Andrew. So what8217s the revenue split between you and him Andrew. So Zach must be making good money. تيم. هو. He8217s my partner. He helped me really grow this thing. He sees that I8217m overwhelmed, so he structures it all and 8230 Andrew. So you mean, he does the software, he8217s the one that comes up with the marketing. تيم. I don8217t think he does software and marketing. Andrew. What does he do Tim. He8217s more of the organizer. He8217s the organizer where all of these people are coming to us and wanting to learn. And I8217m like, my mom and dad and I are trying to keep track of everybody. Zach is like, 8220Okay, let me create8221 not create, but, 8220Let me install this software.8221 I guess it8217s called Get Response and we have Vision Glass for both Profit. ly and everything. Vision Glass is fantastic. Andrew. Those are different email providers that do more than email. They also do landing pages, but I don8217t think you use their landing pages. They also do other things, right Tim. I8217m not the technical guy. I8217m the guy who teaches everything and these people 8230 Andrew. But that8217s always been interesting to me how you do find people who are really smart and you work with them to do the things that you don8217t want to do. Like, frankly, Adarsh was a good example of that. Before he got too big for you, as you said in a past interview, and before he got his funding for his second startup, you found him. You guys partnered up and you gave him a share of the revenue and that was your deal. And I think he even told me once 8230 We got together in a bar. When I asked him if you were full of it, he said no. I asked him what you were like and he said, 8220I don8217t even do anything for Tim anymore and he8217s still sending me a cut of revenue because he8217s just a very generous guy. But that8217s the part that I want to explore. A lot of times you find these guys like who you hope will be a Zach and they don8217t know what they8217re doing. How do you make sure that Zach knows what he8217s doing before he takes on such a major part of your business Tim. Well, it wasn8217t a major part. We start small, you give them a little test. Like, I didn8217t know if Mike Mossari, my programmer, was going to do amazing things with Profit. ly. I was like, 8220I have this idea. I already have TimothySykes running, so there was no risk for me. I didn8217t have to pay him anything. He had found me because my newsletter was making money for him. Same thing with Zach. He found me because he saw me on TV, just like all these people that really work with me. They find me, and they see that I8217m real. Then basically I explain my story of how overwhelmed I am and I8217m like, 8220Please help me out with your expertise.8221 So I think that if you run a good enough business, and you have an overwhelming demand like we do, you should look to try and get people in the door who can help you out with various projects and try them out. Start them small. I8217m not going to say, 8220Oh, I don8217t know who you are. Here, manage half of my business.8221 At first, I didn8217t even have the Millionaire Challenge. But more and more people wanted a whole structured, educational syllabus, and so Zach and I worked together and we created one and that became a huge hit. Andrew. I see, I see. It starts out small. He partners up with you, and then that becomes his responsibility, and you share the revenue with him. انتظر. It8217s not revenue, it8217s profits that you share with him. تيم. It8217s revenues and profits. He has a whole team of fifteen people that we manage like customer service people that are trying to deal with all of it. I don8217t think you understand how overwhelmed we are. If I was more organized, if I was some math nerd, I8217d probably be running like a billion dollar startup right now. So I8217m collecting a small portion of what8217s possible. But for me, all I know is that I8217m teaching, I8217m trying to manage trading at the same time. And I want to create more millionaire students. But I have my 8230 Andrew. That8217s the part that I8217ve been amazed by. So Zach has over a dozen people under him Andrew. Who do they work for Are they consultants that work for your business For his business Is there a third business that8217s together Tim. Again, I don8217t know the legal structure. Andrew. You honestly don8217t know the 8230 you will go up the butt of a CEO of a penny stock to make sure that everything is in order, and you don8217t even know who is paying for the employees who are working on your site, or for the team who are working on your site Tim. This is the beautiful thing about having your mom and dad work for you because I trust them implicitly, and they go over all of that. If I tried to go over everything, my head would explode. وأنا أعلم ذلك. I8217m still trying to figure out my exact earnings for last year. I just wanted to give you a number. I was like, I had my whole team, I8217m like, we delayed the taxes until October because we8217re not organized. But I was like, 8220We need a number, I8217m doing this interview. Give me a number.8221 and they were like, 8220Okay. You personally made 4 million last year, closer to 4 and a half million, but I was like, 8220Okay. Four million I8217ll call it even.8221 Andrew. Four million profit goes into your pocket over all of last year. تيم. 2014, yeah. And I paid 1.4 million in taxes. Andrew. Don8217t you hate the fact that 8230 We8217ll that8217s pretty good actually. How did you end up paying only 1.4 million on 4 plus million Tim. You could ask my accountant. I have no idea how all that stuff works. Andrew. هيا. How do you not now this stuff You8217re not even curious about what you8217re doing because you8217re on the hook anyway. It8217s not your parents who are going to jail, it8217s not your accountant. You8217re going to jail if you don8217t get it right. تيم. حق. But again, I trust my accountant. I8217m like, okay. Here8217s all the revenue. Andrew. You know what happened to Billy Joel or someone. They said, 8220I trust my accountant,8221 and then they ended up trying to do 8230 Tim. He8217s been doing my taxes since, I don8217t know, a decade. He8217s in Connecticut. He8217s a family accountant. Andrew. This is Arne Holtz Brian Tim. If you try and do everything yourself, you will fail. So, I have to put my trust in others, and that8217s what I do. Andrew. حسنا. I8217m trying to think about what else I want to know about how you8217re doing things. Oh, I know what Tim. Not everything. How many freaking bloggers out there that are pulling in 10-15 million a year. I don8217t think that many. تيم. No. Not that many at all. Andrew. Even the top YouTube stars. Andrew. You expanded way beyond blogging. When you were first on here, you were blogging and the only software you had was Timbucks, which I was excited by. And you were like, it looked like a good idea at the time and we closed it. Timbucks was where you were going to give people points for doing things like commenting and participating and the points were going to be Timbucks. تيم. That8217s why I thought the whole game application sector was going to bomb, because Timbucks bombed. I wish I could8217ve shorted some of these game application companies, but they didn8217t make it to the public market before they crashed. Andrew. Dude, I had a guy on. He was so arrogant about 8230 I didn8217t even do the interview because he was so arrogant about how gamification was going to be worth tons. His business was doing well. I couldn8217t get him to give me a sold answer, and I refused to do an interview. Before the interview starts, you and I had a chat. We have pre-interviewers. I pre-interview people, especially when I don8217t know them. I couldn8217t get a solid answer out of him. He was too arrogant to even try. تيم. I don8217t even know if that8217s arrogance, maybe he was just baiting you. Maybe he was like, 8220Let me be as arrogant as possible so I don8217t have to answer the 8230 Andrew. Maybe. I did keep asking him for specifics. I said, 8220Do you have an example of how you8217re doing this8221 He had nothing. تيم. If you have nothing to hide, it8217s a beautiful thing. I have my haters. They8217re like, 8220Oh, all you want to do is sell another DVD.8221 Well, then why do I have a charity DVD No answer. They8217re like, 8220You don8217t make that much money, I don8217t believe you.8221 8220Well, here8217s my taxes.8221 No answer. Andrew. Do you have another example of like another Timbucks that you partnered up with someone else and it failed. You don8217t even have to give me the name of the person, but I8217d like to hear the story of what you thought was going to do well and maybe the partnership failed. That8217s StockTwits and Chartly, where Adarsh and I created this chart for StockTwits and we thought it was going to be huge. The whole partnership, StockTwits and I have very different takes on what is needed for the stock market and individual investors and traders. So that was not necessarily 8230 They still use a charting product. They8217ve developed it and refined it, but we just had different visions. When you have different visions, that8217s a problem. Mike and I had one unified vision for Profit. ly. Zach and I have one unified vision for teaching people using the Millionaire Challenge. That8217s huge. Andrew. I see. And you8217re saying you created this with Adarsh, and that was a partnership too. You created this software that allowed people to chart how stocks were performing and then share it on Twitter, and also I think share it somehow with StockTwits, I forgot what that condition was. تيم. Yeah, share it across all different social networks. Andrew. حسنا. And then they bought it. How do you think StockTwits is doing now I have no insight on them, but they used to do really well. تيم. أنا أعرف 8217t. I stopped a long 8230 Andrew. Did you sign something with them Andrew. A cease-fire Tim. I probably did. There8217s a lot of legal agreements. I have it in my mind that I shouldn8217t be talking about them. I don8217t wish them any ill will. I think they8217re a great website. I think there8217s a lot of great financial websites. I8217m really so focused because so many people said that I was full of BS and now people are seeing, 8220Wait a minute, his students are making six and seven figures. It8217s not just that I8217m making millions of dollars. I probably have 100 students that are making six figures a year. And the problem I have is that a lot of these students that are making the most don8217t want to talk about it publicly because it8217s weird to talk about money publicly. I have my own issues. I can8217t worry about other websites right now. Andrew. The TV show that we talked about, I mentioned how you did striking things. You walked on board with a stack of money, you dropped off 8230- Tim. I had them all wearing t-shirts. Andrew. Yeah, who were those guys Students with t-shirts that said your name on them. تيم. So I had a contest for my Millionaire Challenge students. I like to do this. I like to treat them to things. I took one guy, George, to the NBA finals game 6. We saw Rayon SP hit that shot, I have it on video. That has 100,000 views. I was wearing Google Glass. Then, I took these six students 8230 The TV show contacted me a few days before airing. Somebody had dropped off. They said, 8220Hey, you want to go on this 12 million yacht8221 I was like, 8220Sure.8221 I8217ll take my then girlfriend, now fiance, and six trading challenge students. I basically treated them 10,000 each. So it cost me roughly 60,000, but I made 70,000 on the trade while on the yacht. I was so pumped for the show, and I was like, 8220Yes, this is going to be awesome. I8217m treating my students, I8217m showing you can make money anywhere,8221 and then I got shit on by the show. Andrew. But I8217m curious about 8230 most people would just say, 8220I8217m so glad to be on that show, and just go and do it and say just being on the show is good publicity. You said, 8220I8217m going to use it to bring my students on.8221 But you also had them wear your name on their t-shirts. You also said, 8220I8217m going to go to the bank and bring out some money.8221 You also said all this other stuff. What8217s your process for coming up with those ideas Tim. I just have to basically show that I8217m rich. Andrew. So you8217re sitting around and you say, 8220How do I show that I8217m rich8221 Are you doing it by yourself, or do you and your girlfriend do it Your fiancee Tim. My fiance. No one else wants this burden. Andrew. No. So it8217s just you sitting, going, 8220How do I show that I8217m rich I8217m going to bring a wad of cash. How else do I show that I8217m rich What if I get a helicopter8221 Do you have anyone who you brainstorm with Tim. No, I8217m kind of a creative guy if you8217ve ever seen some of my music videos. Andrew. I8217ve seen those videos. تيم. Did you see the 8220Blurred Lines8221 one Andrew. That was a while back. I don8217t remember. تيم. Type that in. Type Tim Sykes Blurred Lines parody. I want you to watch this. It8217s a minute long. Andrew. I remember actually you did a song parody once and I asked you about it. This was back when it was just you on camera. And I said, there are only like 50 people watching it or 200 people, and I said, 8220If you just do a blog post you get more.8221 If you just do a tweet, you get more.8221 You said, 8220I don8217t care. It8217s just fun. Stop being so anal about all the stats.8221 Tim. It8217s fun. I agree 100. I stick to that. The music videos are fun, they8217re different. Nobody else does that. Andrew. Can you hear it Tim. Can you hear it Andrew. Kind of. I don8217t have the mic on. تيم. Penny stocks are good for you. You know you want it. Andrew. I would8217ve thought that that would do more. It got much better viewership than before, 24,000 on this one, 25,000 almost. تيم. No one really cares about music videos. فكر في الأمر. They want this life. I have the tools to give them this life. That8217s the whole equation. Andrew. So the music parodies are not going to go viral, they8217re not going to spread, they8217re just fun to do. But Instagram works. What else works for you Tim. Obviously, CNN and FOX and three days from now you8217re going to see me in a major magazine. I can8217t even say which one, but we spent three months going over this. Andrew. هيا. Say who it is. By the time this is published, it will be up. This is going to be published, I promise, next week or later. تيم. I just don8217t know the exact timing. I can8217t say it. It starts with a 8220B8221 and it ends with 8220week.8221 Andrew. I see. Oh That8217s one of the magazines that actually has survived, that actually hasn8217t lost its integrity. تيم. Because they merged with a billionaire whose name starts with a 8220B8221 and ends with a 8220Berg.8221 Andrew. نعم فعلا. Meanwhile, Forbes used to be the magazine that I would go to read about successful people in depth. تيم. If you read the articles about them, the magazine that starts with a 8220B8221 and ends with 8220week,8221 they lose 40 million a year. So you need to partner with somebody rich to stay afloat. We8217ll see. It could be a totally disastrous article. I had the presidential suite at the Gansevoort Hotel in New York, and he8217s watching me trade live, he8217s watching me give webinars. He doesn8217t believe a word that I say. This reporter formerly outed 8230 His last article, he outed this transgender guy or girl who had created this amazing putter for golfers, and the reporter had outed this transgender founder and the transgender person had committed suicide as a result of being outed. Andrew. I remember that story. تيم. So this is a crazy 8230 I was like, 8220I8217ll show everything.8221 I8217ve been showing him audits, statements, whatever. I8217d given access to all of my students. I think the biggest thing that works for me is I8217m not afraid of looking like a jackass. You know, Below Deck, terrible in hindsight. At the time, it was a great idea. كان لي متعة. But because, again, I had the right idea of, 8220Look, I can take this trip whenever I want. I treated my students.8221 I didn8217t have to do that. I like doing this stuff for my students, not just to show it off but because the students got a little taste of the luxury. Some of these students were already up six figures, so I8217m rewarding them for their dedication. Just being able to show what you want and have fun with it rather than worrying about the outcome. This next major media article, I have no idea what it8217s going to say. It could be terrible. But because I believe in what I8217m doing and I know I work my ass off and I know that my strategy works, I throw it all out there. That8217s full transparency, baby. That8217s how it should be. Andrew. Is it awkward l when you8217re on a date and you say, 8220Wait, I8217ve got to get a photographer to take a picture8221 Tim. I think my fiance has just gotten used to it that sometimes we travel with photographers, sometimes we get local photographers in Bali. We had a local photographer, and half the fucking photos are out of focus. The hard drive that they gave us doesn8217t even work on my Mac, I need to use it with a PC. Andrew. How do you get a photographer Tim. What8217s that Andrew. How do you get a photographer to follow you around at these places Tim. I mean, there are a lot of students who are photographers. I like working with students. Andrew. I see. So you just put out a message saying, 8220Is there anyone local I8217m looking for a photographer.8221 Tim. Also my fiance is a model, so she has her favorite photographers. So it8217s different every single time. We try different stuff, like that music video with 8220Blurred Lines.8221 That was shot by Colin Stark, who8217s an L. A. photographer and he came. We took him and his wife on this trip to Greece and Italy. So we experiment. Andrew. As a payment. تيم. What8217s that Andrew. As a way of saying thank you as payment for the video. You didn8217t pay for the video, did you Tim. No, no. Yeah, I mean it8217s a different deal. I pay for flights, stuff like that. It totally depends on the situation. Sometimes, in Bali, I wasn8217t going there for business. I was going there specifically to propose. It was like, 8220Yeah, let8217s do a photo shoot anyway, why not8221 Andrew. So the other thing you mentioned was you said, 8220We now have other people who call up customers.8221 So when I registered, I gave my name and email address, and then there was a follow-up form that asked basically how seriously do you want this and where are you in your life. And one of the questions there was, 8220What8217s your phone number8221 You guys, then follow up and call. تيم. بلى. I mean, my team, we8217re trying to match you with the right product. Now that we have this whole range of tools, we8217ve got to talk to you and we say, 8220Hey. Do you want the long-term newsletter8221 A lot of people are like, 8220Oh, I want to learn, but we have no money.8221 We just end it. I give them a link to my free YouTube videos. You don8217t want to be just selling products to people who can8217t afford it. It8217s only for dedicated students, people who actually want to learn, but you do and you should invest in your education. That8217s how we do it. Andrew. How far along in the sales process or in the email process does the phone call come Tim. No idea. That8217s Zach. Andrew. Again, Zach. تيم. بلى. My whole job is teaching. That8217s what I focus on. I actually called up, I put in my own name just to test out my team, just to see. Like, what are these guys saying It was actually a really good phone call. Andrew. They called you And you heard them And what happened on the call Tim. Yeah, I put in like a fake name and I was just like 8230 They were just like, 8220Yeah, what are you interested in We see that you want to learn to be a stock trader. Do you really think that you have the time to put into this We also have this long-term newsletter. So they were good. They were showing all the options. Andrew. So you have the long-term newsletter. What else do you have Tim. The Millionaire Challenge is for my VIP students who actually really want to learn between me and my other millionaire students who teach webinars. And you also get DVDs and everything. Then we also have trade alerts where maybe you don8217t have enough time and you just want to keep track of a watch list that you get. Then we have Penny Stock and Silver which includes a daily video lesson. Andrew. What are the price points for all of these Tim. What8217s that Andrew. What are the price points for all of these I just interrupted you as you were saying it. تيم. Trade alerts is 50 a month, Penny Stock and Silver which includes the video lessons is 100 a month. StocksToTrade software, it8217s changing because we8217re releasing a new one. The Millionaire Challenge is different for everybody because it depends. We have different options whether you want five DVDs or 10 DVDs. It8217s totally all over the place. But you can8217t spend more than a few thousand dollars with me. I think that8217s an incredible price point where you can literally change your life through this. Andrew. What8217s the max that they could spend Tim. It8217s like, I don8217t know, 5000-6000 if you get everything. But it8217s to try and really get an education that can make you six, seven figures. So compared to college, I think we8217re knocking 90 off to you. Andrew. How many people do you have like Zach that you partner up on different projects Tim. Zach and Mike are the main two, and then I manage other people8217s newsletters. There are not that many. I8217m mainly focused on my own trading. I haven8217t even talked about this, but in 2014 I had my own personal best trading year, where I made nearly a million dollars even from trading even while I8217m doing all this other stuff. So I8217m traveling, I8217m making video lessons, I8217m giving webinars. Andrew. You8217re designing rings. تيم. I8217m designing rings, I8217ve got DVDs, I8217ve got a puppy. I8217m trying to manage other people8217s newsletters. I8217m all over the place and I still made nearly a million because 2014 was just a blowout year for everybody. Andrew. Why was it so important for us to have the American flag over your shoulder You actually re-positioned the camera, you were sitting comfortably, everything was good. Why that Tim. Because I8217m the fucking American Dream, baby Andrew. That8217s it Tim. هذه هي. Being able to be financially free to do whatever you want. If you want a Lamborghini, if you want a mansion, if you want to travel, if you want to have a charity. I8217m not trying to tell you what to spend your money on, but I can give you the tools to actually create that kind of wealth whether it8217s from trading, or blogging, or whatever. Andrew. I was just going to say something about one of these photos, but you look good. You8217ve lost weight in these photos, right Tim. أنا أعرف 8217t. It depends on if it8217s a flashback Thursday photo. Andrew. The more recent ones. You8217ve lost weight haven8217t you Tim. I lost a little bit. I8217ve gained 8230 I8217m range-bound between 240 and 180. Right now, I8217m in the middle of the range. In the past year, we haven8217t talked in a while. I took my whole family and my then-girlfriend, now fiance8217s family to Italy for two weeks. That was a plus 15 pound two weeks. I was gaining a pound a day. It8217s tough with a schedule. But I just hired a new private chef, so I8217ve got to try and get better. That8217s one thing I did definitely slack on in 2014. I couldn8217t handle everything. After CNN, after Fox, it was crazy for like six months. Even now, it8217s getting crazy again and just because people are getting excited for the New Year. I8217m sure with this new article in the magazine that starts with a 8220B8221 and ends with a 8220week.8221 Andrew. Never mind the article in the magazine, Mixergy has got to be bigger than all of those things. تيم. This could make my career. Andrew. I wouldn8217t be surprised. تيم. I might send you a very fine bottle of scotch, I don8217t know. Andrew. When you do come over here with it, it will be good to see you in person. I like when you get all worked up. تيم. I8217ll take you to Cezanne which you should be going to in San Francisco anyways from what I8217ve read about it. Andrew. I never even heard of it. I never even heard of it. But I like when we get together in private, and you get worked up just like this. تيم. I8217m not worked up. Andrew. Some penny stock stock trader pissed you off, or oh, I remember you were going to Florida to work with Mike one time, and you had to get the whole thing done and turn it around and you weren8217t going to leave 8230 Oh, here8217s something else I remember about you. You would go to somebody8217s house and stay at a fan8217s house. And I said, 8220What guy who8217s a trader, who8217s doing well, goes and sleeps on someone8217s couch8221 What was the deal with that Tim. When was that Andrew. It was like three years ago maybe. تيم. أنا أعرف 8217t. You know I 8230 Andrew. I8217d be worried they8217re going to kill me or do something to hold me for ransom. تيم. I mean, I haven8217t done that in a while. I8217m pretty fairly trusting because I know what I teach is good and useful and it helps people. So at the end of the day, if someone is pissed about the lessons, you can ignore them. If it doesn8217t help you, you can just shut it off. I8217m just trying to teach everything that I8217ve learned in over 15 years. As you can see, I8217m pretty open about it. Andrew. I like to see the progress year after year. Anyone who8217s watching this, as a follow-up to this video should go back and look at all the Tim Sykes interviews. I would start with the very first one, where Tim was getting going, where he was getting his legs in the blogging space, and still, frankly, doing exceptionally well. And then as you watch them going forward, you8217ll see the evolution and the growth of Tim Sykes the brand, Tim Sykes, the personality, and then Tim Sykes, the enterprise full of all these businesses and all the software. And I even like the course that you did here on Mixergy, where you said, 8220I did it all by starting with blogging. Here is what you have to do as a blogger in order to do what I did.8221 You8217ve been a big supporter of Mixergy. It8217s great to have you back on here. Congratulations on all the growth over the last year. تيم. شكرا لاستضافتي. How8217s your business going, by the way I forgot to totally ask you. I see you8217re really organized with your Premium interviews. Andrew. شكرا لكم. نعم نحن. I think we need to be much more organized with the interviews, as you can see 8230 sorry How many subscribers Tim. How many subscribers are you at now Andrew. That8217s the thing, I don8217t even know. I haven8217t even looked at traffic until this year, and here8217s what happened. I saw all these other people doing interviews and I said, 8220What the hell8221 I8217m so glad that I8217ve helped all these people do interviews. But I8217m going to get swallowed up by the podcast world, and I8217ll be like this little guy who8217s also doing an interview unless I start to grow. So all this time that I said I just want to do better work, better interviews, and everyone can just come find me, I think I was making a mistake. I finally said, 8220I need to focus on growth.8221 So we built a sales funnel, which is why I was asking you about your process. I hired a guy, Satchit Gupta, to help grow my podcast audience where I never cared about being there. تيم. Indians are the best, aren8217t they Andrew. Indians are best, you said Andrew. Wasn8217t your thing 8220Jindians8221 Tim. Jewish Indians, we8217re friends. The Jews and the Indians, we work together. Both of our people have been wiped out in the past, so we come together and we don8217t want to be 8230 Andrew. Satchit is genuinely from India. You would never know it. I don8217t know why he doesn8217t have an accent. He told me actually it was because he was watching television. He said if you watch enough American television, you learn how to speak like an American and show everyone that you8217re from here. So anyway, yes. Now I8217m starting to care about that, and I8217m trying to grow. I wish I8217d actually paid more attention in the past and said, 8220Let8217s screw the work.8221 I should just do half-assed work and whole-assed promotion. تيم. No, no. Never do that. There8217s always going to be time to grow, but you can never take back a product8217s quality, and that8217s what I think about every single DVD, every single video lesson. I now have 2500 plus video lessons for where people get access to for Penny Stock and Silver. Every single video, whether I8217m reviewing a good trade or a bad trade, it8217s all useful. I don8217t ever want to have a video and be like, 8220I8217m not proud of that.8221 I8217m damn proud of every single product that has my name on it that I created because I know that it8217s useful. I know that it8217s from the heart and it8217s meant to help people. You don8217t want to do half-assed products. Sometimes I write a half-assed blog post but that8217s free. Sometimes I have no time and I just need to write something real quick, and I have typos and stuff like that. But if you8217re selling a DVD or video lessons or something like that, put in the time. You can always promote it later, especially if they8217re Evergreen, which your videos and my videos are. Andrew. إطلاقا. And you8217re right. People do notice it. As part of trying to get more attention for the work here, we submitted Mixergy to Product Hunt, a site where people get to see 8230 Tim. I saw that, congrats. Andrew. It8217s so cool. I8217m looking in there and I say this has been a month where I8217m thinking, 8220Nobody even cares that I do research. Why am I even beating people up before an interview to make sure that they8217re legitimate. Why are we internally getting into all these arguments over whether someone should be on. No one even notices. No one even notices the research.8221 Then I8217m looking at the comments here, yes you8217re right we8217re number one on there by far. More than twice as many votes as others. But people are actually noticing the research. They8217re saying this is the interview I watch. This is the place I go because Andrew does research and because I always take something away from it. تيم. Should I submit my site there Does it help with traffic Andrew. I think you absolutely should. It does. You know how I knew that it was helping with traffic I would call up my members and I8217d say, 8220What are you doing with your business,8221 and I8217d show them a whole, I do a screen show where I show them everything that I now have and they do the same for me. I keep seeing that not only is Product Hunt sending them traffic, but it8217s sending them real customers, good people who actually buy. تيم. رائع. I8217ll submit that. I8217m always looking for more dedicated students. Andrew. it8217s just not an ongoing thing because you can submit it but you can8217t go back and submit it until you upgrade or do something different. So it8217s definitely worth doing. It8217s a good audience there. تيم. We8217ll check it out, you know. I look for people all over the world. I8217ll teach men, women, children. I8217ll teach pets, I don8217t care. Andrew. حسنا. Well, looking forward to 2015, 2016, where we do an interview about how you8217ve taught pets and that was the next new market to crack open. Tim I8217m going to come up and see you in San Francisco before so we don8217t have to wait another year. Andrew. عظيم. I would love it. تيم. This is one of my New Year8217s resolutions. I have to get fit and I have to keep better track of friends because all of my friends think I8217m an asshole right now because I focused on growing my business so much. Andrew. All right, well I don8217t think you8217re an asshole, but I8217m kind of disappointed that we left this interview with my audience not thinking you8217re an asshole. I8217m telling you, every time they think you8217re an asshole, they watch. They talk about it, they complain. It8217s great. And then they also take a couple of ideas away from the interview and they go out doing something because they heard you. تيم. I8217m just at a good spot. Andrew. I can see it, the engagement. I8217ve got to break you and your fiance up, and then do an interview with you. تيم. اعرف. I was so angry for so long, it was like, aaaaah. I was just raging. Now, I8217m like, I don8217t know. Andrew. It8217s working for you. Happiness apparently is also good for business. تيم. I8217m domiciled. I8217m like a broken in pet, just trained now. Andrew. You8217re far from that, as I can see on your Instagram photos. Timothy Sykes, I8217m going to say it so the people know to go to TimothySykes to go see everything that you8217re doing and they should probably follow you on Instagram. I know I will after this interview is done. Andrew. رائع. شكرا لكم. Thank you all for being a part of it. Bye everyone. This interviews sponsor Toptal 8211 If you8217re having trouble finding developers, Toptal is a network of elite pre-vetted software developers. You tell Toptal what you8217re looking for, they search their network for the best people, they test the candidates, and then they present you with only the candidates who meet your individual needs. Once you pick someone you can start work with them the next day. They offer a no-risk trial period. Go to Toptal. Get the best of the best right now. Your deserve all of your success. Your marketing is excellent and you accomplish the goals that you set out to accomplish. ( Especially the millionaire student) Congratulations on both you financial and personal success. I for one appreciate what you do to help others accomplish their goals and aspirations. Thanks for the interview Josh Bland Only in America :) In other countries they would not touch him with stick I don8217t know8230there is this thing8230phenomena Not sure how to call it8230.its about personalities..a cult of is quite big in the USA8230.basically unless your product/service is not endorsed by a 8220personality8221..thought leader8230or you are not one yourself8230you can not sell anything. It is very prevalent in the USA. Less so in the rest of the world. Tim has become that personality for this particular niche. Do not get me wrong8230good for him and I am sure he worked hard for it and it is not an easy thing to do I am just saying that this style and whole idea of the personality brand/cult 8211 especially his off marketing style 8211 is considered too rude for the rest of the world. I understand that its a show but still people would be put off. Maybe this was drilled into in your other interviews with Tim8230 He seems to be making most of his money from selling info products about how to make money (and now helping other people sell how to make money info products with profit. ly). Even a broken clock is right twice a day. If I sold an info product that essentially said to buy lottery tickets, with enough customers eventually I would have winners. Tim8217s couple millionaire students are nice for marketing, but not as important as his ability to teach. What is the success rate of his students What percentage never recoup the cost of his courses Also, the positioning of his courses versus a college education seems a weak defense of his pricing. Why isn8217t the value there because of the success rate of his students Is it because most fail I like that you drill into the numbers of the business, but I would like you to see you drill more into the success rate of the students when it comes to info products. I just really love Timothy Every interview here with him is gold. Actually 1/2 my students are international and the Businessweek reporter interviewed one of my Tajikistani students who has turned 2,200 into 300,000 in 4 years8230he really did name his son after me, so I accept your apology for your ignorance, I8217m used to it Narrow-minded offline-based people don8217t understand this 8220internet thing82218230they8217ll learn eventually The 8220personality8221 doesn8217t matter I show my students signs of wealth, thats what they want and I have the info to help get them there8230it8217s actually a very simple formula, funny how so many 8220intelligent8221 people don8217t get it That8217s a promise. I8217m no kid and I know what work is. Looking forward to it. Just finished your book yesterday and was very inspired by it. Great story. On part 9 of the HTMM DVD. Already paper traded for over 10k in the last month. Thanks for responding A random telephone survey of your customers could give you some data to estimate with. If you want to be conservative, you could assume the ONLY successes are the ones you know about. Divide that by how many customers your have and that should give you a minimum number for success rate. A lot of make money info products seem to built on preying upon the weak. With many of these types of products, most of the money seems to be made selling to desperate people, who can8217t or won8217t make use of the information regardless of how good it is. To add insult to injury, I think for many of these desperate people, demanding a refund would mean accepting failure, and is psychologically difficult for them, so they don8217t do it. If, as you say, most people who buy your course don8217t bother watching them, is it possible your marketing is too appealing to people who are naive and desperate Do you want to sell to those people If your primary goal is to help people, would you be willing to dump customers who aren8217t going to use your products, or are they too much of your income to have a viable business without them Would you consider putting in a small hurdle, like requiring them to take a short free course with a test, that would separate the people who are actually going do the work from those who are hoping your info products area a magic bullet to riches I have a feeling a lot of the antipathy you seem to generate (and Andrew seems to enjoy) is not just from an arrogant attitude, but that space you are in (make money products in general and penny stocks in particular) has a reputation for being 8220scammy8221 and taking advantage of the weaknesses of desperate people. I guess what I8217m trying to find out is: What makes you different from marketers who don8217t have a business without the 99 of customers who fail (even though they might have a good product) i show every trade, my millionaire students show every trade, NO other guru is that transparent8230its cool laying out everything publicly, only takes a determined person to figure it all out Transparency is a laudable goal, but something is still not clear to me: I8217m sure it was never your intention to end up there, but is your marketing attracting mainly people who are NOT determined Did you end up with a business whose success depends on desperate people It seems like many make money info products end up in a position where they may have a good product, but because 8220make money8221 attracts desperate people, and because their marketing is optimized towards selling the product to anyone, rather than targeted to people who can actually use it, they end up with a business they didn8217t int النهاية. They end up with a million dollar business, but that business is only a hundred thousand dollar business (or less) if they only sold to people who actually used the product. That8217s too much money to give up, so the rationalization seems to be to blame the customer, rather than the possibility that they might be attracting the wrong customers. I appreciate your thoughts on this idea. success depends on desperate people no, my strategy attracts people from all walks of life and with rules ANYONE can get rich8230wayyyy too much negativity/cynicism, i8217ll continue creating millionaires from scratch, you keep wondering/being negative, see who goes further in life :) I think I8217m not communicating this well. Maybe Andrew can help facilitate, as a more neutral party. Or tell me if I really am being too cynical and not realizing it. I don8217t think you8217re out to get anyone, but I am concerned that there might be8230 excessive collateral damage. in your style of marketing You had said 8220most people get them your info products and don8217t even bother watching them8221. That to me sounded like other make money info products where 99 don8217t make their money back. It8217s hard to get concrete data so I am pulling the 99 number from MLM products that are required to disclose their numbers. I was hoping you had some real world numbers for info products. I8217m not trying to attack you, or intentionally be negative. It8217s great that you are creating millionaires. I8217m trying to get data, and ideally find examples of people who teach people how to make money (and create millionaires) without making more money from the people aren8217t successful than from the people who are. If you are making more money from people who don8217t take action than people who do, it8217s not a model I8217m personally interested in. I8217m not trying to argue it8217s right or wrong. To be fair it8217s not unique to make money space. Most personal gym equipment goes unused after a short period. Self help books. The are many examples of similar markets. If I8217m really going to be cynical, the desperate people I talk about are going to buy from someone (and then not use their product), so it really doesn8217t matter if it8217s you or someone else. Possibly what I am calling desperate is too emotionally charged, so I am coming across as too negative. Lazy perhaps What do you call the non-action takers Having a business that makes money primarily from selling to people who do not take action is not something I am interested in. I want to see examples of businesses that make more money from people who take action, than from people who don8217t. For the make money space, that requires knowing information such as the success rate of the students, and how that success is measured. Partly these questions for you, and partly an example something I would like Andrew to dig into in his interviews with people are in the make money space so I can filter out business that are interesting to me from those that aren8217t. All I can do is make the lessons then do what I can to inspire people to actually study them8230check and check8230that makes me different from other internet marketers who don8217t give a damn Speaking as a student of Tims (over the last three weeks as I am new to his programme) all I can say is that I think he (and his team) has sold the course short. NOBODY has ever offered to show me step by step how to make serious money through investing. If Tim had charged me 10 times as much I would have still considered the investment worth it (you missed you chance Tim so no putting up the prices now ) ) Definitely a case of underpromising and overdeiivering. Again speaking as a student of Tims (one of his recent ones) I would not consider myself desperate as i have a successful career as a coach/consultant. I paid around 30,000 for my masters degree for which I have received little value other than some extra knowledge and a wider network. With Tim I get so much more 8230 advice, support, challenge and knowledge that this guy has made his millions before I have. If you want to learn how to be a millionaire 8211 ask a millionaire. The issue is many people say they want to be a millionaire but dont want to do the work 8211 can that be Tims fault As I say I dont see a queue of millionaires lining up the share their secrets with me. respectfully Dan, I feel that success rates are not the issue unless we make it so 8230 it seems to me that people seem to want to have a pop at Tim for whatever reason 8211 it seems he cant just win. Tim isnt everyones 8220cup of tea8221 8211 sure for every student there is an appropriate teacher and when the student is ready the teacher will appear. Here here Tim. Im confounded by the attitudes of people 8211 such small mindedness is a shame and people will get the life they deserve. Namaste 8230 8220The issue is many people say they want to be a millionaire but dont sic want to do the work 8211 can that be Tims sic fault8221 I think there is a blurry line in marketing where an info product might be perceived as an easy magic bullet to making money. Whether or not it is the marketers fault is debatable and personal opinion. To keep this in perspective: I don8217t think anyone reading this is going to argue that Andrew is a stand up guy who cares about his customers. I suspect even so, a large number of Andrew8217s customers are wantrepreneurs and have yet to take action. As for success rate even if he doubled the rate of success for all his customers, given that 95 of business fail in the first five years, he would still see a 90 percent failure rate with his customers. I8217m not trying to say Tim is any worse than Andrew. That being said, I still think the success rate is important to know, both from the outside to understand the business being discussed, and from inside the business to understand how well the customers are being served. Even if the success rate is low, if it is going up over time at least you know your product and/or marketing targets are improving. Tim is going to be popped at regardless. The combination of an often arrogant attitude, make money info products, and penny stocks are enough reason for a lot of people. That doesn8217t mean his products are bad, but I think having some winning students to point at doesn8217t necessarily mean Its Funny. Your the one who inadvertently gave me a life goal. To change someone8217 life so much, that they name their kid after me. I8217m hoping I manage to do that with my passion too. Helping people like that. Really does feel damn good. I get why Sykes gave up trading full time to teach instead. Less money, but then again money is a means to happiness, not the only means.

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