تصبح تاجر الفوركس مربحة لايف غرفة تجارة الفوركس اتخاذ القرارات المنطقية والالتزام بخطة التداول الخاصة بك أمر صعب، وهذا هو المكان الذي يجري فيه جزء من المجتمع فرقا كبيرا. داخل الغرفة نشجع النقاش والمناقشة حول أي زوج أن على الرادار الخاص بك. تصبح جزءا من مجتمعنا العظيم الوسطاء الموثوق بهم فقط التجارة مع وسطاء يمكنك الوثوق بها. لقد سمعنا جميعا قصص عن وسطاء عديمي الضمير يهربون من أموال العملاء هنا في فوركسسيغنالس لدينا أكثر من 500،000 من أموالنا الخاصة استثمرت في حسابات التداول، فعلنا بذل العناية الواجبة، لذلك لم يكن لديك ل. الحسابات المدارة اتبع التجار المحترفين من خلال تخصيص الأموال إلى حساب مدار. لدينا فريق التداول قد سلمت عوائد متسقة لعملائنا لأكثر من 3 سنوات، حتى إذا كنت مثل العمل الشاق القيام به بالنسبة لك من خلال وجود التجارة المهنية حسابك، وهذا هو الحل. بيئة التداول المباشر سيساعد فريقنا من المحللين في العثور على أفضل الفرص التجارية في السوق، في الوقت الحقيقي 24hrs يوميا. ثيل تساعدك على تحويل الصفقات خسارتك في الفائزين. ثيرس لا مكان على الأرض مثل غرفة التداول لدينا وكانت فخورة أن أقول أن الآلاف من التجار، مثلك، وقد استفادت من ذلك منذ أطلقنا في عام 2012. وسطاء موثوق كن حذرا الذين تثق أموالك مع. العثور على وسيط الحق أمر بالغ الأهمية لنجاحك كالتاجر. هناك عدد لا يحصى من القصص عبر الإنترنت من العملاء فقدان ودائعهم نتيجة لوسيط التخلف، أو حتى تشغيل قبالة مع أموال العملاء. لا تأخذ المخاطر، التجارة فقط مع وسيط فحصها جيدا من قائمتنا من الشركاء الموصى بها. الحسابات المدارة نحن نستثمر أموال العملاء مع فريق نخبة من المديرين ذوي الخبرة، وجميعهم خضعوا لعملية شاملة ومستفيضة من ستة مراحل العناية الواجبة. ونحن واثقون جدا في قدرتنا على تقديم متسقة وفوق عوائد السوق أننا فقط تهمة 30 أداء رسوم على الأرباح ولدت (وهذا ما يعرف باسم رسوم مائية عالية).NetPicks لايف خدمة إشارة ليست على استعداد للالتزام النقدية عالية السماء من نظام التداول التقليدي منحنى التعلم الطويل في حين كنت فهم ببطء القواعد عدم موثوقية والطبيعة الميكانيكية من الحصول على ريتش سريعة الفوركس الروبوتات إذا أجبت نعم على أي من هذه الأسئلة، هل لدينا الحل بالنسبة لك يسمى خدمة نيتبيكس لايف إشارة وسهل كما يلي الاتجاهات لدينا ونسخ لنا والتجارة للتجارة الصحافة لعب لنرى كيف سهل يمكن كن لا قواعد معقدة للتعلم، لا البرامج مربكة لتثبيت وأفضل للجميع، الصفقات تحليلها والتي اتخذتها منطقتنا فريق في المنزل. نحن نفعل العمل الشاق، كنت فقط اتبع الرصاص لدينا. نحن نختار وندعو اثنين من أسواق الفوركس ناجحة جدا (يوروس و وربي) واثنين من أسواق العقود الآجلة عالية الأداء (النفط الخام وراسل إميني) خلال الأسبوع، من الاثنين إلى الجمعة. على وجه التحديد، هيرس الجدول الزمني: في 8:30 إست، نبدأ تداول اثنين من أسواق الفوركس يوروس و ورجبي في 8:50 إست، نبدأ تداول العقود الآجلة للنفط الخام في 9:30 إست، نبدأ التداول لدينا خطة التجارة إسليني راسل سواء كنت التجارة الفوركس أو العقود الآجلة (أو ترغب في التجارة على حد سواء)، ثيريس السوق والوقت بالنسبة لك كل يوم. ويمكنك الوصول إلى جميع الأسواق الأربعة حتى إذا كنت تريد من أي وقت مضى أن اشتغل في تنويع التداول الخاصة بك. وهذا هو فرصة مثالية. لها كبيرة للمبتدئين مجرد تعلم كيفية التجارة بشكل مستقل وكذلك التجار أكثر تقدما تبحث لقضاء أقل وقت ممكن في السوق ويخرج مع عوائد يمكن الاعتماد عليها. خدمة الإشارة المباشرة 8211 التجربة المجانية 0.00 أمثلة التجارة الحقيقية ألق نظرة على جلسة التداول الأخيرة هذه. في هذه الحالة لدينا يوم تداول آخر ناجح جدا، مع 2 الفائزين، وفقدان واحد. لدينا استراتيجيات إدارة الأموال محددة جدا أننا سوف يعلمك جيدا عقد لكم من قبل اليد في كل خطوة على الطريق بما في ذلك ليس فقط الدعوة الصفقات، ولكن تبين حرفيا لك كيفية إدارة الصفقات الخاصة بك، وأفضل طريقة للتأكد من أن تحصل على الحد الأقصى الخروج من الأسواق، في الحد الأدنى من الوقت: مجانا أسبوع واحد محاكمة هيريس ما تحصل عليه مع الخاص بك مجانا أسبوع واحد محاكمة إلى خدمة الإشارة الحية: الوصول الكامل إلى ترادينغروم لايف على الانترنت من الراحة من منزلك أو مكتبك. 2 أسابيع لمشاهدة لدينا فريق التداول الحية استدعاء الأسواق، وتحليل الرسوم البيانية وتعطيك الإدخالات والمخارج الدقيقة. الاستفادة من حساب سيم مجانا لممارسة تنفيذ الصفقات في أي خطر لك. المال وإدارة المخاطر استراتيجيات لقضاء أقل قدر ممكن من الوقت في اليوم الواحد في الأسواق تم تصميم تراديبلانز لدينا لتحصل على القيام به في أسرع وقت ممكن كل صباح. القدرة على التفاعل مع فريق التداول لدينا وحتى التجار الآخرين من جميع أنحاء العالم نافذة الدردشة الحية حيث يمكنك طرح الأسئلة والحصول عليها أجاب في بيئة مهنية ومحترمة تعرف على تحليل الرسم البياني، وأفضل أدوات التداول للاستخدام والسماسرة والإعدام الدعم عبر البريد الإلكتروني والهاتف حسب الحاجة نحن هنا لضمان أنك لن تفشل الأسبوع الأول هو علينا مجانا تماما مع الوصول الكامل إلى خدمة الإشارات الحية لدينا. بعد انتهاء فترة الإصدار التجريبي المجاني، وإذا قررت الاستمرار، فسيتم إصدار فاتورة لك بمعدل 197 مرة في الشهر أو إذا كنت تفضل ذلك بسعر مخفض قدره 497 في الربع. إلغاء أي وقت أو حتى تغيير من خطة دفع واحدة إلى أخرى في أي وقت فقط عن طريق البريد الإلكتروني لنا. لا يوجد خطر من خلال اتخاذ مجانا اختبار أسبوع واحد بالسيارة. يمكنك متابعة جنبا إلى جنب، تجارة الورق، والحصول على المظهر للخدمة. يول ترى ما لا مخادع هذا هو. واحد التجارة الفائزة يمكن أن تغطي بشكل جيد جدا اشتراك أشهر كاملة، يجب عليك أن تقرر البقاء معنا وكثيرا ما أكثر من ذلك ويمكنك الاعتماد على العديد من الصفقات كل شهر. يمكنك بالطبع إلغاء في أي وقت. لا يوجد مطلقا أي التزام بالاستمرار، بما في ذلك خلال الأسبوع الأول، لتجنب أي فواتير. سوف نقدم لكم مع وصلة الإنترنت في الوقت الحقيقي إلى حسابك حيث يمكنك التوقف إذا اخترت أو، يمكنك ببساطة مراسلتنا على البريد الإلكتروني. ليف سيغنال سيرفيس 8211 التجربة المجانية 0.00 سيتم نقلك إلى صفحة آمنة لإدخال المعلومات الشخصية ودفعك. بعد الانتهاء من النموذج، سوف تكون عبر البريد الالكتروني تأكيد الحجز وروابط الدخول إلى الوصول على الفور منطقة إشارة حية منطقة الأعضاء الخاصة وإشارات الأيام المقبلة. إذا كنت ترغب في التوقف عن الخدمة خلال الفترة التجريبية المجانية لتجنب الفواتير التلقائية، يرجى ببساطة البريد الإلكتروني: إنفونيتبيكس. فإنه يأخذ فقط واحد الفوز التجارة في الشهر لدفع رسوم الخدمة الشهرية منخفضة للغاية. الآن بسعر خاص من 197. الأسعار سوف ترتفع قريبا للمشتركين الجدد حتى قفل في انخفاض معدل اليوم كلمات نوع من أعضائنا تحقق من ما هؤلاء التجار راض أن أقول من واحدة من جلسات التداول الممتازة لدينا: 09:30 مايك كولر: هذا متعة. يا رفاق كسب المال الطريقة بسهولة جدا، تروي. 09:30 صباحا ريتشارد بوتنيك: إيم واي بوسيتيف لم أكن أحصل على غوب بعد الفوز الأول. لم أكن أريد أن خطر الفوز بعد مثل هذه التجارة الجيدة 09:31 صباحا مايك كولر: ما هيك أنا من المفترض أن أفعل لبقية اليوم، الآن 09:31 آم أرني ديبلانك: قضاء كنت جعلت 09:31 صباحا مايك كولر: لول تكس أرني 09:46 آم ستيف سانفورد: الحصول على، الخروج، الحصول على القيام به، الذهاب بلاي-بوق 2 العقود / تف 157 القراد 10:33 آم جو تاليريكو: تي، كان نظام الاعتقاد أصعب جزء بالنسبة لي. شاهدت ست فريق الفوز بعد يوم، ولا يزال يعتقد أنني أعرف أفضل. ثم خرجت من الطريق، الآن إم يضحك على طول الطريق إلى البنك. شكرا ست. 10:38 صباحا روجر لا: تي. نصيحتك دائما على الهدف. نراكم، ويل، أو رون يوم الخميس. كيفية الحصول على إشارة الفوركس سجل أولا معنا. سوف نرسل لك رسالة ترحيب. إذا كنت ترغب في شراء حزمة إشارة لدينا، حدد ودفع المبلغ وفقا لذلك (انظر طريقة الدفع). عند شراء حزمة، نؤكد الهوية الخاصة بك للوصول إلى صفحة إشارة وإرسالها لك عن التنبؤ والدخول والخروج تنبيه على أساس الاستمرار. والحصول على إشارة التي قد تكون قادرة على جعل التداول الخاص بك أكثر ربحية. 1 أو 2 مرة (مرة واحدة أو مرتين) في يوم واحد، وسيتم توفير الإشارة. لذلك، من خلال ضمان فوق كل شيء فوركسليفيسينال يمنحك خط دليل للتداول للفوز. والشعور البسيط بالفوركس (صرف العملات الأجنبية، والعملات الأجنبية) هو شراء وبيع العملة في وقت واحد أو تبادل عملة بلد ما لبلد آخر. ولا يوجد في العملات العالمية سعر صرف ثابت وهي دائما متقلبة لأن كل منها يجري تداوله في أزواج العملات مثل اليورو / الدولار والدولار والين وغيرها. يتم تداول 85 من الصفقات اليومية بتداول العملات الرئيسية. على مدى العقود الثلاثة الماضية أصبح سوق الصرف الأجنبي أكبر سوق مالي في العالم يتداول أكثر من 4.00 تريليون دولار يوميا أكثر من ثلاثة أضعاف المبلغ الإجمالي لأسهم الأسهم والخزانة الأمريكية مجتمعة. الفوركس هو جزء من البنك لسوق العملات المصرفية المعروفة باسم السوق بين البنوك على مدار 24 ساعة. تداول الفوركس جذاب لأنه يوفر حريات لا مثيل لها. يمكن للمتداول الفوركس العيش في أي مكان تقريبا طالما انه / انها في متناول الإنترنت. يمكن لمتداول الفوركس أن يعمل من المنزل أو المكتب، وفي بعض الحالات، حتى التجارة أثناء السفر يمكن لمتداول الفوركس أن يختار ساعات العمل الخاصة به عادة لأن سوق الصرف الأجنبي العالمي مفتوح 24 ساعة في اليوم. A تاجر الفوركس يتجنب العديد من الصداع الشائعة المرتبطة بإدارة الأعمال لأنه لا يوجد جرد، لا الشحن، لا الفواتير، لا مجموعات، نو الموظفين، نو التنقل و نو اللباس. وأخيرا، وبما أن تجار الفوركس يحتمل أن يكسبوا دخل مرتفع جدا، فإنهم يتمتعون بإمكانية أبدا، من أي وقت مضى العمل لشخص آخر مرة أخرى A نقطة هو مصطلح المستخدمة في سوق العملات لتمثيل أصغر خطوة تدريجية يمكن أن يحققها سعر الصرف. اعتمادا على السياق عادة نقطة أساس واحدة هي 0.0001، كما هو الحال في ور / أوسد، غبب / أوسد، و أوسد / تشف. على سبيل المثال إذا تحرك ور / أوسد من 1.2561 إلى 1.2562 هو نقطة واحدة. 5. كم عدد أزواج هل توفر إشارة حاليا نحن نقدم إشارة من 9 أزواج ور / أوسد، غبب / أوسد، أوسد / تشف أوسد / JPY. AUD / أوسد، أوسد / كاد، ور / جبي وغيرها زوج إشارة زوجنا العادية ولكن نحن أيضا إعطاء العديد من زوج آخر إشارة. نحن أحيانا تقديم إشارة السلع كما عرض خاص للأعضاء المسجلين. 6. متى تقدمون إشارة قد نقدم إشارات كل الأيام جولة. فريقنا يلاحظ ماكيت 24 ساعة ويوفر إشارات. إذا قلنا تحديدا فإننا عادة ما نقدم إشاراتنا حوالي 2.30 صباحا (غمت) إلى 12.30 بيإم (غمت). نحاول تقديم إشارة دخولنا حوالي الساعة 4:30 صباحا (بتوقيت جرينتش) إلى الساعة 5:30 صباحا بتوقيت جرينتش. إذا أي مشكلة بخصوص المنطقة الزمنية المحلية من بلدك يرجى نسأل سوبورتفوركسليفيسينال. 7. هل إغلاق كل طلبك على التجارة نعم، نحن إغلاق كل أمرنا في يوم التجارة عادة قبل 12:30 بيإم (غمت). قد نغلق قبل أو بعد الوقت المخصص اعتمادا على حركة السوق. لذلك عملائنا بحاجة إلى عدم التفكير في النظام في انتظار. 8. ما هي إشارة الدخول إشارة الخروج و دخول جديد 9. هل يوصي أي منزل وسيط أو منصة التداول نحن لا ننصح أي منزل وسيط. من أجل التجارة بشكل أفضل، فإننا ننصحك للبحث عن منصة وسيط / تداول الفوركس جيدة ومناسبة. ولكن نوصي أعضائنا لاستخدام منصة MT4 (ميتا التاجر 4) للتداول مع نظامنا. كيف يمكنني الحصول على إشارة بلدي يتم إرسال جميع إشاراتنا إلى البريد. قد تحصل على إشارة من البريد المسجل الخاص بك أو يمكنك أن تأخذ إشارة من الموقع باستخدام البريد الإلكتروني الخاص بك وكلمة المرور تسجيل الدخول. ويلاحظ أن إشارات الخروج لدينا لا يتم إرسالها في موقعنا على الانترنت. يتم إرسالها فقط في البريد. 10. لماذا أحيانا سعر الدخول بعيدا عن الحالي واحد إذا كان سعر الدخول في توقعاتنا هو بعيدا عن الحالي واحد مما يعني أننا نتوقع أن يتحرك زوج العملات إلى تلك النقطة ومن هناك لبدء الاتجاه الرئيسي لهذا اليوم / المساء . 11. ماذا أفعل إذا واجهت تأخير في الحصول على إشارة يتم إرسال جميع الإشارات على أساس السوق في الوقت الحقيقي. إذا كنت تواجه أي تأخير في الحصول على إشارة يمكنك أن تأخذ إشارة من موقعنا على الانترنت باستخدام البريد الإلكتروني المسجل وكلمة المرور. 12. كم ربح الربح الذي تقدمه في يوم يعتمد الربح اليومي (نقطة) على حركة السوق. قد تتراوح من 50 إلى 500 أو أكثر. لا نستطيع ان نقدم 1500 مضمونة في الشهر. 13. أي بوابة الدفع التي تدعمها نحن نتلقى باي بال، المال بوكر، المال المثالي، بيزا، نيتيلر، ويب ماني. في حالة البنك الأسلاك، ماستر كارد، بطاقة فيزا، الاتصال مع قسم الدعم. supportforexpipssginal. ويدعم بايزا، نيتيلر و ويب ماني يدويا. 14. لماذا فوريكسليفيسينال هناك العديد من المواقع على شبكة الإنترنت التي تقدم إشارات الفوركس، ولكن فقط عدد قليل منها توفر تقريرها الحقيقي والأداء. نحن تقرير الصفقات عندما يحدث، مع عدم وجود قواعد خفية أو معايير ذاتية. يتم إعطاء جميع التعليمات مقدما، وتوفير أعضاء السيطرة الكاملة على تداولهم. 15. ما هو متوسط وقف الخسارة على إشارة لدينا جميع إشارات متوسط وقف الخسارة هو 40 إلى 50 نقطة. ولكن عملائنا هي دائما آمنة لأننا دائما إعطاء موقف السوق التحديث لعملائنا، بعض الوقت نعطي إشارة وثيقة قبل ضرب أخذ الربح وسوف يعتمد على السوق حركة والأخبار. 16. إدارة المال على إشارة فوركس لدينا إدارة المال مهم جدا لتداول العملات الأجنبية لأن سوق تداول الفوركس سوق عالية الخطورة. لدينا فريق الخبراء يقول من فضلك لا تأخذ أكثر من 5 خطر على رصيدك الإجمالي. على سبيل المثال هو الاستثمار الخاص بك هو 1000 لا خطر الخاص بك أكثر من 50. إشارة لدينا آمنة جدا لأي نوعية المستثمر لأنه بعد إعطاء إشارة لدينا أيضا إعطاء مواقف السوق تحديث الأخبار. 17. لماذا لا خسارة على أداء الصفحة نعطي إشارة لدينا عبر عملائنا البريد الإلكتروني بعد إرسال إشارة لدينا نعطي التحديثات السوق أيضا. إذا كنت إشارة الحصول على خسارة نعطي لحظة إشارة 2 لاسترداد هذه الخسارة بعد إغلاق إشارة لدينا 100 الربح لعملائنا. لذلك لدينا أداء دائما إعطاء الحد الأدنى الربح لعملائنا. 18. لديك أي أمر معلق نعم نحن نعطي بعض الوقت في انتظار النظام لعملائنا. ولكن في انتظار النظام ليست دائما نعطي في انتظار النظام لبعض الوقت. 19. لديك أي دليل للاستخدام إشارة نعم لدينا خط دليل لاستخدام إشارة لدينا إذا كنت تستخدم لدينا دليل خط نجعل الربح 100 مع إشارة لدينا. 20. كيفية معرفة المزيد عن إشارة يرجى البريد سوبورتفوركسليفيسينال لمزيد من المعلومات.
Monday, 26 March 2018
غير التعامل مكتب إن وسطاء الفوركس
التعامل مع مكتب مقابل مكتب التعامل وسطاء الفوركس من قبل: سارة باترسون عند اختيار وسيط لا بد من فهم هيكل التجارة التي سوف تستخدم. تحتاج إلى فهم ما إذا كنت تستخدم وسيط تداول مكتب الفوركس أم لا. هذه المعرفة يمكن أن تؤثر بشكل كبير سواء كنت تشعر بالراحة باستخدام وسيط على المدى الطويل. أكبر مشكلة مع الوسيط الخاص بك هو ما إذا كان أو لا يمكن أن يكون التداول بنشاط ضدك. واحدة من أكبر القضايا مع وسيط مكتب التداول هو أنهم في كثير من الأحيان الشخص على الجانب الآخر من التجارة التي تأخذها. إذا كنت تفكر في ذلك، يمكن أن يكون تضارب كبير في المصالح. وسيطك لديه مصلحة خاصة في رؤية تخسر على التجارة. كما كانت هناك أمثلة للسماسرة الذين وجهت إليهم تهمة لعب الألعاب مع صفقات عملائهم. تقرأ قصص الوسطاء التي تمسح عملائها ببساطة، أو ترفض دفع الأرباح لأنها سوف تخبر المتداولين بأن سعر الصفقة تم تنفيذه بسعر زائف. مشكلة أخرى مع مكتب التعامل هو أنك قد تصل إلى تأخير عند الحصول على طلبك شغلها. في الانهيار، وسيط التداول مكتب الفوركس يحتاج إلى الموافقة يدويا كل التجارة التي تأتي من خلال. إذا كان هناك الآلاف والآلاف القادمة، قد تجد أنك تحصل على تراجع عدة عشرات من النقاط قبل أن يحصل شغل التجارة الخاصة بك. لقد كان لي تجربة شخصية مع هذا، سواء ضد وضد خلاصة القول. عندما يكون لديك مكتب التعامل الذي طغت، فإنه يمكن أن يؤدي إلى خسائر مبالغ فيها. على النقيض من ذلك مع عدم وجود بيئة مكتب التعامل. لا تتطابق بيئة مكتب التعامل مع الطلبات تلقائيا، أو تأخذ الجانب الآخر. لا يوجد وسيط مكتب التعامل ليس بالضرورة وسيطا إن، لأنها لا تزال تأخذ الجانب الآخر من كل مكان التداول. عادة هذا هو تماما الكمبيوتر مدفوعة، وحظية. هذا هو واحد من المزايا الرئيسية على نموذج مكتب التعامل التقليدية. ولا ينبغي أن يقترح أن مجرد وجود مكتب التعامل أن الوسيط هو غير شريفة. في الواقع، لفترة طويلة جدا اعتبرت هذه المعايير التجارية العادية. ولكن مع مرور الوقت، أعطت بعض التفاح السيئ مفهوم مكتب التعامل اسما سيئا للغاية، وبدأ التجار في الطلب على أقل التداول الآلي، إن لم يكن مجهول و إن التداول. إذا كنت غير مرتاح لمفهوم مكتب التعامل، هناك الكثير من السماسرة هناك التي لا تستخدمها. حتى في بيئة غير إن، لا يزال بإمكانك العثور على التداول الآلي الذي هو عادل تماما وشفافة. والأمر متروك لكم أن تكون الدؤوب، والبحث عن سجل السماسرة مع وكالات مثل كفتك و فسا. ومع ذلك، قد تكون هذه الحجة شيئا من الماضي في وقت قريب كما أصبح وسيط الفوركس إن أكثر وأكثر شيوعا. التسجيل مطلوب لضمان أمن مستخدمينا. تسجيل الدخول عبر الفيسبوك لتبادل تعليقك مع أصدقائك، أو التسجيل ل ديليفوريكس لنشر تعليقات بسرعة وأمان كلما كان لديك ما تقوله. تنويه المخاطر: لن تتحمل دايليفوريكس المسؤولية عن أي خسارة أو ضرر ناتج عن الاعتماد على المعلومات الواردة في هذا الموقع بما في ذلك أخبار السوق والتحليل وإشارات التداول واستعراض وسيط الفوركس. البيانات الواردة في هذا الموقع ليست بالضرورة في الوقت الحقيقي ولا دقيقة، والتحليلات هي آراء المؤلف ولا تمثل توصيات ديليفوريكس أو موظفيها. ينطوي تداول العملة على الهامش على مخاطر عالية، وهو غير مناسب لجميع المستثمرين. وبما أن خسائر المنتج المرتفع يمكن أن تتجاوز الودائع الأولية ورأس المال في خطر. قبل اتخاذ قرار بتداول الفوركس أو أي أداة مالية أخرى، يجب عليك التفكير بعناية في أهدافك الاستثمارية ومستوى خبرتك ومدى تقبلك للمخاطر. نحن نعمل بجد لنقدم لكم معلومات قيمة عن جميع الوسطاء التي نراجعها. من أجل تزويدك بهذه الخدمة المجانية نتلقى رسوم الإعلانات من الوسطاء، بما في ذلك بعض تلك المدرجة ضمن تصنيفنا وعلى هذه الصفحة. وبينما نبذل أقصى ما في وسعنا لضمان تحديث جميع بياناتنا، فإننا نشجعك على التحقق من معلوماتنا مع الوسيط مباشرة. تنويه المخاطر: لن تتحمل دايليفوريكس المسؤولية عن أي خسارة أو ضرر ناتج عن الاعتماد على المعلومات الواردة في هذا الموقع بما في ذلك أخبار السوق والتحليل وإشارات التداول واستعراض وسيط الفوركس. البيانات الواردة في هذا الموقع ليست بالضرورة في الوقت الحقيقي ولا دقيقة، والتحليلات هي آراء المؤلف ولا تمثل توصيات ديليفوريكس أو موظفيها. ينطوي تداول العملة على الهامش على مخاطر عالية، وهو غير مناسب لجميع المستثمرين. وبما أن خسائر المنتج المرتفع يمكن أن تتجاوز الودائع الأولية ورأس المال في خطر. قبل اتخاذ قرار بتداول الفوركس أو أي أداة مالية أخرى، يجب عليك التفكير بعناية في أهدافك الاستثمارية ومستوى خبرتك ومدى تقبلك للمخاطر. نحن نعمل بجد لنقدم لكم معلومات قيمة عن جميع الوسطاء التي نراجعها. من أجل تزويدك بهذه الخدمة المجانية نتلقى رسوم الإعلانات من الوسطاء، بما في ذلك بعض تلك المدرجة ضمن تصنيفنا وعلى هذه الصفحة. في حين أننا نبذل قصارى جهدنا لضمان أن جميع البيانات لدينا هو ما يصل إلى التاريخ، ونحن نشجعكم على التحقق من المعلومات لدينا مع وسيط مباشرة. أفضل 3 وسطاء الفوركس إن العثور على أفضل وسيط الفوركس إن تحديا نسبيا لأنه، على عكس العقود الآجلة و البورصات، سوق الفوركس غير منظم إلى حد كبير. بعض من أفضل وسطاء الفوركس إن تقدم العديد من خطط التداول إن، اللجان المتفاوض عليها، وقدرات تجارية قوية. في حين أن بعض هذه الخيارات قد تختلف قليلا عن إن نقية، كل وسيط هو مكتب غير التعامل، وينظم جيدا. إن وسطاء الفوركس يجلبون مستوى من الشفافية لسوق الفوركس لأنها تمر بأسعار من المشاركين في السوق متعددة، مثل البنوك وصناع السوق، فضلا عن التجار الآخرين متصلين إن، وعرض أفضل عروض الأسعار / طلب على تداولهم منصات على أساس هذه الأسعار. شبكات الاتصالات الإلكترونية (إن) لها ميزة واضحة على مكاتب التداول، الذين غالبا ما تتاجر ضد عملائها تقديم تضارب واضح في المصالح. توفر شركة مب ترادينغ، التي تتخذ من الولايات المتحدة مقرا لها، خطتين تجاريتين تستخدمان شبكتهما الإلكترونية (كروسينغ نيتورك)، وهي نسخة MB8217s من إن. في خطة واحدة، تدفع برومید المیثیل 0.50 لکل 100.000 متداولة لوضع أوامر الحد، والتي توفر السیولة للنظام. الخيار الآخر هو اختيار نهج أكثر تقليدية من خلال دفع رسوم على أساس انتشار. وفي كلتا الحالتين، توفر إم بي كلا من العملاء من الأفراد والمؤسسات مع نفس مستوى الشفافية من خلال إن. ما إذا كانت التجارة 1 أو 1 مليون، يتم توجيه التجارة إلى السوق، أو إذا كان أمر الحد، يتم عرضها لجميع الأطراف المقابلة لنرى، وخلق أفضل عرض التسعير / طلب المتاحة. بالنسبة للمتداولين المحترفين، قد يكون أفضل وسيط الفوركس إن شبكة FXX21217 غكس. مع غكس المباشر، العملاء المؤهلين الاستفادة غين Capital8217s علاقات الوساطة الرئيسية مع البنوك فكس الرئيسية. التجارة في السيولة من مجموعة واسعة من المشاركين في السوق على أساس مجهول تماما. ينظر المتداولون إلى عمق السعر والوصول إلى مجموعة من أنواع الطلبات بما في ذلك أوامر أوكو، و ربط، و فيض. تقدم غكس قدرات تداول خوارزمية قوية تمكن العملاء من تطوير وتنفيذ مجموعة واسعة من استراتيجيات التداول باستخدام واجهات برمجة التطبيقات المستندة إلى فيكس أو فيكس. فكسم هو وسيط مكتب غير التعامل الذي يجمع بين تعويض انتشار والعمولات لخفض تكاليف المعاملات. تساعدك منصة التداول النشط على خفض التكلفة. إذا كنت تخطط لتداول مبلغ افتراضي كبير شهريا، أو إذا كنت تحتفظ بمبلغ 25000 في حسابك، فيمكنك توفير متوسط قدره 42 من خلال هذه المنصة. إذا كنت نشطة جدا، يمكن فعلا التفاوض على اللجان، وهو رحيل دافئ من الممارسة القياسية بين وسطاء الفوركس إن. تريد أن تكون أول من يعرف كل شيء تاريخ النشرة الإخبارية لدينا. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، الوصول الفوري إلى دليلنا الحصري: جعل الحق في الاختيار: دليل 10 دقيقة لعدم الفوضى الشراء التالي. نجد أفضل من كل شيء. كيف نبدأ مع العالم. نحن تضييق قائمتنا مع البصيرة الخبراء وخفض أي شيء لا يلبي معاييرنا. نحن اختبار اليدين النهائيين. ثم، ونحن نختار لدينا أعلى picks. As يوحي اسمها، لا التعامل مكتب (ند) وسطاء لا تمرير أوامر العملاء من خلال مكتب التعامل. وهذا يعني أنها لا تأخذ الجانب الآخر من تجارة موكليهم لأنها ببساطة ربط طرفين معا. لا يوجد مكتب التعامل مع الفوركس وسيط ندس هي مثل بناة الجسر: أنها بناء هيكل على خلاف ذلك إمباسابل أو يصعب تمرير التضاريس لربط منطقتين. يمكن أن نداش إما ندس عمولة صغيرة جدا للتداول أو مجرد وضع الترميز عن طريق زيادة انتشار قليلا. لا يمكن للوسطاء مكتب التعامل إما أن تكون ستب أو ستبين. ما هو وسيط ستب يدعي بعض الوسطاء أنهم وسطاء إن صحيح، ولكن في الواقع، لديهم مجرد نظام المعالجة المباشرة. وسطاء الفوركس التي لديها نظام ستب توجيه أوامر عملائها مباشرة لمزودي السيولة لديهم الذين لديهم إمكانية الوصول إلى السوق بين البنوك. لدى وسطاء ند ستب عادة العديد من مزودي السيولة، مع كل مقدم عروض يقتبس من سعره الخاص وسعر الطلب. ما هو وسطاء إن بروكر صحيح إن، من ناحية أخرى، تسمح لأوامر عملائها للتفاعل مع أوامر من المشاركين الآخرين في إن. يمكن أن يكون المشاركون بنوك وتجار التجزئة وصناديق التحوط، وحتى الوسطاء الآخرين. في جوهرها، يتداول المشاركون ضد بعضهم البعض من خلال تقديم أفضل عرض أسعارهم وأسعارهم. إنز تسمح أيضا لعملائها لرؤية عمق السوق. عمق عرض السوق حيث أوامر الشراء والبيع من المشاركين في السوق الأخرى هي. بسبب طبيعة إن، فإنه من الصعب جدا لصفعة على علامة ثابتة المتابعة حتى وسطاء إن عادة الحصول على تعويض من خلال لجنة صغيرة. لقد تم التداول مع إكسنيس وسيط على مدى السنوات ال 7 الماضية. يمكنك زيارة صفحة الويب الخاصة بهم لمزيد من التفاصيل إكسنيس / ري جيستر /. 553 المشاهدات ميدوت ليس للاستنساخ
Sunday, 25 March 2018
أجاي فوريكس مالايسيا ليجال
بيلاجار فالاس بيلاجار الفوركس أجيال ماركيتيفا إندونيسيا بيلاجار فالاس ماركيتيفا أجاي تانبا مشروط ماركيتيفا أجي الفوركس تجارة فالاس على الانترنت تانبا مشروط سيبيسبيرون لانغسونغ دابات مشروط حر سات ريجيستراسي، قانوني، بيباس كوميسي، بيباس بيايا إيناب / بين عشية وضحاها، بيباس بونغا، سبرياد مولاي داري 2 بيب، إيداع تيركيسيل مولاي 1، إيداع سحب بيسا منغوناكان ليبيرتريزيرف، سكريل / مونيبوكر، E-دينار، ويب ماني، دان نقل الأسلاك. منصة ميتا التاجر 4، MT4 موبايل الروبوت، اي فون، آي باد، ويندوز فون، دان أجيا ستريمستر. أيو مانفاتكان بيلوانغ بيسنيس ماركيتيفا فوريكس ترادينغ فالاس أونلين أونتوك مينداباتان كيكاياان داري إنترنيت إيني. أيو كيتا بيلاجار بيسنيس التجارة فالاس على الانترنت دي ماركيتيفا، سيموانيا بيسا ديداباتكان سيكارا حر كارا منغاسيلكان بانياك أوانغ بالينغ داهسيات أباد إيني راحاسيا مينغاسيلكان بانياك يانغ داري بيسنيس فالاس أتاو فوريكس ترادينغ تانبا مودال سما سيكالي يا بينار أندا تيداك صلاح ليهات أندا أكان ديبيري مشروط أول أوله ماركيتيفا سيبيسار 5 يانغ بيسا أندا كيمبانغكان منجادي 10، 100، 1000 أتاو بيرا ساجا، دان سيتيلا بيركمبانغ ماكا اانغ تيرسيبوت موتلاك منجادي ميلك أندا دان بيسا أندا غوناكان سيتروسنيا أونتو مودال ترادينغ أتاو بيسا أندا روبيكان سيتياب سعت. أيو دافتار ماركيتيفا أجي سيكارانغ جوغا سيبيلوم كهابيسان جاتاه بونوس بيسنيس إيني بينار بينار غراتيس، سيهينغغا تيداك بيرلو مودال أونتوك مولاي منجالانكانيا. سيتيلا أندا منغاسيلكان بروفيت، جانغان كواتير، وانغ أندا بيسا ديسيركان سيتياب سعت أندا إنغنكان. لوار بياسا بوكان إيني أكان منجادي ريفولوسي كيوانغان أندا بيجامكان ماتا دان بايانغكان أندا دلام كيبرليمباهان دان أوانغ سوداه بوكان لاجي ماسالا باغي أندا ألانغكا باهاجيانيا بيزا ميلاكوكان أبابون دان كابانبون أندا ماو، بيرادا دي مانابون يانغ أندا سوكا، دان بيرساما سيابابون يانغ أندا إنجينكان سيلامات داتانغ دي دنيا فوريكس يانغ بينوه كيسمباتان سيتيب أورانغ هانيا بوله ميميليكي ساتو أكونت، دان بونوس هانيا ديبيريكان ساتو كالي ساجا. جادي باستيكان أندا ميماسوكان بيانات البيانات يانغ بينار سيسوي كارتو إيدنتياس أندا كارينا حساب بيرلو ديفيريفيكاسي دينغان كارا تحميل مسح دوكومين إيدنتاس بيروبا كتب / سيم / جواز السفر دان مسح دوكومين باكتي تمبات تينغغال بيروبا سورات كيتيرانغان تيمبات تينغغال / دوميسيلي داري كيلوراهان تيمبات أندا تينغغال أتاو دوكومين ريسمي لين يانغ مينكانتومكان ناما أندا سيسواي كتب، ألمات (تيداك هاروس سيسواي كتب)، دان ديتربيتكان تاك ليبيه داري 6 بولان يانغ لالو (دوكومين بيسا بيروبا هاسيل سكان بوكتي تاجيهان ليستريك، إير، غاس، أسورانزي دل يانغ ديكيريم سيكارا فيسيك كي روما أندا). بيرلو بانتوان منغيناي كارا منجيسي فورمولير بيندافتاران ماركيتيفا سياكان ليهات لانغسونغ باندوان مندفتار ماركيتيفا أجي سيلانغكا ديمي سيلانغكا ديسرتاي غامبار دي سيني. الجمعة، فبراير 01، 2013 ماركيتيفا أجيا MT4 الفوركس تجارة حر ماركيتينغ أجي إيتو أبان ماركيتيفا أجي أدالا وسيط فوريكس بالينغ بوبولر أباد إني يانغ ديبيركايا أوله جوتان أنسباه يانغ تيرسيبار دي سيلوروه دونيا يا، ساتي إيني سوداه جوتان تاجر بايك بيمولا موبون ترادر المهنة، بهكان بيروسهاان كيوانغان يانغ منغوناكان ماركيتيفا أونتوك ميلاكوكان جوال بيلي فالوتا أسينغ. ماركيتيفا إندونيسيا سوداه إكسيست دي جاغات بير-فوريكس-a سيجاك تاهون 2005، سيهينغغا سامباي سات أرتيكيل إني ديتوليس (2012) بيرارتي ماركيتيفا سوداه بيروبيراسي سيلاما 7 تاهون. ريكام جيجاك ماركيتيفا سانغات باغوس سيهينغغا ديبيركايا جوتان ترادر داري سيلوروه دنيا. بادا سات بيرديري، أوالنيا منغوناكان ناما ماركيتيفا، كيمودي بادا تاهون 2012 بيروبا ناما منجادي أجي دنغان بانياك لايانان بارو يانغ ديتامباهكان. ميسكيبون ماركيتيفا غانتي ناما جادي أجي، سيكارا بينجيلولا تيتاب سما، بيدانيا سيتيلا منجادي أجي برودوك دان لايانان يانغ ديتاواركان منجادي سيماكين لينغكاب دان باغوس. أبا كيونتونغان منغوناكان ماركيتيفا سانغات بانياك ساتو يانغ بالينغ سايا سوكا ماركيتيفا أجي أدالا ساتو ساتونيا وسيط فوريكس دي دنيا إيني يانغ مودال حر تانبا إمبل-إمبيل أبابون ميمانغ تيداك بيزار هانيا 5، تابي إانغ إيني بينار بينار 100 ميليك أندا يانغ بيزا ديترانزاكسيكان دان بيسا ديكيركان كابان ساجا سيتيلاه مينداباتكان الربح. وسيط الفوركس لين بانياك يانغ ميموريكان إيمينغ-إيمينغ بيروبا مكافأة سيلامات داتانغ، مكافأة إيداع، مكافأة إيني دان أبابون نامانيا، تابي بانياك تيتاك بينغنيا ونتوك دابات مينكيران بونوس تيرسيبوت، أتاو بيزا ديكاتاكان هانيا سيباغاي ماركيتينغ سيميلار سوسا بيدا دينغان ماركيتيفا، بونوس 5 أندا كيمبانغكان جادي 10، 100، 1000 أتاو بيابا ساجا ماكا بيزا ديسيركان كابان ساجا أندا منغينكانيا ميمبوكا أكونت حر، آيو كوبين دافتار ماركيتيفا سيكارانغ جوغا منداب بوناي توناي 5، جوغا غراتيس. كالاو إنجين ديبوسيت، بيسا مولاي دنغان نيلاي تيركيسيل 1. كامانان لوار بياسا باغوس. تجارة البرمجيات ماركيتيفا أجي ستريمستر يانغ سانغات مودج بينغونانيا دان سانغات كوكوك أونتوك بيمولا، دي ستريمستر إنيلا إينانغ بونوس ديماسوككان دان بيسا لانغسونغ أندا بيرداغانغكان دي باسار فوريكس سيكارا ريال سوفتوار ترادينغ ماركيتيفا أجي ميتا التاجر 4 أتاو MT4 يانغ كوكوك التاجر المهنية ترسيديا ميتا التاجر المحمول ونتوك تداول النوافذ الذكية داري، الروبوت، دان ابل اي فون / آي باد. دي دنيا إيني هانيا ماركيتيفا أجي وسيط يانغ بونيا دوا سوفتوار سيكاليغوس يايتو ستريمستر دان MT4 بانتوان مولتيبهاسا سيكارا العيش، أدا الإنجليزية، إندونيسيا، ميلايو، سبانيول، بورتوغيس، دل. دان سيبريك كيونغولان لين، لانغسونغ بوكتيكان ساجا ياه دنغان كارا بوكا أكون دي ماركيتيفا بيرا بانياك مشروط يانغ سايا بوهكان أونتوك ميمولاي تداول فوريكس أونلين دي ماركيتيفا إيني وسيط فوريكس لين بادا أومومنيا مينزاراتكان مينيموم أوسد 2500 أونتوك حساب حساب منظم أوسد 250 أونتوك ميمبوكا أكونت ميني، تابي دي ماركيتيفا أجي أندا مالا ديبيري مشروط أوال إلى كوبا كوبا سيبيسار 5 أوانغ ريال دان 10000 أوانغ مينان. كالاو إنجين ديبوسيت بيسا مولاي 1. سانغات لوار بياسا ماركيتيفا إيني، ديسات بروكر لين مانسياراتكان ديبوسيت أوال يانغ بيزار، دي ماركيتيفا ملاه أند بيزا دافتار حر باهكان دابات مشروط سيكارا كوما كوما بولا لوار بيسا باغيمانا دينغان كامانان ماركيتيفا ماركيتيفا ميميليكي تينغكات كيمانان بيرلابيس. دانا ناصابة ماركيتيفا أجي ديسيمبان دلام ريكينينغ بانك ترسينديري، سيماتا-ماتا أونتوك كيبنتينغان ناسباه دولام مينجالانكان أكتيفيتاس ترادينغ دان تيداك ديكامبور دنغان مشاني أوبيراسيونال بيروسهاان. بيناريكان دانا داري ريكينينغ بانك تيرسيبوت هانيا تيرجادي سيباجاي هاسيل لانغسونغ داري أكتيفيتاس ترادينغ أنسباه أتاو كارينا أدانيا بيرمينتان بيناريكان دانا يانغ دينياتاكان ساه. بيناريكان دانا هانيا بيسا ديلاكوكان منغوناكان ريكينينغ يانغ سيبيلومنيا ديغوناكان أونتوك ميلاكوكان ديبوسيت. ناما بيميليك ريكينينغ، نومور ريكينينغ، دان بانك أتاو إكورنسي يانغ ديغوناكان ونتوك بيناريكان دانا هاروس سما بيرسيس دنغان داتا يانغ ديغوناكان أونتوك ميلاكوكان ديبوسيت سيبلومنيا. دينغان فاسيليتاس إين ماكا أندا بيسا ليغا كارينا أندا بيسا ميماستيكان باهوا أن أكونت ماركيتيفا هانيا بيسا ديتاريك ري ريكينينغ أندا يانغ ديباكاي ديبثروات سيبلوميا ساجا كارينا أبابيلا ديكايركان منغوناكان نومور ريكينينغ يانغ بيربيدي بايك سيكارا سنغاجا موبون تيداك سنغاجا ماكا باسي أقدام ديتولاك. فيريفيكاسي بيناريكان دانا جوغا ديلاكوكان سيكارا مانوال أوله بيتوغاس بيلينغ ماركيتيفا أجي، سيهينغغا أبابيلا ديتيموكان هال-هال يانغ مينكوريغاكان بيركينان دينغان بيناريكان دانا يانغ ديلاكوكان داري ريكينينغ ماركيتيفا أجي أندا، ماكا بيتوغاس ماركيتيفا أكان مينغوبونجي أندا ونتوك ميلاكوكان بيمريكسان ليبيه لانجوت. لوار بياسا بوكونيا دوا جيمبول ونتوك فاسليتاس كامانان دانا دي ماركيتيفا أجي كابان دان ديمانا ساجا دابات ميلاكوكان تداول فوريكس ماركيتيفا كارينا على الانترنت، ماكا أندا دابات لوجين كي أكونت ماركيتيفا أندا كابانبون دان ميلاكوكان التداول داري تمبات مانابون ديسيلوروه بينجورو دنيا يانغ ميمبونياي أكسيس إنترنيت. واكو ترادينغ ديمولاي بادا هاري سينين 04.00 باجي سامباي سابتو 04.00 باجي ويب (GMT7). دلام ريتانغانغ واكتو تيرسيبوت أندا دابات ميلاكوكان بيرداغانغان دي ماركيتيفا سيلاما 24 جام دون توقف. البرنامج التعليمي فوركس ماركيتيفا أجي إندونيسيا ماركيتيفا أجي أدالا بيروساهان بينيديا جاسا ترانزاكسي كيوانغان ونتوك برودوك فوريكس، إندكس، دان كوموديتي ترادينغ. بروسس بيندافتاران دي ماركيتيفا سانغات موداه، أومنيا دلام واكتو كورانغ داري ليما مينيت كيتا أكان سوداه بيسا لانغسونغ ميلاكوكان ترادينغ. ماركيتيفا بيروبيراسي سيكارا ريسمي مولاي تاهون 2005، دان بادا تاهون 2012 بيرغانتي ناما منجادي أجي، سوداه ميميليكي بانياك بيلانغان داري سيلوروه دنيا مولاي داري إندونيسيا، ماليزيا، بروناي، سينغابورا، الهند، مسير، كانادا، دان بانياك نيغرا لين دي سيلوروه دنيا. ريكام جيجاك ماركيتيفا سانغات باغوس، دان إنام تاهون سوداه ماركيتيفا ميلاني بيلانغان داري سيلوروه دنيا، دان سامباي إيني بيلانغانيا تياب هاري سيماكسين بيرتامباه. باغي أندا يانغ سيدانغ مينكاري بيروساهان ترادينغ فوريكس، إندكس، دان كوموديتي تيربيركايا ماكا أندا بيسا مينكوبا ماركيتيفا. مندفتار ديسيني تينتو ساجا غراتيس، دان بهكان أندا أكان ديبيري دانا أونتوك مينكوبا ترادينغ سينيلاي 5 (وانغ نياتا يانغ كالاو بيركيمبانغ بيسا ديتاريك)، دان وانغ مينان سينيلاي 10،000 (يانغ إيني ونتوك سيمولاسي ساجا تيداك بيسا ديتاريك). بيريكوت بينجينالان ماركيتيفا سيكارا سينغكات. ناما بيروسهان: أجي جينرونغ دو (ماركيتيفا مم دو). تاهون بيرديري: 2005. الرافعة المالية: 1: 100 ثانية / اليوم 1: 500 إنسترومن يانغ بيسا ديترادينغكان: الفوركس، إندكس، كوموديتي. مشروط أوال: 5 (يانغ بيتولان ديبيريكان غراتيس) دان 10ribu (وانغ مينان أونتوك سيمولاسي). منصة: أجي ستريمستر، MetaTrader4، MT4 الإيداع المحمول دان الانسحاب: حوالة مصرفية (تحويل البنك الأنتاري داري البنك اندونيسيا كي بنك ماركيتيفا دي لوار نيغيري)، ويب ماني، E-دينار، ليبرتي الاحتياطي، كارتو كريديت عبر سكريل. مينيمال كالاو إنجين ديبوسيت: 1 سوداه بيسا. إيداع بيايا: مجانا. بيايا الانسحاب: سيبساري تحويل 14 / ترانساكسي، ويب ماني، E-دينار، الحرية حجز 7 سيكالي يانغ بيرتاما. لاما إيداع: سلك 2-7 هاري كيرجا، ويب ماني، E-دينار، الحرية حجز لانغسونغ ماسوك دلام هيتونغان مينيت. انسحاب لاما: سلك 2-7 هاري كيرجا، ويب ماني، E-دينار، ليبرتي الاحتياطي 6-24 المربى. لايانان بيلانغان / دعم 24 المربى 5 هاري كيرجا. SIAP mencoba Silakan دفتر دي سنتا. Marketiva تجارة الفوركس لتايلاند 3636 36363655 36573637 365636403657 الانترنت 3633365736363637 5 3637 3636 3657 حساب +365536373636363636333637 5 3637 3656364036573657 365736563657 36553657363636363656 364036573637363836573637 3657363936573657 3640365736553640 36563655365636383656 3655365736573640365736383657 3657 36573656 363336373636365736563637 10000 3637 (363736563636 36573656) 3636 36333656 36363655 36333657365636553636 MakeMoney، جعل مال. 363636563637365636413657363736563633 سنتا 3633 36363636 3633 36333657 سنتا 364036363657 1 3656 1 3656 حساب 36333657363336573637 3657363336553636 363336553636 365636333657 3657 3636 36363655 3655 365636393657 363936563633 36393656365736333633 3639 جواز سفر 365736563639363336333657 3637365636403656363736563657365736573657363736563640365636373656363336333633 3636365636333657 3636 3636 3655 سنتا الفوركس 1. 365636393656363736563633 ماركيتيف a36563657363736373656 السبائك الإلكترونية 36573633 3636 3639365636333636 3636 365736333637 3636 2. 3633 3657363736573639 ليبرتي ريسرف ليبرتي ريسرف 36573633 3636 3639365636333636 3636 365736333637 3636 3. 363636373633. فوريكس ماركيتيفا. 3637365636373656 ما k إيموني 36553657 ماركيتيفا 36373656 فتح حساب (364136373656 1) 365736413656365736333636 ماركيتيفا 3657364136333656 3656 3657365636373633 3657 (364136373656 2) اسم المستخدم، كلمة المرور 3633365736383657، الاسم الأول: 36393656، ميدل إنيتيال: 36393656 365636573633 الاسم الأخير: 3640 عنوان الشارع: 365736373656، العنوان الاضافي : مدينة: . زيب / بوستل 363336373660. ستات: 36333633، كانتري :. هاتف: 36333660. البريد الإلكتروني، موقع ويب. 3657 تواصل 3633 365736573639365636373656364136563636 363936563636 حساب 36573637 تحقق 3639363336373633 3633 36573657 1 حساب 3656 36393656 3656 1 (36563637363636373633) 365636333657 36333656 3657 3657 3656 36573636 تحقق Streamster 36573636363736573656 تحقق - حساب 365636553641 المعلقة 3636 3657 36363655 3655 3636 36363655 3655 36333633 3633365736573656 365736393636 قالب الفوركس قياسية تاجر 3637 وظيفة 3656 3657 المدمجة تجار الفوركس 3637 وظيفة 3656 3639 القياسية تجار الفوركس 36563641365636333633 363936553657 36573633365736563637363736563639 كلمة 363336573655 التالي (364136373656 3) 3637365636573657363336373656363336563655 363736563656 363336573655 فوركس إنهاء (364136373656 4) 3660 تحميل الملف 363936563636 3640 3633 FOREX، سنتا 363336373657365536333636 3636 36363655 36393657. 3656 AGEA / index. ncrepagedownloads 3639365636553657 36573657363936563656364036573656 36573640363336373656 (364136373656 5) 363636373633 ماكيتيفا 363636373657363336413656 36 36 36363655 كسب المال، والمال جعل مرحبا بكم 365636363657 363336573656 3655 36363657 3655 3657365636333657 36373637365736573637 (364136373656 1) maketiva إيداع الأموال في حساب سنتا لديك 3636366036373657 363636563637365636333656363836563639 363936563637 3657363336393656363736563657 اسم المستخدم 3633365836363655 3636 36363655 كسب المال، والمال جعل صندوق AGEA / index. ncrepagedeposit-تحويل الأموال 36373656365736403656 الافتراضي مكتب 3657 3657 مكتب الافتراضي 36573633 التداول الحي +3638363636393657364036573657 (3641363736562) 36563655 36573656 التحقق من حساب تحقق 363336603656 36573633365736553633365636333657 3656 تحقق من الحساب 3656365736573657 3656365736573633 3636 36363655 كسب المال، والمال جعل 3639363336373633 36373656 مركز الحساب 365736373656 الخدمات 36573639 عرف نفسك +3633366036373656365736563639 - تحديد صورة، (أي جواز السفر أو رخصة القيادة)، وpasspor 36563637 3633 365736333637365536573633 3656365736553660.JPG 3633 36573657 36563636 100KB +365536363660365736413633 كلمة 36573655 366036413633 365736553657365636573633 363936563633365536363660365736413633 طباعة 36573655363336363656 (363636333656) 3636365636373656 طباعة 363336563633 36373633 36573655 3633. 36333660 36573636 100KB 3655365736603633 365736563655365636573657365536573633 - شكل واحد من تحديد مؤكدا العملاء العنوان، (أي فاتورة الهاتف أو فاتورة المرافق). 3633363636573637365736573656 36363655365736373656363736393656363736333637365636413656 36563637 3633366036363636 3637365636573639 3657 363636333660365536573633 3633 36373633 36383656 NetIBA 36373637365636573656 كود 3639363336553636 3655 363336563633 365736563657365736413656 3639365636373656 363736563641365636373657 36333637365636573641363336563633. 363936573636365536573633 36373656363736393656363736333637365636413656. 36553656363336573633 363336553633 36573656365736573633 366036573655.jpg ل36563636 100 KB 3633 3660365636553655365636573637365936573633 365636373656363336333637365636413656365536563633 3637 236573639 1. 3633 365736373656364036563633 3657363936573657 قمم سوبر ماركت 365736333637365536413637365636363660365736363660 36573657363936563637365636403656 3633 2. 3633365736373656364136563655 3656365736373656364136563633 3639365536563657 3656 365636333660 إجا / index. ncrepageidentification 1. صورة تعريف صورة - 363736573656364136333633 - Browse 2. عنوان تأكيد الصورة ..36373657365636333656365736563633 - Browse 36553657 تحميل 364136373657 3633365736553660 365736373656 365736573636 trasfer لايف تجارة افتراضي 3656 3633363336573656 سحب 36563657 maketiva 3637365636563657365736333657 36413657365636373657 3656 أعمدة 3656365736403656 3657365736333656 365736563636 3656 3636 36553657 36563633 3637363336373657 آخر 8211 3639365736563640 المزايدة 8211 3656363636333657 36573655365736333657 عرض 821136393657 365736393657 3656363636333657 365536393657365736333657 تغيير 8211 36563636 العليا - 36413640363336333657 منخفض - 36563640363336333657 الوقت - 36333637365736393656 فتح - 3636363336333657 3633 نيويورك إغلاق - 3636363336333657 3633 نيويورك 3657 أجيا / getclient. ncrenamestreamsterampversionlatest 3637 تسجيل الدخول 3657365736563657 36573638 دعم ماركيتيفا / nsssupport. ncre 3657 تسجيل الدخول ماركيتيفا / index. ncrepagecenter 36573636 ماركيتيفا / index. ncrepagedeposit-فوندز 36573636 ماركيتيفا / index. ncrepagewithdraw-فوندز 36573636365636333637 365736373656 باسورد ماركيتيفا / إن dex. ncrepagechange-باسورد 36573639 كلمة السر ماركيتيفا / index. ncrepagerecover-باسورد 36573633 ريف لينك ماركيتيفا / index. ncrepageaffiliate 36573641 36373637365636333656 ماركيتيفا / index. ncrepageaffiliate-ريبورتس 36383656365736563637365636373657 363836563637363336573637 36363656363736563657. 36373656363736573657 36573640363736573640 3657363736563656365636413657365636403656 36573641364136573633365736373657 3655 3636 365636413657363636573633 3640 سنتا سنتا، سنتا 3636 36363655 MakeMoney، كسب المال 3656 سنتا 36373656 36363636364036573657 3636365636373656 36413657 363736563633 هامش 3656 فوركس 36573657 36563636 3656 هامش سنتا 3639 1 3639365736403657 36403656 100 3657 36373656363736333660 363336373656 1 3657 هامش 36393657 3656 1 النظام 3641 وثيقة 363336333636 36573640 36563655 3633365636373636 36333637 2 3636 3639365736403657 36403656 100 365736403657 50 36403633 36563657 3656365736403657 3636 101 3640 363936563656 طلب 3641 363336333636 36333637 36333657 3656 36563636 50 363636373656363736413656 ماركيتيفا. سنتا 36553656363636383657 3657 162 3633 365736363640363336573637100 365736363636365636573637 10 36573637 35 364036563633365636333657 36383656365736373636 364136573656 36403657363636563656 365536563656 36553657 364036363656 +3638363736563657364036393633 365736573657 36363657 3633 سنتا 36573657 أرشيف المدونة ربط سعر صرف iMarketiva سنتا ماليزيا 3636 36363655 36573637 365636403657 الانترنت 3633365736363637 5 3637 3636 حساب 3657 365536373636363636333637 5 3637 3656364036573657 365736563657 36553657363636363656 364036573637363836573637 3657363936573657 3640365736553640 36563655365636383656 3655365736573640365736383657 3657 36573656 363336373636365736563637 10000 3637 (363736563636 36573656) 3636 36333656 36333657365636553636 36363655 ماكيموني، كسب المال بدء تداول الفوركس مع ماركيتيفا مجانا تماما سوبر منصة التداول فريدة من نوعها، وتشمل مرفق الدردشة. يمكنك الحصول على وتبادل الأفكار مع التاجر الآخرين باستخدام غرفة الدردشة ماركيتيفا. دعم متعدد اللغات. هنا هو تفسير قليلا ما هو ماركيتيفا: مع أكثر من 520،000 مستخدمين خدمة، 310،000 حسابات التداول فريدة من نوعها والحيوية، وأكثر من 3.7 مليون أوامر الحية تنفيذها كل شهر، ماركيتيفا هي واحدة من أكثر شعبية في السوق من دون وصفة صناع في العالمية. بدء تداول العملات الأجنبية في ماركيتيفا أجيا. الحصول على الحرة 5 القانونية، لا رسوم اللجنة، لا بين عشية وضحاها، لا فائدة، انتشار 3، بدء التداول مع كما هو قليل مثل 1، إيداع وسحب بواسطة ليبرتي الاحتياطي، سكريل / مونيبوكر، ويب ماني، E-دينار، حوالة مصرفية.
إكسنيس النقد الاجنبى السلام عملة الجيش
أكتاف العمالقة 2 العالم أفضل تاجر جارات ديفيس، الشهير المعلم الفوركس أندرو ميتشم، مصرفي المهنية الأوروبية سيف مورتن نشر أسواقها الحصرية أتنتاليتيكش. اختبار الأداء أبحث لشراء إي أو إشارات أو الانضمام إلى حساب مدارة نحن نحافظ على اختبارات المال الحقيقي إلى الأمام للمستشارين الخبراء ميتاتريدر المتاحة تجاريا، إشارات النقد الاجنبى، والحسابات المدارة الفوركس. فوركس ترادرس كورت إذا أصبحت ضحية لعملية احتيال الفوركس، فإن جيش السلام الفوركس سوف تفعل كل ما في وسعها لمساعدتك في الحصول على المال الخاص بك مرة أخرى. حر وأنها تساعد على فضح الحيل، لذلك التجار الآخرين لا تقع في الفخاخ بهم. فوريكس بيس أرمي سيرفيسز أر فري نحن نكسب المال عن طريق عرض الإعلانات، ولكننا لا نؤيد أي منتج أو خدمة المعلن عنها. يرجى التأكد من قراءة الاستعراضات لدينا قبل إعطاء أموالك إلى أي company. Exness مراجعة زيارة الموقع إكسنيس تغيير التلقائي الرافعة المالية الخاصة بك على الأخبار العالية. (في يوم الجمعة الماضي، والسوق هو خطر كبير، ولكن إكسنيس كل على أخبار عالية وقال في 15 دقيقة قبل - الرافعة المالية لهذا بيرس غبب على سبيل المثال يتم تغييرها إلى 1: 200 - إله حسابي هو 1: 2000 انه غيرت أوتماتيك. و لا يمكن أن يكون وثيق دي أوامر، بعد عدة دقائق حسابي منخفض و حصلت على إغلاق بقية الأوامر السلبية. أنا لا أرى هذا على بروكر، نفس الحساب في وقت مبكر لها موافق، والعكس في الاثنين. لماذا ما هو - ط الاتصال على الدردشة والنظر على رفع الصوت عاليا الدردشة النفوذ بلدي هو 1: 2000 - على ارتفاع الأخبار. تغيير إلى 1: 200 التلقائي أتلقى دي البريد الإلكتروني قال الرافعة المالية 1: 200 لدي حسابين على شم و فوركستيمي بروكر وأنا لا يمكن أن نرى هذا هو الصحيح السيد كارلوس، هذه القاعدة تجعل من الممكن للحد من المخاطر الخاصة بك إذا كان الوضع في السوق تتطور بشكل غير متوقع خلال الأحداث الاقتصادية الهامة. تصبح هذه القاعدة نافذة قبل 15 دقيقة من نشر الأخبار ويستمر تطبيقها بعد 5 دقائق من الحدث. وعلاوة على ذلك، عندما تمر الفترة المحددة، ث يتم احتساب الهامش الإلكتروني على المراكز المفتوحة خلال الفترة استنادا إلى مبلغ الأموال في الحساب وقيمة الرافعة المالية المختارة. على آخر الجمعة السوداء يورو غب و يورو الدولار. أنا إيداع المال لا كوبنساتيون ولكن ليس من الممكن وخسر المال. تسبب الرافعة المالية. تغير. بلدي مواقف مفتوحة أغلقت دليل أو أكبر خسارة أكبر وانا ذاهب لتمرير تعليقك على فريقي أكثر عميل واحد. ضائع. وسيط الفوز. شكرا جزيلا إكسنيس رد جورجي بارتينيف سوبيتد 23 سبتمبر 2016: عزيزي ثيوفس، وأنا أقدر أن كنت قد شاركت تجربتك هنا. في الواقع، يتم تعديل متطلبات الهامش على جميع حسابات إكسنيس ماركيت ماكر وفقا لأعلى رافعة مالية قدرها 1: 200. يستغرق ذلك 15 دقيقة قبل صدور بيان صحفي عالي التأثير ويستمر لمدة 20 دقيقة. کما أعلمکم زميلي في المحادثة التي نشرتمھا، 039 یسمح ھذا القانون بتقلیل المخاطر التجاریة 039 إذا کان وضع السوق یتطور بشکل غیر متوقع خلال الأحداث الاقتصادیة الھامة. 399 للحصول علی المزید من المعلومات حول متطلبات ھامش إكسنيس وقواعد الرافعة المالیة، یرجی زیارة موقعنا علی الإنترنت ھنا: EXNESS / الفوركس / ضغط /. 7011784 لدي كل ما عندي من البراهين أن إكسنيس احتيال لي أنها لا يمكن أن تدفع سحب الآن البقاء بعيدا حسابي رقم 7011784.I يمكن أن التجارة على إكسنيس 4 سنوات لا أستطيع أن حصلت على أي مشكلة مؤخرا يمكنني إيداع مع سكريل 250 وبدء التداول. أنا يمكن أن حصلت على التداول والربح تصل إلى 1K وسحب. ولكن أستطيع أن صدمة لرؤية سحب بلدي رفض يمكنني الذهاب إلى سوبورت قالوا لي لا يمكنك سحب اليوم يمكنك سحب غدا ثم أستطيع الانتظار غدا اليوم التالي سحب بلدي هو رفض مرة أخرى يمكنني الذهاب إلى دعم قالوا لي أن سكريل يشكو وديعة يمكنك الانتظار 24 ساعة. ثم أنا مرة أخرى انتظر اليوم أستطيع أن أذهب مرة أخرى إلى سوبورت قالوا لي أنه يمكنك إرسال نسخة بطاقة التي أنا إيداع أكثر من سنة مضت. سؤالي يمكنني إيداع وسحب سكريل 20 إلى 35 مرات في السنة حتى ماذا يكون الخطأ حتى الآن لا أستطيع أن أتذكر البطاقة التي يمكنني استخدامها. أنهم حصلوا على سكمد لي. لا تعمل مع إكسنيس الآن أنها يمكن أن تعمل الآن ووقف دفع العملاء سحب. رد جورجي بارتينيف المقدمة 19 سبتمبر 2016: مرحبا، إحسان العاني. شكرا لتقاسم لكم تجربة في إكسنيس مع الجميع هنا. بالإضافة إلى ما قمت بالرد في هذا المنصب فوركسبيسارمي / كوميونيتي / ثريادس / إكسنيس-scam.47136 / بوست-257118 يجب أن أضيف أن عملية السحب قد تمت معالجتها بنجاح لأننا تلقينا الرسالة من نظام الدفع الخاص بك مؤكدا أن نظام الدفع الخاص بك الحساب الذي تم استخدامه للإيداع في حساب إكسنيس 7011784 في وضع جيد. تم تقديم طلب تقديم صور البطاقات المصرفية التي استخدمتها في إكسنيس من قبل الإدارة المالية لأغراض التحقق. إذا كان لديك أي أسئلة أخرى، من فضلك لا تتردد اسمحوا لي أن أعرف.
Saturday, 24 March 2018
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وسطاء الفوركس على الانترنت يسلط هذا الاستعراض الضوء على أفضل وسطاء الفوركس لتداول العملات. وينتشر تركيز اللجان، ومنصات التجارة، والتنفيذ، والجودة الشاملة. مقارنة جميع ستوكبروكرز أوصى وسطاء الفوركس أدناه. ونحن نوصي أيضا قراءة لدينا 2011 استعراض وسيط الفوركس التي نشرت على مجلة الآجلة. نشرت من قبل براندون راينكنزمير يوم الأربعاء 27 أبريل 2016. أفضل منصات التجارة في بحثنا عن العثور على أفضل منصة التجارة قررنا أن نضع أكثر التركيز على سهولة الاستخدام ورسم القدرات. منصة التداول ثينكورسويمز هو مزيج مدهش بين التصميم والأداء الوظيفي. منصة لديها تقريبا أي شيء يمكن أن تريد، بما في ذلك نبك الحية، تنبيهات التجارة، يغذي الأخبار، وعمليا كل مؤشر تقني تحت الشمس. ثم توالت هذه الوظيفة القوية في عين واحدة سهلة الاستخدام قطعة من البرمجيات. ثينكورسويم ليكيس: 2016 منصة سطح المكتب 1، وظائف تسمح تداول العملات الأجنبية وكذلك الأسهم والخيارات، والسلع التداول من منصة واحدة. لم يعجبني: لا الآلي تداول الفوركس التعامل مع مكتب التنفيذ لا منصة ميتاتريدر. الخط السفلي: ثينكورسويم يقدم واحدة من منصات التداول أقوى في هذه الصناعة. جنبا إلى جنب مع حقيقة أنها توفر خدمات التنفيذ للأسهم والخيارات والسلع، وهذه المنظمة هي مكان ممتاز للحصول على حساب التداول. إن عدد كبير من الأفكار والخدمات والأدوات سيساعد على تطوير أسلوب التداول الذي يستوعب أي حاجة. عميل مثالي: جميع العملاء، وخاصة تلك التي تتاجر في الأسواق الأخرى الذين يرغبون في توحيد حساباتهم إلى وسيط واحد. أفضل التداول الآلي أدت الزيادة الأخيرة في شعبية التداول الآلي لنا إلى تحديد واكتشاف أي وسيط الفوركس لديه أكثر لتقدم عندما يتعلق الأمر وضع النظام التلقائي والإدارة. في حين أن أفاتريد تقدم 5 حلول التداول الآلي، لا شيء هي الملكية ولا شيء هي متخصصة مثل حلول ميتاتريدر إنتيربانك. أفاتريد الإعجاب: أفاتريد لديها مجموعة واسعة من المنصات والحلول التجارية الآلي يوفر تداول كفد التعرض لأسواق الأسهم والسلع. لم يعجبني: ينتشر على نطاق واسع خلق الصفقات الثمن التعامل مع بيئة مكتب تحت تطبيق التداول المحمول المتقدمة. خط القاع: أفاتريد يقوم بعمل جيد في خلق تجربة وساطة مقربة. وتقدم الشركة التداول الآلي والتعليم والتحليل الأساسي، وأربعة منصات التداول المختلفة. في حين أن المعاملات هي الثمن بعض الشيء، قد أفاتريدس بيئة انتشار ثابت الاستئناف للتجار الذين يحبون ينتشر متسقة وتكاليف المعاملات الثابتة. عميل مثالي: عملاء غير الولايات المتحدة الذين يبحثون عن كبيرة في جميع أنحاء مقدمة فوركس مع حساب صغير. ارتفاع تكلفة انتشار يجعل أفاتريد غير جذابة لتلك التداول مع حسابات أكبر. إيبكس يحب: العشرات من أدوات التداول و ميتاتريدر المكونات الإضافية دعم العملاء الممتاز 99 معدل تنفيذ النظام. يكره: لا تعليق السوق أو التحليل الاقتصادي تقدم فقط منصة ميتاتريدر 4. بوتوم لين: إيبكس هو وسيط عبر الإنترنت الذي يحيط نموذج أعمالهم على تقديم تجربة ميتاتريدر فوق المتوسط. في حين أن بعض التجار ربما غير مريح مع بيئة مكتب التعامل، إذا ميتاتريدر هو النظام الأساسي الخاص بك من خيار، وسوف نقدر ما هذه الوساطة لهذا العرض. عميل مثالي: تجار التقنية والآلية، وخاصة تلك الجديدة لاستخدام ميتاتريدر 4. العرض الحالي: حساب تجريبي مجاني أرخص تداول العملات الأجنبية عند اختيار وسيط الفوركس على الانترنت لتداول رخيصة واللجان وينتشر هي أهم العوامل. لهذا الاستعراض، قمنا بتجميع جميع البيانات انتشار وعمولات لتحديد وسطاء الفوركس أرخص مطلقة في هذه الصناعة. مب التداول يفوز المعركة فرودال لعدة أسباب. واحد، سعر العمولة من 2.95 / 100k (5.90 ذهابا وإيابا) هي واحدة من أدنى المعدلات بين وسطاء الفوركس. ناهيك عن أنها تقدم على طول الجانب ينتشر ضيق جدا للجميع، بغض النظر عن حجم الحساب. إذا لم يكن ذلك يكفي أنها تدفع الآن لعملائها 2.50 لكل 100K لوضع أوامر الحد. مب ترادينغ فكس ليكيس: يحافظ التداول على العمولة على فروق سعرية محدودة ويكلف العملاء الحصول على حسومات للتداول بأوامر حدود جميع الصفقات المنفذة في بيئة إن. التركيز الاستثنائي على التداول البرنامجي. لم يعجبني: بسبب خدمات الوساطة واسعة النطاق (الأسهم والخيارات والسلع، الفوركس)، مب التداول التعليم والأدوات أرينت تنظيمها بشكل جيد ويصعب التنقل. خط بوتوم: مب التداول لديها أدنى تكاليف التجارة في الصناعة في الولايات المتحدة وفتح حساب على حد سواء سهلة ولا تتطلب الكثير من رأس المال مما يجعلها جذابة لارتفاع قيمة الثروات والتجار مبتدئين غريبة على حد سواء. على الرغم من أن لمتاجر أساسي بحت مب التداول تفتقر إلى الموارد والتعليم السماسرة الأخرى توفر. العميل المثالي: التجار المتكررون، والتجار الآليون، وأي شخص يتطلع إلى تحقيق أقصى قدر من المكاسب من خلال الحفاظ على تكاليف منخفضة قدر الإمكان. التجارة الاجتماعية الاجتماعية هي بالتأكيد واحدة من أكبر العبارات الطنانة على الشبكة في الآونة الأخيرة، وكسبها الجر في عالم الاستثمار كذلك. قمنا بتصنيف صفوف التداول الاجتماعي على أساس السماسرة أدوات فريدة من نوعها والتطبيقات المجتمعية التي تساعد التجار الاتصال وتبادل المعلومات واكتساب رؤى جديدة. إتورو الرياضية موقع التداول الاجتماعي أوبنبوك. أسهل طريقة لوصف ذلك هو أن نسميها الفيسبوك من تداول العملات الأجنبية. واجهة مشابهة، وتركز التركيز حول تغذية الأخبار، والتجار الذين تتبعها يتم تجميعها معا مثل الأصدقاء ويمكنك التعليق ومناقشة الصفقات كما تظهر على الطاير. إتورو ليكيس: بيئة تداول تفاعلية مع مسابقات تجارية لكل من حساب الحساب والتجار التجريبي، بما في ذلك الجوائز القيمة والجوائز. شبكة الاستثمار الاجتماعي النشطة. إبداءات عدم الإعجاب: إتورو غير متاح للمتداولين في الولايات المتحدة المهتمين بالتداول مع إتورو. بوتوم لين: إتورو يلبي التجار الجدد الذين يبحثون عن تجربة تداول مثيرة وتفاعلية دون استثمار أولي كبير. قد لا يكون لديهم ضيق ينتشر، ولكن يمكن فتح الحسابات لمدة لا تقل عن 200 دولار مما يجعلها مرشحا جيدا لتداول الممارسة مع كميات صغيرة من المال الحقيقي. عميل مثالي: عملاء مع القليل أو عدم وجود تجربة النقد الاجنبى، والعملاء الذين يبحثون لاستكشاف شبكات التداول الاجتماعي مع استثمار غير جاد. متوفر حاليا فقط لغير المقيمين في الولايات المتحدة. نشط / المهنية تداول العملات الأجنبية إذا كنت تقوم بتداول العملات خطيرة يجب أن تنظر وسطاء التفاعلية. ومن المعروف جيدا في صناعة الأسهم والخيارات كوسيط تداول نشط، لديهم الحد الأدنى 10،000 دولار لفتح حساب وليس لضعاف القلب. وسطاء تفاعليون يحبون: ينتشر ضيق وهياكل العمولات منخفضة تساعد على تقليل تكاليف التجارة يب السوق يجلب المبرمجين المستخدمين النهائيين من حلول أبي معا منتجات الطرف الثالث المتاحة لمزامنة مع منصة الافتراضي. إبداءات عدم الإعجاب: 10K الحد الأدنى افتتاح منصة الإيداع يأخذ بعض التعود على. خط القاع: في حين أن بعض سمات الوسطاء التفاعليين ربما تعتبر عقبات (الحد الأدنى من منصة الإيداع الافتراضية)، وهذا الوسيط هو قادرة على توفير الفرص التي لا تتوفر في أي مكان آخر. مزيج من الأدوات التجارية التي لا نهاية لها، والتجارة الخوارزمية، والمكونات المكونات الداخلية يخلق جو تجارية مخصصة للغاية والمهنية. العميل المثالي: التجار المستوى المهني، سواء التقنية والأساسية. تنصل . فمن مهمتنا المنظمات الأساسية لتقديم الاستعراضات، والتعليق، والتحليل التي هي غير منحازة وموضوعية. في حين أن ستوكبروكرز لديه كل البيانات التحقق من قبل المشاركين في الصناعة، فإنه يمكن أن تختلف من وقت لآخر. يمكن أن يتم تعويض هذا الموقع من خلال معلنين تابعين لجهات خارجية. ولا ينبغي أن يفسر استلامنا لهذا التعويض على أنه تأييد أو توصية من جانب ستوكبروكرز، كما أنه لن يحيز مراجعاتنا وتحليلنا وآرائنا. يرجى الاطلاع على إخلاء المسؤولية العامة لمزيد من المعلومات. كوبي 2016 راينك ميديا غروب ليك. جميع الحقوق محفوظة. جعل بنكك يعمل لك تم إعداد هذه المعلومات للتوزيع عبر الإنترنت ودون الأخذ بعين الاعتبار الأهداف الاستثمارية والوضع المالي والاحتياجات الخاصة لأي شخص معين. لا تقدم أوسفوريكس Inc. (لدكووسفوريكسردكو) أية توصيات بشأن مزايا أي منتج مالي مشار إليه في هذا الموقع أو رسائل البريد الإلكتروني أو مواقع الويب ذات الصلة. لا تقدم أوسفوريكس أي ضمان، صريح أو ضمني، بشأن مدى ملاءمة أو اكتمال أو جودة أو دقة المعلومات والنماذج المقدمة في هذا الموقع. قراءة إخلاء المسؤولية الكاملة. ينظم في الولايات المتحدة من قبل شبكة إنفاذ الجرائم المالية (فينسين)، MSB31000026325823، وهو مكتب من وزارة الخزانة في الولايات المتحدة، ومرسل المال المرخص من قبل الإدارات المصرفية للدولة في عدد من الولايات المتحدة نسخة 2013 أوسفوريكس شركة مساعدة الخبراء في أي وقت من اليوم مع مكاتب في سان فرانسيسكو وسيدني ولندن وتورونتو، يمكن الوصول إلى فريق عملنا من خبراء الفوركس 24 ساعة في اليوم، 7 أيام في الأسبوع للرد على أي سؤال أو قلق. هل تتحرك في الخارج أو شراء منزل عطلة البنك الخاص بك لا تريد منك أن تعرف، إذا كنت نقل الأموال دوليا معهم يمكن أن يكون إضاعة مئات من الدولارات. قطع البنك ومعرفة كم من المال يمكنك حفظ. أنت فقط: الخطوة 1. سجل معنا (مجانا ولا يستغرق سوى دقيقة أو اثنتين) الخطوة 2: اختيار سعر الصرف والحساب المصرفي لتلقي الأموال الخاصة بك. الخطوة 3: أرسل لنا دولار الولايات المتحدة نحن نفعل بقية. نحن تحويل وتسليم أموالك. يمكنك التحقق من التقدم في المدفوعات الخاصة بك في أي وقت عن طريق زيارة موقعنا على الانترنت. لذلك ما تنتظرون لدكوي ر هذا أوسفوريكس للمرة الأولى هذا الأسبوع بعد أن استخدمت سابقا أوسبنك لنقل النقدية إلى المملكة المتحدة من الولايات المتحدة. كان يجب أن أفعل هذا قبل سنوات بيكاوس e. - طريقها أرخص - أنقذ لي ما يقرب من 2.5 على معدل. - وصلت في يوم بدلا من 4 - 5 أيام عمل عادة ما يستغرق مع البنك. - لم يتقاضى البنك المتلقي أي رسوم ولم يفعل أوسفوريكس أن أقول أن هذا ليس ممارسة البنك العادية. الكل في كل شيء لا يمكن أن يكون أكثر سعادة مع الخدمة - وإذا كنت غير متأكد ما يجب القيام به يستغرق سوى ثانيتين للحصول على شخص ما مع الدماغ على الهاتف ردكوبليس لاحظ أن البنك المتلقي أو البنك الوسيط قد تقييم الرسوم على الصفقة. يرجى ملاحظة: أوسفوريكس لا يتعامل نقدا، ترافلرزرسك الشيكات أو مسودات البنك. لا تقبل أوسفوريكس الدفع عن طريق بطاقة الائتمان أو نقدا أو شيك. الحد الأدنى لحجم النقل هو 150 أو ما يعادلها. يجب أن يكون لدى المتلقي المقصود من التحويل حساب مصرفي يمكن دفع الأموال إليه. تقدم أوسفوريكس خدمات تحويل العملات الأجنبية للعملاء من القطاع الخاص والعملاء من رجال الأعمال. استخدام لدينا تحويل العملات مجانا، والرسوم البيانية سعر الصرف، والتقويم الاقتصادي، في العمق أخبار العملة والتحديثات والاستفادة من أسعار الصرف التنافسية وخدمة العملاء المتميزة. هام: يخضع استخدام هذا الموقع لشروط موقع الويب. يخضع استخدام خدمات أوسفوريكس لاتفاقية العميل. لا شيء في هذا الموقع يشكل أو ينبغي أن يفسر على أنه المشورة المالية. وقد أعدت هذه المعلومات لتوزيعها عبر الإنترنت ودون مراعاة الأهداف الاستثمارية والوضع المالي والاحتياجات الخاصة لأي شخص بعينه. لا تقدم أوسفوريكس أي توصيات بشأن مزايا أي منتج مالي مشار إليه في هذا الموقع أو رسائل البريد الإلكتروني أو مواقع الويب ذات الصلة. هذا الموقع يجعل من استخدام التصوير المرخص للأوراق المالية. كل التصوير الفوتوغرافي هو لأغراض التوضيح فقط وجميع الأشخاص يصورون نماذج. نماذج التصوير الفوتوغرافي الأسهم ليست عملاء الفعلية من ولا تؤيد أوسفوريكس، ولا هي تابعة لها، أوسفوريكس. تنويه: أوسفوريكس يجعل أي ضمان، صريحة أو ضمنية، بشأن ملاءمة واكتمال والجودة أو الدقة من المعلومات والنماذج المقدمة في هذا الموقع. قراءة إخلاء المسؤولية الكاملة. يتم تسجيل أوسفوريكس على المستوى الاتحادي مع شبكة إنفاذ الجرائم المالية، وهو مكتب من وزارة الخزانة الأمريكية، والأعمال التجارية خدمات المال. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، يتم ترخيص أوسفوريكس في عدد من الولايات المتحدة من قبل إدارة البنوك الحكومية ذات الصلة (ق) كمرسل الأموال. أوسفوريكس مرخصة كمرسل الأموال من قبل قسم المصرفية في ولاية نيويورك. الرجاء انقر هنا للحصول على قائمة كاملة من الدول التي ترخص فيها أوسفوريكس أين نحن شركة راسخة مع وصول عالمي حقا. وتقع مكاتبنا في سيدني ولندن وهونغ كونغ وتورنتو وسان فرانسيسكو وأوكلاند. ليس فقط الموظفين أوسفوريكس جيدة للعمل مع، أوسفوريكس أنقذ لي ما يقرب من US10،000 بسبب الفرق في أسعار الصرف بين أوسفوريكس وبنك وطني كبير، والمعروف جيدا في الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية. فكس واحد حفظ لي 6000 وحده بسبب البنوك بلدي سعر الصرف غير المواتية. هم الآن بلدي رقم واحد المصدر لنقل الأسلاك الدولية جيمس - تروستبيلوت المراجع ما يقوله عملائنا قليلا عن أنفسنا الانضمام إلى شركة راسخة موثوق بها لإرسال أكثر من 69 مليار دولار في جميع أنحاء العالم. كيف يعمل كبيرة الدولية أسعار نقل الأسلاك لأشخاص عالميين كبيرة معدلات نقل دولية كبيرة للشعب العالمي الكبير.
أكتفوريكس التاجر الحقيقي
برنامج التداول أكتترادر شركة أكتفوريكس - التي تقع وراء منصة التداول أكتترادر - ويستند في الولايات المتحدة. تأسست في عام 2000 عندما كانت تجارة الفوركس التجزئة لا تزال في مهدها. ولذلك فإن أكتترادر هي واحدة من أول تطبيقات التداول من نوعه. وقد أحدثت شركة أكتفوريكس ومنتجاتها ثورة في الصناعة من خلال السماح للشركات الخاصة بتقديم خدمات التداول وتوسيع أنشطتها. في السابق، كان فقط البنوك والشركات العالمية الكبيرة قادرة على تقديم العملات الأجنبية وخدمات تداول الأسهم، وبالتالي أسهمت أكتفوريكس في نمو التداول عبر الإنترنت. واحدة من الفوائد الرئيسية لسماسرة الفوركس الذين يقدمون هذه المنصة هي الحرية. وسطاء قادرون على تركيز طاقاتهم على الجوانب الأكثر أهمية من شركاتهم، كما يتعامل أكتفوريكس جميع التفاصيل التقنية البرمجيات. منذ 2000s، وقد وضعت أكتفوريكس العديد من المنتجات لمختلف الأسواق. أهم منتج تم تطويره من قبل الشركة هو محطة التداول أكتترادر التي يستخدمها حاليا العديد من وسطاء الفوركس مثل أفاتريد. كما تقدم الشركة تطبيقات الهاتف المحمول لأجهزة إفون / أندرويد و إيبادس وكذلك التداول الآلي وخيارات الخيارات الثنائية. لمحة عامة عن منصة أكتترادر تشير إلى أنها بديهية جدا وسهلة الفهم. واجهة يمكن تخصيصها بشكل كامل، والرسوم البيانية والقوائم يمكن تغيير حجمها ووضعه وفقا لتفضيلات المستخدمين. تنفيذ أوامر التداول بسرعة وسهولة التداول مباشرة من الرسوم البيانية التداول في نقرة واحدة العديد من الأدوات والمؤشرات الفنية لتحليل الرسوم البيانية إنشاء مساحات عمل متعددة، وتنظيم النوافذ وتحقيق أقصى قدر من الفضاء تنبيهات سعر مجموعة ليتم إعلامك عندما وصل سعر صك مستوى محدد مسبقا إنشاء، اختبار وتنفيذ استراتيجيات التداول الآلي دون الحاجة إلى برمجة المعرفة أكتوبترادر هي واحدة من أحدث منتجات الشركة - أنها تمكن التجار للتجارة باستخدام متصفح الويب. يحتوي النظام الأساسي تقريبا على كافة الميزات المتوفرة في منصة سطح المكتب (أكتترادر)، والاختلافات الرئيسية 2 هي أن هذا النظام الأساسي لا تحتاج إلى تحميل وأن التجار لا يمكن تخصيصه. أكتفون، أكتباد و أكتدرويد تم تصميم أكتفون، أكتباد و أكتدرويد منصات التداول المحمول لأجهزة إفون و إيباد وأجهزة أندرويد. الملامح الرئيسية للتطبيقات النقالة: يقتبس في الوقت الحقيقي الرسوم البيانية التفاعلية إدارة النظام والتنفيذ معلومات الحساب المفصلة معلومات عن المراكز المفتوحة الوصول إلى تاريخ التداول الخاص بك الأخبار المالية وضع الخلفية الإخطارات في شريط الأجهزة الخاصة بك واجهة جذابة وبديهية أكتبيناري يمكن أن تستخدم وحدة للمنصة أكتترادر أو كمنصة الخيارات الثنائية مستقل. عند استخدامه في بيئة أكتترادر، يمكن للتاجر استخدام أكتبيناري و أكتترادر بنفس الحساب. أكتبيناري هو متاح أيضا في شبكة الإنترنت، قرص، اي فون والإصدارات الروبوت. فكسابس هو متجر التي تمكنك من مقارنة وتحميل التطبيقات المجانية والمدفوعة واستراتيجيات التداول الخوارزمية ل أكتترادر. يمكن الوصول إلى المحل مباشرة من المنصة عن طريق النقر على زر كوتستراتيجيسكوت. أكتفات: التداول الخوارزمي البصري منصة أكتفات ثورة في صناعة التداول الآلي من خلال تمكين التجار دون أي معرفة البرمجة لإنشاء الروبوتات التداول الآلي الخاصة بهم. أكتفات تمكنك من إنشاء استراتيجيات التداول الآلي من الرسوم البيانية، وخطوط الاتجاه، ومستويات الأسعار وأكثر من ذلك. على سبيل المثال، كل ما عليك القيام به هو فتح الرسم البياني، رسم خط الاتجاه وخلق استراتيجية من شأنها أن تفتح موقف جديد بمجرد وصول السعر إلى الخط. ويمكن بعد ذلك إغلاق الموقف مع أمر وقف أو شرط آخر. يمكنك إنشاء الظروف باستخدام كل كائنات الرسوم البيانية والعناصر البصرية. ثم، تحتاج إلى تحديد الإجراء الذي يجب تنفيذه عند استيفاء شرط. قبل استخدام استراتيجية في السوق الحقيقي، يمكنك حفظه واستخدام وضع الاختبار من أجل تحسين إعداداته. اختبار منصة أكتترادر مجانا تقدم وساطة أفاتريد منصة أكترادر مجانا في طريقة العرض لمدة 21 يوما. هذا محاكاة السوق يسمح لك للتداول في ظروف السوق الحقيقية مع اليورو / جنيه / 100،000 الحساب الافتراضي. حساب تجريبي هو وسيلة رائعة لمعرفة كيفية التجارة في حين اكتشاف منصات التداول features. Markets 25 لا إيداع مكافأة أسواق مراجعة الأسواق هو الفوركس الفوركس وسيط كفد للمستثمرين. كجزء من خدماتها، فإنه يوفر دعم العملاء والمنتجات المتاحة في 20 لغة زائد. يتم تحديث الأسواق بقدر ست مرات في اليوم، وتقدم التعليق والأخبار على مدار 24 ساعة في اليوم، والتحليل في الوقت الحقيقي من السوق هو متاح دائما. وتقدم ثلاثة أنواع من الحسابات من قبل الأسواق: كلاسيك، ستاندارد، و بريميوم. تقدم جميع الحسابات مراجعة يومية للتحليل اليومي، وتداول أجهزة الكمبيوتر المكتبية والمحمول، وخدمة العملاء على مدار 24 ساعة، والندوات، والندوات، ومديري الحسابات المخصصة، وتجارة أجهزة الكمبيوتر المكتبية والمحمول. الحد الأدنى للودائع لكل حساب يتراوح بين 100 للكلاسيكي و 2500 لل ستاندارد و 20،000 ل بريميوم. ومع ذلك، يوفر حساب بريميوم أيضا الأخبار والإشارات سمز، والتحليل اليومي قسط، ودعم العملاء قسط. يقدم المعيار نفسه، باستثناء دعم العملاء المتميز. العمولات فروقات أسعار العملات لا توجد عمولات مطلوبة في تداول الأسواق، وتقدم الشركة خيارا بين فروق أسعار العملات العائمة والثابتة لتداول الفوركس. الفروقات محدودة نوعا ما، مع انتشار نموذجي لزوج اليورو مقابل الدولار الأمريكي (ور / أوسد) في حدود 2.2. فروقات الأسعار تعتمد على تقلبات السوق. يمكن العثور على مزيد من المعلومات حول فروق الأسعار هنا. تم تصنيفها كأفضل منصة فكس في عام 2012، وتوفر الأسواق ثلاثة حزم برامج التداول الرئيسية لعملائها. تتيح ميتاترادر 4 (MT4) للمستخدمين تبادل جميع أزواج العملات الأجنبية والعقود مقابل الفروقات الرئيسية برافعة مالية قدرها 200: 1. كما يقدم في أفضل تنفيذ النظام، وأدوات التحليل الفني المتقدمة، والرسوم البيانية المتطورة. سيريكس ويبترادر هو واحد آخر من برامجها ومتوافق مع MT4. سيريكس ويبترادر أكثر تركيزا على الأسواق العالمية ولكن لديها أيضا مجموعة واسعة من أدوات التداول المتاحة. مثل MT4، موبليترادر السوق هو برامج التداول المحمول الأسواق. كما أنها مصممة لفوركس والعقود مقابل الفروقات. ويشمل جميع وظائف برامجها الأخرى، بالإضافة إلى توافر على مدار 24 ساعة من أي جهاز محمول قادر على تشغيل البرنامج. إذا لم يعمل أي من هذه البرامج لمستخدم، توفر الأسواق مجموعة من البرامج والمنصات الأخرى للمستخدمين لتحديد من بينها. الإيداعات سحب الأموال يمكن للعملاء إيداع الأموال بطرق مختلفة، على الرغم من أن المراكز الأربعة الأولى تشمل تفويضات بطاقات الائتمان والخصم، والتحويلات الإليكترونية، ومستخدمي شبكة الإنترنت وخيارات الدفع المحلية. يتم منح المستخدمين المزيد من الخيارات عند الاشتراك. يمكن أن تستغرق عملية تحويل بطاقات الخصم والائتمان ما يصل إلى 24 ساعة لإتمامها، في حين تستغرق عمليات التحويل الإلكتروني 1-2 يوم عمل وفقا للإيصال. ومع ذلك، يحتاج المستخدمون إلى اتخاذ الاحتياطات في إيداع الأموال حيث أن الأموال المسحوبة لا يمكن تحويلها إلا إلى الحساب الذي أودعت منه. لسحب الأموال، إما مسح نموذج الانسحاب الانتهاء وإرساله إلى عنوان البريد الإلكتروني المناسب من خلال الأسواق، أو طلب مبلغ السحب من خلال علامة التبويب سحب الأموال وجدت في خيارات المستخدم. وطالما يقول العميل ضمن حدود الهامش لحسابه، فإن الأموال عادة ما تكون واضحة وتحول خلال ثلاثة أيام عمل من تاريخ الاستلام. ويجب تحويل جميع الأموال إلى حساب يحمل نفس اسم صاحب الحساب. يتم توفير دعم العملاء على مدار 24 ساعة في اليوم، إما عن طريق الهاتف أو البريد الإلكتروني أو الدردشة المباشرة. ومع ذلك، تختلف أوقات الاستجابة تبعا للوقت من اليوم، وطريقة الاتصال، ومستوى الحساب الذي يمتلكه العميل. المنظمين أمب السلامة لجنة سيربوس للأوراق المالية والبورصة (سيسيك)، وقانون الخدمات الاتحاد الأوروبي المالية بموجب الأسواق في توجيه الأدوات المالية (مفيد)، وسلطة السلوك المالي (فكا) جميع ترخيص وتنظيم الأنشطة التي تقوم بها الأسواق. وعلاوة على ذلك، سافيكاب الاستثمارات المحدودة تدير الأسواق وهي شركة مقرها سيربوس. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، يتم نقل جميع الأموال مع تأمين الأمن المقابس طبقة (سل) تدابير وتعزيز جدار الحماية الدعم لضمان تشفير كافة المعلومات والحفاظ على سلامتها. تتراوح الروافع من 25: 1 للأسواق الآجلة تصل إلى 100: 1 للذهب والفضة. عروض التداول الأخرى روافع تصل إلى 200: 1، لكنها ليست شائعة. توفر الأسواق حوافز مختلفة للاشتراك مع شركاتهم. اعتمادا على نوع الحساب، التداول، وكمية الودائع، وتتراوح المكافآت الاشتراك من 25 على الفور، إلى 2،000. خطأ فادح: الفئة كتولسسكاش يحتوي على 1 طريقة مجردة ولذلك يجب أن تكون مجردة أو تنفيذ الطرق المتبقية (دروبالكاشينترفاس :: كونستروكت) في /home/jonnypla/publichtml/sites/all/modules/ctools/includes/css-cache. inc أون لين 52 فوريكس ريفيوس أكتترادر منصة استعراض أكتترادر هو منصة تداول الفوركس كامل المواصفات التي تم تطويرها من قبل أكتفوريكس. ويتميز مساحة العمل التي تم تصميمها في المقام الأول لسهولة التخصيص وفقا لاحتياجات ومتطلبات المستخدم الذي يمكن أن تختار لتجارة العقود مقابل الفروقات، صناديق الاستثمار المتداولة، الفوركس والأسهم، إلى الأمام والخيارات مباشرة من المنصة. منصة أكترادرس لديه وقت رد فعل سريع جدا ولا يستغرق وقتا طويلا لتحميل جميع معالمه كلما تم إطلاقه. نادرا ما يحدث تكرار حتى عندما تكون هناك تحركات سريعة في السوق. وضع أمر هو أيضا واضحة جدا ونظام التداول يستجيب بشكل جيد جدا لأي أمر أو نشاط. تصميم منصة الشاملة ليست مجرد ارضاء للعين ولكن هو أيضا جيدة التنظيم. من السهل جدا لتخصيص مساحة العمل بفضل علامات التبويب والنوافذ للانفصال. يتم تمثيل الأزرار الموجودة في الجزء العلوي من الشاشة بيانيا لتسهيل التعرف على جميع الصور الهامة توضع بطريقة منظمة جدا. جميع الأوامر اللازمة يمكن العثور عليها بسهولة على شريط الأدوات فكسفويجر التي سيتم مناقشتها في وقت لاحق في هذا الاستعراض وأنها لا تستغرق وقتا طويلا لتعتاد على واجهة جيدا البشرة. الرسوم البيانية في الوقت الحقيقي هي مفصلة بشكل جيد ويمكن استخدامها لاتخاذ قرارات التداول المستنيرة. أنها تتميز أكثر من 30 المؤشرات الفنية مثل الشمعدان، شريط، المخطط البياني وحتى خيار لإنشاء الخاصة بك. تقع على رأس المخطط هو شريط الأدوات الذي يحتوي على عدد من الميزات المفيدة مثل التكبير والطباعة وحفظ ورسم الأدوات. من الممكن لخلق الكائنات في الرسوم البيانية وربطها مع الرسوم البيانية الأخرى كذلك. وبما أن التنبيهات السعر والأوامر والمواقف يمكن أيضا الوصول إليها من الرسوم البيانية، التداول مباشرة من أنه يسمح ببساطة عن طريق النقر في أي مكان لوضع النظام. من السهل جدا للتنقل منصة أكتترادر بفضل بديهية فكسفويجر تولبار. باستخدام هذه القائمة المنظمة، والتصفح من خلال التطبيق هو خالية من الإجهاد منذ يمكنك الوصول إلى كافة النوافذ والأدوات مباشرة من هذا القسم. تحت كل علامة تبويب مجموعة مجموعة منطقية من الأوامر التي ترتبط مجموعة فريدة من الإجراءات مثل التداول مع المخططات أو وحدات معينة مثل خيارات و إعادة توجيه. أكتترادر يأتي مع عدد من الميزات المثيرة للاهتمام. مع هذا المنبر من الممكن تداول العقود مقابل الفروقات، إتفسكيرنسز وخيارات الفوركس. يسمح أيضا التخصيص السهل في حين أن وظيفة التداول بنقرة واحدة يعطي الفرصة لفتح وإدارة المواقف بسرعة. ميزة أخرى بارزة هي أكتفكس الذي هو أداة مفيدة جدا لتقييم الرسوم البيانية، واستراتيجيات الاختبار الخلفي وفتح تلقائيا أو إغلاق المواقف. تنبيه السعر هو أيضا مفيد جدا كما أن لديها إشعار فوري كلما لمست قيمة على أداة معدل تم تعيينه مسبقا. من السهل رصد جميع الأنشطة مع هذا المنبر. ويمكن الاطلاع على جميع المواقف المفتوحة من نافذة الملخص الذي يعرض لمحة عامة عن حساب معين أو حتى جميع الحسابات. يتم عرض المراكز المفتوحة لكل أداة بينما يمكن رؤية صافي الربح / الخسارة في شريط عنوان النوافذ. تعرض نافذة معلومات الحساب كل المعلومات الضرورية عن الحساب و ثيريس أيضا خيار يجمع بين حسابات متعددة في قسم واحد لرصد أفضل. وهو يعرض حسابات التداول التي هي حسابات التداول العادية وحسابات المجموعة، حساب الظاهري الذي يمثل مجموعة من الحسابات التي تتداول مثل هو حساب واحد. وقد أكتترادر ناجحة جدا في تطوير منصة كاملة المواصفات حيث يمكن للتجار تنفيذ صفقاتهم وإدارة حساباتهم ناقص كل تعقيدات تداول العملات. واجهة المستخدم بديهية من السهل أن تعتاد على حين حزمة الرسوم البيانية التي تقدمها مجموعة شاملة من الوظائف التي هي بالتأكيد مفيدة لاتخاذ قرارات التداول المستنيرة. عموما، لها منصة مرنة جدا من السهل جدا لتنظيم وتخصيص. واحد الرد أفاتار يوش سامويل 31 يناير 2016 في 08:54 ص الرابط الثابت
Friday, 23 March 2018
إيفوريكسينديا التسوق عبر الانترنت
K7 الحوسبة K7 الأعمال لايت يجلب بأسعار معقولة حلول أمنية من الطراز العالمي لبيئات المكاتب الصغيرة والمنزلية. رسائل البريد الإلكتروني والشبكات الاجتماعية والمعاملات آمنة مع حماية الطبقات. الآن مع نظام المرن الترخيص لتخصيص 60 شهرا فترة الترخيص. K7 المؤسسة الأمن هو الأنسب للمنظمات الكبيرة مع رؤية قابلة للتطوير. حماية عملك وبيانات العملاء عن طريق العزل مع حماية متعددة المستويات. سهولة الإدارة نقطة نهاية يوفر انخفاض وقت التوقف وزيادة الإنتاجية، مما يجعل عملك أفضل. مع K7 البريد الأمن، وتجربة حماية قوية ضد التهديدات المحمولة عبر البريد الإلكتروني، وتحقيق قنوات الاتصال التجارية نظيفة من خلال تقييد المحتوى. وحدة تحكم على شبكة الإنترنت آمنة تمكن المراسلات الإنتاجية من خلال عزل البيانات التجارية السرية من التعرض غير المصرح به. وصف ما هو إيفوريكس إفوريكس هي خدمة صرف العملات الأجنبية على الانترنت التي توفر أفضل أسعار الصرف في ماليزيا. هذا سهلة الاستخدام والتطبيق شراء العملة لديها تحديثات العملة الحية ويقدم فكس / ميبس المشتريات استنادا من أي بنك محلي. يمكن للمستخدمين شراء العملات الأجنبية والتقاط في أي التقاط النقاط المدرجة في التطبيق نفسه. - أكثر من 20 عملات مفضلة للاختيار - ترتيب اكسبريس متاح تاريخ - Collection (تصل إلى 6 أشهر) أسعار صرف العملة - Live (أفضل في المدينة) - Collection على بيهلف - Set العملات المفضلة - Rate تنبيهات الإخطارات - Pick حتى نقطة محدد - Currency الحاسبة تذكير السفر - Secure المدفوعات عبر الإنترنت عن طريق فكس - Browse تاريخ المعاملات - Available على الروبوت ودائرة الرقابة الداخلية - Refund في كامل (أي رسوم إلغاء) خالية من الاعلانات أود أن أسمع منك. عن أي استفسارات، يرجى الكتابة لنا: customercareeforex. my المتاحة في ماليزيا فقط لاستخدامها مع حساب مصرفي الماليزي على الانترنت التي تقدمها ميرتشانتريد آسيا، أكبر ماليزيا خدمة المال تبادل العملات نقل لا تنتظر للحصول على أفضل الأسعار هذا هو ما أنا أبحث شراء في وقتك الخاص مع خدمة التوصيل مع أفضل الأسعار ولكن وجود مشاكل في تسجيل الدخول. حاول عدة مرات إدخال كلمة المرور، وليس المستخدم ودية. ميرتشانتريد آسيا سن دينار بحريني 25 يوليو 2016 مرحبا السيد تشن، أشكر أولا لأخذ الوقت لكتابة استعراض، وسوف نستمر في ترقية التطبيق لدينا أفضل في التحديثات القادمة. أما بالنسبة لمشاكل التسجيل الخاصة بك، يرجى الاتصال بخدمات العملاء لدينا في mccs. mtradeasia / ونحن يمكن أن يكون لديك سجلت بسرعة. ستيف يونغ يونيو 7، 2016 ما الجديد معلومات إضافية Gartenwelt. de ملخص بيانات موجزة يتم تتبع Gartenwelt. de من قبلنا منذ مارس 2012. على مر الزمن فقد تم تصنيفه يصل إلى 229 199 في العالم، في حين أن معظم حركة المرور تأتي من ألمانيا، حيث وصلت إلى ما يصل إلى 15 708 الموقف. كل هذا الوقت كانت مملوكة من قبل كريستيان لانغ من إكونا شوبينغ غمب. تم استضافته من قبل هيتسنر اون لاين أغ. هيتسنر أونلين غمب وغيرها. غارتنويلت لديه جوجل غوغل باجيرانك لائق ونتائج سيئة من حيث مؤشر ياندكس الاقتباس الموضعي. وجدنا أن Gartenwelt. de سيئة الاجتماعية فيما يتعلق بأي شبكة اجتماعية. وفقا ل ميوت، سيتادفيسور وجوجل تحليلات التصفح الآمن، Gartenwelt. de هو مجال جدير بالثقة تماما مع عدم وجود استعراض الزوار. في جميع أنحاء العالم جمهور Gartenwelt. de يحصل على 69.8 من حركة المرور من ألمانيا حيث هو في المرتبة 101889. تحليل حركة المرور Gartenwelt. de ديه 521 زائر و 521 مشاهدة الصفحة يوميا. إحصائيات حركة المرور المشابهة النطاقات الفرعية عدد الزيارات لا يحتوي Gartenwelt. de على نطاقات فرعية ذات حركة مرور كبيرة. لدى Gartenwelt. de غوغل بيأر 4 وأهم كلماتها الرئيسية هي غارتنويلت. الصفحة الرئيسية أعلى الروابط الخلفية لزيارات البحث بيانات تسجيل النطاق Gartenwelt. de النطاق مملوكة من قبل كريستيان لانغ إكونا شوبينغ غمب. كريستيان لانغ إكونا شوبينغ غمب المالك منذ 13 مارس 2012 تم التغيير في 18 أغسطس 2011 المسجل والحالة الاجتماعية المشاركة Gartenwelt. de لديها 0 من مجموع حركة المرور القادمة من الشبكات الاجتماعية (في الأشهر ال 3 الماضية) ويتم الكشف عن المشاركة الأكثر نشاطا في جوجل (174 الإيجابيات) من إجمالي حركة المرور في 3 أشهر الماضية هو اجتماعي معلومات الخادم Gartenwelt. de يتم استضافتها من قبل هيتسنر على الانترنت غمب. هيتسنر على الانترنت غمب أباتشي هتب سيرفر منام: ns1.v-dns. de رنيم: hostmaster. v-dns. de المسلسل: 2014061302 تحديث: 14400 إعادة المحاولة: 3600 تنتهي: 604800 الحد الأدنى - تل: 3600 تكست: vspf1 ip4: ip4 : ip4: ip4: مكس - all حالة سلامة Gartenwelt. de موضحة على النحو التالي: ميوت تقارير سمعتها العامة ممتازة وتقارير التصفح الآمن جوجل حالتها آمنة.
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حيث يمكنني العثور على ما الألوان المختلفة يعني في حالة الاتصال في شريط الحالة من المحطة الطرفية هذا هو علامة اتصال الخادم. الجزء العلوي من علامة هو للاتصال المباشر إلى الملقم. يظهر الجزء السفلي أنك متصل من خلال مركز البيانات. إذا كان أحمر تماما، فهذا يعني عدم وجود اتصال مع الملقم المحدد. إذا كان أخضر / أحمر، وهذا يعني اتصال مباشر إلى الملقم. إذا كان أخضر / أزرق، فهذا يعني أنك تستخدم مركز بيانات. إذا كان هذا المؤشر متقطعا في اللون، وهذا يعني أن الاتصال ليست جيدة جدا (وهذا قد يسبب أن اقتباس واحد تصل إليك، ولكن آخر لا). شكرا جزيلا لك تاتيانا. سؤال واحد آخر يتعلق بمركز البيانات. ماذا سيحدث عندما أقوم بتوصيل محطة من وسيط واحد إلى مركز البيانات كونيكت من وسيط مختلف حاولت هذا ويبدو أن تتصرف بالضبط نفس الشيء (على الأقل في أول نظرة). هذا هو أداة من م المالية التي تظهر معلومات الفوركس في شريط الحالة، مما يتيح تحديث وعرض معلومات الفوركس، حتى التبديل الجهاز إلى وضع السكون، وعند استخدام التطبيق الأخرى، وهذا هو أداة أن أبلغكم معلومات الفوركس كل لحظة، طالما كنت مع جهازك. سيتم تحديث معلومات حتى devices39 قبالة معلومات الفوركس في شريط الحالة، بغض النظر عن ما تقومون به مع الجهاز الخاص بك، حتى أنك لا تستخدم في الواقع، ولكن لا يزال لديك معلومات الفوركس الخاص بك مع مجرد لمحة على شريط الحالة. عرض مميز من حركة الأسهم إلى أعلى وأسفل، تظهر حركة الفوركس بشكل مميز وضع المفضلة مجموعة متنوعة من الخيارات النقد الاجنبى، وخطوات بسيطة تكون قادرة على إنشاء أو تغيير معلومات العرض. م-فينانس، التي أنشئت في عام 2002، هو الأكثر خبرة والأكثر مهيمنة منظم في هونغ كونغ والصين الكبرى لمنصات تداول العملات الأجنبية / السبائك والمعلومات المالية. لدينا منصة التداول توبنوتش يستخدم على نطاق واسع من قبل أعضاء الصينيين الذهب والفضة جمعية الصرف. لسنوات، ونحن نكافح من أجل التميز، وكانت دائما ملتزمة في توفير شامل، ومبتكرة منصة واحدة وقف التداول مع إدارة المخاطر الأمثل. على مدى السنوات العشر الماضية، مع الإصرار على إنتاج أفكار جديدة والسعي دائما من أجل الأفضل، ونحن اختيار ليكون مزود منصة لعدة معاهد مالية معروفة و المشهود مع التحيات العالية. ينتشر زبائننا على الصين، [هونغ كونغ] وتايوان. مقرنا يقع في هونغ كونغ، وممثل مكتب في قوانغتشو، يضع المزيد من التركيز في مواصلة توسيع موقفنا في السوق المالية النمو السريع للصين. قد يكون لديك أي آراء واستفسارات حول هذا المنتج، يرجى الاتصال enquirym-finance. net أو (852) 3426-6200 أو الصين (86) 13226875672. السبائك تشمل الذهب لندن، الصين الذهب، رمب الذهب، الفضة الصين، يوان الفضة، الذهب ، فضة. -،،،،،،،. -،،،،. - ، ضبط - ، ، . -، 2002، /. . ،،،. ،،،. ،. -،،. -،، enquirym-finance. net (852) 3426-6200 (86) 13226875672. السبائك لندن الذهب، الذهب، يوان الذهب،، يوان،،. يحتفظ أوتو تريدر بسجل لتقارير حالة الاتصالات. يتكون من فتح، إغلاق، بدء التداول التلقائي والتوقف، وكذلك قطع إدخالات السجل. 5.2 ترتيب من هذه اللوحة، يمكنك فتح مواقف يدويا. إذا قمت بفتح موقع يدويا، فسف برو تطبيقه على الرسم البياني اتصالات مختارة. استخدام هذه الأداة لن تتداخل مع التداول التلقائي. يظهر السطر الأول حجم التداول والرمز والفترة ووقت الخادم. يمكنك إدخال المواضع القصيرة والطويلة باستخدام الأزرار الموجودة في السطر التالي. يمكنك استخدام الأزرار لإغلاق أو فتح المواقف. على سبيل المثال، إذا كانت استراتيجيتك قد فتحت مركزا قويا قدره 0.01 لوت، فيمكنك إغلاقه عن طريق بيع 0.01 لوت يدويا. أسفل الأزرار هي أربعة حقول تسمح لك بتعيين خصائص إضافية للموقف. إذا تم تعيين القيم إلى صفر (تلك هي تلك التي افتراضيا)، لن يتم تطبيق القيمة الصفر المودعة على ترتيب التداول. من المهم أن نتذكر أن كل هذه الحقول يتم تعيينها في نقاط. قد تكون النقاط مختلفة عن النقاط، اعتمادا على قواعد السماسرة. زر التعديل لا يبيع أو يشتري. فإنه يغير فقط الحقول الأربعة: وقف الخسارة، وقف زائدة، أخذ الربح وكسر حتى. يؤدي النقر على هذا الزر إلى تغيير حماية المواضع الحالية فقط. إذا قمت بتعيين قيمة حماية موجودة إلى صفر ثم انقر فوق تعديل، فسوف برو إزالته من الموقف. يغلق الزر كلوز الموضع الحالي. 5.3 إحصائيات البيانات تعرض علامة التبويب هذه إحصاءات حول البيانات التي يستخدمها فسب برو التجارة الاستراتيجية. هذه ليست البيانات التاريخية التي يستخدمها فسب برو في باكتست، ولكن البيانات التي يحصل عليها من الرسم البياني MT4. وعادة ما يستخدم التاجر البيانات فقط من مخطط MT4 الذي تم توصيله به. هذا ليس صحيحا دائما. يمكنك تعيين مؤشرات مختلفة من نفس الاستراتيجية لاستخدام سوق مختلفة لاتخاذ البيانات من عند التداول. يمكنك استخدام زر التصدير (الجانب العلوي الأيسر من اللوحة) لتصدير هذه البيانات في ملف كسف حتى تتمكن من تحليل هذه البيانات في إكسيل أو محرر كسف أو محرر نص آخر. 6. ستاتوس بار إنفو عند التداول، يعرض شريط الحالة معلومات حول خصائص حساباتك. المعلومات في ذلك هو مجموع كل الاستراتيجيات التي كنت تتداول.
Thursday, 22 March 2018
تعريف الاستثمار في تجارة الفوركس البلاتيني
ما هو سوق الفوركس سوق الفوركس (النقد الأجنبي أو سوق تداول العملات) على حد سواء كبيرة بما فيه الكفاية ومستقلة بما فيه الكفاية لمقاومة كونها يحكمها أي عامل. العوامل الاقتصادية والسياسية والنفسية المختلفة سوف تؤثر عليه، ولكن لا شيء سيسيطر عليه. قانون العرض والطلب يلعب دورا هاما. فعندما يرتفع الطلب على عملة معينة (على سبيل المثال، عندما يعتقد المستثمرون أن قيمته سترتفع) أو عندما ينخفض العرض (ربما بسبب تدخل الحكومة)، فإن سعر أو سعر صرف تلك العملة يميل إلى الارتفاع أيضا . وبالمثل، فإن الطلب ينخفض (آفاق العملة لا تعتبر جيدة) أو العرض الذي يرتفع (الحكومة طباعة المزيد من المال) على حد سواء تميل إلى خفض سعر صرف تلك العملة. الآراء تغير سوق الفوركس يستجيب سوق الفوركس أيضا لما يعتبره الناس (بدلا من معرفته بشكل نهائي) ليكون القيم النسبية لعملات مختلفة. تجار الفوركس على وجه الخصوص تشكل آراءهم بطريقتين: لدكوفوندامنتال أناليسيسردكو و لدكوتيشنيكال أناليسيسردكو. الأول هو التحليل على مستوى الاقتصاد الكلي. قوانين الاقتصاد موجودة ويمكن تطبيقها. والتحليل الأساسي هو أيضا مسألة خبرة وحكم في تقييم مدى تأثير التطورات في مكافحة التضخم في اقتصاد بلد ما على أسعار صرف عملته. والتحليل التقني الثاني هو التحليل على مستوى الاقتصاد الجزئي، مع الأخذ في الاعتبار فقط النشاط والاتجاه السابقين لسعر صرف العملة من أجل وضع نموذج للتنبؤ بما سيحدث في المستقبل والتنبؤ به. التحليل الأساسي لاقتصاد سوق الفوركس يستخدم التحليل الأساسي لسوق الفوركس مجموعة من المصادر المختلفة للمعلومات التي قد تكون رسمية أو غير رسمية لفهم وتوقعات اتجاهات سوق الفوركس. ويرتبط العديد من قطاعات النشاط الاقتصادي في العالم بعملات مختلفة. صناعة النفط، على سبيل المثال هو حاليا مؤشر لدكولادينغو لسعر صرف الدولار الكندي مقارنة مع الدولار الأمريكي. عندما يرتفع سعر النفط، يفقد الدولار الأمريكي في سعر الصرف (لدكوياكنسردكو) بالمقارنة مع العملات الأخرى، لأن الولايات المتحدة تعتمد اعتمادا كبيرا على النفط المستورد. ارتفاع تكاليف استيراد النفط له تأثير سلبي على الاقتصاد الأمريكي، والذي يترجم بعد ذلك إلى ضعف الدولار الأمريكي. من ناحية أخرى، النفط هو تصدير كانادارسكوس الرئيسي، مع كندا حاليا في المرتبة السادسة في العالم من حيث أكبر إنتاج النفط. ارتفاع أسعار النفط يعني المزيد من الأموال المتدفقة إلى الاقتصاد الكندي و الدولار الكندي أقوى. التحليل الفني لأنماط سوق الفوركس في التحليل الفني للسوق الفوركس، فإن النهج يختلف، ليس فقط في ما هي المعلومات المستخدمة، ولكن أيضا كيف يتم استخدامه. التحليل الفني يأخذ فقط في الاعتبار تاريخ سعر الصرف السابق للعملة، أو بعبارة أخرى الطريقة التي تغيرت الأسعار مع مرور الوقت. لهذا السبب، التحليل الفني يجعل استخدام كبير من الرسوم البيانية التي رسم التغييرات كما خط تتحرك صعودا أو هبوطا من اليسار إلى اليمين. وهناك مجموعة واسعة من الأدوات الرياضية موجودة لتحليل ما حدث والتنبؤ بما سيحدث للخط على الرسم البياني. قد تكون هذه الأدوات معقدة أو أكثر تعقيدا، على الرغم من أن استخدام تطبيق برنامج على جهاز كمبيوتر يعطي نتائج فورية على أساس مستمر، مثل دقيقة بالدقيقة. ثم يجب أن تفسر النتيجة بشكل صحيح للحصول على أفضل فرصة للتنبؤ اتجاه أو سعر العملة في المستقبل. في كثير من الأحيان، يتم تعريف الأدوات مع بعض نقاط الحد للنتائج لمساعدة التاجر اتخاذ قرار تداول العملات الأجنبية وفقا لما إذا كانت النتيجة قد انتهت أو تحت الحد المشار إليه. هذه الأدوات يمكن أن تساعد التاجر بقعة الاتجاهات في وقت سابق أو تأكيد أن الاتجاه هو في الواقع جارية، لكنها لا تستطيع أن تفعل على حد سواء. غالبا ما يستخدم التجار مجموعة مختارة من الأدوات التي تلبي أفضل أسلوبهم التجاري واستراتيجيتهم، ومقارنة النتائج من الأدوات المختلفة لمعرفة ما إذا كانوا يتفقون جميعا. علم النفس سوق الفوركس في حين أنه من الممكن للتجارة في سوق الفوركس باستخدام فقط التحليل الفني الأساسي أو الوحيد. مزيج من الاثنين قد تسفر عن نتائج التداول الأكثر ربحية. التجار الذين هم أيضا على بينة من الجوانب النفسية للسوق لديها ميزة إضافية. ويمكن النظر إلى علم النفس سوق الفوركس في حالات متنوعة، بدءا من رد فعل ضعيفة على الأخبار الاقتصادية للذعر شراء أو بيع عملات معينة. مثال على رد فعل أكثر رقابة على الأخبار الاقتصادية هو ما يسمى لدكوفليت لحركة سافيردكو في السوق. هذا هو الحال عندما تشير الحالة الاقتصادية إلى أن الاستثمار في العملة هافنردكو لدكوساف مثل الدولار الأمريكي بسبب القوة الاقتصادية الكامنة أو الدولار الاسترالي بسبب ارتباطه القوي مع الذهب (سلعة الملاذ الآمن)، سيجلب نتائج أفضل من المخاطرة الاستثمار في عملات أكثر تقلبا. التدخل في سوق الفوركس يمكن أن يسبب الذعر شراء أو بيع عملة في سوق الفوركس بسبب الأخبار الصادرة عن بلد أو منطقة، ولكن يغذيها تجار آخرون بعد حركة التجار الأوائل. إن مدى تحرك العملة إما صعودا أو هبوطا سيحدده الوضع الاقتصادي والسياسي للبلد المعني، وتأثير البلاد في الاقتصاد العالمي، ومشاعر تجار سوق الفوركس (الخوف والشك والتفاؤل وهكذا على). ويمكن للحكومات أن تؤثر على سعر صرف عملتها باستخدام تدابير من قبيل التغيرات في أسعار الفائدة في المصارف المركزية. وفي الحالات القصوى، قد تتدخل الحكومة لتثبيت سعر الصرف عن طريق إعادة شراء عملتها الخاصة لزيادة الطلب، أو عن طريق تثبيت سعر صرف عملتها مؤقتا. كوبي 2011 نداش 2016 الفوركس وسيط شركة يتم تشغيل موقع فوريكسروكيرينس من قبل غريدلي الشركات سا. وهي شركة تأسست في جمهورية جزر مارشال مع عنوان مسجل في طريق أجيلتك، أجيلتك، ماجورو، جزر مارشال و رقم التأسيس 695l5. يتم تشغيل خدمات الدفع من قبل الشركة البريطانية غلوبال نوبل سيرفيسز لب مع عنوان مسجل في سويت 15، 254 بلزيزي رود، لندن، المملكة المتحدة NW6 4BT ورقم الشركة OC394808 و ديناميك غلوبال بارتنرز لب مع عنوان مسجل في 18 S1، فورث ستريت، إدنبرة، اسكتلندا ، EH1 3LH، المملكة المتحدة رقم الشراكة SL27276. يتوفر لدينا فريق دعم العملاء المهنية المتعلمة على أساس 24/5 لمساعدتك في أي مشاكل فنية قد تحدث أو للرد على الاستفسارات الخاصة بك بخصوص شركة وسيط الفوركس والمنتجات التي تقدمها. أي معلومات والبرمجيات المقدمة من قبل فوريكسروكيرينك لا يهدف إلى التماس المواطنين أو المقيمين في الولايات المتحدة لغرض التداول المالي. كوبي 2011 نداش 2015 فوركس وسيط Inc. يرجى العلم بأن منطقة ميمبرزكوس ستنخفض مؤقتا اليوم (الأحد 31 يوليو) بسبب ترقية النظام من الساعة السابعة صباحا وحتى الخامسة مساء تقريبا (وقت النظام الأساسي). كنت قادرا على الوصول إلى منصة التداول كالمعتاد. للحصول على أي مساعدة، لا تترددوا في الاتصال بنا عبر الدردشة الحية أو البريد الإلكتروني لدينا فريق الدعم في email160protected. نعتذر عن أي إزعاج وشكرا على سعة صدرك. يرجى العلم بأنك قد تواجه مشكلات فنية عند تصفح موقعنا على الويب وتسجيل الدخول إلى منطقة الأعضاء اليوم بسبب انقطاع فني غير متوقع. ونحن نعمل على حل هذه المشكلة. للحصول على أي مساعدة، لا تتردد في الاتصال بفريق دعم الدردشة المباشرة. نعتذر عن أي إزعاج وشكرا على سعة صدرك. يرجى العلم بأنك قد تواجه مشكلات فنية عند تصفح موقعنا الإلكتروني وصفحة التسجيل. نحن نعاني من انقطاع فني غير متوقع اليوم ولكن نحن نعمل على حل هذه المشكلة الاتصال بفريق الدعم لدينا في 1 800 217 67 07 حتى يتمكنوا من جمع معلومات الاتصال الخاصة بك و يوركول الحصول على 10 لا إيداع مكافأة نعتذر عن أي إزعاج وشكرا لكم الصبر يجب إرسال جميع التحويلات المصرفية في المستقبل إلى المعلومات المصرفية التالية: البلاتين الآلي الفوركس نظام إشارة البلاتين التلقائي سوق الفوركس تسجيل الجهاز استخدام هذا السوق الفوركس التلقائي Mt4 صناعة ناسخة وتسجيل الأداة سوف 8230stay دخلك، ومنع تهب شراء و بيع الديون، التخلص من القلق من تنفيذ الصناعة وعلى أي حال دفع النفقات الخاصة بك مع شراء وبيع الدخل. تقديم سوق الفوركس لافتات منذ عام 2007 مزيد من التفاصيل صنع تعريف صناعة الاستثمار البلاتين الآلي نظام الفوركس إشارة 124 أدمين 124 4.5 الوظائف ذات الصلة بوسينيس إنفستينغ ويبزيت جهاز صناعة مربحة جهاز المهنية 8211 البيع والشراء كصناعة هذا هو شراء. الأعمال / الاستثمار كليكبانك كيفية فتح مكان تناول الطعام الخاص بك في ثمانية أسابيع A خطوة بخطوة معلومات لفتح A. الأعمال مواقع الاستثمار لمس فورتيفي هذا الشعار منتج جديد أن يعلم المسوقين كيفية البدء وبناء A الاتجاه. هناك. موقع استثمار الأعمال خريطة الطريق لتخفيف أنماط حياتك النقدية هنا 8211 صلابة الأدلة النقدية الخاصة بك هذا الكتاب بدف سوف العرض. استثمار الأعمال كليكبانك كيفية فتح مكان تناول الطعام الخاص بك في ثمانية أسابيع خطوة بخطوة معلومات لفتح التداول Eating. Forex تداول العملات الأجنبية (فكس) يتيح لك الوصول إلى العالمين الأكبر والأكثر سيولة السوق. منتجات الصرف الأجنبي الهامشي هي مجموعة فرعية من تداول العملات الأجنبية التي تتيح لك الفرصة للتداول الفوركس على أساس الاستدانة. بدلا من شراء القيمة الاسمية الكاملة لعقد فكس، فإنك تدفع فقط هامش صغير من القيمة الاسمية للعملة المتداولة ويكون لها فائدة / تكلفة تقلبات العملة. هناك دائما طويلة (اشترى) وقصيرة (بيع) الجانب تداول العملات الأجنبية، وهو ما يعني أن كنت المضاربة على احتمال واحدة من تعزيز العملات واحدة من ضعف العملات. يوفر بد إمكانية الوصول على مدار 24 ساعة إلى مصادر متعددة للمعلومات والسيولة والأسعار للمنتجات والخدمات الفورية الشاملة المدرجة أدناه لعملائها العالميين. حيث السوق 24 ساعة غير متوفر، فإنه قد يؤدي إلى التخلص من المتفجرات يوسع نطاق أوسع. وبالمثل، في أعقاب تقلبات السوق واسعة النطاق 10 الهامش المنصوص عليها. وقت تداول العملات الأجنبية من الأحد 17:10 إست / إدت إلى 16:50 إست / إدت الجمعة، ما عدا أيام العطل الرسمية. تريد أن تعرف تعريف فكس بد يوفر أيضا السلع المنتجات المالية التي هي غير تنتهي، غير قابلة للتسليم ونقلت المنتج تختلف عن منتجات الصرف والسلع كفد. السلع المنتجات المالية مثل منتجات العملات الأجنبية لديها تعديلات مالية يومية (مقايضة) ولكن ليس لديها فجوة السعر الشهرية الناجمة عن انتهاء العقد في الشهر.
Wednesday, 21 March 2018
تاتا العاصمة فوركس محدودة بنغالور كارناتاكا السياحة
بنغالور 1 (الكانادا:)، المعروف أيضا باسم بنغالور. هي عاصمة ولاية كارناتاكا الهندية. وهي ثالث أكبر مدينة في الهند يبلغ عدد سكانها 8،474،970 نسمة (2011). في استطلاع للرأي أجراه مؤخرا مستشار الموارد البشرية العالمي ميرسر، تم التصويت على بنغالور المدينة الأكثر ملاءمة للعيش في الهند، بفوزه على مومباي. تشيناي. نيودلهي وكلكتا .2 من حيث النظافة، بنجالور تحتل المرتبة ال 12 في الهند. 3 وبمجرد أن تسمى مدينة جاردن سيتي في الهند وجامعي المتقاعدين، لم تعد هذه الصفات تنطبق على بنغالور، التي هي الآن مدينة عالمية كبيرة مع الأخضر المتناقص والمساحات وعدد كبير من السكان العاملين. بنغالور هو المركز الرئيسي لصناعة تكنولوجيا المعلومات في الهند، المعروف شعبيا باسم وادي السيليكون في الهند. Check هذه المقالة عن المدينة indianyatrablog. wordpress / 2015/05/31 / مشاهدة معالم المدينة في بنغالور / فهم تحرير تحرير التاريخ أقدم السجلات ل مكان اسمه بنغالورو وجدت في معبد القرن التاسع في منطقة التي تعرف الآن باسم بنغالور القديمة. تقول الأسطورة أن الرب الإقطاعي كيمبي غودا كان يصطاد مرة واحدة في هذا المجال، تحولت أرنب وهاجمت كلبه. هذا جعل انطباعا كبيرا على غودا وأعطى مكان لقب غاندو بهومي (مكان الأبطال) وفي 1537، بمساعدة الملك المحلي، وقال انه شيد ثلاث مناطق محمية من قبل حصن مسورة على الموقع. خلال القرون الثلاثة المقبلة، وجدت بنغالور كثيرا في ظل مدينة ميسور المجاورة لها. وتغيرت السيطرة على المدينة عدة مرات. شهد عام 1831 نقطة تحول رئيسية للمدينة. ادعاء سوء الحكم من قبل الملك كريشنا رجاء وديار الثالث، استولى البريطانيون على المملكة مايسور، وربما تتأثر المناخ سالبيري في المدينة، انتقلت العاصمة الإدارية إلى بنغالور. وقد تم وضع أنظمة اتصالات جديدة، وبناء خطوط السكك الحديدية، وتشييد مباني حكومية جيدة، وإنشاء حدائق وحدائق مشهورة في المدينة. بعد الاستقلال، حافظت بنغالور على مكانتها باعتبارها عاصمة ولاية كارناتاكا، ولا تزال تزدهر. لسنوات عديدة، كان من المعروف بنغالور في جميع أنحاء الهند باعتبارها المدينة الخضراء، الليبرالية والتفكير إلى الأمام. في السنوات الأخيرة، دفعت هذه السمات بنجالور إلى طفرة صناعة التكنولوجيا الفائقة في الهند، وهي الآن تحتل المرتبة في الهند الأكثر تطورا مدينة واحدة من أسرع المناطق الحضرية نموا في العالم. ويبدو أن اسم بنغالور يأتي من أنجليسيساتيون من الاسم الأصلي بنغالورو - التكيف من الاسم السابق في الكانادا: بيندا كالو أورو (بلدة الفول المسلوق). على ما يبدو كان هذا الاسم المتواضع نوعا ما ويرث إلى المدينة من قبل الملك فيرا بالالا. مرة واحدة في حين خسر في المنطقة، وعرضت عليه الفول المسلوق من قبل امرأة مسنة، وكان من الامتنان أنه سمى المنطقة بعد هذا العرض البسيط. سوبريكيتس تحرير حديقة مدينة الهند وادي السيليكون في الهند المتقاعدين الجنة إيت العاصمة من الهند مدينة بوب تحرير المناخ وخلافا لأجزاء أخرى من الهند التي هي ساخنة للغاية في أشهر الصيف، يتمتع بنغالور مناخ معتدل نسبيا على مدار السنة. الصيف - شباط / فبراير إلى أيار / مايو (درجة الحرارة القصوى هي خلال شهري نيسان / أبريل وأيار / مايو) الرياح الموسمية - حزيران / يونيه إلى تشرين الأول / أكتوبر (أثقل الأمطار عادة ما بين حزيران / يونيه وآب / أغسطس) الشتاء - تشرين الثاني / نوفمبر إلى كانون الثاني / يناير (كانون الأول / ديسمبر أبرد شهر) يمكن أن تصل درجات الحرارة الصيفية إلى 36 درجة مئوية (97F) ودرجات الحرارة في الصباح الباكر في فصل الشتاء تحوم حول 12C (54F). كما تشهد بنغالور تغيرات مفاجئة في المناخ خلال يوم واحد. يمكن أن يكون دافئا ورطبا خلال الصباح، قد المطر في فترة ما بعد الظهر وتتحول إلى أن تكون الرياح والباردة في وقت متأخر من المساء. من ناحية أخرى، يمكن أن يكون ساخنا وقائعا لبضعة أيام في الأسبوع، ويمكن أن يكون هناك أمطار مفاجئة وتراجع في الزئبق خلال الأيام القليلة المقبلة. في حين أن الطقس وهذه التغيرات، على هذا النحو، هو متعة، وهذا يؤدي أيضا إلى انتشار العدوى الفيروسية. نقاش تحرير كونها عاصمة ولاية كارناتاكا، واللغة الرسمية في بنغالور هو الكانادا. ومع ذلك، فإن معظم الناس قادرون أيضا على التحدث التاميل والهندية أو الإنجليزية. وهناك لغات هندية أخرى مثل الهندية والتاميلية والتيلوجو والمالايالامية والبنغالية والماراثية وأوديا وتولو والكونكانية هي التي يتحدث بها أيضا المجتمعات المهاجرة المعنية. معظم المعاملات التجزئة في المدينة تتم باللغة الإنجليزية، كما معظم علامات مكتوبة باللغة الإنجليزية جنبا إلى جنب مع الكانادا. سوف المعرفة الكانادا الأساسية تأتي مفيد جدا، في حين التعامل مع مجموعات العمل مثل الباعة على جانب الطريق، الخادمات. ومع ذلك معظم أصحاب المحلات، سائقي السيارات، موصلات الحافلات ومقدمي خدمة المرافق يمكن التحدث باللغة الإنجليزية الأساسية. الهندية والتاميلية والتيلوغو، إذا لزم الأمر. لتحية في الكانادا، ويقول ناماسكارا أن نسأل، كيف حالك في الكانادا، ويقول هيجيديرا أن أقول، أنا بخير. في الكانادا يقول تشاناجيديني أن نسأل، وكم في الكانادا يقول إشتو أن أقول، الثمن جدا في الكانادا يقول تومبا جاسثي أن أشكر في الكانادا، ويقول دانياوادا الحصول على تحرير الطائرة تحرير مطار كيمبيغودا الدولي (إاتا بلر)، (الايكاو: فوبل) 4 في ديفاناهالي، على بعد 40 كم (25 ميل) من الحي التجاري المركزي في بنغالور (مغ رود) و 30 كم (19 ميل) من محطة سكة حديد بنغالور سيتي. المطار الجديد، الذي افتتح منذ مايو 2008، هو من بين أكثر المطارات ازدحاما في الهند وأكثرها حداثة. ويستضيف المطار 10 شركات طيران محلية و 21 شركة طيران دولية تربط المدينة إلى حوالي 50 وجهة في جميع أنحاء الهند وبقية العالم. المطار بمثابة مركز ل كينغفيشر الخطوط الجوية ومدينة التركيز ل جت إيرويس 5. جيتليت 6. إنديجو 7. سبايس جيت 8 و غوير 9. الرحلات الجوية الدولية البارزة: في بعض الأحيان المطار يخضع للقيود التشغيلية بسبب الضباب من 15 نوفمبر -15 فبراير، بين 3 صباحا (إست) - 8:30 صباحا (إست). قد تحدث تأخيرات الرحلات وتحويلات في بعض الصباح بسبب الضباب الصباحي. لدى مشغل المطار رقم استفسار للتحقق من التأخيرات المتعلقة بالطقس. 91 80 66782255، 91 80 66782251 أو الاتصال بمركز اتصالات شركات الطيران. المطار لديه محطة الدولية والمحلية. هناك أجهزة الصراف الآلي وصرف العملات الأجنبية في المطار. هناك عدد متزايد من خيارات الطعام للمسافر ومجموعة جيدة من ويسكي الشعير واحد في قسم الحرة. عند المغادرة من مطار بنغالور، تأكد من التحقق من القيود المفروضة على أوقات تسجيل الأمتعة، وتأكد من إحضار نسخة مطبوعة من بطاقة الصعود إلى المطار. بالنسبة للرحلات الجوية التي تغادر في ساعات الصباح الباكر (مثل الساعة 3 صباحا) قد تحتاج إلى فحص الحقائب التي تصل إلى 2.5 ساعة مقدما. من مطار (بيال) إلى مدينة بنغالور تحرير الحافلات بنغالور متروبوليتان للنقل شركة (بمتس) 32 تعمل الحافلات من مختلف نقاط المدينة كل 15 دقيقة إلى مطار بنغالور الدولي (بلر). ما مجموعه 156 الحافلات رقائق من وإلى المطار. 40 من هذه الحافلات هي الحافلات فولفو مكيفة الهواء، ودعا فايو فاجرا. وتتراوح تكلفة كل رحلة في هذه الحافلات بين 50-250 روبية اعتمادا على المسافة. هذا هو أرخص وسيلة مريحة للغاية للوصول إلى المطار وعلاوة على ذلك، هذه الخدمة متوفرة كل يوم، ليلا ونهارا. في حين أخذ هذا الوضع يكون على بينة من أنك سوف تحتاج بعض واحد أن يقلك من محطة للحافلات أو سوف تحتاج إلى ركوب السيارات عربة للميل الأخير. مطار تاكسي المدينة هذه هي سيارات السيدان مكيفة الهواء التي مرخصة من قبل المطار لتوفير الاتصال في المقام الأول بين المطار الدولي إلى المدينة. سيارات الأجرة هي عادة رينو لوغانز أو نماذج تويوتا إتيوس والرياضة تاكسي أعلى علامة لسهولة تحديد الهوية. مزودة حكام السرعة ونظام تحديد المواقع تعقب، وهذه هي إلى حد بعيد أسلم وأفضل وسيلة للوصول إلى المدينة من المطار. الشركات الثلاث التي تدير هذه سيارات الأجرة هي ميغاكابس (الهاتف: 91-80-47474747 الموقع: ميغاكابس) ميرو سيارات الأجرة (الهاتف: 91-80-4422 4422 الموقع الإلكتروني: ميروكابس) و كستدك الدولة (هاتف: 91-80-4466 4466 الموقع: karnatakaholidays. net).Taxis تهمة وفقا لعداد رقمي قياسي في 80 إنر لل 4 كيلومترات الأولى، تليها INR19.50 لكل كيلومتر بعد ذلك. يتم تطبيق رسوم إضافية 10 بين منتصف الليل حتى 6 صباحا. رحلة من المطار إلى كبد ستكلف حوالي INR800-INR900. راديو سيارات الأجرة بدلا من ذلك يمكنك أيضا أن تأخذ سيارة أجرة راديو. الشيء الوحيد الذي تحتاج إلى استئجار هذه سيارات الأجرة هو البيانات المتنقلة. إذا كانت البيانات الخاصة بك تعمل، تحتاج فقط إلى تحميل تطبيقات الجوال وحجز سيارات الأجرة في مكان قريب. معظم خدمات الكابالت الراديوية الشائعة في بنغالور هي أوبر و علا. يوفر التطبيق المحمول خيار اختيار نوع السيارة، والذي يختلف من هاتشباك لسيدان ومعدلاتها هي أيضا معقولة جدا بالمقارنة مع سيارة أجرة المطار. عادة ما يكلف من 600 روبية هندية إلى 1000 للوصول إلى أي مكان في مدينة بنغالور. عند الخروج من مبنى محطة الركاب، ابحث عن علامة كبيرة خارج أن يقول سيارات الأجرة المطار التي سوف تشير إلى يسارك. اتبع سن التوقيع حتى ترى طابور سيارة أجرة حيث سوف يرشدك خادمون إلى سيارات الأجرة الخاصة بك. في الطريق إلى طابور سيارة أجرة، قد يكون اقترب من قبل سائقي سيارات الأجرة الخاصة الذين سيحاولون أن تحصل على أن تأخذ سيارات الأجرة بدلا من ذلك. تجاهل هذه إلا إذا كنت تشعر أنك يمكن التفاوض على سعر أرخص من سيارة أجرة المطار، وعلى استعداد لاتخاذ المخاطر المرتبطة بها. كبديل، إذا كان لديك اوبر أو علا (خدمة محلية مماثلة ل اوبر) التطبيق على الهاتف الذكي الخاص بك يمكنك استدعاء سيارة أجرة باستخدام هذا أيضا. لاحظ أنه عند الخروج من مجمع المطار، سيكون لديك لدفع عدد من INR120 لاستخدام الطريق السريع للوصول إلى المدينة. وعادة ما يتحملها الراكب، ما لم يتم الترتيب مسبقا. سيارات الأجرة المدفوعة مسبقا هيرتز، كارزونرنت وأكبر يوفر السفر ليموزين المدفوعة مسبقا ومرافق تأجير السيارات من خلال العدادات في مبنى المحطة. وهذه التكاليف تتجاوز 200 1 روبية إلى اتفاقية التنوع البيولوجي. تتوفر سيارات الدفع الذاتي على أساس الدفع الذاتي. هناك ثلاثة نطاقات من سيارات الدفع الذاتي - فئة المدمجة (سوزوكي سويفت)، ومجموعة وسيطة (فورد فييستا)، والفئة القياسية (تويوتا كورولا)، والسيارات متعددة الأغراض (تويوتا إينوفا) والسيارات المرافق الرياضية (فورد إندافور). وسوف تعطى هذه السيارات إلى المستأجر مع خزان الوقود الكامل والسيارة يجب أن تعاد مع خزان الوقود الكامل. وسوف يتم تقديم خدمة الاستقبال والتسليم المرنة في المدينة وفي المطار. يمكن للمستأجر التقاط السيارة في المطار ثم إسقاطه في أي مكان في المدينة أو في حيدر أباد أو تشيناي. وبالمثل، يمكن التقاط السيارة في أي من هذه المدن وسقطت في المطار. هذا هو خيار قابل للتطبيق إذا كان لديك رخصة صالحة في الهند، وإذا كنت واثقا من القيادة في حركة الفوضى الهندية. يرجى التحقق مسبقا قبل اتخاذ الخطط. يوفر كارزونرنت 33 و زومكار 34 خدمة تأجير السيارات ذاتي الدفع في بنغالور. الفندق البيك اب خيار آخر هو لترتيب مع فندقك في بنغالور أن يكون السائق يقلك في المطار. توفر بعض الفنادق، وخاصة الفنادق الراقية، هذه الخدمة مجانا إذا كنت تقيم معهم. إذا كان أول مرة السفر إلى بنغالور، وهذا هو الطريق الموصى بها للوصول من المطار إلى الفندق الخاص بك. سيتم العثور على السائق خارج المطار مع بطاقة تحمل اسمك، والصعوبة الوحيدة كونها أن حوالي 100 سائقين آخرين سوف يكون أيضا ينتظرون خارج المطار، وكلها تتنافس على اهتمامكم. لحسن الحظ هناك ممر مسيجة قصيرة يفصل السائقين من أولئك الذين يغادرون المطار، مما يتيح لك متسع من الوقت والفضاء للعثور على رحلتك إلى بنغالور. سيارة أجرة (أخرى) لا يزال بإمكانك العثور على ركوب في مدينة بنغالور في سيارات الأجرة الخاصة بك بمعدل أرخص بكثير من الخيارات المذكورة أعلاه، إذا كنت على استعداد لاتخاذ المخاطر المعنية. سوف سائقي سيارات الأجرة التي لم يوافق عليها المطار محاولة للتفاوض معك أجرة أقل بكثير من إيسيكابس و ميرو سيارات الأجرة المعتمدة، ويمكن أن تنخفض إلى ما يصل إلى 200-300 روبية لرحلة إلى بانغالوريس اتفاقية التنوع البيولوجي. واحد حقا أن المساومة من الصعب جدا أو سوف يتم اتخاذها لركوب. ويمكن العثور على هذه السائقين خارج ساحة المحطة مباشرة في الممشى المغطى الذي يؤدي إلى مواقف السيارات. بمجرد مغادرة الممشى، قد تصبح بعض السائقين عدوانية إلى حد ما، وقد تحاول أن تأخذ حقيبتك دون إذنك. أفضل شيء للقيام به هو تتبع، وتكون في السيطرة على، أمتعتهم الخاصة بك. حتى سائق سيارة أجرة الأكثر عدوانية أو توت سوف أترك لكم وحدك إذا كنت تقف راسخة وتوضح أن كنت لا تريد مساعدتهم. فمن المستحسن لإصلاح السعر قبل إدخال الكابينة وليس تلميح ضروري بمجرد وصولك إلى وجهتك. لا تختار هذا الوضع إذا لم تكن مألوفة مع معدلات. بالقطار تعديل بنغالور واثنين من محطات السكك الحديدية الرئيسية. تقع محطة سكة حديد مدينة بنغالور (إر رمز المحطة: سبك) في قلب المدينة، مقابل موقف الحافلات ماجستيك. معظم القطارات، سواء المحلية أو لمسافات طويلة، تصل وتغادر من هنا. المحطة الأخرى هي يشوانتبور مفرق (رمز محطة الأشعة تحت الحمراء: ير) تقع على نه-4 (طريق تومكور). وهناك عدد قليل من القطارات (معظمها لمسافات طويلة) تصل وتغادر من هنا. هناك محطتان صغيرتان للسكك الحديدية هما بنغالور إيست (رمز محطة الأشعة تحت الحمراء: بنس) وبانغالور كانتونمنت (رمز محطة الأشعة تحت الحمراء: بنك).وفي وقت متأخر، أصبح كريشناراجابورام (كم) محطة هامة بسبب قرب شركات تكنولوجيا المعلومات والطريق الدائري الذي يمر بالقرب من ومحطة وتوصيل جيد بواسطة الحافلات إلى أجزاء رئيسية. كما أنها تشكل المحطة الأولى لغالبية القطارات ترك يشفانتابور نحو جولاربيتاي. ويمكن القيام بالحجز إما في محطات السكك الحديدية أو في عدادات حجز السكك الحديدية الهندية الموجودة في المناطق السكنية التجارية الرئيسية. ويمكن أيضا أن يتم الحجز على الانترنت 35. لاحظ أنه إذا كنت الحجز في مدينة بنغالور وتسافر إلى مايسور، وهناك عداد منفصلة للمسافرين إلى ميسور. هذا هو لتلبية كمية كبيرة من المسافرين بين بنغالور وميسور. عند السفر إلى مايسور بعد ظهر يوم الأحد، تصل في وقت مبكر حيث عادة ما يكون هناك خط طويل لشراء التذاكر. كما هو الحال مع جميع السفر السكك الحديدية الهندية، لديك بعض الصبر للتأخير. وعادة ما تكون القطارات في الوقت المحدد (في غضون 20 دقيقة من الوقت المحدد)، ولكنها يمكن أن تكون متأخرة في بعض الأحيان. سوف لوحة المغادرة الرقمية في محطة اقول لكم ما هي منصة القطار الخاص بك على ووقت ما يترك. وعادة ما يكون السفر بالقطار رخيصا نسبيا. على سبيل المثال، تذكرة إلى تشيناي، حوالي 360 كم (5-6 ساعة) بعيدا، وتكاليف في أي مكان من روبية 125 لأدنى فئة ل 1،105 روبية لأعلى فئة. للحصول على وصول القطار / المغادرة والاستفسارات حالة فير في محطات السكك الحديدية المختلفة في بنغالور، اتصل 139. السفر من مومباي إلى بنغالور بالقطار يستغرق وقتا طويلا (24 ساعة أو نحو ذلك). الحافلات هي أسرع نسبيا واتخاذ 18-20 ساعة، شريطة عدم وجود الاختناقات المرورية في مومباي وبيون في الطريق. وقت السفر الفعال من قبل كل من القطار أو الحافلة طويلة. ويوصى السفر الجوي للسفر بين مومباي وبنغالور، ومدة التي حوالي 90 دقيقة. شركات الطيران منخفضة التكلفة تهمة نفس أجرة القطار A / C أو حافلة فولفو. ومع ذلك، فئة النوم (غير A / C) السفر بالقطار من مومباي إلى بنغالور اقتصادي ويمكن أن يكون لديك وجهة نظر بعض الغابات دائمة الخضرة والوديان الأنهار في جميع أنحاء الهند الغربية. إذا وصلت إلى تقاطع يشوانتبور، وسوف تحتاج إلى اتخاذ سيارة أجرة أو عربة السيارات للوصول الى المدينة. محطة المترو بجوار المحطة هي جزء من المترو المرحلة الأولى التي تعمل حاليا من فبراير 2014 (التشغيل بين سامبيج الطريق إلى بينيا الصناعية العقارية فيا يشوانثبور). في يشوانتبور مفرق، وهناك مخارج على 2 الجانبين من المحطة، وكلاهما ديك عدادات السيارات عربة السيارات الرسمية تقع خارج، والكثير من سيارات الأجرة غير رسمية في انتظار العملاء (وكذلك توتس في جميع أنحاء المحطة). سوف تقترح سيارات الأجرة هذه أسعار ثابتة على أساس وجهتك، ولكن بتكلفة مرتفعة جدا، على سبيل المثال 600 روبية للوصول إلى إنديراناغار (14 كم). هناك كشك سيارة أجرة تديرها شركة تسمى المسار السريع يقع أمام مخرج المحطة على الجانب بالقرب من محطة المترو. وسيكون هذا سيارة أجرة مقننة التي تقدم معدل أفضل (حوالي 15-20 روبية لكل كم). سوف تحتاج إلى بذل جهد كبير، ومع ذلك، للوصول إلى استخدام هذه الخدمة في اللحظة التي الخروج من المحطة سيكون هناك الكثير من سائقي سيارات الأجرة غير رسمية اقتحام في جميع أنحاء كنت تحاول الحصول على الدخول في واحدة من معدل ثابت لهم ( وأكثر تكلفة) السيارات. حتى عندما كنت تقترب من كشك المسار السريع، فمن الممكن أن الموظفين وراء العداد قد لا تزال تقترح عليك أن تذهب للتو لسيارات الأجرة المدفوعة مسبقا بدلا من ذلك. تحتاج إلى على وجه التحديد وطلب بحزم أن كنت تريد حقا سيارة أجرة مقيسة من كشك، من أجل أن الشروع في توفير لكم واحدة. بواسطة الحافلة تحرير إذا كان لديك صعوبة في ترتيب طائرة أو تذكرة السكك الحديدية إلى وجهتك المقبلة، أو كنت تفضل المزيد من المغامرة قليلا، يمكنك الذهاب بالحافلة. هناك كل من الحافلات الحكومية والخاصة التي تدير الخدمات إلى المدن الكبرى مثل مومباي، غوا. تشيناي. مانجالور. كويمباتور. مادوراي. تيروباتي. حيدر أباد. الخ الحافلات يمكن أن يكون الحافلات الفاخرة العادية، حافلة فولفو A / C أو حافلة نائمة للسفر ليلا. جميع الحافلات بين المدن تصل وتغادر من موقف الحافلات بنغالور، والذي يقع قبالة محطة سكة حديد مدينة بنغالور. تدعى محطة الحافلات بعد مؤسس بنغالور - كيمب غودا. كمبيغودا باص ستاتيون. هو أكثر شيوعا المعروفة باسم محطة النقل كورناتاكا الدولة للنقل البري (كسرتك) موقف أو محطة الحافلات ماجستيك. انها تتعامل مع الحافلات التي تربط بنغالور لجميع المدن الكبرى والولايات في جنوب الهند. بنغالور متروبوليتان شركة النقل (بمتس). يحافظ على خدمات الحافلات داخل بنغالور. يقع موقف الحافلات الرئيسي مقابل محطة كيمبيغودا للحافلات. على عكس المترو الأخرى، لوحات العرض في الحافلة تظهر الوجهة في اللغة الكانادا المحلية. ولكن أرقام الحافلات هي في الغالب باللغة الإنجليزية. إذا كنت لا تتكلم الكانادا، وسوف تحتاج على الأرجح للحصول على بعض المساعدة للحصول على الحافلة الصحيحة. ومع ذلك، تم تجهيز أحدث حافلات فولفو مع شاشات الإلكترونية التي تعرض أرقام الوجهة والطريق في كل من الكانادا والإنجليزية. يتم إعادة تجهيز الحافلات غير فولفو تدريجيا مع هذه شاشات الإلكترونية هذا ينبغي جعل الحافلة السفر أبسط من ذلك بكثير إذا كنت غير مألوفة مع اللغة المحلية. بالسيارة تحرير القيادة في الهند يمكن أن تكون مرهقة جدا. لين الانضباط غير موجود عمليا، المفرطة التزحلق، وارتفاع كثافة المركبات، وعدم احترام قانون المرور، جنبا إلى جنب مع شفرات الحلاقة رقيقة تمرير شائعة. ركوب واحد في سيارة أجرة على الأرجح يقنعك أن قيادة نفسك لا يستحق الخطر، لذلك إذا كنت لا تريد للوصول بالسيارة، وربما كنت ترغب في استئجار كل من سيارة وسائق. التكلفة تختلف، ولكن معظم السيارات / سائق تركيبات روبية 1،400-1،700 / يوم. وعادة ما تكون أسعار سيارات الأجرة الخاصة المستأجرة في مضاعفات 4 ساعات / 40 كم، وهي أسعار تبدأ عند 450 روبية للسيارة الصغيرة غير المكيفة. اعتمادا على المكان الذي تأتي منه، قد تكون قادرة على التفاوض على أجرة أقل إذا كانت الرحلة ليست بعيدة، وأنها قد تكون أجرة أعلى إذا كنت مسافرا بعيدا والسائق الخاص بك لديه للسفر مرة أخرى في وقته الخاص. وجود فكرة تقريبية عن الأجرة أو المسافة عن بعد والمهارات التفاوضية المستمرة يمكن أن يؤدي إلى وفورات كبيرة. على الرغم من أنه يكلف أكثر، والنظر في طلب سيارة مكيفة الهواء إذا كنت أرينت تستخدم للحرارة، وخاصة في فصل الصيف. وستساعد سيارة مكيفة الهواء أيضا في تصفية تلوث الهواء، وهو أمر كبير، وخاصة على الطرق المزدحمة. إذا كنت تريد شيئا أكثر خاصة، مثل سيارة الهوى أو سيارات الدفع الرباعي، تكون على استعداد لدفع اضافية. ومع ذلك، سيكون هناك عدد قليل من المشغلين الذين يتقاضون بشكل معقول مع سيارات مكيفة جديدة مع السائقين منضبطة. يمكنك أيضا النظر في خدمة تأجير السيارات الميزانية على أساس تقاسم إذا كنت ترغب في الحصول على في بنغالور من المدن القريبة مثل مايسور، مومباي وبيون. Cabs4Share هي الخدمة الجديدة التي أدخلت فكرة تقاسم المسافات الطويلة سيارة أجرة التي يمكنك مشاركة السفر إلى نفس الوجهة مع المسافرين الآخرين. إذا كنت تقود السيارة إلى بنغالور في سيارة مسجلة في ولاية هندية أخرى كن حذرا من الشيكات رتو. ومن المعروف أن الضباط رتو بنغالور لمضايقة الزوار ويطلبون زورا لهم لدفع ضريبة الطرق لمركباتهم. الحفاظ على عدد زلات وسجلات الخدمة وشهادات التلوث من الدولة منزلك لإثبات أن كنت فقط زيارة بنغالور لمدة تقل عن 30 يوما. التجول حول التعديل بواسطة المترو مترو بنغالور المعروف أيضا باسم مترو نما (مترو لدينا) هو خدمة السكك الحديدية العابرة السريعة الجديدة التي من شأنها خفض الوقت الذي يستغرقه للحصول على من منطقة واحدة من المدينة إلى أخرى. اعتبارا من فبراير 2014، فقط 2 مراحل مفتوحة للخدمة (مغ الطريق إلى باياباناهالي، ومريحة ل مغ الطريق لرحلات إنديراناغار). آخر من سامبيج الطريق (مانتري مول بالقرب شيشادريبورام) لمنطقة بينيا الصناعية (فيا يشوانثبور) افتتح في منتصف عام 2014. بقية الشبكة لا تزال في البناء والمرحلة الأولى بأكملها من مترو تتألف من 42.3km ومن المقرر أن تفتح إلى والجمهور بحلول نهاية عام 2015. عن طريق الحافلة تحرير حافلة بمتس فولفو. داخل حافلة بمتس. الحافلات في بنغالور رخيصة ومتكررة عادة، (على الرغم من المقارنة مع الدول الأخرى أسعار أعلى هنا) ولكن السفر عليها يمكن أن يكون من الصعب جدا إذا كنت لا تعرف النظام بشكل جيد. حافلات المدينة العادية عرض فقط رقم الطريق باللغة الإنجليزية، مع معلومات الوجهة والطريق مكتوبة في الكانادا. وهذا يعني أنه سيكون لديك لمعرفة ما هو رقم الطريق الذي تحتاجه قبل أن تحصل على، والتي يمكنك أن تجد من موقع بمتس 44، BMTCRoutes. in الموقع 45. ديسيروتس 46 خطوط الحافلات، قائمة خطوط الحافلات المتروبوليتان في بنغالور 47 أو عن طريق طلب السكان المحليين . وعلى عكس العديد من الدول الغربية، فإن خرائط الطرق الموضوعة لنظام الحافلات نادرة، على الرغم من أن الخرائط تباع في محطات الحافلات الرئيسية (كمبيغودا باص ستاند أند شيفاجيناغار). بمتس الرقم المجاني 1800 425 1663. بنغالور حافلة الطريق البحث 48 لديها أيضا صفحة ويب مع وظيفة البحث رقم الطريق. الحافلات مع لوحات العرض السوداء تعمل داخل المدينة. الحافلات الحمراء تغطي مسافة طويلة وتذهب إلى الضواحي المجاورة. الحافلات المدينة العادية هي بيضاء وزرقاء اللون. وتميل حافلات المدينة الأحدث إلى أن تكون زرقاء اللون (تم شراؤها تحت صندوق جنورم المقدمة من قبل الحكومة المركزية) ولها لوحات عرض ليد. هناك خدمة الحافلات دعا بوشباك مع أفضل جلوس هذه الحافلات هي تان بدلا من الأزرق المعتاد وأغلى قليلا. هناك حافلات فولفو الحمراء، ودعا فاجرا. التي تعمل على بعض الطرق داخل المدينة. وهي توفر رحلة مريحة مكيفة الهواء بأسعار أعلى قليلا من الحافلات العادية (التي ليست مكيفة الهواء). هذه هي وسيلة رائعة للالتفاف حول المدينة. وخلافا لمعظم الحافلات الأخرى، فقد أضاءت فاجراس لوحات العرض ليد على الجبهة والجانبين التي تعرض معلومات الوجهة والطريق باللغة الإنجليزية وكذلك الكانادا. يتم تقديم خدمات الحافلات الجديدة من وقت لآخر من قبل بمتس. أحدث الخدمات التي أدخلت في أوائل عام 2009 المعروفة باسم بيج 10 49 يتكون من عشرة طرق على طول الطرق الرئيسية في المدينة، وبذلك الركاب من الضواحي الخارجية إلى وسط بنغالور. هذه الحافلات باللون الأخضر في اللون، ولها لوحات الوجهة لد، وبارزة ميزة الشعار الكبير 10 على الجانبين. مزيد من المعلومات حول هذه الحافلات، بما في ذلك توقف وخرائط الطريق. بيج 10 يبدأ خدمة في لواء طريق تقاطع. هناك أيضا اثنين من الحافلات التي تفعل طريق دائري حول منطقة الأعمال المركزية. حافلات المدينة مزدحمة خلال ساعات الذروة ولكن يمكن للمرء أن يسافر مع صعوبة تذكر خلال النهار. العديد من المقاعد مخصصة للنساء في الجبهة. خدمة بوس يبدأ حوالي 5:00 صباحا وينتهي في حوالي منتصف الليل. خدمة الحافلات أقل تواترا بعد 9: 30-10 صباحا ويصبح نادرا جدا بعد 1:00 م ومرة أخرى تردد الحافلة يحسن بعد 4:00 بيإم ويستمر حتى منتصف الليل. فمن الأفضل دائما لشراء تذكرة يومية إذا كنت تخطط للسفر طوال اليوم في الحافلة. تكاليف المرور اليومية روبية رس 40 اعتبارا من 10 مارس 2011 ويأتي مفيد إذا كنت بحاجة إلى السفر على عدة حافلات في يوم واحد. يتم إصدار بطاقات المرور اليومية من قبل موصل الحافلة على واجب أو في موقف الحافلة. باستخدام هذا تمرير يمكنك السفر في أي حافلة (بخلاف فاجرا) ليوم كامل، أي عدد من المرات. بل هو خيار اقتصادي للغاية للسفر في بنغالور. يمنح كبار السن 25 امتياز في جميع الحافلات على إنتاج بطاقة هوية صالحة (هوية الناخبين، بان، جواز السفر وغيرها). يمنح الأطفال الذين تتراوح أعمارهم بين 4-12 سنة 50 امتيازا. أي تهمة للأطفال تصل إلى 4 سنوات من العمر. لمزيد من المعلومات حول بمتس يمكنك زيارة ويكيبيديا 50 هناك ثلاثة مواقف الحافلات الرئيسية: موقف الحافلة كيمبيغودا. أيضا، معروف، برغم، ال التعريف، ماجستيك، الباص، ستاند. بالقرب من غاندي ناجر مباشرة قبالة محطة سكة حديد مدينة بنغالور. هو منظم تماما بدقة وسهلة للملاحة. هناك مكتب التحقيق بالقرب من منصة رقم 1 على ماجستيك حيث يمكنك أن تسأل رقم الحافلة ومنصة للوجهة المطلوب. يمكنك العثور على خريطة كبيرة على الشاشة، والتي يمكنك استخدامها للعثور على رقم الحافلة التي تحتاج إلى اتخاذها إذا كنت تعرف المنطقة التي تنوي. يمكنك بالطبع تسأل دائما موصل أو الركاب الآخرين. يتم أيضا بيع خرائط الطريق على المنصات. سوق المدينة أو K R السوق حوالي 2 كم (1.2 ميل) إلى 3 كم (1.8 ميل) بعيدا عن ماجستيك ويمكن أن تخرب الوافدين الجدد، لأنه غير منظم للغاية. بل هو كبير وقوف السيارات الترابية تحت الطريق السريع العلوية، وليس هناك الكثير من النظام إلى حيث الحافلات بارك. شيفاجيناغار هو في الشمال. هذا هو أيضا منظمة بدقة وهناك نافذة التحقيق للعثور على الحافلات. يمكنك العثور على خريطة كبيرة على الشاشة هنا أيضا، والتي يمكنك استخدامها للعثور على رقم الحافلة التي تحتاج إلى اتخاذها إذا كنت تعرف المنطقة التي تنوي. يتم أيضا بيع خرائط الطريق على المنصات. تتوفر الحافلات لجميع المحليات الرئيسية في المدينة من هذه المواقف الثلاثة للحافلات. كان هناك الكثير من التطورات بسبب مشروع المترو المستمر وكذلك الجهود الرامية إلى احتقان المدينة. بمتس إضافة المزيد من محطات الحافلات في كل وقت. أفضل للتحقق على موقعه على الانترنت لأحدث الوضع. مواقف الحافلات الهامة الأخرى هي: شاندرا تخطيط الغرب شانتيناغار. وسط جاياناغار. جنوب باناشانكاري. جنوب J P النجار. جنوب بتم تخطيط. الجنوب الشرقي، فيجيناغار. ويست ماليسوارام. شمال غرب يشوانتبور. شمال غرب دملور. شرق كادوغودي. شرق هبال. الشمال، فيديارانيابورا. الشمال، سريناجارا. جنوب غرب راجاراجيشواري النجار. جنوب غرب باسافيشوارا النجار. ويست يلاهانكا. نورث كورامانغالا ملاحظة: أوتوريكشاوس وسيارات الأجرة في بنغالور لديها نظام أجرة مقننة. البقشيش غير متوقع ولا مطلوب عند الاستفادة من أوتوريكشاو أو خدمات سيارات الأجرة. فقط دفع أجرة متر. الامتناع عن البقشيش وتدمير الأشياء للسكان الذين سيكونون عند نهاية تلقي الطلبات غير المبررة للحصول على نصائح. بواسطة تاكسي تحرير هناك ثلاثة أنواع من خدمات سيارات الأجرة التشغيلية في بنغالور. مطار المدينة سيارات الأجرة: هذه هي سيارات السيدان مكيفة الهواء التي مرخصة من قبل المطار لتوفير الاتصال في المقام الأول بين المطار الدولي إلى المدينة. على الرغم من أنك يمكن أن متن هذه في طابور سيارة أجرة في المطار، أو أحيانا البرد لهم من الشارع، والطريقة الأكثر شيوعا لاستخدام مثل سيارة أجرة هو إجراء حجز مسبق. ويتم ذلك إما عن طريق الاتصال بمركز الاتصال لشركة سيارات الأجرة المطار، أو عن طريق الحجز عبر الإنترنت. سيارات الأجرة هي عادة رينو لوغانز أو نماذج تويوتا إتيوس والرياضة تاكسي أعلى علامة لسهولة تحديد الهوية. مزودة حكام السرعة ونظام تحديد المواقع تعقب، وهذه هي إلى حد بعيد الأكثر أمانا وأفضل طريقة للالتفاف حول المدينة. الشركات الثلاث التي تدير هذه سيارات الأجرة هي ميغاكابس (الهاتف: 91-80-47474747 الموقع: ميغاكابس) ميرو سيارات الأجرة (الهاتف: 91-80-4422 4422 الموقع: ميروكابس) كستدك (الهاتف: 91-80-4466 4466 الموقع: كارناتاكاهوليدايس. صافي) لاحظ أن هذه الأساطيل ليست كبيرة بشكل خاص، وبينما يمكنك حجز سيارة أجرة بسهولة للوصول إلى المطار، قد يتم إلغاء الرحلات التي لا تنطوي على تشغيل المطار (والتي هي لمسافات قصيرة) خلال ساعات الذروة. يتم شحن سيارات الأجرة وفقا لمقياس رقمي قياسي بقيمة 80 روبية هندية لل 4 كيلومترات الأولى، تليها INR19.50 لكل كيلومتر بعد ذلك. يتم تطبيق رسوم إضافية 10 بين منتصف الليل حتى 6 صباحا. رحلة من المطار إلى كبد ستكلف حوالي INR800-INR900. سيارات الأجرة حاويات: خدمة سيارات الأجرة الأكثر شيوعا في بنغالور هي اوبر. جنبا إلى جنب مع خدمة محلية مماثلة تسمى علا. كلاهما يمكن تشغيلها عن طريق استخدام التطبيق الذكي الذي يستخدم غس الهاتف لتحديد موقعكم وتوجيه أقرب سيارة أجرة لك. كلا المجموعين تعمل أساطيل كبيرة بشكل كبير، لذلك سيارة أجرة يمكن عادة أشاد من أي مكان داخل المدينة في غضون 10-15 دقيقة في الحد الأقصى. في حين اوبر في بنغالور يمكن تشغيلها من خلال التطبيق الدولي، علا يسمح أيضا سيارات الأجرة ليتم حجزها من خلال مركز الاتصال بالإضافة إلى التطبيق لها. زيارة اوبر و أولاكابس. سيارات الأجرة الخاصة: يمكن وكلاء السفر والفنادق ترتيب سيارات خاصة مدفوعة سائق لتقديم الخدمات. مكلفة بالمقارنة مع اوبر أو علا سيارات الأجرة، فهي وسيلة الأكثر ثقة وآمنة ومريحة للسفر في جميع أنحاء المدينة. ويمكن ترتيبها من قبل شركات السفر أو عبر الإنترنت من بلدان المنشأ. سيارات الأجرة سريعة بنغالور (سيارات الأجرة في بنغالور، مدينة تاكسي بنغالور، تاكسي المطار في بنغالور، تأجير السيارات في بنغالور)، 080-4160 0000 / 080-4170 0000. 51. 24/7 خدمات سيارات الأجرة في مدينة بنغالور. خدمات الكابينة في بنغالور / خدمات سيارات الأجرة في بنغالور / الكابينة الايجارات في بنغالور في كويكابسبانغالور 160edit بنغالورتاكسيس (كلاسيك سيارات الأجرة الهند الخاصة المحدودة)، ميخري دائرة - 2 كم من فيدانا سودا (وسط المدينة). 91 94480 43058/080 2343 8821. 52. 24/7. تأجير سيارات / تأجير سيارات الأجرة / تأجير الكابينة بنجالور على بانغالوريتاكسيس أجرة بدءا من 600 روبية / - و 8.5 روبية / - لكل كم بين المدن. 160edit MaduraiCarRental. in (مادوراي تأجير السيارات)، 91 995 28 38 78 6 (supportmaduraicarrental. in)، 53. التحقيق: 9:00 حتي 07:00. بنجالور خدمات تأجير السيارات على MaduraiCarRental. in تبدأ الأسعار من Rs.1000 داخل مدينة أمبير Rs.8 / كم للمدينة الخارجية. 160edit taxiGUIDE. in (بنجالور تأجير السيارات)، 91 888 023 4455 (supporttaxiguide. in)، 54. التحقيق: 07:00 حتي 11:00. بنغالور خدمات تأجير السيارات على taxiGUIDE. in - على الانترنت سائق تأجير السيارات مدفوعة البوابة في 75 مدن في الهند. تبدأ الأسعار من 450 روبية داخل المدينة أمب روبية / 7.5 كم للمدينة الخارجية. 160edit bookcab. in (بنغالور سيارات الأجرة)، 080 3000 3000 (bookingsbookcab. in)، 55. التحقيق: 8:00 حتي 08:00. 160 تعديل بواسطة السيارات-ريكشاو تحرير بالمقارنة مع سيارات الأجرة اوبر والعلا، وثلاثة أوتوريكشوس بعجلات (على غرار توك توك في بلدان أخرى) هي أرخص لمسافات قصيرة جدا، ويمكن أن تكون مريحة عندما سيارات الأجرة غير متوفرة. السيارات في ريكشاوس في كل مكان في معظم ساعات. وهي بدعوات خضراء أو صفراء أو سوداء وأصفر ذات ثلاث عجلات. فهي طريقة سريعة للالتفاف حول المدينة. من المفترض أن يتم فرض رسوم على السيارات وفقا لقراءة العداد، والتي غالبا ما تساوي رس 15 × مسافة (بالكيلومترات) (الحد الأدنى للمبلغ 25 روبية لل 1.8 كم أو أقل، مع زيادة 1.5x بين 9:00 و 6:00 )، وعادة ما تميل إلى فرض رسوم على أساس مخصص اعتمادا على المسافة من الوجهة، وفرص الحصول على عميل آخر من المنطقة المذكورة، ومزاجهم. عادة، عندما أشاد من الشارع، وهناك احتمالات أن يمكنك غالبا ما تأتي عبر سائق صادق الذي يوافق على استخدام متر دون ضجة. في حالة وجود عيب في عداد أو السائق يرفض استخدامه، يجب عليك ببساطة رفض على متن الطائرة. قول متر يرجى عادة تفعل خدعة. فإنه يحصل على أكثر صعبة عندما كنت في الجبهة جاذبية سياحية كبيرة أو محور النقل، كما سيكون هناك جحافل من السيارات في ريكشاوز ينتظرون حول الذين سيحاولون كل ما في وسعهم لإجبارك على استخدام خدمتهم. معظم هؤلاء السائقين سوف يرفضون استخدام متر وطلب سعر مبالغ فيه باهظ. You should simply and firmly refuse them and walk away until you find an auto who agrees to use a meter. If this is not practical or you are simply too tired to deal with it or are in a hurry, counter-propose them an appropriate amount based on the distance of your destination. The driver will be likely to insist on his own price. Just walk away and chances are that he will give up and agree on your price faster than you thought. Tourists should be cautious when approaching an auto-rickshaw during night, or during heavy rains. Chances are they will charge exorbitant rates. Help could be taken from the local traffic police to avail auto-rickshaws during such circumstances. If you are a visitor and do not know the route to the destination it is a good idea to bargain and fix the fare before boarding to avoid long, convoluted routes being used by the driver. Another thing to keep in mind is to be firm but not loud in an argument while travelling in the auto. Some of the less reputable drivers may team up with their friends midway to cause problems. Remember that although Bangaloreans are known for their polite and mild mannered behavior, auto drivers are normally an exception. Some will think nothing of trying to rip you off. If in doubt, consult a local or your hotel travel desk. If a rickshaw driver offers to show/drive you to some great places to shop, firmly refuse. A common tactic is to drive you to local shops where you will be pressured to buy Indian crafts that you probably dont want. Know your destination and insist upon it. Be firm. Autos add a 50 surcharge after 10 PM (called one and a half and is the legal charge). Some drivers may demand 100 surcharge after 10 PM or 11 PM but you must refuse to board in such a case. Heavy luggage costs an additional fee of around Rs 10-20. Rickshaw drivers are required by law to display their identification on the dashboard or the back of their seats. Refuse to get into a rickshaw that does not display one. If an auto driver is problematic, note their identification number and report to the BBMP(Greater Bangalore Municipal Corporation) Control room which is empowered to withdraw their auto license. This is a very effective technique to deal with them. The BBMP control room number as of December 2009 is 91 80 22975803. The minimum charge as of October 2015, is Rs 25 for the first 1.8 km and Rs 12 for every additional kilometer. There is a new call an auto service started in Bangalore called Autowale, the number for that is 080-50661111 If you arrive in Bangalore via train, at the main train station there is an office near the taxis/auto-rickshaws which will print-out a pre-paid receipt for your ride. The service costs 1 Rs, but will save you a potentially large amount of money by giving you an accurate value for your ride. This also allows you to avoid haggling with the driver and acts as an official price agreement in the event that the driver wants to dispute the price of the ride. By private car edit Most taxi and auto-rickshaw drivers will be more than happy to offer you either a daily rate or an hourly rate, and take you around wherever you need to go. Alternately, your hotel or a travel company can arrange a private car. If you find a good taxi or auto driver, this can be a great way to go for a foreigner. Youll certainly pay a lot more than if you bought individual rides, but youll always have a driver waiting for you, and he can help with recommending local tourist sites, finding a good restaurant to eat at, and otherwise coping with day-to-day life. This can take a lot of the stress out of traveling. Rates are generally something like Rs 50 to 100 per hour for an auto-rickshaw, and Rs 150 to 250 per hour for a taxi. Rates for a private car booked via the hotel will probably be more. Like everything else in India, rates are very fluid. By bicycle edit The weather in Bangalore is very pleasant, but the traffic is not. So if your plan is not to go towards crowded city, you can go around in a bicycle. Velo in village. A1, Owners Court, Kaswanahalli Main Road ( off Sarjapura Road ), (rentoneveloinvillage ), 56. Bicycle hire with a good range of rental bikes including BTwin, RockRider, Merida, Giant and Orbea models. 160edit By Motorcycle edit In Bangalore you can rent motorcycles and scooters. You will find a lot of places where you can rent motorcycles and scooter. Dryve You can rent motorcycles and scooters from Dryve with hourly, daily, weekly and monthly rental packages. roadpanda You can rent two wheelers (motorcycles and scooters) on hourly, daily, weekly and monthly basis. ZipHop57 You can rent motorcycles. scooters and cars from here. They have a number of options. See edit add listing Although Bangalore is not known as a tourist city, there is still a lot to see. If you only have a limited amount of time in the city, you should consider taking a tour. Typically, the city tours do NOT include entry fees into the attractions. Bangalore, as with the rest of India, has a habit of charging foreigners a lot more than locals. For example, Tipu Sultans Palace, which is on the half-day tour, charges Rs 10 for Indians and Rs 100 (or US2) to non-Indians. I Cycle. 660/4, 5th Main Road, Vyalikaval, Bangalore - 560 003. 918861102597. 58. 10AM - 6PM. The outskirts of Bangalore city is a cyclists delight. You can either rent-a-cycle and ride on your own or even ride with the ICYCLE team on a weekend. (ICycleICycle. in) 160edit Landmarks edit Vidhana Soudha - The legislative House of the State of Karnataka, this granite building was built by Sri K. Hanumanthaiya, Chief Minister of the then Mysore state 1951 to 1956. The then Prime Minister Sri Pandit Jawaharalal Nehru laid the foundation on 13 July 1951. It was built at an expenditure of Rs 18.4 million. Marvel of neo-Dravidian architecture and one of the most imposing building not only in Bangalore but in India. One of the interesting feature of this building in grand stairs in its front. The grand stairs has a flight of forty-five steps 62 m (204 ft) wide 21 m (70 ft) deep giving a direct access to the foyer of first floor leading to an Assembly Chamber. The architecture of the building is based on Dravidian style, comprising richly carved bases and capitals for pillars, deep friezes, kapotha cornices, chaithya arches, heavy pediments domical finials, etc At the same time, the construction has been on modern designs, making use of the present-day materials like steel, reinforced cement concrete glass, plastic, etc. Vikasa Soudha - Is it possible to gild a lily Well you judge for yourself. This ultra modern construction, adjacent to majestic Vidhana Soudha built in the same classic style, is supposed to come fitted with the latest gizmos to help govern the state. It was inaugurated sometime in February 2005. Seshadari Iyer Memorial is a distinctive building constructed of red sand stone in Cubbon Park. It houses a public library and the Bangalore High Court, while the grounds include a childrens recreation area with a toy train, fairground and theater. Bangalore Palace was constructed by the Maharajahs of Mysore. For many years the building was neglected as a tourist attraction, but is now open to the public. After much renovation, it is a fine structure to visit, if overpriced. The fee is Rs 225/450 Indian/Foreigner and Rs 625 to take photos even of the exterior. This includes an excellent audio guide which describes most architecture and artifacts in detail, though no mention is made of the numerous nude paintings. Tipu Sultans Palace . which dates from about 1790, is the summer retreat for Tipu sultan. The two story structure is made mostly out of wood with finely embellished balconies, pillars and arches. Timings: From 9:30am to 5:30pm, All days of the week. Tickets are Rs 10 for Indians and Rs 100 for foreigners. Temples edit The Bull Temple . located in Basavanagudi, is a typical Dravidian style temple, and is famous for its mammoth bull statue that was carved from a single boulder. Legend has it that the temple was built to appease a marauding bull that stole local crops, and that the offering was effective with the bull subsequently leaving the area. Since then, local farmers have held an annual festival to express their gratitude. The Maha Bodhi Society Temple . (see Learn section) is a relatively new structure, with the main shrine built as a replica of the historic stupa at Bodh Gaya. The temple grounds are very peaceful, and visitors are welcome to stroll around. In addition, the temple houses an excellent library of books on Buddhism, many of which are in English. ISKCON Hare Krishna Temple. Hare Krishna Hill, Chord Rd. 91 80 2347 1956, 90 80 2357 8346 ( fax. 91 80 2357 8625 ), 59. 3:45AM-8PM. Temple built on a hillock in Rajajinagar atop scenic surroundings, is a perfect blend of modern technology and spiritual harmony. The huge cultural complex was built to promote vedic culture and spiritual learning, and abounds with shops selling devotional items and souvenirs. The annual Krishna and Balarama Rath Yatra is attended by thousands. 160edit Maruthi Mandir . a Hanuman Temple is located just opposite - 5 min drive from ISKCON temple, in the gate of Mahalakshmi Layout. This is a rock hill with huge idols of Hanuman and Mahalakshmi temples. The annual festival of Hanumad Jayanthi during December is very attractive. Gavi Gangadeshwara Cave Temple . located in Gavipuram, adjacent to Basavanagudi, was built by Kempe Gowda. This temple with four remarkable monolithic pillars is dedicated to Lord Shiva. The temple also has a rare idol of Agni god of fire. The annual festival is on Makara Shankranti and thousands of devotees flock to see the suns rays fall on the Shivlinga . The temple timings are: 7AM-12:30PM and 5PM-8:30. VenkataramanaSwamy Temple is a fine example of Dravidian architecture. This ancient temple was built by Maharaja Chikka Devaraya Wodeyar and is situated next to the summer palace of Tipu Sultan. Lord Shiva Temple behind Kemp Fort, Airport Road Dodda Ganapathi - one of the oldest temples in Bengaluru, is situated adjacent to the Bull Temple. Vasanthapura, in South Bangalore, is a small hillock with an ancient temple dedicated to Sri Vasantha Vallabharaya Swamy. Shiva Temple ( Shiv Mandir ), Old Airport Road. This temple has a massive monolith of Lord Shiva, located in the middle of an artificial pool. There is a cave-like walk through behind the statue. It is extremely crowded on the festival of Maha Shivaratri. One cant see or feel any kind of Bhakti in this temple, because at each move inside the temple there will be a person located for collection of money which creates such a disturbance for the concentration on Bhakti. On each step the devotees will be concentrating on the money boxes (Hundi in Kannada)/people standing to ask money as offerings. After coming out, one feels as if one has come out of a commercial Shiva temple. So sad to say this. Entrance - Rs.150, camera fee Rs.25, slipper stand fee - Rs.5. ( latitude. longitude ) 160edit Banaswadi Hanuman Temple . constructed in the Dravidian style, attracts a large number of devotees especially on week-ends. It has smaller temples dedicated to Lord Rama, Shiva and Ganapathi within the walled compound. Babusapalya Dodda Ganesha Temple, located on the outer ring road at Babusapalya, Kalyan Nagar(near by Banaswadi) has a Beautiful 60 feet tall Ganesha statue. The temple is dedicated mainly to Lord Ganesha, though it also includes temples of Lord Shiva, Annapoorneshwari and Subramanya Swamy. The annual celebrations during Ganesha chaturthi attracts large crowds to the temple. Ragi Gudda is a famous Hanuman temple abode in the Jayanagar 9th block, South of Bangalore. The temple is situated on a mammoth rocky hill, and has very attractive chain of temples like Spathika Shiva, Ganesha and scenery within the premises. This is a very crowd attracting place during the period of Hanumad Jayanthi in December. You get mahaprasadam meals on Saturday between 12 noon to 1 pm. Sri Raja Rajeshwari Temple located in RajaRajeshwari Nagar, just before Kengeri on Mysore Road is a famous temple dedicated to Godess Parvathi (RajaRajeshwari). It was built by a reknowned spiritual guru, Sri Sri Sri Tiruchi Mahaswaigal. Built in the ancient style with stones, the temple is very spacious. One can feel the peace and satisfaction when visited. Week ends are very crowded. DakshinaMukhy Nandeeshwara Temple . located in the heart of Bangalore is very ancient temple. This is on Sampige Road in the Malleshwaram area. The speciality of the temple is that, the natural (mineral) water flows from the mouth of Nandi (naturally) which is above a ShivaLingam, and pours all over the year as Abhishekam by nature itself. This water, after Abhishekam is taken by devotees as medicinal water, believed to cure many diseases. People from all over the world take this water in small containers with a lot of trust and devotion. Mukti Naga temple 60 in Bangalore is worlds largest monolithic statue of Lord Naaga, about 16 feet tall and 36 tons of weight. The Mukti Naga temple which is run by Shri Subrahmanya Seva Trust, is situated in a serene ambience of Ramohalli, a village on the outskirts of Bangalore city. Meenakshi Sundaram Temple . Bannerghatta Road, ( after Indian Institute of Management ), South of Bangalore. Beautiful, spacious temple devoted to Sri Meenakshi Amma. Built in ancient style with stone structures, this place is very cool and mind refreshing place to see. You will feel that you are in a temple at Tamilnadu, when in this temple. Timings: Monday thruough Saturday: 6:30AM to 12:30PM amp 4:00PM to 8:30PM Friday: 6:30AM to 1:00PM amp 4:00PM to 8:30PM Sunday: 6:30AM to 1:00PM amp 3:00PM to 8:30PM Sri Ramakrishna Ashram . There are many Ramakrishna Ashrams in Bangalore, but the special and central one is in Gandhi Bazaar - the place of temples in Bangalore. This mutt contains a vast meditating hall, a beautiful park, a vedic school and many more facilities. Sri Sharada Devi had meditated on a location in the park in this boundary. This location is preserved as a monument. A stone on which Swami Vivekananda had sat when he visited Bangalore is also kept as a monument. This is a calm and peaceful place for the people who enjoy the meditation. Churches edit Holy Trinity Church . located at Trinity circle at the east end of the MG Rd, is a major landmark in Bangalore. It was built in 1851, for the British Regiment stationed in Bangalore. Built in the English Renaissance style, the church can accommodate 700 people and is regarded as the largest military church in southern India. It has a congregation of over 450 families. St. Marys Basilica . St. Marys Basilica is a basilica located in the Archdiocese of Bangalore in the Indian state of Karnataka. It is the oldest church in Bangalore and is the only church in the state that has been elevated to the status of a minor basilica. It is famous for the festivities held during the St. Marys Feast in the month of September each year, an event that attracts a number of devotees from in and around Bangalore. The basilica has been built in Gothic-style with arches, ornamental motifs and stained glass windows. Multiple columns and tall spires of the basilica can be seen from quite a distance. The stained glass windows were removed during World War II and were subsequently restored in 1947. Shelter House Church . Bannerghatta Road, Arekere. The service is conducted in English and starts from 9:30AM in the morning. St. Francis Xaviers Cathedral . St. Francis Xaviers Cathedral is located in the Archdiocese of Bangalore in the Indian state of Karnataka. It is the head church in Archdiocese Bangalore. It is the most decorated church in the city and boasts of very historic artifact. It also is the biggest of churches in the city. It is located in the central part and in the heart of city (Promenade road, near Coles park) It also has a huge premises within which there are 3 schools inside it, St. Anthonys boys school, St. Aloysius boys school and St. Rocks girls school. The whole locality is surrounded by a more schools like St. Francis Xaviers girls school, St. Germans boys school, Goodwil girls school, Nehru school, RTC school. Infant Jesus Shrine . The Infant Jesus shrine is located in Viveknagar, Bangalore. It is now known as a place of pilgrimage. Thousand of devotees from all faiths throng the shrine on Thursday. The podium is raised above road level with steps and ramp on either side. The interior of the church is so designed that wherever people are seated they will feel that the altar is facing them. The main mural which is 6x9 meters replicates the nativity scene in the nativity church of Jerusalem. Do edit add listing Outdoor activities and sports edit Cycling . Art of Bicycle Trips 61 and ICycle 62 organizes bicycle tours in and around Bangalore. The tours combine cycling with Indian art, culture and heritage. You could also check out the Bangalore Bicycling Club on Facebook or Google groups or bikeszone for weekend plans. Cycles could also be rented at Decathlon, off Sarjapur Road. Trekking/Camping . Bangalore is blessed with breathtaking natural beauty and the right temperature for trekking/camping. Some top trekking/camping destinations include kumara parvatha, todiandamol(coorg), madikeri(coorg), mullayangiri, kodechadiri, Skandagiri, Kudremukh. You can go on trekking trips with Bangalore Trekking Club63 or Shady Tents Trekking Community64. with the latter you can get camping equipment on rent. Rock Climbing . Bangalore has plenty of boulder gardens and granite hills in the vicinity. There are multiple bouldering, multi-pitch and single pitch sport, and some trad climbing possibilities within a day trip schedule. facebook/groups/BangaloreClimbingAndOutdoorsGroup/ is a popular online hangout for climbers in Bangalore. Kayaking . Bangalore has a small but active community of white water kayakers. Trips are usually during the monsoon time, and non-monsoon time activities involve flat water paddling. Since this is a non-commercial group, best to check on availability of spare gear, or to bring your own kayak and gear. They can be contacted via 65 Go-karting . Ultimate Frisbee . 66 Although in a nascent stage, Ultimate Frisbee games are held on Tue/Thu/Sat mornings starting 6:30AM. The teams comprise of players of all skill levels. Watch a cricket match. M. Chinnaswamy Stadium ( near Cubbon Park ). Chinnaswamy stadium is the home ground of the Indian Premier League (IPL) team Royal Challengers Bangalore which is reputed for having a large, loyal, and loud fan following. IPL season typically is between March and May every year, matches are played in the evenings and last around 3 hours. Scour the daily newspapers for ticket information - note that tickets typically get sold out a week before. 160edit Hiking . Nandi hills Rangaswamy betta, Bhimeshwari - Muttati. Hill Climbing . Savandurga, Makalidurga, Kavaledurga (Skandagiri), Kabalidurga, Siddarabetta, Nijakal betta. Camping . Fever Pitch basecamp is one spot destination for camping, adventure, watersports, paintball. Basecamp is located 30 km from Bangalore. One of the best places to see near Bangalore. For more details visit feverpitchholidays. Fever Pitch basecamp is a famous jungle resort for corporate team outings in Bangalore. Cave exploration . Savandurga, Anthargange, Siddarabetta. Adventure Clubs: Bangalore is called the Seattle of India for reason that it has a very active outdoors scene. Hiking, rock climbing, white water kayaking, paragliding and mountain biking are very popular. Some of the resources to look up other weekend adventurers are through the following online forums or offline clubs including facebook/groups/BangaloreClimbingAndOutdoorsGroup/, Spark, KMA, Whitefield Riders, Southern River Runners, Bangalore Bicycling Group, etc. Breakout Escape Games: As Bangalore is fast becoming the melting pot for entrepreneurs, adventure seekers, expats, economic migrants and such, the need for alternative hangout spots has grown exponentially. Escape Games is a viable answer to this need. Most escape games joints like Breakout offer 60-minute adventures for a group of ideally more than 2 people and has swiftly become hugely popular through word of mouth and review websites like Tripadvisor. Bangalore Sightseeing Tour taxiGUIDE. in Bangalore Sightseeing Tours ( Bangalore Sightseeing Tour ), Call for Inquiry from 7am to 11 pm 91 888 023 4455 (supporttaxiguide. in ), 67. Tour Timings 9:30am to 8:330pm. Prices start from Rs.1800 for Bangalore Sightseeing in India. Pickup amp drop back to hotel/residence within Bangalore City Limits - Flat Rates. 160edit Choe Khor Sum Ling: Tibetan Buddhist Center. Ashwini, No. 24, 1st floor, 3rd Main Street, Domlur Layout 1st stage, Bangalore-71. 080 41486497. Choe Khor Sum Ling (CKSL) is a center for the study and practice of Buddhist meditation and philosophy as preserved in the Tibetan tradition. This Buddhist center is affiliated to FPMT (Foundation and Preservation of Mahayana Tradition), which is the parent organization. His Holiness the XIV Dalai Lama requested Kyabje Lama Zopa Rinpoche to start a Buddhist center in Bangalore. Since then, CKSL has been fostering an environment that helps people develop their fullest potential for infinite happiness, wisdom and compassion, inspired by an attitude of universal responsibility. There are no fees for visiting the center, participating in its various activities or even attending any of the courses. Situated in the heart of Bangalore city, CKSL is free for spiritual seekers and everyone one is welcome 160edit Nature amp parks edit Visit the beautiful lakes in Bangalore. Ulsoor Lake and Sankey Tank offer an enriching, pleasant experience. Bannerghatta National Park (for the safari try to get a seat in the front of the bus just next to the driver) Lalbagh botanical Garden and lake inside-the park offers a pleasant view and is home to some water birds History edit Libraries edit Fairs amp exhibitions edit Kadlekai Parishe (Peanut fair) . Every year, sometime during the months of Nov-Dec, the area around Bull Temple Road in South Bangalore hosts a peanut fair. Centuries ago, the villages in and around this area used to cultivate peanuts and the custom was to dedicate the first crop to Nandi (the Bull at the temple). Although the villages of yore are today residential areas, the tradition continues as peanut farmers congregate to sell their crop. The 2 day traditional fair has many stalls that sell peanuts, trinkets, bangles, pottery, dolls etc. There are also a number of food stalls. Chitra Santhe (Paintings market) . An annual exhibition, held on the last Sunday of every January, the Chitra Santhe on Kumara Krupa Road (near Golf Course) brings together artists from all across Karnataka. Paintings, pottery, and sculpture are all on an exhibition-cum-sale. الطريق مغلق أمام حركة المرور في ذلك اليوم، مما يجعل من الممكن أن يكون نزهة على مهل، والاعجاب وشراء العناصر. (It is proposed that from 2012, the venue would be shifted to Freedom Park.) Prices range from Rs 100 - 20,000. Bargaining is recommended, but not too hard. Pay a fair price. (Credit cards and foreign currency are rarely accepted, so carry sufficient cash in Indian currency) Aero India . Held in the second week of February every alternate year (the next one is in 2017), this is Asias premier air show. Spanning 5 days (W-Su), the show at Yelahanka Air Force Base in the northern part of Bangalore comprises a defence exhibition and air show. Fighter jets from around the world are on both flying and static display. Normally, there are two air shows every day - one in the morning and the other in the afternoon. Tickets can be purchased online or at select outlets - scan the newspapers for more information. (Purchasing a ticket at outlets requires you to show a photo identification and tickets are non-transferable.) Arts amp theatre edit Concerts at Bangalore Palace Grounds . Check the local listings to see if any concerts are happening. Most international acts happen at Bangalore Palace Grounds and the venue has hosted Metallica, Rolling Stones, Bryan Adams, Iron Maiden, Deep Purple, Joe Satriani, Mark Knopfler, Aerosmith, Sting, Uriah Heep, Lamb of God, Megadeth, Machinehead, Scorpions among others. Rangashankara . 36/2, 8th Cross, J. P. Nagar, 2nd Phase. 98 80 26592777, 98 80 26494656. 68. Evening shows start at 7:30PM. Many local groups perform here, although more often shows are presented by traveling groups touring India. Quality of the performances varies, but most plays are worth seeing, especially the ones by Indian playwrights and / or directors, as they can show you an Indian (or lets say non-western) perspective. Shows are in various languages, so it is a good idea to double-check whether the play is in English before buying/reserving (blocking) tickets. Tickets cost between Rs 45100. Jagriti Theater . Varthur Rd,( Whitefield). 91 80 4124 2879 69. Jagriti is a hub for the performance and visual arts in Whitefield, Bangalore. It consistently features renowned national and international theater groups. Almost all performances are in English. Tickets usually cost Rs 300. Movies edit In Bangalore English, Kannada, Hindi, Tamil, Telugu and Malayalam films are screened in the theaters. Rarely Oriya and Bengali films are shown. All language movies especially English, Hindi, Kannada, Tamil and Telugu movies run in packed houses. Take in a movie at one of the innumerable theaters around the city. Gandhi Nagara . Central place in Bangalore (next to Majestic Bus Stand) which is like the head quarters for all the movies. This area has 15 movie theaters(Snathosh, Narthaki, Kapali, Abhinay etc). PVR Cinemas . 70 Fun Cinemas 71 Gopalan Cinemas 72 CineMAX 73 Fame Cinemas Inox Movies . 74 Urvashi Theater . urvashicinema/ Nani Cinematheque . 75 has film series almost every weekend programmed by local film clubs. Collective Chaos . 76 Bangalore Film Society . 77. A club membership (around Rs 500/year) is typically required for entrance. Foreign film series and cultural events. Spa amp massage edit Massage or Prostitution Beware that many of the Massage classifieds in local newspapers may be fronts for prostitution. Prostitution is illegal and if caught in a raid, you may end up spending a night in the cooler before being eligible for bail. Most legitimate spas and massage parlors have detailed websites and are run professionally. Massages amp Spas are very much a part of Bangalores east-meets-west culture . new ones spring up across the city all the time. The 5th Element . 80. Spa near Dell office on Inner Ring Rd. All practitioners are from Thailand and offer authentic Thai massage, scrubs, and wraps. Aroma Home Spa . Brookefields, ITPL Main Rd, Near Whitefield, 81. Natural eco-friendly products in use. Hydro therapy massage in addition to therapies suited to individual needs. Aayu Siddhi . 82. Traditional Indian Ayurvedic massage. Kenko Reflexology amp Spa . 83. offers a variety of massages and a fish spa. SPA. ce . Cunningham Rd, 84. Run by an expat Brit offers a variety of massages, scrubs, and facials. Akaasa . 85. High-end boutique spa. Ayur Sukha . Malleswaram, 86. Very nice, clean and professional spa in a nice neighborhood. 1 hr basic Ayurvedic treatment (massage and steam) is about Rs 1,000. Learn edit Buddhism edit Choe Khor Sum Ling. Ashwini, No. 24, 1st Floor, Domlur Layout. 91 80 41486497 (infocksl. in ), 87. This Tibetan Buddhist meditation and study centre is in Domlur Layout near Shanti Sagar Restaurant on Airport Road. CKSL is a center for the study and practice of Mahayana Buddhism following the lineage and example of Lord Buddha. The Centre, whose name means The Three Turnings of the Wheel of Dharma was founded in 2003 by Lama Zopa Rinpoche under the guidance of HH the XIVth Dalai Lama. The Centre offers courses in various Buddhist meditation techniques and teachings on different aspects of Buddhism. Teachings are offered free to the public and are conducted in English or in Tibetan (with translation in English). In addition to regular teachings, every few weeks the Centre invites senior Lamas to give talks on important aspects of the Buddhist path. Such talks are also accompanied by instructions and initiations by the Lama into different meditation practices. 160edit Thubten Lekshey Ling ( Dharma Subhashita ), 91 98 80296930 (infolekshey. org ), 88. Nyingma Tibetan Buddhist meditation centre founded by the late His Holiness Pema Norbu (Penor) Rinpoche. The centre is located close to MG Road on Ulsoor road, just on the side of Manipal Centre. The centre conducts meditation classes, spiritual discourses and advanced study programs. Weekend teachings in meditation and philosophy are offered by lamas from Namdroling Monastery, Bylakupee. 160edit Maha Bodhi Society. 14 Kalidasa Road, Gandhinagar. 91 80 2250684 (mahabodhivsnl ), 89. This temple has a very active schedule. There are teachings on the Dharma in English on the first two and last Sundays of every month from 9:30-11:30AM, while on the 3rd Sunday there is a meditation retreat. Anyone is welcome to attend. The temple also has a good library and a beautiful garden - a great place to retreat from the hustle and bustle of the metropolis outside. 160edit Work edit Indians edit The best way to find employment in Bangalore is through job fairs, job portals, applying directly to companies of interest, and through headhunters. Non-Indians edit Non-Indian Citizen Employment Regulation Indian regulations may require that any foreign national who is employed in India earn at least US25,000/year. This is exempted for (a) Ethnic chefs, (b) Language teachers (other than English language teachers)/translators and (c) Staff working for Embassy/High Commissions. Check your compensation offer so that you meet this requirement and are eligible for an employment visa. Some foreign nationals are employed at salaries less than this, though, typically in the NGO sector. With a little hard work and persistence finding a job is quite possible in Bangalore. Most of the available positions are in the IT field but not necessarily IT based. Several expats do marketing, quality assurance, accent training and translation among other things. All jobs in India require an employment visa which must be obtained abroad and sponsored by the hiring company in India. In general, the salary for expats is very high compared to the local Indian wage. The best resource for jobs is through the expat community. Ask around but a good place to meet expats is the Sunday brunches at the 5 Star hotels or at the numerous coffee shops in and around the MG Road area. Buy edit add listing Currency Exchange edit You will not find money exchange kiosks/counters in all parts of Bangalore because Bangalore is not a primary destination for most tourists, nor is it the entry point for most tourists entering the region. However, most banks offer currency exchange in all their branch offices as do some travel agencies. Exchange rates can vary somewhat, so it is advisable to shop around. Typically, travel agencies will offer a better exchange rate as compared to the rates offered by banks. Shopping districts edit Bangalore provides a wide range of options for shoppers. One can buy many things ranging from clothing to electronic goods and vehicles. Being an IT city, Bangalore provides all kind of services but one might find things to be costlier. Many visitors come to Bangalore searching only for sandalwood carvings and silk saris and so miss out on the true Bangalore shopping experience. Here is a low down on shopping - Bangalores style: The UB City and Vittal Mallya Road are Page-3 shopping areas. Youll find brands like Versace, Louis Vuitton, Kimaya in the UB City. Vittal Mallya Roads got shopping places like The Collective which is a shop only for men, too bad Armani, Versace, Boss, you name it they have it. Theres even Canary Blue and Esprit on the same road. The M. G Road/Brigade Road area is the most popular place for tourists, and these two roads are filled with shops of every kind, whether it be traditional handicrafts or the latest western wear (this is especially true for Brigade Road). Bannerghatta Road . newly improved. You have Grasshopper, a space that exhibits clothing designs from the most experimental designers in India and also showcases other ideas - lighting design, products, theater, music - an open space for expression If thats too boring, you can keep driving and you have a thousand ways that you can take to enjoy the wildlife and the myriad reservoirs strewn across the area - you can still find your very own private haven. Enjoy Wood Street in the heart of the city you have Eternal Expression 90 Bangalores best Tattoo Studio. Monkey Bar 91 among Bangalores best bars and first gastropub of india. Olive Beach 92 the finest Mediterranean dining experience. Brigade Road used to be where British soldiers bought their necessities. Today Brigade Road is the center of yuppie Bangalore youll see hordes of college students on the road anytime of day or night. Some of the stores on Brigade Road include: Planet M (a huge music store with everything),Tommy Hilfiger, Louis Philippe, Pepe Jeans, Levis, Lee, San Frisco Jeans, Nike, Titan (great Indian made watches) just to name a few. There are also many eateries on the road and on the side roads that lead off of Brigade road, so that you can refuel yourself for shopping. There are your fast food outlets: KFC (right at the entrance), Pizza Hut at the other end of the road and many cafes including the Indian Coffee Chain Cafe Coffee Day. Also includes a tattoo studio. Commercial Street a legacy of the British is another shopping mecca that sells international brands (similar to Brigade road) alongside locally produced items. Commercial Street has more of a bazaar feel than Brigade Road. In addition, it is famous for its body piercing centers. The price of goods here is very competitive and it is a great place to pick a bargain. Shopping malls and markets edit Go shopping at one of Bangalores many malls and traditional markets. Malls typically have high(er)-end stores retailing apparel, footwear, and consumer electronics. Many malls also have food courts (with international cuisine) and movie theaters. Finding a parking spot for your car may not be easy though, especially on weekends. Some of the more popular malls in Bangalore are: The Forum (Koramangala ) The Forum value Mall (Whitefield) Esteem Mall (Hebbal) Garuda Mall (Magrath Road) InOrbit Mall (Whitefield) Mantri Square (Malleshwaram) Phoenix Market City (Whitefield Road) UB City (Vittal Mallya Road) Lido Mall (Ulsoor) Gopalan Innovation Mall (Bannerghatta Road) Gopalan Mall (Mysore Road) Gopalan Signature Mall (Old Madras Road) Gopalan Grand Mall (Old Madras Road) Royal Meenakshi Mall (Bannerghatta Road) Elements Mall (Nagawara)(Under Construction) Vega City Mall (Bannerghatta Road)(Under Consrtuction) Bangalore Central (Residency Road and Jayanagar 9th block) Sigma Mall (Cunningham Road) Poorva Mall (Old Madras Road) Mega Mall (Vyalikaval) Orion Mall (Rajajinagar) Esteem Mall (Hebbal) Cosmos Mall (Brookefield) Soul Space Arena (Mahadevpura) Total Mall (Sarjapura rd) Little Bees Toy Store (Sarjapura rd) And counting. Malls in India are a recent phenomenon, the first opened back in 1999. Since then there has been a boom with malls around every corner in large cities (now also in smaller cities). Bangalore is no exception. Here is a list of the major malls in Bangalore. Forum Mall - The Forum on Hosur road is in the upmarket suburb of Koramangla, fast becoming a key shopping hub in Bangalore (Bannerghatta Road). It is the largest mall in Bangalore. covering an area of 650 000 ft (60 000m) of retail space. Again like other shopping areas, you can find anything at the Forum, high international brands such as Tommy Hilfiger, Swarovski Crystals to traditional Indian Khadi clothing at the Khadder. Other brands with outlets include: United Colors of Benetton (much cheaper here than in the west), Pepe Jeans U. K, William Penn, Wrangler Jeans, Weekender and of course Nike. The Forum incorporates the clothing from international brands as well as haute couture boutiques including: Mustard, Isis, B and the Chai shop. For books head straight to Landmark and huge store has everything from books to perfumes and music. On the top floor of the mall you will find a PVR multiplex comprising 11 cinemas. For eating there is everything, Fast food (KFC, McDonalds, Pizza Hut, Subway) Cafe Coffee Day and a food court with world cuisines including: Chinese, Vietnamese, Mexican and Italian and Indian. Not to be missed is the Indian cuisine at Sahib Sindh Sultan and the British style pub, Firangi Pani. So that is a forum for all your shopping needs under one roof. Its just a must see, especially the outside. Garuda Mall - Located on the corner of McGrath and Commissariat Roads, is the newest and the second largest mall in Bangalore . Bangalore Central - Opened around the same as the Forum, Bangalore Central is more of a large department store than a mall with separate retailers. Safina Plaza - The sale capital of Bangalore. located on Infantry Road. Every week there is sale going on of any type. One week it might be home furnishings and the next mens wear. Good place to find some bargains. Many exhibitions are also held here, although there are retailers (Dockers, Lee Jeans, Titan too name a few) here too. So for quiet shopping come here (much less crowded than the other malls). Its best to visit during end of season sales (Summer, Monsoon) or during festivals (Ganesha Chaturthi, Diwali, New Year, Christmas, ). Lifestyle - A two-story store on Victoria Road in the heart of the new mall shopping district with malls like Garuda Mall, Bangalore Central and Globus, all within easy walking distance and was one of the most coveted stores until the malls came along. Its an easy place to go shopping when you dont want too many options to confuse you or when youre tired and dont want to visit too many shops - you can get everything under one roof here. Good for clothes, cosmetics, watches, jewelry, shoes etc. You also get stylish furniture and other home and living items for a decent price. Mantri Square - It is located in Malleswaram. Sampige Road, Malleswaram - Sampige Road is the heart of Malleswaram and connects Sheshadripuram to Indian Institute Science. Sampige Road is around 2 km, has a wide range of shops that sells books, electronic items, silk sarees, handicrafts, cloth materials, Hindu pooja materials, sweets and all the trivial things you can buy on earth. Also try Malleswaram 8th cross on Sampige road (aptly named Brigade Road of Malleswram) for a vibrant shopping experience. Sampige Road is also home to best flower market and fruits market in Bangalore. If you are tired of going to individual shops you can go for the best departmental stores in Bangalore like Fabmall, Foodworld and Nilgiris. Marathahalli Main Road and Factory Outlets - Located a distance from central Bangalore (although not difficult to reach), is Marathahalli (a village in a previous life). The main road of this suburb is now a haven for factory outlets for all major brands: Nike, Adidas, Pepe Jeans, Killer Jeans, Louis Philippe, Levis, Reebok etc. You can expect prices here to be cheaper than in the Malls, at least 20-30 price difference but can be up to 50 cheaper when it comes to some of the major denim brands. As if India wasnt cheap enough. Although this is the best place to go to for factory outlet shopping, there are smaller factory outlets scattered across the city. Also look out for sales held by the major brands to get rid of end of season stock (again end of Summer or end of Monsoon), these are usually advertised in newspapers or look for signs posted on major roads. Metro shopping mall . ( near Yeshwanthpur railway station and ISKON temple ). Jayanagar Shopping Complex . From antique jewelry (the famous Bhavanis, the more recent Kushals, The Gallery), the authentic gold jewelry stores, saree stores (Kalamandir, Kalaniketan, Mysore Silk Udyog), sweet meat stores (Sri Krishna Sweets, Arya Bhavan), Classic Iyengar bakeries, dress stores (Paridhan, Rangoli, Bafnas, Vinayaka Collections), through to fresh vegetables, fruits, meat and butter. Gandhi Bazaar . ( in the heart of Basavangudi ). One of the oldest shopping areas in Bangalore, Gandhi Bazaar stretches for a short kilometer or so, bordered on both sides by shops selling everything from saris and clothes to plastics and kitchen utensils, fronted by vegetable and fruit stalls. Do not forget to visit Vidyarthi Bhavan whenever you come here for this is the best South Indian restaurant in Bangalore selling the most heavenly dosas. Apart from the malls one should not forget to visit Commercial Street and Brigade Road, which are excellent shopping and hanging out places. The traditional markets have mom-and-pop stores that sell everything from fruits, vegetables, groceries to electronics, music, and mobile phones. The citys largest vegetable and fruit market is in the heart of the city and is called KR Market or City Market. Smaller but more lively traditional markets can be found in residential areas such as Gandhi Bazaar, N R Colony, Banashankari, Malleswaram, Jayanagar, and JP Nagar amp Shivajinagar. For people looking for girls party wear dresses Magic Threads in Richmond town, very close to the popular shopping area of Brigade Road, is a must visit. Jewelry edit C. Krishniah Chetty amp Sons ( Diamond Flagship Store ), 2-1 Main Cross Rd ( next to Safina Plaza ), 98 80 4000 1869. 93. 14,000 sq ft dedicated to the finest gold and diamond jewellery, spread over two floors. 160edit C. Krishniah Chetty amp Sons-The Heritage Store. 35 amp 36 Commercial St. 98 80 4000 1869. 94. Dedicated to gold and silver. 160edit Giantti Luxury Ensemble. Shop No. C9, Level 2, The Leela Palace. 91 80 4115 9766, 91 80 4115 9799. Diamond amp gold jewellery along with silver articles and idols. 160edit JoyAlukkas. M. G.Road ( Near MG Road Metro Station ). Platinum, Silver, Gold and Diamond Jewelry. 160edit Jos Alukkas. Dickenson Road ( Near Commercial Street ). 160edit Kalyan Jewellers. Dickenson Road ( Near Commercial Street ). 160edit Khazana Jewellery. Dickenson Road ( Near Commercial Street ). 160edit Handicraft edit Chandi - The Divine Gallery. Shop No. 12, First Floor, Public Utility Building, MG Road. 91 80 4112 3590, 91 80 4112 3610. specialise in Indian divine figures in all mediums. Claims to have the biggest collection of Ganeshas in Bangalore. High quality and locally priced wares, no pushy salesmen. 160edit Cauvery Arts amp Crafts Emporium. 45, MG Road. 91 80 2558 1118. - 8:30PM. A large store, offering a wide selection of some of Karnatakas best hand made products. The carvings made of Mysore sandalwood are an especially good buy. 160edit Central Cottage Industries Emporium (CCIE). 144, MG Road. A government run store promoting traditional Indian hand crafts. The CCIE has major outlets in New Delhi. مومباي. Kolkata, Bangalore and Chennai. 160edit Royal Arts amp Crafts. 21, KH Road. 91 80 2248 4797. Has a particularly wide selection of silk carpets and paper mache products. 160edit Karnataka State Handicrafts Development Corporation. 45, KSHDC Complex, MG Road. Specialise in Karnataka handicrafts. 160edit Kala Madhyam Store. 2nd floor, Flat No 2, Benson Town 77/8, Nandidurg Rd ( Benson Cross Rd corner ), (mailkalamadhyam. org ), 95. Folk and tribal art paintings, handicrafts from across India, clothing for women. Specialises in wall murals of folk and tribal art as well as terra cotta. 160edit Miras Carpet Industries. No.7, Ground Floor, Suryodai Complex, Old Airport Rd, Kodihalli, ( Opp. Hotel Leela Palace ), (91 80 4157 1894, 91 80 2521 0786 (enquirymirascrafts ), 96. 9:00 am to 9:30 pm. Manufacturers and Exporters of Indian Carpets, Rugs, Kilims, Handicrafts, Jewellerys, Pashmina Shawls, Silk Sarees etc. Claims to have the biggest collection Of Oriental Carpets and Rugs in Bangalore. High quality and locally priced wares, no pushy salesmen. 160edit Books edit Goobes Book Republic. 46-1-1 Church St, Karnataka ( in the basement of Church Street Inn, Budget Hotel, near MG Rd, ), 91 80 4112 4956 (goobesbookrepublicgmail ), 97. Second-hand and new books on a wide variety of subjects and a very cost effective library option and buy back used books. 160edit Bookport. Casa Andree II, Ist floor, No 18/3, Andree Road, Shanti Nagar ( near Yellamma Dassappa Hospital ), 91 80 4112 4956 (bookportbangaloregmail ), 98. They stock hand picked books on art, literature, philosophy, genderampsexuality, film, fe minism, current critical thinking, fiction, travel. Also do art amp literature events. 160edit Axis Books. 330/9, Axis Rd, Domlur Inner Ring Rd. Domlur Layout ( near Indira Nagar Flyover ), 91 80 4038 3838, 91 80 4152 6657. Its a fairly new book shop. Started by one of the members of the Gangarams family. They stock books, stationery, multimedia, movies, and toys. 160edit The Strand Book Stall. 1st Floor, Manipal Centre, Dickenson Road. 91 80 2558 0000. 99. Best known for the latest releases in art, design, architecture and all at good prices. 160edit Gangarams. 72, MG Road. 91 80 2558 6743, 91 80 2558 7277. The store has been closed down. 160edit Crossword. ACR Towers, Residency Road ( opp. Gateway Hotel ), 91 80 2558 2411-16. A hot spot for books of various genres combined with seating areas, spacious racks - music and movie section, childrens section and a coffee shops this proves to be a wonderful hangout to read, browse and shop. 160edit Higginbothams. 68, MG Road. 91 80 2558 7359, 91 80 2558 6574. This bookstore has a good selection of maps, postcards, guides and novels. 160edit Premier Book Shop. 46/1, Church Street. 91 80 2558 8570. Is a venerable Bangalore institution that has books on every conceivable subject literally stacked from floor to ceiling. Although the store may appear to be utterly chaotic, the owner knows where every piece of his stock lies - just be careful with those elbows, a slight nudge and the whole place will come tumbling down. This store however, will shut down shortly. 160edit Landmark. Luskar, Hosur Road, Koramangala ( in Forum Mall ), 91 80 2206 7777/78/80. A modern bookshop. A good place to pick up the most recent publications. Various household appliances CDs and DVDs of music albums, computer and video games (the quality varying from time-to-time) and movies can also be found on the next floor. 160edit Blossoms. Church Street ( parallel to MG Rd and near Coconut Grove Restaurant ), 91 80 255 9733, 91 80 2532 0400. There are 3 full floors of those rare, hard to find old books. All 2nd hand, good condition and at low rates. You definitely wont leave disappointed. 160edit Select Bookshop. Brigade Road ( behind Curzon Court Hotel ). Used to be the only old bookstore. Mr Murthy, who runs the bookstore, is one of the most knowledgeable people. His grandfather started the bookstore. He also has a collection of lithographs, stained glass paintings and collectors copies of antique books. 160edit Oxford Book Store. At the Leela Galleria ( next to Hotel Leela Palace ). Has some of the latest collection of books and magazines but, doesnt offer any discounts. It has a Chai Bar attached offering 69 blends of tea. 160edit Tata Book House. At the Indian Institute of Science, Malleswaram. Has a large collection of technical books, on which it offers a flat 20 percent discount. Lots of books in a small place. Also worth visiting just because it is in IISc. 160edit Streelekha. 33/1-9, Thyagaraja Layout, Jaibharath Nagar. 91 80 2549 2783. This is a great bookstore to explore the feminist literature and activism that is being produced in India, as well as other texts on the research and work of Indian NGOs. The atmosphere is relaxing and inviting. 160edit Sapna Book House. 3rd Main Rd, near Kamat Yatri Nivas, Gandhi Nagar ( Walking distance from Majestic Bus stand ), 100. This is a large bookstore, they also have branches in four other locations Sadashivnagar, Jayanagar, Indiranagar and Koramangala. Sapna Book House also provides online book delivery. 160edit Fusion Rental. 101. Online renting of books amp movies. Vast collection of both books amp movies at one place. Free pick up amp delivery all over Bangalore. 160edit The Bookworm. ( in one of the by-lanes perpendicular to Brigade Rd, near McDonalds ). This is a small used book store. Good bargains on used and new books are available here. 160edit Elloor Library. Blue Cross Chambers, Infantry Road ( close to Commercial St ). A circulating library that has a wide range of fiction and non-fiction books, including new titles. Requires membership which includes a deposit. 160edit Boutiques edit Apart from the numerous malls that have taken Bangalore by storm, the essential element and soul of the city comes through in its myriad small and unique boutiques that are all over the city, usually tucked away though. Have tried to list the must check out stores. Presidents Groom Concepts. BVK Iyengar Road Kamaraj Road ( near Gandhinagar in the city centre and near Commercial Street ), 91 80 4147 0910. Two Mens-wear fashion stores, established 25 years. Fine fabrics for made-to-order and a large ready-to-wear collection. Bespoke suits and made to order clothing including tuxedos, business wear to traditional Indian kurtas and sherwanis. 160edit Mahendra Textiles. Chickpet. 91 80 4124 9900. Sarees and dress materials from Surat. مومباي. كولكاتا. Rajasthan. فاراناسي. Kerala and Sri Lanka. 160edit Levitate-InDiA in A RooM. 777/1, 100 Ft. Rd Indiranagar, 100 Ft. Boutique Restaurant (mezzanine floor). 91 80 6452 8190, 91 98 4531 7776 (levitateindiagmail ). Silver amp costume handcrafted jewellery, Bohemian apparel, Indian kitsch, lifestyle accessories. 160edit Chilli Billi. Indiranagar. 91 92 4179 9105. Great for womens westernwear, especially the dresses, good collection of bags, shoes and jewellery. They also offer home decor solutions. 160edit Native Place. Museum Road ( Behind Museum Rd Post Office ). Loads of interesting merchandise, crafts made by NGOs, c/o The Only Place Restaurant. 160edit One G. Hatworks Boulevard, Cunningham Road. 91 80 4123 1231. Jewellery 160edit Marmalade. Adj. to Spratt Salon, Magrath Road ( Left before Coffee Day, on Brigade Rd Extn ), 91 80 4122 1814. Loads of affordable young designer wear. 160edit Arnav. Near Ashoka Pillar, Jayanagar. 91 80 2656 8416, 91 99860 01216. 102. The quaint little jewellery store located at Ashoka Pillar, Jayanagar makes for very interesting jewelry buys, a range of antique, restored, contemporary and fusion jewelry are on display. They could help you design a piece of jewelry to suit your needs, an in-house jewelry consultant could help you choose your jewelry. 160edit Necessary Evil. 12th A main, HAL 2nd stage, Indiranagar. 91 80 4163 8757. 103. Casual luxury has finally reached Bangalore with the opening of its newest concept store. Necessary Evil will be offering shoppers the latest international brands such as 7 For All Mankind, Splendid and AliceOlivia, some of which are in India for the first time. They also offer and exclusive line of fine jewellery and home furnishings. 160edit Sakhi by Chandras. 6th main, HAL 2nd stage, Indiranagar. 91 80 4115 5551. 104. Combines traditional fabrics and craftsmanship with contemporary themes. Sakhis sarees, salwars and kurtis combine Kanchivaram, tussar, chiffon, Georgette, crpe, organza and cotton with traditional techniques such as cut work, block print, kalamkari, badla, mirror work, chamki (sequins) and embroidery in a mlange of colours. 160edit Stritva. 294, 8th main, BEML Layout, ITPL Main Road. 91 963 222 1615. Sells readymade salwar suit/kameez, kurtas, dress material, sarees and nightwear. The store has a good collection at good prices. 160edit Music, movies and others edit Habitat Movies and Music. Church Street. is tiny compared to other retail music/movie stores, but its a delight for lovers of good music especially Jazz. Has an excellent and varied selection of DVDs for rent as well, though membership is currently closed. 160edit Golden Tips Tea Cosy. ( Phoenix Market City, Whitefield ), 105. An exclusive tea boutique with more than 300 varieties of teas from Darjeeling, Assam, Niligiri amp across the world. It also displays a wide varieties of tea accessories, tea sets, and tea pots. 160edit Eat edit add listing This article or section does not match our manual of style or needs other editing. Please plunge forward. give it your attention and help it improve. Suggested fixes . Please ensure that Eat listings are entered under one of the 3 categories Budget, Mid-range or Splurge. Please only use the Wikitravel Restaurants format and do not delete unused fields as it makes it difficult for others to add to the listing at a later time. Bangalore is far from the sea, and as such the quality of seafood can vary. Some of the higher end and popular seafood places manage this well, but foreign travelers may want to tread a bit carefully. Budget edit Bangalore literally has hundreds of fast food joints serving South Indian vegetarian food. They usually are identified with small round steel tables and diners standing around them having food. Dosas, idlis, vadas, curd rice, pulao, rice with sambar, lemon rice are usually standard fare. Quality varies widely, since many of them cater to the lower working classes. Restaurant Aroma. 26, Rest House Road, Off Brigade Road. 91 80 40390390. One of the very few Pure Veg Restaurants near Brigade Road. This restaurant specializes in North and South Indian cuisine and is a popular hangout among the corporates and young college goers in the area. 160edit Veena Stores. 15 Cross, Margosa Road, Malleswaram. This place has some of the best idlis and vadas in this part of the world. They also make other dishes but Idli and Vada are mainstay. Dont expect to sit and eat because there is no seating. Stand and eat. Best time to go is mornings for breakfast before they run out of the days stock. Very informal setting, but the food is amazing 160edit Shettara Beedi (Food Street). The entire street adjoining the famous VB Bakery at V V Puram is Bangalore s miniature version of Kuala Lumpurs Jalan Alor food stalls. A haven for anyone who enjoys hawker fare, one can stall-hop and have a variety of snacks thatll satisfy even the most ravenous hunger and spend less than Rs 100 in total. Some of the must-try dishes are dum-root and butter-bun congress at VB Bakery. The dosas, obbattu (sweet pancake) . akki rotti (rice pancake) . fried bondas . butter-gulkand, and masala-pepsi available at the various stalls are also delicious. Note that the street comes alive only in the evenings (after 6PM) and that only vegetarian fare is available here. 160edit Janani. JP Nagar. A great place to have breakfast, lunch or dinner, you can have idli and sambar for Rs 10 and a cup of tea for Rs 8, a North Indian roti-curry plate for Rs 32. If you want to have good Punjabi food, go upstairs and get a good meals for under Rs 150. Rs. 10-150. 160edit Anupams Coastaal Express. Shivananda Circle, Nehru Nagar. They make fantastic fish dishes. Neer dosa with chicken pulimunchi. kori roti and chicken ghee roast are some things you really cannot miss. 160edit Hotel Empire. Church St ( Next to Museum Inn, other locations on Centre Street and Koramangala ), 106. 10AM-3PM. Indian, Chinese, and Middle Eastern cuisine until late night. Try butter chicken, chicken kababs and parathas. Is a good place for non-vegetarian as well as vegetarian food and is reasonably priced. 160edit Fanoos. ( adjoining Johnson Market, off Brigade Road ). One of the joints for getting Sheekh (beef) rolls in Bangalore. They come in various sizes - sheekh roll, sheekh jumbo, sheekh mambo, sheekh rambo and sheekh sambo - the latter of which is almost 2 thick. There are other options like chicken, mutton and paneer rolls as well as kababs and shawarma. روبية. 30-100. 160edit Mavalli Tiffin Room (MTR). 11, Lalbagh Road. 91 80 2222 0022, 91 80 2222 1706. 0700-1445, 1530-2100. One of the very old, traditional breakfast/lunch/tiffin place in Bangalore. Regulars have been having their breakfast at MTR everyday for the past 15 yrs. Expect a long wait on weekends. Traditional 12 course Karnataka lunches are also available here for around Rs 200 per head. Advance reservations recommended at weekends. Rava idlis, dosas and bisi bele bath are excellent. It has maintained its quality over the years and is very famous. 160edit New Shanti Sagar. This is a reasonably reliable chain of vegetarian South Indian restaurants. Branches scattered all over the city, notably in Koramangala 80 Foot Road, Jayanagar, Domlur. Rs 50-200. 160edit Adigas. Chain of fast food and fine dining restaurants. Prominent among them are in: Jayanagar 4th Block (on the road facing BHS First Grade College, Basavanagudi). 160edit Adigas Foodline. 502, 40th Cross, 8th block Jayanagar. 160edit Adigas Delicacy. 105, Manipal Centre, Dickenson Road. 160edit Adigas Majestic. Next to Fkcci Bldg, KG Rd. 160edit Adigas Nalapaka. across from HSBC Complex, Bannerghatta Road, Arekere. 160edit Adigas Sampige. Sampige Road, Malleshwaram. 160edit Sree Krishna. Fast food a little further from the road connecting Lalbagh Westgate with Basavanagudi. 160edit SLV chain. Prominent among them are located in: Banashankari 2nd stage, opposite BDA park and one in J. P.Nagar 2nd Phase near Ragigudda Temple. 160edit Vidhyarthi Bhavan. off Gandhi Bazar in Basavanagudi. A gastronomic haven offering some of the best masala dosa in the world. This quaint little place is so famous that it has not even bothered to change its age old sign board, and who needs it anyway, the aroma wafting through the air is a good enough indication that you are in the vicinity of the place. Get there early for a breakfast, theres always a bee-line for places to sit. 160edit Brahmins Coffee Bar. off Shankar Mutt in Shankarapuram, Basavanagudi. Famous for idly, vada and chutney. You also get khaara bath. Dont expect sambar for vada here. 160edit Hotel Janatha. 8th Cross, Malleswaram. Makes some of the best vada-sambhar and masala dosa in town. have to try vada. BEST EVER 160edit Corner House. Residency Road. 91 80 2558 3262. Chain of ice-cream parlours in Jayanagar 9th block, Koramangala, Airport Rd, ( off 80 Foot Rd ), (Arlton Towers), Whitefield Rd, Marthahalli and Shivananda Circle. One of the best ice cream parlours offering a variety of treats. Their famed Death by Chocolate (popularly known as DBC) is a must for all chocolate lovers and has attained a cult status. Can be tricky to find a spot during peak times and you may find yourself being encouraged by the staff to leave quickly once you do. 160edit Sree Sagar (Central Tiffin Room/CTR). Margosa Rd, Malleswaram. Another landmark hotel, dishing out some divine benne masala dosa (butter masala dosa), which literally melts in the mouth. 160edit Upahara Darshini. DVG Road, Basavanagudi. Another of Bangalore s new found Darshinis dishing out top notch masala dosa and Vada Sambhar. 160edit Lake View Milk Bar. MG Road. 91 80 2558 7410. Excellent ice creams, club sandwiches and burgers. 160edit McDonalds. Spread across the city. 107. Dont expect to find any beef dishes. 160edit Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC). Spread across the city. International fast food chain. 160edit Shiv Sagar. Narayan Pillai Street, (off Commercial St.). 91 80 2509 8892. Dont get put off by the location, its a great place to eat. 160edit Coconut Grove. Church Street. Appams and Kerala parottas with a chicken sauce dish. Their lunch offer for Rs 80 is also really good. A pretty good choice for reasonably priced quality seafood. Coco-Grove the outdoor beer cafe extension is also worth a look. 160edit KC Das. This is a chain of Bengali sweets stores in Bangalore. The one on Church St. is perhaps the most visible and famous but there are outlets on Coles Road, BTM Layout. 160edit Udupi Garden. 16th Main BTM Layout. This restaurant is closed for business now. Simple Udupi restaurant. Serves very good South Indian dishes at nominal prices. Also serves north Indian food. 160edit Nandhini. The Andhra fast food chain serves some excellent biriyani and chicken dishes. 160edit Shezan. On Lavelle Rd and Cunningham Rd. 91 80 2224 9319, 91 80 2224 9667, 91 80 2228 7895, 91 80 2226 2195. Indian, Chinese and Continental cuisines with a good menu choice where beef, fish, prawn, mutton and chicken meat are available. Excellent steaks. 160edit Savera Tea Shop. 24 hr tea shops near Russell Market in Shivajinagar and on MG Rd. Good place to go for a cup of tea in the dead of the night. Serves tea, Suleimani (honeylemon) tea and a variety of biscuits. روبية. 3-15. 160edit Kanti Sweets. Chain of fast food/sweets stores in KG Rd, Majestic, Malleswaram Circle, RT Nagar, Rajarajeshwari Nagar. Very good samosas, kachoris and North Indian sweets like rasmalai. Rapidly expanding chain, so there are plenty of branches all over the city now, which serve parathas and other food items as well. The main branch in Majestic is the best, and serves only samosas, kachoris and sweets. روبية. 10-50. 160edit Kohinoor. Brigade Road. Serves very reasonably priced Kerala Muslim style food. 160edit Java. G block of Diamond District apartments, Kodihalli, old Airport Road. 91 80 4137 8888. A hidden gem that serves buffet lunch and dinner for Rs 150 on weekdays, Rs 250 on weekends (prices 2008). The buffet consists of both North and South Indian dishes and caters to both vegetarians and non-vegetarians. Reasonably priced (Rs 90-120 entree) a-la-carte selection is available outside of lunch and dinner hours. روبية. 90-250. 160edit Richies. MM Road ( Off Mosque Road ). Serves the kind of biryani that is the Bangalore original. It is located midway on MM Rd, and hard to miss because of the crowds that throng its takeaway counter. One visits Richies only for the foodtables and chairs made of synthetic wood, and dim light from gaudy chandeliers dont exactly make for great ambiance. A motley bunch of diners cram the place for lunch and dinner (they have only recently built the 2nd and 3rd floors). The biryani here is delicious, and you must love meat to love Richies. The menu is limited but the mutton and chicken biryani stand out and they are not flavoured with the same masala, or heaven forbid, rice, their kababs are something nice and unique too. 160edit Mid-range edit Koshys. St. Marks Road ( End of Church Street ). مؤسسة بنغالور، تخدم مجموعة من الأطباق الغربية المفضلة (مثل الأسماك والبطاطا) جنبا إلى جنب مع أجرة جنوب الهند المعتادة في جو البوهيمي مقابل الهند. On weekends, they serve up greasy Western-style breakfast, including omelettes and Bombay (i. e. French) Toast. Appam and stew is their Sunday breakfast special and a must eat. Turn right at the entrance for the more expensive (and decidedly less charming) A/C room. Smoky, with sluggish service, and not particularly clean, Koshys still has plenty of character and history but its getting harder to justify their skyrocketing prices. روبية. 50-200. 160edit Sues Food Place. Krishna Temple Road, Indira Nagar. A Caribbean style restaurant run by Sue (Susan John from Trinidad and Tobago). It has an excellent buffet. Their Jamaican jerk chicken, salads and desserts are lovely. A la carte menu is available on certain days. روبية. 200-500. 160edit 100ft Restaurant. 100 Feet Road, Indiranagar. Westernised cooking, but notably better than any other pasta serving restaurant in the area. The restaurant is a bit of a hybrid of store/restaurant. Rs 300-500. 160edit Ebony. 13th Floor, Utility Building, MG Road. Stylish eatery with excellent evening views of the city. Service is a bit slow, but the ambiance makes it worth the wait. Book ahead for a terrace seat. روبية. 200-400. 160edit Little Italy. 100 Feet Road, Indiranagar Opposite Forum Mall, Hosur Road, Koramangala. A chic Italian vegetarian restaurant. 160edit Mainland China. Church Street (Near Museum Rd.) 33nd Cross, 9th Main Jayanagar 100 feet Road, Indiranagar. 91 80 2227 7722, 91 90 2224 5864. Upscale Chinese food. Good, fairly authentic food and excellent service. Serves a decent lunch buffet Rs. 500-800. 160edit Sahib Sindh Sultan. Level 2, Forum Mall, Hosur Road, Koramangala. 91 80 2206 7878. Train-themed restaurant with a delicious, upscale menu. It is supposed to showcase NWFP. Their kakori kebabs are excellent. It also serves wine with the food. Expect a long wait. Or book ahead and roam around the mall or grab a few drinks from the adjoining Firangi Paani . 150-300. 160edit The Only Place. Museum Road Bangalore, Karnataka ( shortcut through church street ), 080 3271 8989. 12 - 3pm,7-11pm. The place for continental food. famous for steaks, burgers and sandwiches. good ambiance. Servings are huge. 600. 160edit Samarkand. Gem Plaza, 66, Infantry Rd (East of Central St). 91 80 4111 3366. North West frontier food (i. e. kebabs, Afghani) in a kitschy atmosphere but the food is great. You will need to reserve tables on weekends. Rs 300-600. روبية. 300-600. 160edit T. G.I Fridays. Lido Mall, Trinity Circle. Dont expect cheap Indian prices. Happy hours with 11 free on alcoholic beverages in the evening should make up for that. 160edit Pinxx. Manipal Centre (off MG Rd.). A great place for Breakfast, lunch and dinner buffet. روبية. 200-400. 160edit Canopy. PU Building, MG Road. Open air, multi-cuisine North-Indian food. Cooking techniques date back to the Independence era offering the unique taste. Great outdoor ambiance in the middle of the central business district. روبية. 125-750. 160edit Le Rock Pub Cafe. Rest House Road, (Off Brigade Rd.). 91 80 4123 1001. Hot coffee to chilled Kingfisher beer on the tap awesome cocktails and even hand rolled Havana Cigars from Salads, Sandwiches, Jacket Baked Potatoes to Entrees. LRC also offers an Oxy Bar - Bangalore s first. A must for every tourist visiting this city. 160edit Ceasars Restaurant ( MG Road ). Indian and continental food. Ambiance is good though the food is tad expensive. Parking is a problem. 160edit Alibaba Cafe amp Restaurant. Frazer Town. 91 80 4091 7163. Arabian, Persian and Bhatkali cuisine described as An Arabian Lake in the Indian Ocean. A themed restaurant with the feel of Arabia, Persia and India. The Shaiya Biryani of the Bhatkali cuisine, the Al faham chicken barbeque out of the Arabian cuisine and the chicken Jujeh kabab from the Persian cuisine are all recommended. 160edit The Egg Factory. St. Marks Road Ring Road, JP Nagar. 91 80 4211 0041. Multi-cuisine, The menu, as the name suggests, is all based on the indispensable egg. Its also modeled on a factory with functional chairs and a menu that looks like an instruction manual. Its open for all day dining. Egg dishes from all over the world, including omelets, scrambles, French toast, curries, subs, pasta amp desserts. Dont miss the fantastic Huevos Rancheros here, they make it as good as in Mexico. Innovative drinks, try the Chlorophyll Fix . it looks and sounds weird, but tastes like heaven. Relaxed service. 160edit Splurge edit Blue Ginger. Taj West End, Race Course Road. High-end Vietnamese restaurant with, a beautiful setting and excellent food. You may be shocked by the bill, though. Just next door to the excellent Blue Bar . 160edit Cafe Mozaic. Taj Residency, 41/3 MG Road. Western-style dining in a casual atmosphere with some pool-side seating. Sundays before 3:30PM, there is an all-you-can-eat/drink champagne brunch for Rs 1,000. 160edit Grasshopper. 45 Kalena Agrahara, Bannerghatta Road. 91 80 2659 3999, 91 98 4545 2646. Freshly prepared seven course meal served on the table. Reservation required. Closed on Mondays. 160edit Leela Palace. All-you-can-eat/drink brunch on Sunday is Rs 2,000. They have 4 restaurants, Citrus Lounge (Brasserie kitchen), Zen (Pan Asian), Library Bar (serves all cuisine) and Jamavar (Authentic Indian). Generally overpriced compared to the Taj outlets (Blue Ginger, Graze, Karavalli) 160edit Monsson. Park Hotel, Old Madras Road ( Next to Taj Residency ). 24 hr cafe with a variety of Continental dishes, Indian, South East Asian and Mediterranean. Ideal location for private parties. Sunnys. Embassy Diamante, 34, Vittal Mallya Road 100 feet Road, Indiranagar. 91 80 5132 9366, 91 80 5132 9391, 91 80 2212 0496. About Rs 1,200 for a 3-course meal for two, excluding drinks. Among the best restaurants in Bangalore. Try the starters, salads and pasta is fine here. Hot sandwiches for lunch. 160edit The Raj Pavillion. ITC Windsor Manor, Golf Course Road. 24 hr restaurant that offers the taste of the British Raj. Anglo-Lucknowi, Far East and Continental cuisine is served. Amongst the best in Bangalore. 160edit Karavalli. Gateway Hotel, Residency Road. 91 80 2558 4545. Mangalorean, Goa, Karwar, and Kerala style cuisine. Best Indian food you will get when visiting Bangalore. 160edit I. T-alia. The Park Hotel. has the best Italian food in town. 160edit Graze. Taj Residency, 41/3 MG Road. Has some of the best creative continental you will get in Bangalore. 160edit Giancarlos. near Vittal Mallya Rd. ltstrikethroughgtOffers some of the best Italian in town, though quality tends to be unstable. lt/strikethroughgt This place has shut shop. 160edit Olive Beach. Wood Street. A longtime favourite that will serve you Italian meats and cheese in a nice setting, this is still among Bangalore s best. 160edit Bangalore. in La Classic Hotel Extraordinaire. The only fine dining multi cuisine restaurant, outside Electronic City and on the way to Hosur. Caters to buffet breakfast, lunch and dinner from a selection of an international menu 160edit Regional cuisine edit Tijouri. Hotel Atria. North Indian restaurant inside the Hotel Atria. 160edit Kamat Yatrinivas. Gandhinagar Bull Temple Road. Serves special N Karnataka meals with jowar (sorghum) rotis. They now have a branch on Bull Temple Road where they have local artists perform when you have dinner. 160edit Kadambam. Bull Temple Road off West of Chord Road. Authentic Iyengar cuisine ranging from Puliogare, Sakkare Pongal, Thayir Sadham, of course Kadambam (which is actually a type of heavenly concoction of Sambhar and rice, akin to Bisibele Huliyanna), and a wide array of traditional Iyengar sweets. It has two branches, one on Bull Temple Road, near Ramakrishna Ashram and another just off West of Chord road, near Modi eye Hospital in Rajajinagar. 160edit Continental edit Herbs amp Spice. 39, 80 Feet Road, Indiranagar 6, Whitefield Main Road Opus, Palace Cross Road. 108. Great pasta, pizza, and desserts. 160edit Friends Fast Food. Jyoti Nivas College Rd, Koramangala ( 300 m from Forum Mall ). Great Conti food at college prices. Casa Piccola fans will like this one. 160edit Cafe Y. Langford Road ( Near Prestige Elgin, Hosur Rd-Langford Rd junction ), 91 80 5114 4561. Amazing sizzlers and steaks, nice ambiance. 160edit Indi Joe Sizzlers. Church Street. 91 80 4111 3636, 91 80 4112 1234. Fondue, pizza, steak and Mexican food. Their Lunch buffet is good. 160edit Rendezvous. 80 Feet Road, Koramangala ( Near Barista and Maharaja Hotel ). 160edit Shiva Temple ( Shiv Mandir ), Old Airport Road. Please only use Wikitravel standard listing formats for: Attractions ltseegt, Activities ltdogt, Shops ltbuygt, Restaurants lteatgt, Bars and clubs ltdrinkgt, Hotels ltsleepgt and Other listings ltlistinggt. DO NOT delete any of the standard fields as it makes it difficult for other editors to add further information to the entry at a later time Free entrance, camera Rs 25. ( latitude. longitude ) 160edit Maharashtrian food edit Kollapuris. 429/31 30th Cross, 4th Block Jaya Nagar ( Near Jain Mandir ), 91 80 4121 1693, 91 80 2653 5207. An authentic Maharashtrian hotel run by Savaji. It serves bhakri, chapati and Sheckle Edme special Savaji stuffed roti with spicy sabjis and non-veg 160edit Rajvardhan Foods. 1291 25th Main Road, 9th Block Jaya Nagar East ( Near Big Bazaar ), 91 98 8630 3088, 91 98 8630 3089. Best known for its vadapav, sabudana vada, khichdi. It also offers bhakri, thalipeeth. The snacks and other food offered here is comparatively expensive. This is because it is Bangalores only authentic maharashtrian food outlet. It also serves food fresh, only prepared after placing the order, so the wait and price is compensated. The food quality is excellent. 160edit Oriya food edit Dalama. 37, 6th block, Koramangala, 100 ft Rd ( near Kamat Hotel, Koramangala ), 91 80 4166 0921. Authentic Oriya cuisine including vegetable curries, the odia speciality Dalma, chapati, meat, fish, prawn, crab, mutton and chicken delicacies. 160edit South Karnataka edit Karavalli. Gateway Hotel, Residency Rd. 91 80 2558 4545. Mangalorean, Goa, Karwar, and Kerala style cuisine. 160edit Konkan. 6th cross, 6th Block, Koramangala. 91 80 2552 1530. Mangalorean and Goan style cuisine. 160edit Vidyarthi Bhavan. 32 Gandhi Bazaar. 91 80 2667 7588. Another very old and traditional breakfast place, exclusively known for its Masala Dosa. Similar to MTR, you can find people who have been having breakfast here since times immemorial. 160edit The Palms. Highgates Hotel, 33 Church Street. 91 80 2559 7172. Mangalorean, Coorgi, and Malabari style. (shut for renovations) 160edit Janatha Hotel. 8th Cross, Malleshwaram. Another great place, famous for its butter masala dosas and vadas. 160edit Halli Mane. 3rd Cross, Malleswaram ( close to Malleswaram Circle ). Truly authentic and traditional Kannada style food. 160edit Kamath Yatrinivas. Gandhinagar. Authentic Mangalorean meals. 160edit Kamath Lokaruchi. Mysore Road ( just before Channapatna ). Amazing food and ambience. Authentic mangalorean meals 160edit Upaahara Darshini. Jayanagar 3rd Block. One of the Bangalores oldest food joints. Amazing dosas (pancakes). 160edit Krishna Darshini. Basavanagudi . Kudla. Ramanashree Comforts. For sea-food, serves excellent dishes. its like a thilak 160edit New Krishna Bhavan. 1st Cross Malleswaram. For authentic Mangalorean food, reasonably priced. Try the neer dosa and badam halwa. 160edit Kodials. 8th Cross Malleswaram. For authentic vegetarian Konkani cuisine. 160edit Bengali edit Oh Calcutta. St. Marks Rd. Part of a chain of restaurants across the country, and the best Bengali food available in the city albeit pricier than the other options. 160edit Bangaliana. 355, 1st B Main, 7th Block, Koramangala ( opp. HDFC Bank ), 91 80 2571 1058. Authentic Bengali Delicacies (Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner) Restaurant, Take-away, Catering. Specialities: fish, mutton chicken and, of course, sweets. 160edit Sonar Bangla. 88/1, Shubh Arcade, 1st floor, 16th Cross, Margosa Rd, Malleswaram. 91 80 3367622. The restaurant undertakes orders of authentic Bengali food for gourmets who fancy a whole meal and also delivers it at the doorstep. Fish is considered sacred in the coastal state and is consumed universally. So, all fish lovers can take heart as the non-vegetarian cuisine is delivered, but not served at the restaurant. 160edit 6 Ballygunge Place. 1st Floor, 612, 12th Main, Indira Nagar ( above Caf Coffee Day ). It has been rated best bengali restaurant by times food guide Bangalore. It serves excellent fish (esp their chital peti roast), dab chingri and luchis. (Their mock tails are avoidable however). Prices are slightly on higher side. May cost around Rs 1000 for two but the food quality is good. The owners have added Calcutta style chaat on top floor also recently. روبية. 1000. 160edit 36 Chowringhee Lane. 100ft Rd, BTM Layout. ( opp Reliance Fresh ), 91 80 4124 0979. Authentic Bengali Cuisine. 160edit The Esplanade. KHB Colony. 91 80 4092 7878. Offers authentic Bengali cuisine. They also have a continental menu. 160edit Bhojohori Manna. 668/B 6th Block, Koramangala Club Rd. 91 80 2550 3666. 91 96 2090 3666, 91 95 3880 3666. Free home delivery 160edit Andhra edit Bheemas. Church Street ( off Brigade Rd. ). If you have the penchant for spice this place is meant for you. 160edit RRs. ( ff Brigade Rd. ). A renovation of the vintage RRs, the fun doubles here with the double storied restaurant, one serving Andhra and the other Hyderabadi cuisines. Theres also alcohol, all the more reason to indulge on a Saturday afternoon. This place is now closed. 160edit Nagarjuna Chimney. Residency Road Jayanagar 3rd Block ( near Old Galaxy Theatre near ICICI Bank ). Possibly have a few more branches elsewhere in Bangalore. The Biryani is almost intoxicating, not to mention their meals which are served ritually on a banana leaf. Get there early for lunch there are always hordes waiting. 160edit Tamil edit Krishna Cafe. Koramangala ( opp. China Pearl ). Traditional Chennai - style food. Dosas, idlis, idiappam and the like with authentic Tamil sambar and chutney. Do note that this place is vegetarian-only. A vegetarian meal will cost you around Rs 80. Most of the French expats eat here. روبية. 80-150. 160edit Pongal. Jivan ( near the Indiranagar telephone exchange ). Tamil Nadu food. Lots of dosa varieties and is very famous for the Podi dosa, parotta with kurma are good. Ambience is not that great, but this place is for those who need a quick bite without a big pinch on the wallet. 160edit Anjappar Restaurant. 50 100 Feet Rd, 4th Block, Koramangala. 160edit Aathuraar. Jeevanbhimanagar Main Road ( Near ICICI Bank ). Serves both vegetarian and non-vegetarian food prepared in Chettinad style. Easy on the wallet as well. 160edit Annachi. ( 100 Feet Rd, Indiranagar ). Serves both vegetarian and non-vegetarian food. Has some good Chettinad style dishes. 160edit Annapoorna. Ulsoor ( near ). It serves pure vegetarian food in Tamil style. 160edit Kadambam. Manipal Centre, Dickenson Rd. Serves authentic Tamil Iyengar food. 160edit Adyaar Ananda Bhavan (A2B). CMH Road, Indira Nagar ( Opposite Indiranagar Metro Station ). Serves decent vegetarian food in Tamilnadu style. One could have a lunch, for about Rs.150. Most dosa varieties are priced between Rs70 and Rs.100. Have branches in Marathalli, Hope Form(Whitefield) and Vidyaranyapura. All their outlets have adjoining sweet stalls, which offers variety of sweets and ready to prepare mixes, dosa mixes and so on. Try their Basundi (Sweet Dessert, served cold, made out of milk). 160edit Fast food and ice cream parlors edit U S Pizza . Church St. 91 80 2559 9347. If you are looking for a western tasting pizza this is the closest you get, try lamb-pepperoni. Richie Rich Ice Cream Parlor . With three branches around the city, this ice cream parlor has a variety of natural ice creams, softies and many fast food items such as pav bhaji and vada pav. Try the Elvis Presley specialty or the traffic jam or Richie Rich special. The 3 locations are on St. Marks R, Airport Rd. and Kumara Park East. 91 80 2226 9655. Phalaamritha Ice Cream Parlor . 8th Cross, 14/1 West Park Road, Malleswaram. 91 80 6567 5755. Serves 25 super smooth home-made ice cream flavours along with health drinks, varieties of kulfis, milk shakes, Ice tea, ice cream, novelties and chaats. Corner House . 8th Cross,12th Main Rd, HAL 2nd Stage, Indira Nagar. This is the place for you if you are looking for the best desserts in town. The brown bomb and hot fudge are a must have. Not a place for calorie counters. North Indian edit Bay Leaf . Raheja Arcade, Opposite Forum Mall, Kormangala. A really nice place with reasonable prices. Grameen . Raheja Arcade, Opposite Forum Mall, Kormangala. One of the best places to have good Vegetarian North Indian food. Queens . Church St, Opposite Amoeba. Small restaurant but great food at reasonable prices. Dalfryday . Bannerghatta Rd ( Near IIM - B, beside HSBC Bank and above Fabmall ). North Indian, non-vegetarian cuisine in a fine ambience. (this is closed as of now, Hyderabadi biriyani has opened a branch at the same location) Hyderabadi biriyani . Banerghatta Rd, near Indian Institute of Management - Bangalore (IIM-B) . beside HSBC Bank and above Fabmall ). Serves good biriyani Rasilas . J P Nagar 7 Phase, Shreyas colony, ( close to Brigade Millennium amp Elita Promenade Apartments, near RBI layout ). Nice place with very fine cuisine. Mast kalander . Bannerghatta Rd has some very nice North India cuisine. It is very reasonably priced. There are branches in Indirangar and Electronic city also. Pot Luck . Bannerghatta Rd, ( in an alley opposite IIM Bangalore ). Has some very good North India cuisine. It is very reasonably priced. Another Branch in JP Nagar near Udupi Restaurant. Italian edit I-Talia . The Park, MG Rd. 91 80 2559 4666. Expensive, but arguably the best Italian food in town. Fiorano Ristorante . 63, 100 Foot Rd. 5th A block, Koramangala, ( Next to Sukh Sagar ) 109. 91 80 2553 4231. Easy to miss driving by but Incredible food. Entrees Rs 300-600. 100 ft Boutique . 100 Foot Rd, Indira nagar, ( after Fab Mall when you are travelling from CMH Rd side, and a few stores after Benetton on the LHS if youre coming from Airport Rd ), 91 80 4150 1781, 91 80 6452 8190. Comparable to most continental resto-bars. The best part about it is that its a Boutique Restaurant, which means you can shop, while waiting for your meal to arrive, even after 9PM, which is when most other shops close in Banglalore. The Boutique houses many young designers. Levitate . showcases a wide array of eclectic street fashion and handcrafted kitsch from all over India. Italia . ( previously Little Italy ), Nice vegetarian restaurant in Indira Nagar, a little expensive. Good food. Via Milano . Koramangla, ( near Sony World ). Authentic Italian food. 3 course meal for 2 will cost an average of Rs 2,000, (wine not included). Chinese edit Png . No. 130, 1st Cross, 5th Block, Koramangala. Includes a dessert bay. Dim sum, sensible portions, good prices. Aromas of China . Eva Mall, 5th floor. Shanghai Junction . No.8, Sri Sai, 60 Foot. Rd, G Block, Sahakarnagar. ( behind Big Market ), 91 80 41744477, 91 80 4174 4488 Golden Lights . No.4032, 100ft Rd, HAL-II Stage, Indranagar. 91 80 2559 7722, 91 80 6537 4579. As close to an authentic Chinese meal as you will find in this city. Excellent food, good service. A tad pricey. Caesars Multi Cuisine Restaurant . Mahalakshmi Chambers, 9/2, MG Rd. ( beside HSBC bank opposite ING Bank ). Variety of tasty food. Classic environment. 6:30PM-11:30PM. From M-Sun. Mainland China . 2 branches: Church St ampanp 100 Foot Rd. Chungs and Chung Wa . spread across Bangalore Kerala edit Claypot . Tippasandra. Muthashi . Maruthinagar, near Madiwala K K Bakers . Malleshpalaya. BigBoy Fried Chicken . (BFC), Vignan Nagar. Kalavara . Vignan Nagar. Malabar Cuisine . Maratha Halli Bridge. Malabar Bay . ( near Forum Mall, Koramangala ). MAS . Madiwala, ( 2-3 km from Koramangala ). Gokulam Mess . GM Palaya, ( 3 km from Indiranagar ). Continental Spice . Airport Rd, ( close to Diamond District ). Hotel Ruchi . Vignan Nagar. Kaayal . Jeevan Beema Nagar Rd. Hotel New Malabar Near level cross, Kaggadasapura, Tharavadu . Hosur Rd, Bommanahalli, ( after silk board ) Priyam Restaurent . Jagadish Nagar, ( behind BEML ). The Paramount Restaurant . Koramangala ( near Jyothi Nivas college ) Little Home . Koramangala, 80 Foot Rd, ( near Wipro K2 office. Very good south and central Kerala food ). Bad service though Kerala Pavalion . Domulur ( behind Santhi Sagar ). Authentic Kerala food Dhabas edit There are few Dhabas catering to all tastes. Both South and North Indian fare is available at most places and is clean and cheap. A special mention is the green park dhaba on the outskirts on Bellary Road and Golconda Chimney on the old airport road in Marthahalli. opposite Shankara Eye Hospital. Golconda Chimmney has been recently renovated and has both A/c and non-A/C sections, the non-veg spread is simply amazing. but the rates are steep if you have a traditional dhaba in mind. The ambience is nice. Try the chicken kathi rolls and the biryani. Bobby-da-Dhaba . ( near Ulsoor Lake. Take a left turn from MG Road - Trinity Circle and ask for Gurudwara the Sikh temple ). Right next to the Gurudwara is Bobby-da-Dhaba. The food is quite good (albeit slightly oily). It basically serves paranthas (with lots of butter), chaach, kheer and a number of side dishes (most notable being their shahi paneer and rajma). You may have to wait for a while in case it is full. So its better to go slightly early, 12PM for lunch and 7:30PM for dinner to avoid rush). Drink edit add listing This article or section does not match our manual of style or needs other editing. Please plunge forward. give it your attention and help it improve. Suggested fixes . Please only use the Wikitravel Drink format and do not delete unused fields as it makes it difficult for others to add to the listing at a later time. Cafes edit Caf Coffee Day . 110 91 80 4001 2345. Popularly known as CCD, first established in 1996, at Brigade Road, Bangalore The chain has over 1,000 cafes through out India. It is found all over Bangalore . Barista Lavazza . 111 91 80 4207 5023. An Indian startup cafe chain established in 1997 and more commonly known as Barista and now owned by Lavazza. The chain has more than 200 stores in India. It is found all over Bangalore with 32 retail outlets, most of them near IT corporate offices. Costa Coffee . British coffeehouse chain. 112 91 80 4348 8888. Koramangala 4th Block, in Indranagar and another opposite Goethe-Institut, RMZ Eco Space on Sarjapur Rd and Sigma Mall, Brookesfield, Cunningham Rd, JNC Rd, and Jayanagar. Besides Coffee, Costa lays heavy emphasis on food with sandwiches, paninis, tostatos, pastas and many kinds of deserts, English muffins, a wide variety of cakes and desserts. Caffe Pascucci . 113 91 080 4091 2134. Italian coffee chain brand. In 2010, Pascucci set up its own coffee retail shop in India with 10 outlets in Bangalore at prominent localities like Jayanagar, Malleshwaram and Indranagar. Cake Walk . 297, 100 Feet Rd, Indra Nagar.114. 91 80 2520 5393. Coffee World . Can be found all over Bangalore. 115 Coffee Workers Co-op . Church Sts Brigade Gardens. A venerable Bangalore institution, with waiters in traditional uniforms and customers slowly savoring the age-old tradition of coffee drinking - though there are just two choices of coffee: black or white. Have some delightful masala dosa here. Java City . Church St. Pleasant old Bangalore atmosphere. Offers a wide variety of tea, coffee from all over the world including pizza, pasta, pastries, cookies, you name it they have it plus you get to see a unique sense of humor in their menu and on the walls. On saturday and Sunday evenings, there is live music, rock and guitar. This place is simple, expatriate friendly and not at all pricy. There is another Java City near Lavelle Road. Pubs and bars edit The pub scene is concentrated around the commercial business district in the heart of Bangalore. MG Road, Brigade Road, Residency Road, St. Marks Road, and Church Street have numerous pubs. Happy hours is typically between 6-8 PM and at most pubs, the time for the last order is around 10.30 PM. Formerly having a reputation as the Pub City of India, Bangalore s buoyant pub and nightlife has been curtailed by police and regulatory action, and all bars and nightclubs must now close no later than 11.30 PM. Budget edit Most bars and pubs in the city are somewhat upscale, but many inexpensive restaurants serve beer and good quality food. If you just need to go out you could go to one of the bars, but if you would like to have a great social experience and are in the city for a considerable period of time consider becoming a member of one of the social expat clubs in the city. The IVES Club 116 offers a meeting for its members every Saturday at one or the other popular nightclubs in Bangalore. its members are interns, expats, volunteers and exchange students residing in the city. Mid-range edit PlanB . Richmond Town, ( opp Hockey Stadium )91 9740862892. All American Bar. Pub menu that is meat heavy with oversized potent cocktails BBQ Pork Ribs smoked for 10 hours in an in-house smoker is a must try. Happy Hours on Cocktails on weekdays from 4 to 8 pm, buy a cocktail and get one on the house. The Biere Club . Vittalmallya Rd on lavelle road, ( opp Sunnys ). Bangalores first craft brewery and a popular place for beer lovers. Pecos . Rest House Rd ( Off Brigade Road ). 60s retro pub with a mural of Jerry Garcia. Often crowded on all 3 floors, including the pleasant roof-top seating area. Free popcorn with every pitcher of beer. Cards are available for frequent customers which make every tenth pitcher of beer free, but you may have to ask several times in order to acquire one and to get it updated. Beer Joint Pub, (aka BJP) . Indira Nagar Lock NLoad Pub (The Texan Pub), Sahakar Nagar (Hebbal) Tavern at The Inn . Museum Rd. Purple Haze . Residency Rd. Popular for the classic rock thats played there. Now there is a new Purple Haze off Hosur Rd, Koramangala (close to Jyothi Niwas College). Egos . Castle Street, off Brigade Rd. JCubez . Banshankari 2nd Stage, opp. BDA complex. For rock lovers. The Bunker . ( off Residency Rd ). Jimis ( Residency Rd and Koramangala 80 Rd ). A nice dark cozy bar along with Rock music and video. Best visited during weekends and is not hard on your pocket. Legends of Rock . 80 Foot Rd, 6th Block, Koramangala. 91 80 4130 3232. Watch the Legends perform on large format TVs. Olio . Koramangala, 91 80 4092 7888. Great ambiance with beer, wines and continental food. Sultanate Of Swing . 4th floor, Garuda Mall, Free entry, mainly plays Rock, Retro, Heavy Metal and has a Video DJ. Le Rock Pub Cafe . Rest House Rd ( off Brigade Rd ) 91 80 4123 1001. The latest watering hole in Bangalore. Rock music across the board screened on large plasma panels every song can not only be heard but seen as well. Coffee, Kingfisher beer, cocktails, food and Bangalore s first oxy bar. Open from 10AM-11:30PM. Windsor Pub . Vasanth Nagar. ( off Mount Carmels in Kodava Samaja Building ). A small place which serves only beer, good food and is nice for a family outing. But only limited tables. Carpe Diem . Church Street ( off Brigade Rd ) Its a Power Metal haven. B11 . Jayanagar 4th Block ( above Hotel Pavithra and next to Cool Joint ) Take 5 54, MSK Plaza, HAL II Stage Indiranagar. A Jazz themed restaurant that serves great American style food and offers a large selection of beers. They dont always play jazz but the food and drink is consistently good. Zeus. 174 2nd Floor Manohar Crest, Brigade Rd ( on top of health n glow ), 91 80 2532 3355. 11 AM-11:30 PM. Sports bar and lounge. 160edit Splurge edit Most hotels have spiffy bars with every imaginable concoction of drinks available. Kosmo . Formerly Cosmo Village on Magrath Rd is now f bar and kitchen 2011. 3 separate areas including a terrace. 81 Ali Askar Road Cross ( Off Cunningham Rd ). This nightclub is a remodeled colonial villa on a quiet lane, with excellent DJs and expensive drinks, and attracts a wealthy clientele. 13th Floor . Barton Centre, M. G Rd. Make a reservation. amazing view from the 13th floor The Beach . 100 Foot Rd, Indiranagar. Make a reservation. Starts with retro music, plays some good hip-hop and house towards the end. Makes you feel like you are in Goa. Aura . Cunningham Rd. Athena . The Leela Hotel, Airport Rd. Really popular on most days of the week. The upper VIP lounge is the best part of the club, but the rest of the club is beautifully appointed and attracts a hip crowd. Blue Bar . Race Course Rd. On weekends you need to buy drink-tickets for Rs 1,500 to enter. Excellent drinks if you make sure Joel makes them. Officially they have a couples only policy. Spontaneous dancing likely next to the bar. F-Bar . ( inside Le Meridien ). Fashion Bar is a theme bar by FTV Fuga . Richmond Town. The best place for house music lovers. Expensive and fashionable. Firangi Paani . Forum Mall, Koramangala. Geoffreys . Airport Rd, (Royal Orchid). Really nice place. ملحوظة . 5th Floor Bangalore Central, M. G Road. Tuesdays is ladies night (couples permitted). iBar Park Hotel, M. G Rd. Manchester United Restaurant Bar . ( Opposite Forum on Christ College side ). A ambient and trendy Restaurant Bar that serves a wide variety of cuisine, most notably for their kababs, pizzas and cocktails. Taika . Church St. ( Off Brigade Rd ). Usually open past midnight and has a huge dance floor. 3 bars and a lounge area. Entrance varies each night. Tuscan Verve . ( Off Brigade Rd ). Vaayu . Cool bar on the 5th floor of Eve Mall on Brigade road. It has comfortable lounge seating, and is open air, giving some nice views over the city. Sleep edit add listing This article or section does not match our manual of style or needs other editing. Please plunge forward. give it your attention and help it improve. Suggested fixes . Please ensure that Sleep listings are entered under one of the 3 categories Budget, Mid-range or Splurge. Please only use the Wikitravel Hotels format and do not delete unused fields as it makes it difficult for others to add to the listing at a later time. As of November 2014, there is an almost 20 tax on advertised room tariffs in Bangalore (12 Luxury Tax plus 7.42 Service Tax), which means that what lists as a 20 hotel room will actually cost you 24. Be aware if you bargain the hotel may wave the tax altogether other discounts may be applied for weekly rates, as well as payment in advance. Budget edit Hotel Rest Inn. 26, Rest House Road, Off Brigade Road. 91 080 40390390. 117. checkin: 12 noon checkout: 12 noon. Good Quality Budget Hotel Rooms in the heart of the city. This Hotel has an in-house restaurant as well and is walkable distance from Brigade Road and MG Road. Amenities on offer are Television, Mini Fridge, Wi-fi Connectivity, Room service, Travel Desk, Conference Hall, 24 hrs Hot water, Independent Air Conditioning and Coffee Maker. Single Rs 2,200 double Rs 2,600. 160edit Kind host. 91 98 45180207 (sameerkindhost. in ), 118. Clean rooms, clean attached bathrooms, wifi. Nearby to many restaurants. 160edit Airavatam Serviced Apartment. 330/7, Axis Rd ( Alight at Axis Books Bus stop ), 91 80 4038 1200. Clean rooms, clean attached bathrooms, wifi. Nearby to many restaurants. 160edit Church Street Inn. 46-1-1, Church St. 119. Clean rooms, clean attached bathrooms, wifi internet access, Complementary continental breakfast, Walking distance from MG Road, Brigade Road and restaurants. Bookshop in lobby area 120. 6 fully furnished rooms, all A/C, direct dial from rooms, free wifi, cableTV, including HBO and ESPN, free in house library. Offices open 24 hr. Single Rs 1,864 double Rs 1,800. 160edit Silicon Suites . 174, Nagvarapalya, Rahat Bagh, Behind Big Bazaar, ( Off Old Madras Rd, near Indiranagar ) 91 80 4019 8888 121 VSL Grand Serviced Apartments. 91 80 4128 9401/8. 122. Single and 2 bedroom apartments, close to Palace Grounds and easily accessible to the road leading to the New International Airport. 160edit Ajantha . 22 MG Rd, 91 80 2558 4321. Good simple hotel with vegetarian restaurant. Royal Regency Lodge . S. C. Rd ( next to Movieland theater ), 91 80 4113 0202 123. Clean rooms and convenient to the citys local transports like the City bus station and the City Railway Station. Shree Vaishnav Gujarati Samaj . ( behind Majestic Area, near Sapna cinema, Kempe Gowda circle ). A secure and decent place to stay if you are there for a day or two. Costs Rs 50. A nice canteen with Gujarati food available. In the vicinity there is another good place available for fast food / lunch named SLV. UG Deluxe . Majestic, Thulsi Thotta, ( stop near the small road opposite Upparpet Police station and next to Navruchi restaurant, then take right and then immediate left on a small lane and at the end of it take right and you will see the lodge on your right ). You may want to take an auto instead of walking down if you are going after a rainy day as your shoes will get dirty. Non-A/C rooms cost around Rs 550 (approx US13), A/C rooms may cost an extra Rs 200 (US5). YMCA . Nrupathunga Rd ( Near Cubbon Park ), 91 80 2221 1848. No-frills hotel. Maple Suites ( Serviced Apartments ), Dollar Layout, Bilekahalli,2 stage 142/143, 4th Main Rd, Dollars Colony, BTM Layout Bangalore, KA 560076 ( Near Shoppers Stop on Bannerghatta Road ), 91 80 4282 2428. 124. checkin: 12 noon checkout: 12 noon. Maple Suites Serviced Apartments are 19 fully furnished 1 BHK amp 2 BHK apartments. Every Apartment has Separate living amp dining area with a fully functional kitchen. All Apartments are styled keeping in mind privacy, comfort and flexibility for the guest amp are ideal for corporate business traveler, family travel and for transit living. INR 2500. 160edit Basil Hotel. 8, Sampige road, Malleshwaram ( Next to Sampige Theatre / close to central railway station and bus stand ), 91 80 4040 2323. 125. checkin: 24 hr checkout: 24 hr. خدمة جيدة. From Rs 2,900. 160edit Hotel Bangalore Gate ( resbangaloregate ), 9 and 12, Gajanana Towers, K G Rd ( opp. Maneka Theatre, 500 m away from Majestic amp Bangalore City Railway station ), 91 99 4533 3999. 126. checkin: 12 noon checkout: 12 noon. Executive, superior and premium rooms. All rooms are A/C with complimentary breakfast and wifi. 24 hours room service, 2 restaurants, ample car parking. Rs 3,600-4,800. 160edit Citizen Lodge. ( about 1 km from MG Rd ). Bare bones motel-style establishment is well located but leaves much to be desired in terms of cleanliness and overall quality. Double non-A/C room costs around Rs 800. 160edit Hotel Tap Silver Square. No 185, Deenas, 3rd Fl, Brigade Rd ( Opposite McDonalds ), 91 80 2559 5656 (infohotelsilversquare ), 127. 3rd floor has views with floor-to-ceiling windows. Clean and modern decor, clean rooms, all with A/C, hot shower, free wifi (which gets switched off between 12 AM-6 AM), fridge and small wall-mounted LCD TV. 2 min walk to MG Rd. and Church St. It sits on top of the Fusion Lounge on the 2nd floor, you get thundering bass until 11:30 PM. It might be a good idea to bring ear plugs if you plan to turn in early. It might also be the reason why the prices are cheap for what you get. Rs 1,011-1,742 (approx. US22-39), including tax. For an additional Rs 500 (US11), the hotel can arrange the use of a non-A/C luxury car for a maximum of 4 hr or 40 km per day. Rs 1,011-1,742 (approx. US22-39), including tax. 160edit Transit Living Serviced Apartments ( serviced apartments in Bangalore ), 7/8. 2nd floor, Shoukath Building, SJP Road, Bangalore-2 ( Serviced apartments at Diamond District, old airport road, Koramangala, Mysore Road, Indirangar, and at Hosur Road ), 91 900 800 6487 (infotransitliving ), 128. Single Room, One, two, three bedroom and studio apartments with wireless Internet wifi, direct telephone services, laundry, A/C, fully equipped kitchen and complimentary breakfast. 160edit Electric Cats Bed amp Breakfast hostel. ( 10 minute walk from Indiranagar and 100ft Road ), 91 98452 90679. 1794, 1st Floor, 4th E Cross, 9th Main, HAL 3rd Stage - Amazingly clean and new hostel. The host Stan is a very nice guy and will go to great lengths to make sure you enjoy your time there. Cheap, and located pretty conveniently for the best restaurants and bars in the city along 100ft Rd. Highly recommended Try and book in advance as it can get very busy. 160edit Others around Majestic . If you are free for an hour, you can just go around the Majestic theatre and the Kempe Gowda Bus Station and look for a budget hotel yourself, as there are many on small streets and roads around this place. Or, you can even trust (to some extent) a broker who voluntarily offers help, but be sure you take a good look at the rooms before you pay any money to the lodge and the broker. But there is a wrong notion in the minds of people in and around Majestic that whenever you go in pairs, they tend to look at you with a wrong and suspicious look. If coming with family, especially newly married, avoid the Majestic area. Mid-range edit Live Inn Bangalore Serviced apartments. Team Royal, 1st Main, 6th Block, Venkatareddy layout, 80ft Rd, Koramangala ( Near Oasis Lifestyle Mall Koramangala ), 91 98 8034 9785 (infoliveinnbangalore ), 129. One, two and three bedroom apartments with wifi, direct telephone services, laundry, A/C, fully equipped kitchen and hot breakfast is served in your room 160edit D-Habitat Hotel Apartments . Koramangala 130 Deluxe rooms, suites, studio, 2 and 3 bedroom apartments. Ideal for short-term and extended stay. 91 80 4150 1950 Prakruthi Club amp Resort. Plot no. 12A, Hegganahalli village, Kundana Hobli, Devanahalli Taluk ( 11 km from the airport ), 91 80 2849 4002 (contactusprakruthiclub ), 131. Accommodation for couples, family, or corporate bookings. Conference hall that can seat 120 people and meeting facilities. Coffee shop. Lounge bar, wifi. Cottages and roms, Rs 2,500-9,000. 160edit Villa Camelot. 94/95, 4th Cross, ECC Rd, Prithvi Layout, Whitefield. 91 80 3272 3965 (villacamelot9495gmail ), 132. Bed and breakfast run by a North Indian couple in the back lanes of ITPL. Cozy atmosphere. From Rs 1,500. 160edit Shantha Unique. 103, Green Glen Layout. 91 94 49 865352. 133. Serviced apartments for business or leisure travellers. From Rs 1,799. 160edit Hotel Woodlands . No 5, Rajaram Mohan Roy Rd. ( near Richmond Circle, Raja Ram Mohan Roy Rd ) 91 80 2222 5111. Mid-range hotel, very clean, great views of the city, delicious free South Indian breakfast buffet for Rs 3,400 per night for an A/C double (two single beds pushed together). Nice location for exploring the city. Long walk to M. G. Road, Garuda Mall, and Commercial Street. Fantasy Golf Resort . ( Opp ITC-0 mins away from Bangalore Airport ) Ideal for hotel stay next to Bangalore Airport or for transit passengers. 91 99 7209 2701 134 Hotel Vrindavan . ( off MG Rd and very near to MG. Rd/Brigade Rd junction ) (Also called cauvery handicraft junction). Nice hotel with great south Indian food. Church Street Inn . ( Near Hard Rock Cafe ), MG Rd, Brigade Rd and Residency Rd. Church St Inn, 46,1-1 Church St ( opposite Night Watchman Pub ). 91 80 3057 7190 135 Free wifi and an in house library from Dr. Seuss, Dahl to Dostoevsky. Friendly and intelligent staff. Hotel St. Marks . St. Marks Rd ( near Residency Rd ). Best Western The Capitol . Raj Bhavan Rd. 91 80 2228 1234, 91 80 2228 1800. 9 Marks Inn . 9 St Marks Rd. 136 91 80 2211 2889. The Bouvice . 141C. S. T. Bed Layout, 1st Main Kormangala, Sector 4. 137. 91 80 4152 4429, 91 93 4285 6034. ( infobouvice ) A beautiful apartment hotel in Kormangala. Samrat Luxury Hospitality . Iskon Temple Foot hills, 149/A, R Block, West of Chord Rd, Rajajinagar. 91 80 2279 2893, ( contactsamrathospitality ) 138 . Chalet Hospitality . A-08, Diamond District, Airport Rd. 91 99 0197 6955. ( infochalethospitality ) 139. Luxury serviced apartments. Stopovers Serviced Apartments ( Stopovers ), Diamond District, Old Airport Rd ( Close to old airport road ), 91 98 4513 9800. 140. checkin: 24hrs checkout: 24hrs. Contemporary apartments. Rs 4,500. 160edit Alcove Serviced Apartments Bengaluru. G-301, Raheja Residency, 3rd Block, Koramangala. 91 99 0057 8231 (stayalcove. co. in ), 141. checkin: 24 hr. Single room, independent 1 or 2 or 3 BHK apartments, A/C bedrooms with double beds and independent bathrooms, cable TV amp DVD player. Kitchen with refrigerator, microwave, toaster, coffeemaker, mixer grinder and gas stove. Fully automatic washing machine, iron and ironing board, complimentary breakfast, free wifi, swimming pool, club house with billiards, table tennis, gym and tennis court. 160edit Mitaroy Cricket Hotel. Richmond Town ( located near MG Road ), 91 80 2361 7708 (askmitaroy ), 142. Asias only Cricket Hotel, collection of cricket memorabilia including Sachin Tendulkars autographed portrait with Sir Don Bradman and Sir Gary Sobers Bat. Rs 3,500. 160edit Hotel Presidency . Sadahalli gate Devanahalli Taluk. ( near Bengaluru Airport ), 91 80 2846 7175 143 24 hr reception. Ideal for a business traveller. Fortune Park JP Celestial. Race Course Road. 91-80-40441234 ( fax. 91-80-39884433 ), 144. Great Accommodation just 1.5kms from railway station and easy access to airport. 160edit Olde Bangalore ( Olde Bangalore - Hotels amp Resorts ), Tarabanahalli, Chikjala P. O. Bangalore 562157 ( close to the Bangalore International Airport ), 91 9686516237, 91 9900428729 (marketingoldebangalore. in ), 145. checkin: 24 hrs checkout: 24 hrs. Resort and hotel, events, receptions, multi-cuisine food, corporate event facilities, conferences 160edit Splurge edit Grand Ashok. Kumara Krupa Road, High Grounds. 91 80 22 2404 2211 (9 lines) (grandashoknivalink ), 146. 160edit Taj Residency Hotel. 41/3 MG Road. 91 80 5660 4444 (residency. bangaloretajhotels ), 147. Besides the Leela, this is considered the best business hotel in India. 160edit Chancery Pavilion. Residency Road. Nice business hotel, good service and food. About 200 US 160edit Park Hotel. 14/7 MG Road. 91 80 2559 4666 (resv. blrtheparkhotels ), 148. 160edit ITC Windsor Sheraton Hotel. Sankey Road. 149. 160edit Oberoi Hotel. 37-39 MG Road. 91 80 2558 5858. 150. 160edit Taj West End Hotel. Race Course Road. 91 80 5660-5660 (westend. bangaloretajhotels ), 151. 160edit Leela Palace Kempinski. 91 80 2521 1234 (bangaloresalestheleela ), 152. The Leela has previously been voted The Best Business Hotel in the World by Conde Naste Traveller. 160edit Le Meridien. 28, Sankey Road. 91 80 2226 2233 (leme. bangalorelemeridien ), 153. 160edit Hotel Royal Orchid. Adjoining KGA Golf Course. 91 80 2520 5566. 154. Sometimes referred to as the Royal Orchid Park Plaza. Not to be confused with Royal Orchid Central. 160edit The Paul. 139/28, Domlur Layout ( Off Intermediate Ring Rd. ), 91 80 4047 7777. 160edit The Oterra Hotel. 43 Electronics City, Hosur Rd. 91 80 30030303. 160edit The Muddle Hotel. 134, HAL Rd, Near Manipal Hospital. 91 80 42494949. 160edit Stay safe edit Bangalore is a relatively safe city during day time. However, most of Bangalore practically shuts down a little before midnight - even very safe residential areas can be very desolate by 11 PM. Some of the lower-income areas can be somewhat unsafe once it gets dark. Exercising caution and good sense will increase your chances of staying safe. It is not advisable to walk alone along deserted alleyways or lanes after dark. Avoid doing so in areas that you are not sure are reasonably safe Avoid using an autorickshaw if the driver is not alone, especially at night Do not flaunt jewellery, high-end mobile phones / laptops, watches etc. Do not withdraw large amounts of cash from ATMs in deserted areas Beware of pickpockets in crowded areas such as exhibitions, cricket matches etc. If you are returning late from a party, it is advisable to pre-book cabs through reputed companies such as Meru as against flagging down an autorickshaw on the road Exercise caution in stopping to help if you see a broken down vehicle at night, especially in lonely streets and in cases where you will be outnumbered Rising incomes has brought an influx of people including both, white and blue collar immigrants, leading to disparities in earnings between locals, the casual labour immigrants and expatriates (people from other parts of the state and also from other countries) which arguably has resulted in a substantial increase in cri me rates. Crimes against women have also increased. One of the frequent crimes encountered in Bangalore, is a group of 4 to 5 men abduct a lonely individual, take his ATM cards, force him to give his ATM PIN. While one goes to withdraw money, others hold back the individual. Hence dont carry too many ATM cards in your wallet. Carry one card, that has limited balance in it. Though Bangalore offers you a good climate through out the year to walk around the city, one would have to exercise caution. One will have to walk on footpaths (if exists) that would be encroached by the vendors, there could be open drains as well. Also be ready to face a 2 wheeler speeding towards you or if one honks behind you, while you are walking on the footpath. Crossing the roads can be a nightmare as well. If you are pedestrian, dont expect the traffic to respect you. A recent survey (Oct-2015) says that Karnataka has the third highest road fatalities in India, with Bangalore contributing to most of it. Pedestrians and 2 wheeler riders are the ones to meet the fate usually. Contact edit The area code for Bangalore is 080. When calling from overseas, dial 91 80 XXXX XXXX. If you dont have an Indian phone number, it is strongly recommended that you get a pre-paid calling card if you plan on using your phone frequently. Because of new government regulations, you need a photocopy of your passport (visa and the ID pages), a color photo, and proof of local address (in Bangalore ) when buying a pre-paid card. If you do not have the required paperwork, it is recommended that you ask a local friend to buy a pre-paid card on your behalf. Pre-paid cards are sold in a few of the shops that sell mobile equipment. Public telephones are a good option and are available widely. Most shops that offer public phones sport easily visible STD/ISD/PCO signages. More often than not, public pay-phones are post-pay and there will be a person at the shop to take the payments. Check the bill generated from the machine and make the payment accordingly. Payments are always in Indian rupees. Internet edit There are plenty of Internet Centres which charge between Rs 10-25 per hr. If you have laptop with wifi connection, free internet services are available at some malls, restaurants, and hotels. However, free public wi-fi is not the norm. If you are planning to stay here for a while taking a internet dongle/ high speed 4G dongles would help you superbly while moderate to high speed internet connections are available abundantly in the city. Cope edit Bengaluru is a clean city. (Compared to other major metropolitan cities such as Mumbai, Kolkata and Chennai) Mass epidemics are rare. However, foreign tourists should be cautious about consuming water amp eating at open air eateries. It is recommended to use mosquito repellents after dark. Present either as cream applied on skin, or in electronic form. On a side note, if you have forgotten your diaphragm. A bird in hand is better than two in the bush. Rising air and noise pollution, have been a cause for concern in Bengaluru. Due, to the number of vehicles on the road. With many flowering trees around the city, the pollen count can get high. Vehicle emissions and pollen when combined with the weather, is known to cause allergy in the breathing cavity. This leads to sneezing, common cold and fever. People with pre-existing breathing conditions, like Asthma, are suggested to keep prescribed medication handy. Hospitals edit List of Major Hospitals and health care centers: Apollo Hospital - I. I.M. Bannerghatta rd. Bengaluru Institute of Oncology Bengaluru Medical College BGS Hospital, Arekere Bowring amp Lady Curzon Hospitals - Hospital Road, Shivajinagar. Bhagwan Mahaveer Jain Hospital, Millers road, Vasanth Nagar. Cadabams Rehab Center, Kanakapura. Chinmaya Mission Hospital - C. M.H. Road, Indiranagar Columbia Asia Hospital - Bellary Road, Hebbal. Columbia Asia, Yeshwanthpur Dr. Agarwal Eye Hospital, Bannerghatta Road Dr. Agarwal Eye Hospital, Basaveshwaranagar Diabetacare - Bangalore, India. EPMCs Womens Clinic amp Surgery, 9th Block, Jayanagar. Eliya Prabha Maternity Center, Off Marenhalli Ring Road. Fortis (Wockhardt) Hospital - Opp. I. I.M. Bannerghatta Road. Fortis (Wockhardt) Hospital - 80 feet road, Nagarbhavi. Fortis Hospital, Vasanth Nagar Fortis Hospital, Nagapura Global Hospitals, Bengaluru Gokula Curie Institute of Oncology HCG Oncology, Bengaluru HOSMAT Hospital (Sports and Orthopedic Medicine) - Magrath Road. KIMS Hospital M. S. Ramaiah Super Speciality Hospital, New B. E.L. Road, R. M.V. 2nd Stage. Mahabodhi Mallige Hospital - Siddapura Road, Mavalli near Lalbagh Manipal Hospital - Old Airport Road, Kodihalli. Manipal Hospital - Mysore Road, Rajarajeshwarinagar. Mallige Medical Centre-31/32,Crescent Road Mallya Hospital - Vittal Mallya Road. Mallya Hospital, Sampangirama Nagar Minto Eye Hospital, Bengaluru Medical College Narayana Hrudayalaya - Hebbugodi, Hosur Road. Narayana Nethralaya National Institute of Mental Health And Neuro Sciences (NIMHANS) - Wilson Garden, Hosur Road. Nethradhama Superspeciality Eye Hospital, Jayanagar People Tree Hospitals, Yeshwanthpur St. Johns Medical College Hospital - Sarjapur Road, Koramangala. Sagar Hospital - Tilaknagar, Bannerghatta Road. Sanjay Gandhi Hospital - Tilaknagar, Jayanagar SDM College of Medical Sciences, Dharwad SDS T. B Sanitorium, Bengaluru Medical College Al-Shifa Hospital, Darus Salam, Queens Road Sparsh Hospital, Bommasandra Industrial Area Sri Sathya Sai Super Speciality Hospital - I. T.P. L. Whitefield. Sri Jayadeva Institute of Cardiology - 9th block, Bannerghatta Road, Jayanagar Vanivilas Women and Children Hospital, Bengaluru Medical College Vasan Eye Care Rajaji Nagar, Koramangala, Banswadi amp Jayanagar Victoria Hospital, Bengaluru Medical College Vydehi Institute of Medical Sciences and Research Centre Whitefield, Bengaluru Yashoda Medicare and Research Center Pharmacies edit Pharmacies are present apleanty, you should not have a problem locating one. You do not need a prescription for Over the Counter drugs and ayurvedic medicine. (Proprietary and traditional) Available for common ailments like fever amp headache. You need a prescription for other medicines, such as Schedule H . Condoms are sometimes seen in short supply. Stores are easy to identify. Terms, used in local parlance are chemist, druggist, pharmacist, even reffered to as a sweet shop in semi-rural confines. Stock juice boxes for heat exhaustion. If overweight or obese, be careful asking for a ride. Some are likely to hold the other for ransom. The bike in general looses its capability to steer. Consulates edit Contact edit Cell phone coverage in the city is excellent. There are many service providers offering a wide variety of plans. If you are planning on travelling around outside the metropolitan area it might be a good idea to buy a cell phone and use one of the pre-paid plans to get yourself connected whilst you are still in the city. 3G connectivity is superb all along the city. 4G Internet have arrived but sims are under development. Get out edit 95M, 3rd Floor, Prasad Chambers, East Arokiasamy Road, RS Puram, Coimbatore - 641 002. Tel: 0422 434-2680 Clean, cleaner, cleanest Cleaning up using the power of the youth is the way forward. Not only will you get what you want but will also imbibe values in them. The Coimbatore corporation has set up toiletfirst. in, an initiative to build 2,500 toilets in three days. Pray how By asking students to register on the site and be part of a construct-a-thon spread over three days. The cost, raw materials and funding will be from the corporation, corporates and NGOs. Ofcourse, the labourers will be involved. But the contribution from the students will be no less significant. Coimbatore is the 18th cleanest city in India. Ofcourse, it can do better. And that has begun happening with the corporation involving the youth to build 2,500 toilets in three days. Perhaps, its this sense of cleanliness in the corporation that the city was recently declared the 18th cleanest in India. It became the second cleanest city in Tamil Nadu after Tiruchi, according to the central government survey. This goes to show that Coimbatore is much better than most cities when it comes to the availability of clean toilets, garbage collection and processing. Lets talk about the weather In Coimbatore, this February was the hottest in five years. The needle crossed 36-degrees last month. In January, the meteorological office recorded 13.5 degrees Celsius at night, which is less than four degrees below normal. Which means, Coimbatore was witness to the coldest night of the season two months ago and the hottest day the following month. This is only a passing anomaly, claim experts. Expect Coimbatore weather to be around the 32.3 degree celsius region through the month. Crossing 36 degrees is a rarity. Until next fortnight, keep your frown upside down. ZAHID H JAVALI Editor Coimbatore Travel amp Shop is printed and published by V3 Publishers Private Limited, 95M, 3rd Floor, Prasad Chambers, East Arokiasamy Road, RS Puram, Coimbatore - 641 002. Tel: 0422 434-2680. Email: salestravelandshop. in. Head Office: 253, 1st Floor, 5th Main, 6th Cross, Indiranagar 1st Stage, Bengaluru 560-038. Tel: 080-4204-2466, 4204-2591. Printed at Prints India Process, Industrial Town, Rajaji Nagar, Bengaluru -10 2015 All rights reserved worldwide. Unsolicited manuscripts will not be returned unless accompanied by a pre-paid envelope. All the information listed here may not be accurate as things could change at the last minute. Readers are advised to check with the establishments before they make their purchases. RNI No 30155/09 MARCH 2016 VOL. 5. NO. 12 Car hire, Useful Organisations, Tour operators, Foreign Exchange and related services 24 CITY SIGHTS CONTENTS Landmarks, Religious places and Parks PUBLISHER Rajeshwari Ravi EDITOR Zahid Javali CONTENT amp FEATURES EDITOR Smiti Jain Narayan MARCOMM MANAGER SP Banumathy DISTRIBUTION Kiran V DESIGN amp PRODUCTION Travel amp Shop Studio ACCOUNTS Ragavendra R V3 Publishers Private Limited 95M, 3rd Floor, Prasad Chambers, East Arokiasamy Road, RS Puram, Coimbatore - 641 002. Tel: 0422 434-2680 Email: salestravelandshop. in Domestic amp International Airlines 36 FOOD FEATURE Le Meridien Luxury amp Budget hotels Serviced Apartments and Resorts Editors Note Events City Map Beauty parlours, Health clubs, Hospitals, 24-hour pharmacies and other South Indian, North Indian, Fast Food, Multicuisine, Chinese and much more. Developers/builders Property Sale Value and other services Amusement parks, Art galleries, Sports Organisations Lounge bars and pubs 58 SHOP 02 06 30 Malls, Silks, Clothes Designer stores, Jewellery Leather amp Accessories Handloom amp handicraft SERVICES International amp Domestic Flight Tickets amp Package Tours Cruise and Hotel booking Passport Visa Foreign Exchange From the nearby Nandi Hills and Mysore to the far-flung Mangalore and Hampi, and much more. Jai Sun Tourism Pvt Ltd 1A, Sambandam Road East, R. S. Puram, Coimbatore - 02 0422 422 1001 (5 lines) 98432 41674, 96266 66061, 96266 66062 Email: jaisuntourismgmail Web: jaisuntourism FOOD COLOURS OF INDIA Mar 8-24, all day Hotel Vijay Elanza, Avinashi Road, Opp SMS Hotel, Behind BP Petrol Bunk, Peelamedu Tel: 400-4000 Food festival to celebrate Holi. Colourful platters of vegetarian and non-vegetarian delicacies on your table. Buffet with exclusive North Indian cuisine. Cost per head: Lunch veg Rs 599, non-veg Rs 699. Dinner veg Rs 740, non-veg Rs 840, including one pint of beer. SIZZLER FESTIVAL BUSINESS LUNCH BUFFET Mar 1-30, all day Dot. yum, Aloft, 483, Kamaraj Road, Singanallur Tel: 665-6000 Multi-cuisine in a vibrant ambience. Cost per head: Rs 499 taxes. Hot and spicy, flavourful and wholesome, new style of sizzlers with ala carte menu. CHAATS amp PIZZAS Al fresco dining experience with over 100 delicacies handpicked by the gifted chef. On-site grill, live seafood, pasta station, Burmese khow-suey, kidsampx20ACampx2122 corner, dessert island with over 30 sweet dishes, and more. Chaat and kulfi combo, Rs 299. Unlimited pizza and soft beverages, Rs 399, per head, all inclusive. All month, Mon-Fri, all day Bazaar, Zone By The Park, 33/3 Avinashi Road Tel: 400-5000 All month, Sundays, 12.30pm-4pm Pavilion, The Residency Towers, Avinashi Road Tel: 98430-71777 06 // March // 2016 All month, 3pm-6pm Bazaar, Zone By The Park, 33/3 Avinashi Road Tel: 400-5000 NIGHTLIFE BEVERAGE BUFFET All month, Sun-Tues, 11am-12am Z Bar, Zone By The Park, 33/3 Avinashi Road Tel: 400-5000 SATURDAY DISCO NIGHT All month, 7pm-11pm Wxyz, Aloft, 483, Kamaraj Road, Singanallur Tel: 665-6000 Served along with one veg or non-veg starter. Cost per head: Rs 1200, all inclusive, on select beverages. Unwind with friends at this happening city night spot. BEER WITH BUDDIES All month, 11am-11pm Latitude 11, Le Meridien, 762, Avinashi Road Tel: 236-4343 All month, Thursdays, 11am-12am Z Bar, Zone By The Park, 33/3 Avinashi Road Tel: 400-5000 30 off on select beverages. Get three imported beers at Rs 999. Great brews and sporting nirvana in a lively ambience. GIRLS NIGHT OUT All month, Wednesdays, 11am-12am Z Bar, Zone By The Park, 33/3 Avinashi Road Tel: 400-5000 All month, Fri-Sat, 11am-12am Z Bar, Zone By The Park, 33/3 Avinashi Road Tel: 400-5000 Swing to the latest beats with the DJs music. Free entry for all guests. FUN HOLI IN THE CITY Mar 19, 4.30pm-10pm Jenneys Residency Lawns, 2/2 Avinashi Road Tel: 99441-11979, 95663-14541 Free entry for all guests, and free pour of drinks for ladies all night long. 08 // March // 2016 Colour and neon festival. Music, dance, colour, food and fun. General Ticket: Rs 1000, includes dinner, T-shirt, five colour packets and five glow bracelets. Premium Ticket: Rs 1450, includes three Indian beverages plus all of the above. coiMbatore GULLY KINGS CRICKET TOURNEY Mar 13, 4.30pm PSG Institute of Medical Sciences amp Research (PSGIMSR), Off Avinashi Road, Peelamedu Tel: 93442-91000, 98942-00200 Tennis ball cricket match in aid of charity. Entry Fee: Rs 15,000 for a team of 8. Refreshments, breakfast and lunch will be provided. Prizes to be won from Rs 5000-75,000. Mar 13, 7am onwards Kari Motor Speedway, Near Thekani Road, Chettipalayam Exclusively for bike enthusiasts. Register with your nearest KTM store. For more details, visit karimotospeedway. SYMPOSIUM RESILIENCE 2K16 Mar 12, 9am-5pm Sri Ramakrishna Institute, SRIT Road, Pachapalayam, Perur Chettipalayam Tel: 87546-58742 A national level technical symposium. A department of Mechanical Engineering event. A chance to win exclusive cash prizes. Registration Fee: Rs 100. WELLNESS MERCY FOR ANIMALS Mar 10, all day PSG University, Avinashi Road, Peelamedu Tel: 257-2177 WOMENS DAY I RISE Mar 8, all day Art Houz, Jenneys Residency, Civil Aerodrome, Avinashi Road Tel: 433-5777, 90036-49127 Celebrating women achievers in the fields of art, photography, architecture, fashion design, music and more. FREE DESIGN WORKSHOP Mar 8, 10am Yellow Tree Academy, 126-R, 4th Floor, Renaissance Terrance, Race Course Tel: 435-7001 Special offer on Womens Day. Liberate yourself with great education. Entry free. 10 // March // 2016 An event highlighting the vegan way. Mar 12, 8am-12am Dakshina Foundation, 723 B, Vennila Bldg, Peelamedu Tel: 96988-80808 Discover the secrets to having a sharp mind, to be loved, to being a wonderful human being. 16 hours to transform you. Mar 20, 3.30am onwards PPG Institute of Technology, Saravanampatti Post Office Tel: 90477-77277 Jeeva Nadi Charities organises a day for reunion and to spend time with Gods own children. coiMbatore TRAVEL LIKE A BIRD Tour operators, forex, visa assistance, helplines. ravelling in Coimbatore is painless. With the weather not being as harsh as its distant cousin Chennai, road rage is a rarity here. With autos, taxies and buses available aplenty, your commuting options are well taken care of. With the international airport to take shape by 2014, things can only get better with Kovai (thatampx20ACampx2122s another name for Coimbatore). With well-laid roads and an enviable transport system, your stay in Kovai will be pleasant throughout. With a good mix of forex services, visa assistance, packers and movers, lawyers and chartered accountants, your business visit should be all the more convenient. Have a happy stay. TOURS amp TRAVELS CAPITAL TRAVELINE CAPITAL COOL CARS 166, VRG Complex, NSR Road, SB Colony Tel: 245-4444/2626, 24 hours. JASMINE CALL TAXI 12B1, KK Nagar, EB Colony (via), Ganapathy Tel: 98650-82064, 24 hours. EAZYCALL TAXI 166, NSR Road, VRG Complex, Saibaba Colony Tel: 645-4545, 439-7777, 24 hours. OPAL CABS 5, Senguptha Street, Ramnagar Tel: 223-1333, 223-1777, 24 hours. PAVAN TOUR amp TRAVELS 10/13, Mappillai Gounder Layout, Kalveerampalayam Tel: 97894-88009, 8am-9pm 9A, Vishwanathapuram, Ganapathy Tel: 0451-2412, 98941-15541, 24 hours. VISION HOLIDAYS (For car rentals). 354 C, Sudheera Complex, 100 Feet Road, Tel: 249-3737, 98422-77737,10am-6pm. SIDDHARTH TOURS amp TRAVELS 64, BNS house, Rangai Gounder Street, Mettupalayam Road Tel: 98422-66455, 98433-88868, 9am-9pm. VELU TOURIST 74, Mariamman Koil Street, Peelamedu, Pudur Tel: 256-1624, 94432-22299, 24 hours. KUMAR TOURIST 8, Ansari Street, Ramnagar Tel: 223-0574/ 4545, 7.30am8.30pm. KRK TRAVELS 185, Kottor Street, PN Palayam Tel: 97888-17627. KANNAN TOURS amp TRAVELS PVT LTD 1273, Trichy Road Tel: 230-2280/1281, 439-3291/3281, 6.30am9.30pm. TAXI TAXI AP Travels amp Tours India, 14, Sri Lakshmi Nagar 19/1, Sreyas, 7th Street, Tatabad Tel: 405-0607, 24 hours. KOVAI CALL TAXI 7, Thiyagi Kumaran Street, RS Puram, Tel: 247-8787, 24 Hours. ALL USED CARS 39, Katti Naidu Layout, Sowripalayam Tel: 93631-40983, 8am-7pm. SREE VAISHNAVI CARRS 49, 1st Street, Sivanandha Colony, Gandhipuram Tel: 249-7400, 98436-76100, 9.30am7pm. MANNADIAR CARS 179, B Krishnaswamy Road, RS Puram Tel: 436-8383, 9.30am8.30pm. J K CARS 209, KSG Complex, Sasthri Road, Ram Nagar Tel: 98940-97866, 9.30am9pm. HELPLINES Police control room Tel: 100, 230-0970 Fire control room Tel: 101 city Police oFFice Tel: 230-0812 commissioner oF Police Tel: 230-0250 ACCIDENT VEHICLE TOWING amp RECOVERY cUPt cranes Tel: 258-0031 HEARSE VAN annai ambUlance services Tel: 657-9980 balaje ambUlance services Tel: 245-1234 CREMATORIUM athUPalam Tel: 225-2484 2016 // March // 13 NAMMA AUTO PRIDE OF CHENNAI COMES TO TOWN NEEMA TOURS amp TRAVELS 14, TV Swamy Road, RS Puram Tel: 255-2865, 255-5642, 10am8pm. CONCEPT TRAVELS 576A, NVN Layout, X Cut Road, Gandhipuram Tel: 98433-33221, 10am6.30pm. FRONTLINE TRAVELS 51/28-Q, 1st Floor, MR Complex, DB Road, RS Puram Tel: 437-0472, 98422-33329, 9.30am9pm. AVK TRAVELS 3C, Pongali Konar Street, Velandipalayam Tel: 98435-05859, 24 Hours. No more desperately flagging down autos or haggling over fares. Now, simply dial a number and an autorickshaw will report at your doorstep. Avail this all-new call-centre based service at Rs 25 for the first 1.8 km and Rs 12 for every km thereafter. With GPS tracking facility, and a driver trained to be polite Big Bazaar St, Town Hall Tel: 437-8437 PRASANA CARS amp ELECTRONICS 5, Avinashi Road, Peelamedu Tel: 439-8182, 98422-24811, 9am-7.30pm CAR ACCESSORIES JK CAR ZONE 19/21, Huzur Road Tel: 673-8801, 10am9pm. SHINE CAR SPA AND ACCESSORIES 658/659, MTP Road, North Kovai Tel: 420-0101, 9am10pm. CRAZY CARS 247, TV Swamy Road East, RS Puram Tel: 90430-18110, 9.30am9.30pm. SM NAGAPPAN amp CO 42 amp 43, Sathyamoorthy Road, Ramnagar Tel: 223-8448, 437-9451, 252-4848, 9am-5.30pm. HARIBHASKER ASSOCIATES 22-23, Sri Ganapathy Gardens, 2nd Street, Ganapathi Tel: 253-7371, 9am-6.30pm. PRESSANA HONDA 965, Avinashi Road Tel: 98430-27903 Sathy Road, Ganapathy Tel: 97900-19971 Somanur Tel: 82200-41109 Authorised two-wheeler dealers for Honda. EMPEROR TRAVELINE 32- A, Bashyakaralu Road, RS Puram Tel: 450-0600, 9.30am-7pm. YASH AIRLINKS PVT LTD Aishwaria Complex, 196-3, TV Samy Road West, RS Puram Tel: 435-1313, 255-0510, 254-8339, 9am6.30pm. JAI SUN TOURISM PVT LTD 1A, Sambandam Road East, RS Puram Tel: 422-1001, 9am7pm. SUPER TRAVELS 87, East Lokamanya Street, RS Puram Tel: 255-2208, 98944-68913, 10am7.30pm. 14 // March // 2016 RAIL INFORMATION General Enquiry Tel: 131 Reservation Tel: 132 National Train Enquiry System Tel: 139 Main Junction Tel: 230-1301 Podanur Tel: 241-0784 Station Master Tel: 230-1301 Automatic Announcements Tel: 133 Coimbatore North Tel: 249-3019 Podanur Tel: 241-0784 English Tel: 1361 Hindi Tel: 1362 Tamil Tel: 1363 Coimbatore CA DEVARAJ E 2 A, Kondasamy Naidu Layout, Masakkalipalayam Road, Peelamedu Tel: 94431-01718, 9am-6pm. KRISHNA KUMAR V 147, Padma Nilayam, Complex No 5, 5th Street, Gandhipuram Tel: 249-0084, 10am6pm. L VENKATASUBBU amp CO 163, Oppanakara Street Tel: 239-6697/6135, 10am-6pm. ACCSOL MANAGEMENT SERVICES 157/4, 2nd Floor, NSR Road, Sai Baba Colony Tel: 244-7580, 9.30am5.30pm. DS FINANCIAL SERVICES 112, Jubilee Complex Chinnasamy Naidu Street, Sidhapudur Tel: 98946-21142, 10am-7pm. VIJAY SIVA AND CO Akshara Corporate Solution, 32, Kadai Kudil 2nd street, 2nd Avenue, Sivananda Colony, Tatabad Tel: 421-3905, 93452-04948, 94431-73471, 9.30am-7pm. SIVSM amp CO 115, 11th Floor, TV Swamy Road West, RS Puram Tel: 98942-17799, 9.30am-6.30pm. ANBARASU amp JALAPATHI 30C, Alagesan Road, Sai Baba Colony Tel: 438-5673, 9.30am-5.30pm. C BOSE EBENEZER NSR Road, Sai Baba Colony Tel: 244-7580, 9.30am-5.30pm. CSK PRABHU amp CO F4, 4th Floor, Srivari Kikani Centre, 2, Krishnaswamy Mudaliar Road Tel: 255-2437, 9am-6pm. VISA ASSISTANCE EMPEROR TRAVELINE 32-A/1, Bhashyakarulu Road, DB Road, RS Puram Tel: 450-0600/ 98431-99699, 98430-66009, 9.30am-7pm. JAI SUN TOURISM PVT LTD 1A, Sambandam Road East, RS Puram Tel: 422-1001. AVOVA HOLIDAYS 208, East Ramalingam Road, RS Puram Tel: 97917-49078, 10am-6pm. UNICORN TOURS amp TRAVELS 72, Sarojini Street, Ramnagar Tel: 98431-42329, 98439-55944, 10am-6.30pm. TRAVEL OPTIONS 210/F, RV Complex, 1st Floor, Bharathiyar Road, Gandhipuram Tel: 252-4646/5656, 98940-33363, 10am-6pm. NITHIYANANDAN M 102, Lawyers Chamber, District Court Campus, Gopalapuram Tel: 93455-14664, 9.30am-8pm. A MOHAN 19, Jawans Bhavan, TB Road Tel: 221-1299, 9am5pm. TAX SOLUTION 128/A8, Lakshmi Complex, Sathy Road, Ganapathy Tel: 98945-92272, 9am-8pm. EDWARD amp BHARATHI ASSOCIATES 4, RVR Complex, Head Quaters Road Tel: 94431-87468, 94430-59047, 9am-6.30pm. KK NATESAN 7, Basement, Jawans Bhavan Tel: 94437-10112, 9.30am7.30pm. 16 // March // 2016 AP JAYACHANDRAN 209/210, Sri Thevar Complex, 153, Avinashi Road Tel: 230-2105, 8am-10pm. KS VENKATESAMURTHY 32, Gopalapuram, 1st Street Tel: 230-1460, 9am7pm. JD SOCRATES 40, 3rd Street, Gopalapuram Tel: 230-0171, 9.30am-7pm. A1 TRADE MARK SERVICES 17/18, Sri Krishna Corporation Building 3rd Floor, Marakkadai, Mill Road Tel: 93632-61488, 9.30am-5.30pm. MGR ASSOCIATES 4 amp 5, Omshri Vigneswara, 1st Street, Nataraj Nagar Tel: 98422-37784, 7.30am-8pm. ADVOCATE MANOHARAN 30, Old No 57, Anna Nagar, PPS Colony, Peelamedu Tel: 96299-96669, 9am-9pm. PRABHU LAW ASSOCIATES 679, LMV Bus Stop, Ooty Main Road, Perianaickenpalayam Tel: 269-2746,9am-9pm. Coimbatore Area Population Altitude 254 sq kms. 42,71,856. 411 metres, above mean sea level Climate. Mild winter and moderate summer Summer. Max 34.7C Min 21.1C Winter. Max 32.2C Min 19.2C Annual rainfall. 61.22 cms Season. Round the year Rainy season. December to December Clothing. Tropical Literacy. 73 Language. Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, Hindi and English ADVOCATE RAMESH BABU PR 8/7, Gopalapuram, Anandas Film Building, 1st Street, Trichy Road Tel: 239-9903, 9.30am-8.30pm. ADVOCATE BALAJEE SRIDHAR MS 3, SR Iyyer Layout, Ramanathapuram Tel: 439-6123/6144, 9.30am-8pm. BELIVE US 23, Ramalingam Colony, Vadakovai Tel: 653-7885, 9.30am-6.30pm. MALESHAA INC. Flat No SA, 2nd Floor, 1st Block, Jain Cambre East, Avinashi Road, Peelamedu Tel: 81440-81814 436-1814. 18 // March // 2016 CENTRUM DIRECT LIMITED 95/9 Vyshnav Building, Race Course Tel: 221-3033, 9.30am-7pm. GRAHAMS FOREIGN EXCHANGE PRIVATE LIMITED 25/7, Kannusamy Road, RS Puram Tel: 254-3364, 98422-10818, 9.30am-7.30pm. A Reserve Bank of India licensed foreignexchange service dealing in 30 currencies, Axis global travel cards, western union, moneygram and Xpress Money, travel insurance, air tickets (domestic and international) and swift foreign exchange draft through banks. SRI VARI MONEY EXCHANGE PVT LTD 579, 585, Cross Cut Road, Gandhipuram Tel: 439-7003, 9am-6pm. TATA CAPITAL FOREX LIMITED Ground Floor, AMI Mid Town, 25 A/1, DB Road, RS Puram Tel: 645-0732/44, 93454-71166, 9.30am-6.30pm. SREA FOREX amp SERVICES INDIA PVT LTD 472, Kalki Nagar, Peelamedu Tel: 256-4313, 9.30am-6pm. THOMAS COOK 101, Block No 21, 1st Floor, DB Road, RS Puram Tel: 645-0753, 9.30am-6.30pm. WEIZMAN FOREX LIMITED 9, 1050, Damodar Centre, Avinashi Road Tel: 224-2766/7972, 93605-15854, 9.30am-6.30pm. WESTERN EXPRESS MONEY FOREX PVT LTD 753, 1st Floor, Avinashi Road Tel: 439-1172, 221-4035, 9am-6.30pm. AJ COUNTRYWIDE FOREX PRIVATE LIMITED 120/8, Harmony Building, DB Road, Rathinasabapathy Puram Tel: 247-1990, 10am-6.30pm. coiMbatore 483, Kamaraj Rd, Singanallur, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu 641015 Phone: 0422 665 6000, 0422 6656060 Web: alofthotels/coimbatoresinganallur Aloft brings to you new style of sizzlers this winter. New choice of Sizzlers offering a whole new experience and sounds of Erupting flavors. A special sizzler menu offering a combination of Hot, Spicy, Flavorful and Wholesome sizzlers at a featured price all this month. These sizzlers will reward your sense of taste with smoky flavors that are simply fantastic. So get ready for an envious entre at your table during this winter Sizzler Festival at Aloft Coimbatore. From 1st March to 31st March 2016 Hot amp Spicy sizzlers this winter SOUTHERNLAND FOREX amp SERVICES PVT LTD Lawly Road Junction, Thadagam Road, RS Puram Tel: 436-6282, 9.30am-7.30pm. TRANZPAC LOGISTICS P LTD 23, CSG Layout, NSR Road, Saibaba Colony Tel: 93449-94545, 93619-94545. 24 ساعة. PACKERS amp MOVERS MADHAN PACKERS amp MOVERS 52 B, New 34, Nallammal Street, Velandipalayam Tel: 98943-04817, 24 hours. ASSOCIATED MOVERS amp PACKERS 8/31F, Mettupalayam Road, Vellakinar Pirivu Tel: 98430-83737, 10am6pm. Ground Floor, AGT Business Park, 25, Avinashi Road, Civil Aerodrome Post, Tel: 230-1415. AMBIKA PACKERS amp MOVERS 85, Thadagam Road, RS Puram Tel: 93629-34538, 10am5pm. ISHA PACKERS amp MOVERS 10/26-A, Ramalinga Gounder Street, Vadavalli Tel: 98430-09901, 24 hours. ESSAR PACKERS amp MOVERS PVT LTD 47/d, 1st Floor JHV Building, Mettupalayam Road, Kavundampalayam Tel: 434-6320, 99945-70004, 9am-6pm. KOVAI PACKERS amp MOVERS 64 E, Swarnam Complex, Mettupalayam Road Thudiyalur Tel: 264-5233, 9am-5.30pm, closed on Sundays. POPULAR PACKERS amp MOVERS 25, Manickam Street, Kavundam Palayam Tel: 434-7550, 24 hours. AGARWAL PACKERS amp MOVERS 131, Siva Subramanyam Road, RS Puram Tel: 93600-88604, 9am5.30pm. A1 PACKERS amp MOVERS 32,VK Road, Saravanampatti Tel: 99400-97022, 9.30am-6.30pm, closed on Sundays. UNIVERSAL PACKERS amp TRANSPORTS 4/151-6, Adthilakshmi Gardens, Palani Gounder Pudur, Vadamadurai, Kurudampalayam Tel: 99651-70400, 9865180400, 9.30am6pm. BEST HOME PACKERS ampMOVERS 3, Govt School Stop, Nagaratchi Office, Kavundam Palayam Tel: 645-8685, 5am10pm. 20 // March // 2016 MEDIA ORGANISATIONS The New INdIaN express Tel: 231-7851 The hINdu Tel: 221-2572 TImes of INdIa Tel: 252-4377 BusINess lINe Tel: 221-5116 daIly ThaNThI Tel: 221-5545 dINakaraN Tel: 238-5513 dINamaNI Tel: 231-7853 The impeccable office CONDUCT YOUR OFFICIAL BUSINESS CONVENIENTLY AT THE STATE-OF-THE-ART BUSINESS CENTRE AT THE RESIDENCY TOWERS BY SMITI JAIN NARAYAN Need an office for a short while on a business trip to the city Or for a long official stay You couldnt have picked a better address than The Residency Towers. The newly opened Business Centre at this leading luxury hotel of Coimbatore is tailor-made for the corporate honcho, the CEO and the senior management to conduct their business. Its as comfortable than your own office, and perhaps more so. The fully-equipped Business Centre can become your second office, for as long as you like. Everything is at hand. From something as basic as a photocopier to something as thoughtful as a wireless overhead projector for a professional theatre style presentation. The Business Centre at The Residency Towers has the smallest needs of the office in mind. Uninterrupted Wi-Fi connectivity for seamless communication at any given point of time. Skype freely without the fear of your overseas calls getting disconnected. Two different boardrooms, a 14-seater and a 12-seater. Interview rooms where BUSINESS CENTER LEVEL II THE RESIDENCY TOWERS Avinashi Road Tel: 226-3131, 224-1414 2016 // marCh // 23 you can meet prospective employees, customers or vendors. A break-out room where you can hold a separate one-on-one discussion. You can network, meet, carry on with all your business as usual in deluxe comfort, and state-of-the-art amenities. God is in the details. And The Residency Towers Business Centre is a testimony of that. It pays attention to the smallest things that can make all the difference to any guests comfort level. You can avail secretarial services to smoothen your business operations. A scanner, a printer, photocopier, tea and coffee round-the-clock are just some of the many facilities that leave you free to focus on more important things. The Residency Towers works as a perfect pre-office for a company from outside. If you are to set up a full-fledged office in Coimbatore, this Business Centre can function most competently as your de facto office until you find the right place. Many guests prefer to use the Residency Business Centre as a long term business address. There are companies that operate for months on end with utmost convenience. All your official correspondence can be routed to the hotel address. The hotels efficient and alert service staff is at your beck and call. The restaurants, bars, swimming pool, spa, valet service and all other facilities are under your roof. Conduct your business all day. And relax in the evening after a hard days work. For conducting business in Coimbatore, theres just one address you need to remember the Business Centre at The Residency Towers. Proclaim it proudly as your office away from office. Kasthuri Sreenivasan Art Gallery A CULTURAL MELTING POT Dams, waterfalls, landmarks, places of religious interest. ith Coimbatore, the sobriquets keep getting added up. From Textile hub to Engineering Capital to Retail City, this small town is on the way to becoming a sprawling metropolis. Thatampx20ACampx2122s not all. The city is emerging as a travel haven and a great transit point. Check out the waterfalls, dams, temples and wildlife sanctuaries on the city outskirts, and you will come away pleased. Not to mention, the Agricultural University and Crocodile Farm. You will never regret it. Happy exploring. ANNAMALAI WILDLIFE SANCTUARY ARULMIGU EACHANARI VINAYAGAR Located 10 kms from Coimbatore on Pollachi Road, it is one of the oldest temples in Coimbatore and dates back to 1500 AD. The Moolavar was meant for Perur Patteshwarar temple and since it got stuck on its way from Madurai, Eachanari became the blessed place. The deitys height is 6 feet and the width is 3 feet. It is one of the biggest in South India. ARULMIGU POONDI VELLIYANGIRIANDAVAR THIRUKOIL POONDI Velliyangiri is a beautiful temple situated in one amongst the five hills of historical importance, just 20 kms from Kovai. The five hills symbolically represent the five different faces of Lord Shiva. This is the only temple where Panchalinga can be seen. AGRICULTURAL UNIVERSITY One of the best institutions of its kind in south Asia, the Agricultural University was originally established as an agriculture farm in Saidapet, Chennai. The location was moved to Coimbatore in 1907 and the name was changed to Agricultural College, which later became Agricultural University. It is 5 km from the railway station. Tel: 661-1268. Timing: 9am-5pm. Coimbatore This is located in Amaravathi Dam which is 25 kms from Udumalpet. This place is at present being developed as a District Excursion centre. This temple is 40 km from Coimbatore and is known as a pilgrim city and the Banaras of the South. The Cholas built the Avanashilingeswarar temple during the 12th century. It is the biggest temple of the district and the minute and wellshaped carvings and sculptures are a joy to watch. 2016 // marCh // 25 Just 90 kms from Coimbatore, this sanctuary is situated at an altitude of 1,400 metres in the Western Ghats, near Pollachi. Spread over 958 sq. kms, it has various kinds of exotic species like elephants, gaurs, tigers, panthers, sloth bear, pangolins, black headed orioles, green pigeons and civet cats. The Amaravathy reservoir in the Annamalai range has a large number of crocodiles. There are also many places of scenic beauty such as Karain Shola, Anaikunthi shola, Grass hills, waterfalls, groves, teak forests, estates, dams and reservoirs. Arrangements are available at Topslip to take tourists around the sanctuary on elephant back or by van. AYYAPPAN TEMPLE The holy Ayyappan temple is revered by both the locals and tourists alike. The magnificent temple was constructed in 1976 by the Sri Dharma Sastha Baktha Jana Sabha. It bears striking resemblance to the Ayyappan temple in Sabarimala. inches diameter and is the largest of its kind in the world. It is said that this divine instrument radiates seven different qualities on seven different days of the week by which one can derive various benefits. FLOWER MARKET CSI ALL SOULS CHURCH The CSI All Souls church is 138 years old and one of the oldest buildings in Coimbatore. This structure reflects the gothic revival style of architecture with its pointed arches and is characteristic of an Anglican Parish. The building was consecrated for worship on March 27, 1872 by Bishop Gell. Reverend Henry Pope was the first resident Chaplin. The walls are of Ashlar masonry and the steeple houses the belfry. A Porch was added at the western end in 1902 in memory of King Edward VII. The windows are of exquisite stained glass and the church is a unique example of a British church built with materials of the region. DHYANALINGA The Dhyanalinga Multi-Religious Temple is situated at Vellingiri foothills about 30kms from Coimbatore. Dhyanalinga was consecrated by mystic and yogi Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev after three years of prana prathista (process of charging the idol). Measuring 13 feet, 9 inches, Dhyanalingam is assumed to be the largest mercury-based live linga in the world. In its presence, it requires only minutes to make even those unaware of meditation to experience a state of deep meditative trance and feel the divine energy that overflows from this glorious form. The free-spanning dome that enshrines the Dhyanalingam measures 77 Coimbatores art of garland-making and its garland makers hold a special place in south India. The art has grown to such prominence that it has fuelled a dedicated flower market. The fragrance of lilies, jasmines, roses, lotuses and native flowers like shenbagam are a treat to the factory senses. One can spend hours watching the nimble movement of the flower artists as they tread wreaths, hair adornments and garlands. FOREST COLLEGE MUSEUM Spread over 66 hectares, the Southern forest rangers college is one of the oldest institutions of its kind in the country. Situated 3.5 kms from the Coimbatore Railway Station, it is worth a visit to see Museum of Natural History which is housed within the College campus. The museum and the neighbouring Botanical Garden have nearly 300 species of rare and endangered plants. Apart from plants, the museum also has an interesting collection of different minerals, rocks, pests, snakes, insects and fungal diseases that afflict plants and trees. INFANT JESUS CHURCH Kovaipudur or rather Kuniamuthur and areas South and West of Palghat Road was earlier attached to the Cathedral parish. Bishop Visuwaram was searching for a suitable site on the National Highway of this area, but he died before it was realised. It was attached to Madukkarai Parish and since December 1976, a Sunday mass is being conducted for the Special Protection Force. With civilian housing colonies mushrooming all over, a site was bought by the Diocese, with the picturesque back-drop of Vellingiri hills to the west. Kovai Pudur Tel: 260-7157. 26 // marCh // 2016 KASTHURI SREENIVASAN TRUST ART GALLERY AND TEXTILE MUSEUM Avinashi Road, Tel: 257-4110 The museum show cases types of handlooms from various parts of India as well as sketches of various types of handlooms used by American Indians, history of costumes in India from the time of Mohenjo-Daro down to the 19th century is depicted in the form of pictures, antique sarees, other textiles and artifacts, whorl wheels of Egypt and the spinning wheels of Mohenjo-Daro the growth and development of spinning and weaving is exhibited through charts, models and actual machines in a few cases and the development of the early stages of the Industrial Revolution are exhibited in their logical sequence. SENGUPATHI WATERFALLS This waterfall is located 35 kms from Coimbatore on the way to Siruvani. The location is pleasant and beautiful and tourists flock to this place like bees to honey. RAMAR TEMPLE Situated in Ramnagar, the Ramar temple is one of the holy places that attract devotees all year round. Dedicated to Lord Ram, the rituals and ceremonies are conducted regularly and with much fanfare. PERUR PATTEESWARA SWAMY Perur Patteeswara Swamy temple is the most popular temple in the city. Built by the King Karikala Cholan, this temple is situated 7 kms west of Coimbatore near river Noyyal, called Kanchi Manadi by the locals. The presiding deity is Shiva and the Swayambu Lingam is the idol worshipped here. This sanctum is the joint effort of the Chola, Hoysala and Vijayanagara rulers during their reign. The greatest attraction is the Kanaka Saba or the golden hall which is adorned by a gold-plated statue of Nataraja bestowing blessings upon the two sages - Gowmuni and Pattimuni. The gopurams and pillars of the hall are exquisitely carved out sculptures highlighting Dravidian architecture. The significance is unfolded in the poetic creations of Arunagiri Nather and Kachiappa Munivar. Pilgrims from all over visit this spot to pay homage to their ancestors. It is believed that the mortal remains of the dead turn into white stones after 144 days. MUDUMALAI WILDLIFE SANCTUARY KOVAI KUTRALAM FALLS Located in Siruvani, about 37 km from Coimbatore, these scenic waterfalls are in the heart of a dense jungle. Which is why visitors are not permitted after 5pm. A good place to watch birds and wildlife within the area. As very few buses are available, it is best to plan in advance if you want to enjoy the panoramic view out here. Situated 67 kms away from Coimbatore, the sanctuarys dense vegetation and favourable climate attract a variety of wild animals like tigers, leopards, elephants, deer, snakes and birds. Elephant rides are a major draw. Dormitory and hotel accommodation are available within the sanctuary. THIRUMURTHY DAM It is situated at the foot of Thirumurthy Hills, adjoining the Thirumurthy Dam. This is about 20 kms from Udumalpet on the highway from Palani to Coimbatore. A perennial stream flows by the side of the Amalingeswarar temple. Close to it is a refreshing waterfall. There is also a Crocodile Farm in Amaravathy Dam nearby. This place is being developed as District Excursion Centre. 2016 // marCh // 27 GD NAIDU MUSEUM Avinashi Road, Gopala Puram Tel: 222-2548 The museum showcases engineering products and other interesting curious items. Many of them were invented by GD Naidu himself. His collection of razors, electric shavers, gas lighters and photo flashes are lined up at the museum. A variety of pens, postcards, cameras and binoculars fill another side. Working models, drawings and charts give us details and also let us practically examine them. The Mariamman festivals, at the cityampx20ACampx2122s numerous Amman temples, is a major event in Kovai in the summer. This is one of the most popular festivals celebrated along with Koniamman temple car festival. Car festivals at the Karamadai temple and the famous Avinashi temple attract a large attendance. Traditional Hindu festivals like Pongal, Deepavali are major events. Ayudha pooja is an important festival. All commercial establishments are cleaned and painted (machines and vehicles are washed), concluding with a pooja. THIRUMOORTHY TEMPLE This is also a sacred place where there is a holy shrine. This lies 20 km away from Udumalpet on the Palani-Coimbatore highway. The temple is set on the foot of the Thirumoorthy Hills near the dam of the same name. A stream flows by the side of the temple and there are some waterfalls nearby. This is now being developed by the Tourism Department to make it a good District Excursion Centre. THE SIRUVANI WATERFALLS AND DAM This waterfall and dam are about 37 kms from Coimbatore. The water of Siruvani is known for its sweet taste. The panoramic views of the dam and the falls are enchanting. TOP SLIP Thuvaipathi Village, Tadagam Road, Anaikatti Tel: 257-2222 nilgiribiopark. MARUDHAMALAI HILL TEMPLE At an altitude of 500 feet, Marudhamalai Hill temple is scenically located at a distance of 15 km from the city limits. Beautiful weather, pristine clear views of the low-lying city can be had while going to the temple. An exquisitely carved statue of Lord Murugan is worth seeing. Most buses and special buses are granted by the devasthanam for taking the devotees to the temple on top of the hill. A picturesque locale in the Annamalai Hills. It is about 37 kms from Pollachi (about 90 kms from Coimbatore).There are bungalows available within the sanctuary. For thrill seekers, accommodation is also available in a tree house. 28 // marCh // 2016 The ISKCON Temple in Coimbatore is a wellknown pilgrimage centre located in the heart of the city. It aims at spreading the science of Krishna consciousness with the help of the Bhagavad Gita. Spread across an area of 20,000 sq ft, the temple has an array of beautiful deities belonging to Radha Krishna, Jagannath, Baladev, Subhadra Devi and Prabhupada. Built in typical Tamil architecture, the temple complex has a gallery showcasing the different founders of ISKCON movement. The best time to visit the ISKCON temple is during the festivals of Gauri Purnima, Rama Navami, Narasimha Chaturdashi, Varaha Dvadashi and Sri Krishna Janmashtami, which are celebrated in a lively and colourful manner with much music and dance. Amaravathy Reservoir is one the major attractions in the city, constructed for the purpose of irrigation and maintaining the ecological balance of the region. Tourists throng the site to witness crocodiles and fish species in the dam at close quarters. As per official surveys, this reservoir has the distinction of being home to the maximum number of crocodiles and fisheries in South India. VOC PARK AND ZOO INDIRA GANDHI WILDLIFE SANCTUARY Indira Gandhi Wildlife Sanctuary, also known as Annamalai Sanctuary, is a favoured site for wildlife enthusiasts around Coimbatore. A part of the Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve, the sanctuary is known for its rich flora and fauna. The wildlife reserve is a natural habitat for animals such as panthers, tigers, elephants, spotted deer, civet cats and wild boars. The region is also referred to as a birdampx20ACampx2122s paradise as it houses different varieties of birds, including the Black-headed Oriole, Rocket-tailed Drongo, Tree Pie, Spotted Dove and Red Whiskered Bulbul. Coimbatore VOC Park and Zoo is counted among the chief amusement centres in the region. This recreational centre is maintained by the Corporation of Coimbatore and is named after the famous freedom fighter, VO Chidambaram. The highlights of the amusement park include the aquarium and the mini zoo that is home to a vast variety of aquatic species and other animal life. Models of dinosaurs, golf swing, slides, train safari, see-saw and other play equipment for children are among the popular attractions in the recreational park. 2016 // marCh // 29 COIMBATORE AIRPORT Coimbatore Airport is situated in Peelamedu near Avinashi Road, 11 km from Coimbatore railway station and is well connected with the road network. The airport is conveniently located, with hotels, restaurants, super speciality hospitals and travel agencies in the vicinity. The Coimbatore airport also has decent car parking facility, a bank, a restaurant, a snack bar and telephone facility. Coimbatore airport also has a trolley, wheel chair, medical and rest room facility. It has a cargo handling facility which takes care of garments, textiles, gold jewellery and general cargo. The nature of cargo handling is mostly export oriented and imports are quite limited. AIRLINE OFFICES JET AIRWAYS Tel: 257-5387, 257-5275 jetairways INDIGO Tel: 257-4438, 0124-661-3838 goindigo. in SPICEJET Tel: 257-5425 spicejet GO AIR Tel: 92232-22111, 1800-222-111 goair. in AIR INDIA 1605, Trichy Road Tel: 230-3933 airindia. in JET LITE Tel: 257-5387 jetliteairlines JET KONNECT Tel: 257-5387 jetkonnect. co. in AIRPORT STATISTICS Destinations: 16 Countries Served: 3 Continents Served: 1 Avg Route Distance: 983 Km (615 miles) Airport IATA Code. CJB Airport Name: Peelamedu 34 // March // 2016 AIR ASIA Tel: 044-3300-8000 airasia SILK AIR 229A, ITI Centre, Off TV Swamy Road East, RS Puram Tel: 437-0271, 437-0281 silkair SINGAPORE AIRLINES Tel: 437-0271 singaporeair MALAYSIA AIRLINES malaysiaairlines AIR FRANCE Tel: 1800-180-0033 airfrance SRI LANKAN AIRLINES 1062, SIDCO house, 1st Floor, Barathiyar Road, PN Palayam Tel: 224-3699 srilankan AIR ARABIA 702, Esteem Complex, Avinashi Road, P N Palayam Tel: 435-1950, 96777-79695 airarabia Type: Airports Runway Length: 10000 ft Runway Elevation: 1319 ft City: Coimbatore Country: India World Area Code: 733 GMT Offset: -5.5 GET THE BEST SPECIALITY CUISINES IN TOWN AT PEACOCK, PONZU AND FAVOLA AT LE MERIDIEN BY SMITI JAIN NARAYAN The human mind always seeks variety, change and plurality. And even more so when it comes to something as sensorial as food. Recognising this basic universal trait, Le Meridien offers travellers, guests and food lovers the best speciality restaurants in Coimbatore, all under one roof For signature Indian cuisine, nothing quite compares to the authentic fare created and served at Peacock. The speciality restaurant sets the tone from the moment you enter, with its old palatial style interiors, luxurious setting and Indian themes of the national bird. Peacock covers a range of the vast Indian foodscape with dishes from the North to the South. The show kitchen allows you to see the chefs at work, as they knead, fry, braise and sizzle their way into your heart. They also have a vast array of imported and Indian wines on display. Discover true Indian fine dining right here. Today, people have far greater exposure than a generation ago. With this exposure comes the thirst to try new things, and taste different cuisines as well. Ponzu brings you the complete Pan Asian experience in food. From the ubiquitous Chinese, to the dainty Japanese, from the flavourful Thai to the nomadic Mongolian, get a taste of all PEACOCK, PONZU, FAVOLA LE MERIDIEN COIMBATORE 762, Avinashi Road Tel: 236-4343, 425-4343 Peacock: 12pm-3pm amp 7pm-11 pm, Ponzu amp Favola: 7pm-11pm 2016 // marCh // 37 this and more at this delightful true-to-its-origins restaurant. The live, interactive cooking stations add to Ponzuampx20ACampx2122s charm. You can watch your teppanyaki being prepared and tossed in the aromatic sauces right before your eyes. Or the wok of noodles as the chef mixes the ingredients with the flair of an artist. The bar located within the restaurant is well-stocked, with different wines and liquors paired with different cuisines. Italian cuisine is another all-time favourite with food lovers. But Favola at Le Meridien shows you that there is so much more to Mediterranean gastronomy than pizzas and pastas. The signature Italian fine dining menu at Favola has a host of specialities that are a revelation of sorts. This is authentic fare that will appeal equally to the connoisseur as well as the whole family. Favola too has its own bar attached within. So you can select from the best accompaniments to this meal you will cherish. You have the additional attraction of a great view from Favola as it overlooks the swimming pool and the expanse beyond. All three signature restaurants are flag-bearers of Le Meridienampx20ACampx2122s trademark warm hospitality. Whether you are a hotel guest visiting on work or leisure, or a local Coimbatorean, you will find Peacock, Ponzu and Favola as the most delicious spots for the perfect family outing or a corporate get-together. Authentic cuisine, abundant bars, attentive service and a great ambience ampx20ACampx201C get it all, at these speciality restaurants. Private dining options are also available for groups. Happy dining ALL THE CREATURE COMFORTS Hotels, serviced apartments, resorts. ith Coimbatore on the textile and industrial map, you have non-residents flooding in to cut deals, attend conferences or just take a slice of India. For business visitors on short trips, budget hotels are a smarter option. These places offer no-frills, be it room service or conference facilities. But still, more than offer what you really need: neat and clean accommodation. The rooms have en-suite bathrooms and a pay telephone in the common areas. The four-star and five-star hotels offer the best that you have come to expect from them. All of this will make Coimbatore a true home away from home. 762, Avinashi Road Tel: 236-4343 Rs 8,500-35,000. 254 trendy rooms of world class facilities and amenities in its guestrooms and meeting rooms. 3 signature restaurants, 3 splendid bars, 3 meal restaurant, caf and a wellequipped business centre. VIVANTA BY TAJ SURYA 105, Race Course Road Tel: 668-1000, Rs 12,000-50,000. A high-tech business hotel with 180 rooms cutting across categories. Plus, a spa, banquet hall, a fitness centre and five meeting halls. Features an all-day dining restaurant, a Chinese restaurant and a high energy bar. FOUR STAR HOTELS THE RESIDENCY TOWERS 1076, Avinashi Road Tel: 224-1414, Rs 5,850-16,000. 4 star premium luxury hotel offers spacious and comfortable rooms with thematic interiors. Located on a major arterial road which is just 20 minutes drive from the airport. The traditional service of The Residency group will make your stay a memorable one. GOKULAM PARK 116/2, Avinashi Road, Mylampatti, Chinnayampalayam Post Tel: 262-6030, Rs 5500-15,000. 110 rooms and suites are elegantly designed with bamboo flooring and modern amenities, including wireless internet access, LCD TVs, coffee and tea maker, laptop safe and double glazed windows. ALOFT COIMBATORE 483, Kamaraj Road, Upplipalayam, Singanallur Tel: 665-6000,Rs 600015,000. Experience life in one of the 167 bright and breezy Aloft rooms. Whether youre retiring for the night or heading out in the day, youll find plenty of perks that plug you in and help you make the place your own. By Passion Hotels A Boutique Hotel Boutique Hotel with luxury services and comfort Refined design and boutique artistry with classical decor Located in most prime location of Coimbatore Hope College, Avinashi Road Close to Airport, Tidel Park, Codissia Trade Center and Fun Republic Mall Free Airport Pickup and drop services Multi cusine Restaurant - DEWZRESTAURANT Unique RALLY themed bar - PITSTOP FELIZ HALL - Exclusive banquet services The Orbis Hotel 1562 Avinashi Road, Hope College, Coimbatore - 641004 Tel: 4399-988 / 4397-676 Email: infotheorbis. in theorbis. in Coimbatore 2016 // March // 39 FIVE STAR DELUXE HOTELS ZONE BY THE PARK Avinashi Road Tel: 400-5000 zonebythepark. Rs 5500-12,000 tax. An upscale, full-service boutique hotel, with its public areas designed like a market of zones. Whether you want to work, play, entertain, meet new people, have a drink, eat or just laze, the space provides a design-conscious, priceconscious experience for the customer. THREE STAR HOTELS 58 DJ Nagar, Masakalipalayam Road, Hope College Tel: 433-4447, 98422-76111 New business class hotel with all modern luxuries and amenities, personalised service, banquet facilities, A/V with projector, two restaurants and a permit room. Convenient location, close to Codissia, Fun Mall, Tidel Park, PSG Hospital, airport and city railway station. THE ORBIS HOTEL 1562, Avinashi Road, Hope College, Peelamedu Tel: 439-9988, 439-7676, 96777-15900, Rs 3300-3600. A boutique hotel, with the philosophy of passion for hospitality with quality service at affordable rates. Prime location, with close proximity to Tidel Park, Airport, Codissia Trade Centre and many business establishments, financial hubs, colleges and hospitals. Well-suited for business travellers. THE ACACIA HOTEL 2/177c, Avinashi Road, Chinniyampalayam, KGMHospital Tel: 262-6599, 96595-88999. Budget and luxury accommodation with all the modern amenities. A/C and non-A/C rooms, multi-cuisine restaurant, banquet hall and conferencing facilities, room service, efficient staff, ample car parking, 24/7 RO water service. HOTEL CAG PRIDE 312, Bharathiyar Road Tel: 431-7777, Rs 3150-5625. Located in the very heart of Coimbatores downtown area - easy access to all the major business and shopping areas. cagpride HOTEL HERITAGE INN 73, Sivasamy Road, Ramnagar Tel: 223-1451/ 9200, Rs 2800-3900. JENNEYS RESIDENCY 2/2, Avinashi Road, Coimbatore Aerodrome Post Tel: 433-5777, Rs 33503950. HOTEL SRIRAM INTERNATIONAL 18 amp 19, State Bank Road Tel: 429-5566 Rs 33503950. 40 // March // 2016 HOTEL GRAND REGENT 708, Avinashi Road Tel: 429-4455, 429-4444, Rs 3300-7000. SVARGA RESIDENCY 85, 1A Arun Nagar, Maruthamalai Main Road, Vadavalli Tel: 242-6655, Rs 1999-3499. PARK INN 37, Geetha Hall Road, Near Railway Station Tel: 230-1283, Rs 1750-2200. 1000, Raja Street, Town Hall Tel: 420-3555, Rs 1500-3500. Modern conveniences with traditional hospitality, close to business centres, shopping malls. Well-furnished a/c rooms with TV, direct dialling, safety locker, Wi-Fi, doctor on call. 24 hour coffee shop, rooftop restaurant, well-stocked bar, conference hall, travel desk, spa, fitness centre. Special rooms for the physically challenged. HOTEL THE FORTUNE 108, Ansari Street, Ramnagar Tel: 421-2345, 223-3345, Rs 2000-2800. Tastefully designed rooms with mini bar. Central A/C, free internet, travel desk, gym, parking, CCTV, doctor on call, 24 hour room service, skilled staff. Suitable for business and budget travellers. Online booking facility, 24 hour check-in, check-out. Complimentary buffet breakfast. AIBA REGENCY 28A, Geetha Hall Road Tel: 230-3737 Rs 7502500. HOTEL THAAI 27, RHR Building, State Bank Road Tel: 230-2736, 439-1391, Rs 16502300. HOTEL VIJAI PARADISE 173/C, NSR Road, Saibaba Colony Tel: 245-2222, 98432-40302. Rs 1250-Rs 2750. 42 Rooms available with two furnished banquet halls and provides seating upto 1500 members. Also A/c conference hall is available for a crowd of 40 people. hotelvijaiparadisegmail SREE ANNAPOORNA HOTELS 75, East Arokiasamy Road, RS Puram Tel: 452-2333, Rs 1799-2998. HOTEL NAVARATNA 253, TV Samy Road East, RS Puram Tel: 254-0221, 80981-81818, Rs 1000-2500. PRINCE GARDENS HOTEL 28, Kalingarayan Street, Ramnagar Tel: 4000-9000, Rs 25003500. HOTEL RATHNA RESIDENCY 355, Variety Hall Road, Tel: 422-5666, 97509-64441, Rs 25003500. HOTEL SRI ASWINI DELUX 6 amp 7, Kalingarayan Street, Ramnagar Tel: 223-8771/72/73, Rs 2000-3500. Coimbatore PARK PLAZA 90/62, Geetha Hall Road Tel: 436-4646 Rs 2000-3250. COMFORT HOTELS 100-A, DB Road, RS Puram Tel: 436-4368 Rs 16002000. SRI AARVEE HOTEL 311 A, Bharathiyar Road, Sidhapudur Tel: 252-3677, 251-9577, Rs 12502800. HOTEL GEO GRANDE 890, 11th Street, Cross Cut Road, Tatabad Tel: 437-2345, Rs 12001500. HOTEL VAIDURYA 73, Geetha Hall Road Tel: 429-7777, 98433-77000, Rs 1500-3000 DJ VU BOUTIQUE HOTEL 657, Tristar Enclave, Avinashi Road Tel: 434-7070/71, Rs 1850-2750. LEGENDS INN 77, State Bank Road Tel: 435-0000 Rs 12001700. CHERAN HOTELS 48, TV Samy Road West, RS Puram Tel: 254-6000, Rs 880-2300. BHAVAN Ooty Main Road Tel: 4254-221728, 94431-21778, Rs 500-1600. GRAND PLAZA 58, Geetha Hall Road Tel: 230-2677 Rs 20004100. MESABEL HOTELS 24, Grey Town, Tel: 238-0216, Rs 7002150. PARK INN 37, Geetha Hall Road, Near Railway Station Tel: 230-1283. HOTEL VISHNU PRIYA 14, Kalingarayan Street, Ramnagar Tel: 450-6241, Rs 1000-1500. HIVE 71-72, Hindustan Ave, Nava India Road, Avinashi Road Tel: 98422-13849, Rs 1800-3600. COIMBATORE SERVICE APARTMENT 42/3, Lakshmi Mills, Junction, Avinashi Road Tel: 98940-50002, Rs 10001500. ARUL NAKSHATRA SERVICE APARTMENTS 10/4b Metha layout, Masakalipalayam Road Tel: 434-7888, Rs 2000-4000. Rs 2500-3500. TULIP HOMES 48, Rajiv Gandhi Nagar, Sowripalayam Main Road Tel: 259-0112, 96002-86290 Rs 1800-3600. DUNAG SPRING 12/24,12/25, Padmanaba Nagar, Tel: 439-9031, 646-1778, 99524-31080 Rs 13201820, 24 hours. MK HOMES 145, Gokhale Street, Ramnagar Tel: 223-3103, 439-3636, Rs 2950-4500, 24 hours. CORNER STAY 4/1, Abdul Rahim Road, Race Course Tel: 439-3934, 94895-73984, 98422-20742 Rs 15004000, 9am9pm. CRYSTAL APARTMENT 27/A, Nanjappa Nagar, Singanallur Tel: 90476-06068. VINAYAK HOTEL 61, Geetha Hall Road Tel: 439-1234/7, Rs 660-1350. RAAMUS HOTEL 65, Geetha Hall Road Tel: 439-3000 Rs 9952050. SUGAM HOTEL 100, DB Road, RS Puram Tel: 255-5555/6/7 Rs 750-1250. NAVEEN HOTEL 27, Geetha Hall Road, Devi and Co Lane Tel: 439-2351/2/3, Rs 6751350. ANNAMALAI HOTELS LIMITED 8/25, State Bank Road Tel: 439-1000 Rs 750-1250. HOTEL SRM 1279A, Mettupalayam Road Tel: 244-6386/7 Rs 1100-1700. HOTEL ESS GRANDE 358-360, Nehru Street, Ramnagar Tel: 223-0271/73, Rs 1800-2900. HOTEL ORION 262, Cross Cut Road Tel: 223-0244, Rs 250550. BLUE STAR HOTEL 369 A, Nehru Street, Ram Nagar Tel: 223-0635, Rs 7703000. 42 // March // 2016 VISION NATURE RESORT Varangampadi Village, Sholayoor, Attapadi Hill Tel: 99438-77737, 98422-77737, 24hrs, Rs 40007000 tax GREAT MOUNT RESORTS Meenakari Road, Vazhaikombu Nagoor Village, Pollachi Tel: 04259-297058, Rs 575017,000. PEAK VIEW RESORTS 1/25, Nihung Post, Horsholai, Kotagiri, The Nilgiris Tel: 94435-54025, Rs 18002000. BLACK THUNDER RESORT Ooty Main Road, Mettupalayam Tel: 04266-271025, Rs 40805400. THE DENSE FARM COTTAGE Top Slip Road, Senthumadai, Pollachi Tel: 96881-10000, Rs 35006000. Coimbatore Indian, Chinese, Mexican, Continental, Italian.. oodies in Coimbatore are known to travel long distances, if only to sample the best rasam-rice or biriyani in town. Adding to their sense of adventure is that they donampx20ACampx2122t have to leave the city to sample the worldampx20ACampx2122s kitchens, be it Mexican, Thai, Chinese, Italian, American or Pan-Asian. But the best food in Kovai is typical south Indian: idlis, dosas, utthappam, rice, sambar, rasam and yoghurt either served on a sparkling stainless steel plate or a banana leaf. And not to forget, Madras Filter Coffee. There is a lot more. payasam, kootu, koozh, puttu. go out there and discover. The joy is also in the find SREE ANNAPOORNA l 418, Mettupalayam Road Tel: 452-2444 l 14 Cross Cut Road, Gandhipuram Tel: 437-7618 l 89, Hope College, Avinashi Road, Peelamedu Tel: 439-7226 l 699/700 TK Market Opp, Raja Street Tel: 435-5810 l 26 A, Arts College Road Tel: 221-5102, 6am-10pm. Avg meal for two, Rs 200-230. HOTEL SRI SURYA 874, Ramanathapuram, Trichy Road Tel: 420-4440, 12pm-10pm. Avg meal for two, Rs 190. WOODLAND Park Inn, 37, Geetha Hall Road Tel: 230-1283 7am-11pm. Avg meal for two, Rs 160. ARRUNNACHALA 1338, Avinashi Road, Peelamedu Tel: 256-6555, 11.30am-3.30pm. Avg meal for two, Rs 165 SHREE ANANDHAAS l Lakshmi Mill Junction Tel: 87540-97777 l Avinashi Road, Opp KMCH Tel: 98943-76666, 98946-76666 l Sundarapuram Tel: 98941-83333 l Vadavalli Tel: 98947-76666 l RS Puram Tel: 98943-83333 l Near Gandhipuram Signal Tel: 98943-23333 l Brook Fields Food Court Tel: 82207-61144 l Sri Krishna Engg College Tel: 98940-29888 l Ram Nagar Tel: 96007-04444, 6.30am-10.45pm. Avg meal for two, Rs 150. SHREE RHR l 27, RHR Buildings, State Bank Road Tel: 230-2736, 439-1391 l 1934, Trichy Road, Sowripalayam Pirivu Bus Stop, Ramanathapuram Tel: 439-5736 l Royal Theatre Entrance Town Hall Tel: 436-2736, 5.30am-11pm. RHR started in the year 1931 is one of the noted vegetarian restaurant in Coimbatore. Avg meal for two, Rs 150. DAKSHIN RESTAURANT 1782-1783, VRK Complex, Thadagam Road, Velandipalayam Tel: 98943-91230 11.30am10.30pm. Avg meal for two, Rs 120. VALARMATHI 207/A, CSI Compound, Race Course Tel: 427-1190, 98434-11190, 12pm-10.30pm. Avg meal for two, Rs 400. THE VILLAGE 61, RR Layout, RS Puram, Tel: 98422-46111, 11am -11pm. Avg meal for two, Rs.300. ANNALAKSHMI 106, Race Course Road Tel: 222-2142, 12pm3pm amp 6pm-10pm. Avg meal for two, Rs 400. NORTH INDIAN PEACOCK Le Meridien, 762, Avinashi Road, Neelambur Tel: 236-4343, 12pm-3pm amp 7pm-11pm. A rich diversity of authentic Indian cuisine flavoured with spices and condiments from across the country. Offering exclusivity to guests with two private dining rooms. Avg meal for two, Rs 1500. BOMBAY BRASSERIE 16, Abdul Rahim Road, Near State Bank of India (Personal Branch), Race Course Tel: 420-2122, 421-2223, 12.30pm-3.30pm amp 6.30pm-11pm. A contemporary interpretation of classic Indian cuisine. There are private dining rooms, open air seating and candle light dinner. Home delivery, outdoor and indoor catering also undertaken. AMMAA GRILL 37, Nehru Street, Ram Nagar Tel: 435-0777, 11am-11pm. Avg meal for two, Rs 300. MOTI MAHAL 41/42, Race Course Road Tel: 422-0355, 12pm-10.30pm. Avg meal for two, Rs 600. ALL SEASONS 416-C, NSR Road, Saibaba Colony Tel: 244-7238, 12.30pm-3.30pm amp 7pm-10.30pm. Avg meal for two, Rs 116. MARRY BROWN 11, Nehru Stadium Tel: 436-4229, 11am-11pm. Avg meal for two, Rs 400. SUBWAY l 88A, Race Course Road Tel: 655-7777 l 103/107, TV Samy Road, West RS Puram Tel: 656-6666, 10am-11pm. Avg meal for two, Rs 220. KOVAI CHICKEN MAGIC 308, Avinashi Road, Peelamedu Tel: 439-7540, 95786-07770, 11am-11pm. Avg meal for two, Rs 150. MEXITOES MEXICAN GRILL 96, Bharathi Colony, Peelamedu Tel: 256-3233, 11.30am-3.30pm, 6.30pm-10.30pm. Avg meal for two, Rs 600. 2016 // March // 45 Le Meridien, 762, Avinashi Road, Neelambur Tel: 236-4343. Vibrant 24 hour dining, with world cuisine buffet and live stations for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Also signature a la carte dishes. Large and lavish Sunday brunch. Avg meal for two, Rs 1800. PAVILION The Residency Towers, 1076, Avinashi Road Tel: 224-1414, 24 hours. Treat your taste buds to a multi cuisine buffet or a la carte choices. Pavilion is famous for the Midnight Buffet on Saturdays, and its Sunday Fiesta. Cost per adult: Rs 999, child: Rs 599. 24/7 BYTES Gokulam Park, 116/2, Avinashi Road, Mylampatti, Chinnayampalayam Post Tel: 262-6030. A wonderful array of dishes using fresh and locally sourced produce, served up in a cheerfully designed ambience, with friendly and efficient service. DOT. YUM Aloft Coimbatore, 483, Kamaraj Road, Upplipalayam Tel: 665-6000, 24 hours. All-day dining restaurant serving buffet for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Plus, a signature a la carte menu. Avg meal for two, Rs 1500. BAZAAR Zone by The Park, Avinashi Road Tel: 400-5000. 24 ساعة. Multi-pricing avenue with multi-cuisine buffet or a la carte choices. Buffet includes unlimited thin crust pizza and Oriental cuisine delicacies. Avg meal for two, Rs 1000. ZAFRAN Aloft Coimbatore, 483, Kamaraj Road, Upplipalayam Tel: 665-6000, 7pm-11pm. Wholesome goodness of Indian food with North Indian, South Indian and Mughlai cuisines served in a warm ambience with aesthetic dcor. Avg meal for two, Rs 1000. YOLO FOODS AND RESTAURANTS LLP 500, Avinashi Road, Nava India, Tel: 256-7777, 80122-56777, 11am-11pm. Avg meal for two, Rs 300. 46 // March // 2016 GOLDEN CROP Hotel CAG Pride, 312, Bharathiar Road Tel: 431-7777, 7am-10.30pm, 12pm-3pm amp 7pm-11pm. Avg meal for two, Rs 500. SMOKE ON THE WATER Vivanta by TajSurya, 105, Race Course Road Tel: 668-1000, 7pm-11pm. Avg meal for two, Rs 1000. ITS ALL GRAVY Emerald Towers, 45/4 Krishnasamy Nagar, Ramanathapuram Tel: 83441-41516, 12pm-3.30pm amp 7pm-10.30pm. Avg meal for two, Rs 400. HOTEL SRI AMUTHA SURABHI 39, RG Street, Flower Market Tel: 98943-00020, 7am-10.30pm. Avg meal for two, Rs 140. CITY HEIGHTS Rooftop, SBS Grand, 58 DJ Nagar, Masakalipalayam Road, Hope College Tel: 433-4447, 6pm-12am. BAY LEAF SBS Grand, 58 DJ Nagar, Masakalipalayam Road, Hope College Tel: 433-4447, 24 hours. ROYAL GARDEN Hotel Thaai, State Bank Road Tel: 230-2736, 11am-11pm. Avg meal for two, Rs 350. LATITUDE Vivanta by TajSurya, 105, Race Course Road Tel: 668-1000, 24 hours. All-day dining Continental amp Indian selection with a highlight on the South of India. Avg meal for two, Rs 2200. BARBEQUE NATION Metro Park Inn, 1000, Raja Street, 6th Floor, Town Hall Tel: 606-6161, 12pm-3pm amp 6.30pm-10.30pm. Avg meal for two, Rs 1800. HOTEL HMR 5, Arokya Samy Road, RS Puram Tel: 255-5522, 99444-78669, 11am-11pm. Avg meal for two, Rs 150. NARMADA Sree Annapoorna Hotels, 75, East Arokiasamy Road, RS Puram Tel: 254-7722, 12pm-3.30pm amp 7pm-10.30pm. Avg meal for two, Rs 320. AAHARA Tamara Resorts, Perumal Kovil Pathy, Karunya PO Tel: 261-5779, 7am-10pm. Avg meal for two, Rs 800. FUSION Hotel Rathna Residency, 355, Variety Hall Road Tel: 422-5666, 24 hours. Avg meal for two, Rs 240. FLAVORS Svarga Residency, 85, 1A Arun Nagar, Maruthamalai Main Road, Vadavalli Tel: 242-6655, 242-7677, 24 hours. CHICURICE Tristar Enclave, 657, Avinashi Road Tel: 435-0212, 88704-44411, 11am-11pm. Avg meal for two, Rs 400. TIFFANYS 54, Nehru Stadium Tel: 422-0888, 77080-35888, 7am-10am, 12.30pm-3.30pm amp 7.30pm-10.30pm. Avg meal for two, Rs 210. Coimbatore AMERICAN MEERIE BERRIE 45. West Venkatasamy Road, RS Puram, Tel: 255-5151, 10am10pm. Avg meal for two, Rs 400. TANGERINE 74, Race course Road Tel: 420-3777/ 99624-24488, 12pm-3pm amp 7pm-11pm. Avg meal for two, Rs 900. NORTH WEST FRONTIER THATS Y FOOD 24/49, TV Swamy (East), RS Puram Tel: 436-5117/8, 10.30pm-11pm, Avg meal for two, Rs 1,100. AFGHAN GRILL The Residency Towers, 1076, Avinashi Road Tel: 224-1414, 7pm11.45pm. Open-to-sky barbecue evening restaurant by the poolside. Open only for dinner in a romantic setting. Avg meal for two, Rs 1800. BAAR B QUEEN 20, East Venkatasamy Road, RS Puram Tel: 255-0666, 11am-4pm amp 6.30pm-11pm. Avg meal for two, Rs 300. GREENS amp GRAINS AMI Midtown, 25A-4/1, Rajasthan Sangh, DB Road, RS Puram Tel: 77084-74764, 11am-11pm. Avg meal for two, Rs 400. AJANTHA Mesabel Hotel, 24, Grey Town Tel: 238-0216, 7am-4pm amp 7pm-10pm. Avg meal for two, Rs 250. PALMS Hotel Rathna Residency, 355, Variety Hall Road Tel: 422-5666, 7pm-11pm. Avg meal for two, Rs 250. ORCHID Park Plaza, 90/62, Geetha Hall Road Tel: 436-4646, 7am-10.30pm. Avg meal for two, Rs 500. CREAM CENTRE 180, TS Road, Race Course Tel: 434-8889, 98430-48091, 11am-3.30pm amp 6.30pm-10.30pm. Avg meal for two, Rs 740. PARUVAA Heritage Inn, 73, Sivasamy Road, Ramanagar Tel: 223-1451, 12.30pm-3pm amp 7pm-11pm. Avg meal for two, Rs 800. DINE AND WINE Grand Plaza, 58B, Railway Station, Geetha Hall Road Tel: 230-2677, 7am-10.30pm. Avg meal for two, Rs 500. ON THE GO 167, Race Course Road Tel: 452-0116/7 12.30pm-3.30pm amp 7pm-10.30pm. Avg meal for two, Rs 300. ATOM 418, Coral Crest Building, Alagesan Main Road, Saibaba Colony Tel: 99940-60510, 12pm3.30pm amp 7pm11pm. Avg meal for two, Rs 500. MY PLACE RESTAURANT 744/2 New Damunagar, Near Ramanathapuram Tel: 433-7223, 652-4250, 12pm-3pm amp 7pm-10pm. Avg meal for two, Rs 500. BIRD ON TREE 28, Opp Circuit House, Kamaraj Road, Race Course, Lakshmi Mills Tel: 98658-31000, 98439-11444, 12pm-3.30pm amp 7pm-11pm. Avg meal for two, Rs 1500. HARI BHAVANAM 2, Bharathi Colony, Peelamedu Tel: 439-8122, 11am-11pm. Avg meal for two, Rs 500. TIFFINYS Hotel Alankara Grand, 10, Ram Nagar Tel: 437-8888, 24 hours. Avg meal for two, Rs 800. LEIDEN RESTAURANT 1433-A, Annai Illam, Avinashi Road, Peelamedu Tel: 421-8880, 11am-11pm. Avg meal for two, Rs 800. DEWZ The Orbis Hotel, 1562 Avinashi Road, Hope College Tel: 439-9988, 12.30pm-3.30pm amp 7.30pm-11pm. Avg meal for two, Rs 700. SRI RAYAPPAS CHETTINAD l 333, Singapore Plaza, Cross Cut Road, Gandhipuram Tel: 223-1819, 437-7777 l 1/367, Bharathiar Road, Sidhapudur Tel: 438-8444, 252-2251, 12pm-3.30pm amp 7pm-11pm. Avg meal for two, Rs 425. JUNIOR KUPPANNA 177, Sarojini Street, Ramnagar Tel: 223-5771, 223-5772, 12pm4pm amp 7pm11pm. Avg meal for two, Rs 600. BUFFET THE RESTAURANT 369 A, Inside Blue Star Hostel, Nehru Street, Ramnagar Tel: 223-0635, 7.30am-10.30am, 12.30pm-3.30pm amp 7pm-11pm. Avg meal for two, Rs 500. ANJAPPAR AUTHENTIC CHETTINADU 356, Gandhipuram, Bharathiyar Road, Sidhapudur Tel: 252-4441/4442, 11.30am-11.15pm. Avg meal for two, Rs 600. TUSCANY PIZZA SF No 113/2, First Floor, Sri Ganesh Complex, Sathya Road, Ganapathy Tel: 653-3333, 11am-11pm. Avg meal for two, Rs 350. 2016 // March // 47 PIZZERIA Bazaar, Zone by The Park, Avinashi Road Tel: 400-5000, open 24 hours. 10 thin crust wood fired pizzas made by the chef according to your wish of ingredients. Avg meal for two, Rs 800. FAVOLA Le Meridien, 762, Avinashi Road, Neelambur Tel: 236-4343, 7pm-11pm. The authentic taste of Italy. Rustic interiors overlooking the pool. Stone fire oven pizzas, antipasti, pasta, salads, seafood, poultry, red meats, desserts and international wines. Avg meal for two, Rs 1500. LITTLE ITALY 1678, Trichy Road, Ramanathapuram Tel: 452-9229, 93444-62229, 11.30am-3.30pm amp 6.30pm-11pm. Avg meal for two, Rs 1000. NINHAO 318 A, NSR Road, Saibaba Colony Tel: 244-5652, 10.30am-3.30pm amp 6.30pm-11pm. Avg meal for two, Rs 250. NOODLE KING Avinashi Road, Peelamedu Tel: 450-4447, 450-4448, 11am-11pm. Avg meal for two, Rs 250. THE CASCADE 479 B1. Avinashi Road, Peelamedu Tel: 256-8888, 672-4794, 12.303pm amp 7pm11pm. Avg meal for two, Rs 600, Le Meridien, 762, Avinashi Road, Neelambur Tel: 236-4343, 7pm-11pm. A variety of Thai, Japanese, Chinese and Mongolian cuisines with live cooking stations. Avg meal for two, Rs 1200. WOKERIE Bazaar, Zone by The Park, Avinashi Road, Tel: 400-5000, open 24 hours. A taste of progressive unlimited Oriental cuisine. Avg meal for two, Rs 80 RED PEARL Vivanta by Taj - Surya, 105, Race Course Road Tel: 668-1000, 12.30pm-11.30pm. Avg meal for two, Rs 1000. CHIN CHIN The Residency Towers, 1076, Avinashi Road Tel: 224-1414, 12.30pm3pm amp 7.30pm-12am. The best Chinese cuisine in town. Chefs signature dishes like Drums of Heaven, Honey Chilly Lotus stem, Dimsums and Fried Ice Cream. Private dining room can seat 16 people. Avg meal for two, Rs 800. CHINA VALLEY 1197, Trichy Road, Ramanathapuram Tel: 230-3279, 11am-3.30pm amp 6pm-11pm. Avg meal for two, Rs 250. 48 // March // 2016 VS 1, Bharathi Park Road, 7th Cross, Saibaba Colony, Tel: 432-2206, 80561-04582, 11am11pm. Avg meal for two, Rs 400. SHIVANJALI CAF 3, New Thillai Nagar, Maruthamalai Road, PN Pudur Tel: 243-5572, 3pm9.30pm, closed on Mondays. HOT CHOCOLATE l Anna Salai, Avinashi Road, Peelamedu Tel: 222-1809 l 4th Floor, Brookfields Mall, Brooke Bond Road Tel: 225-5997 l Ramlinga Nagar First Layout, NSR Road, Saibaba Colony Tel: 437-7666, 11am - 11pm. Avg meal for two, Rs 900. CAF TOTARAM 245/1, Raheja Apartment, Race Course Tel: 436-4116/7, 12.30pm-10am. Avg meal for two, Rs 550. KITES CAF 267, BR Puram, Avinashi Road, Peelamedu Tel: 438-5050, 11am11pm. Avg meal for two, Rs 450. CHAI N GUPSHUP 201, Sambantham Road (East), RS Puram Tel: 436-9848, 232-2893, 9am-9pm. Avg cost for two, Rs 40. STANES ICED TEA Stanes Tea amp Coffee Show Room, 1597, Trichy Road Tel: 658-6426, 222-1513, 9.30am-5.30pm. Avg cost for two, Rs 40. PARRIS TEA CORNER 9/23, Grey Town Tel: 93448-55665, 9.30am-7.30pm. Avg cost for two, Rs 160. The Residency Towers, 1076, Avinashi Road Tel: 224-1414, 11am10pm. The ultimate place to order cakes of your fantasy. Offers quick bites like samosa, sandwiches, rolls, mouth-watering chocolates and Gateaux. Bulk orders and eggless items undertaken too. HOT CHOCOLATE 734, Avinashi Road Tel: 222-1809, 451-7070, 98940-98806, 10am11pm. LONGITUDE 77 Le Meridien, 762, Avinashi Road Tel: 236-4343. Filled with the rich aroma of freshly-brewed coffee and baked delights, with signature clairs and panjamiratham (a south Indian fruit dessert). LATHAS KITCHEN STUDIO 10/38, PMR Layout, Goldwins, Avanashi Road Tel: 98650-37137, 10am-4pm. SRI KRISHNA SWEETS HOUSE 342, Raja Street Tel: 239-5330, 239-9161, 9am9pm. ADYAR ANANDA BHAVAN l 313, Bharathiyar Road, Gandhipuram Tel: 252-1919 l 487, Dr Nanjappa Road Tel: 437-7797 l 142, Sanganoor Village, Mettupalayam Road Tel: 438-5007, 8am-10.30pm. CHOCKO CHOZA 18-A, Perriyaswamy Road (East) RS Puram Tel: 436-9437, 10am10pm. BANAANAA SLICE l 44, Kalingarayan Street, Ramnagar Tel: 223-1067 l 317, Arokyasamy Street, NSR Road, Saibaba Colony Tel: 438-4067 l Mullai Nagar, Maruthamalai Main Road, PN Pudur Tel: 422-1067 l Masakkalipalayam Road, Peelamedu Tel: 98437-01900. RHR SWEETS 42, No 27, RHR building, RHR Hotel, State Bank Road Tel: 230-2736, 439-1391, 6am-11pm. ICE CREAM PARLOURS BASKIN ROBBINS 1, Race Course Mansion, Race Course Road Tel: 96294-31138, 11am-11pm. Coimbatore BON BON ICE CREAM 62, Nehru Stadium Road Tel: 98421-12426, 10.30am11pm. BOOMERANG ICE CREAM 59, Nehru Stadium Complex Tel: 230-3838, 11am-11pm. COLD STONE 292, NSR Road, Saibaba Colony Tel: 87540-55466, 96770-83757, 10am10pm. ESKIMOS 65, East lokamanya Street, RS Puram Tel: 97519-11222, 11am11pm. SEAKINGS ICECREAMS 73, Ramachandra Road, RS Puram Tel: 436-8117, 11am11pm. GOURMET ORGANIC STORES NUTS N SPICES 167, Race Course Road Tel: 222-0449, 420-6040, 9.30am-9.30pm. NUTS BAY l 558, Raja Street Tel: 234-1588 l 138, West TV Swamy Road, RS Puram Tel: 95855-30495, 10am6pm. SELVAM IYARKAI ANGADI 248 E, Vinayaka Complex, Pollachi Road Tel: 99421-10045, 9.30am-8pm. SNOWMAN ICE CREAMS 162, Sastri Road Tel: 223-5257, 9am-9pm. GO NATURE ORGANIC FOODS Aarpee Center, 320-N, NSR Road, Saibaba Colony Tel: 233-3398, 10am-9pm. SREEVATSA ORGANIC FARM PRODUCTS 7/1A, Mettupalayam Road Tel: 94426-21932 6am-9pm. SEASONS 545, SKC Building, DB Road, RS Puram Tel: 254-5055, 11am-11pm. KOLI MAN 114, Ground Floor, Police Kandaswamy Street, Ramanathapuram Tel: 435-6565, 8am-6pm. DAMS ORGANIC FOODS 1/441-A, Kothari Nagar, Thoppampatty Pirivu, Vadamadurai, Kurudampalayam Tel: 94426-52068, 9am-6.30pm. OTR ORGANIC 9, Raja Annamalai Road, Saibaba Colony Tel: 99946-63550, 97912-11979, 10am-1.15pm amp 5.30pm-9pm. 2016 // March // 49 DROP YOUR INHIBITIONS Pubs, lounge bars. typical Coimbatorean is as much at home with Mexican cuisine as he is with his ricerasam. He is equally at ease in a vaeshtti (dhoti) from the pavement store as he is in an imported Armani suit. And so is the expatriate who has made the city his home. If you see a south Indian fast food joint sitting cheek by jowl with a hip Italian restaurant or a Reebok and Hidesign showroom sharing the same street with Himalaya Drug Co and Titan, you know its a city with a healthy blend of the East and West. The citys accommodating nature is also one reason why there are so many watering holes in the city. Party Le Meridien, 762, Avinashi Road, Tel: 236-4343, 11am11pm. A great place to relax and quench your thirst with wines of the world and spirits. BIKE amp BARREL The Residency Towers, 1076, Avinashi Road Tel: 224-1414, Weekdays 6pm-11pm, Weekends 11am-11pm. Offers mesmerising cocktails and mocktails, foot - stomping rock, retro and House music with an In-house Dj, sumptuous Italian and Mexican cuisine, exclusive ante-room, actionpacked sundown, lucky draws and more. A bottle of beer, Rs 390. ZERO DEGREES LOUNGE Gokulam Park, 116/2, Avinashi Road, Mylampatti, Chinnayampalayam Post Tel: 262-6030, 11am-11pm. Perky pink hues decor and latest house music playing with great offers on liquer and mocktails. A bottle of beer, Rs 270. KNOTTY SPIRITS Hotel CAG Pride, 312, Bharathiyar Salai, Sidhapudur Tel: 431-7777, 11am-11pm. Great line up of imported and domestic liquor. A bottle of beer, Rs 275. Z - BAR Zone by The Park, Avinashi Road Tel: 400-5000, 11am-12am. Gourmet delights and cocktails with DJ Vanessa on Friday, Saturday and Sunday at this most happening bar of the city. Avg cost for two, Rs 700. PITSTOP The Orbis Hotel, 1562 Avinashi Road, Hope Collage Tel: 439-9988, 11am-11pm. A bottle of beer, Rs 265. CIGAR LOUNGE Le Meridien, 762, Avinashi Road, Tel: 236-4343. Elegant speciality lounge, serving the finest quality of cigars, single malt and cognacs from around the world. SHOWERS LOUNGE Hotel Vijai Paradise, Sri Vijai Complex, 4th Floor, 173, NSR Road, Saibaba Colony Tel: 245-2222, 11am-11pm. A bottle of beer, Rs 260. GOSSIP PERMIT BAR 10, Sivasamy Road, Ramnagar Tel: 437-8888, 11am-11pm. A bottle of beer, Rs 220. SUGAPRIYA BAR Sree Annapoorna Lodging, 75, East Arockiasamy Road, RS Puram Tel: 452-2333, 254-7722, 11am-11pm. A bottle of beer, Rs 260. BLUE ICE SBS Grand, 58 DJ Nagar, Masakalipalayam Road, Hope College Tel: 433-4447, 11am-12 midnight. Coimbatore TEASE Vivanta Taj - Surya, 105, Race Course Road Tel: 668-1000, 11am-11.30pm. A bottle of beer, Rs. 350. W XYZ Aloft, 483, Kamaraj Road, Upplipalayam, Singanallur Tel: 665-6000, 11am-12am. A bottle of beer, Rs 300. ABSOLUT 85C amp 1A, Arun Nagar, Maruthamalai Main Road, Vadavalli Tel: 242-6655/242-7677, 11am11pm. A bottle beer, Rs 250. PUBS BAR 56, Devi amp Co Lane, Geetha Hall Road, Tel: 436-2473, 11am-12am. A bottle of beer, Rs 250. BLUE SEA BAR Blue Star Hotel, 369 A, Nehru Street, Ramnagar Tel: 223-0635, 9.30am-11pm. A bottle of beer, Rs 220. 18 PLUS AGNI BAR Subashree Hotel, 124, Sastry Road, Ramnagar Tel: 223-1366/6955, 11am-11pm. A bottle of beer, Rs 200. BIG BEN BAR Kalippa Hotel, 262, Cross Cut Road Tel: 223-0244/0154, 11am-11pm. A bottle of beer, Rs 200. CHEERS BAR Hotel Crown Plaza, 416, Palakkad Main Road, Kunniyamuthur Tel: 225-4405, 11am-12am. A bottle of beer, Rs 250. HOUSE OF SPIRIT Park Plaza Hotel, 90/62, Cheran Towers, Geetha Hall Road Tel: 436-4646, 11pm11pm. A bottle of beer, Rs 250. KINGS BAR Hotel Sri Aswini Delux, 6 amp 7, Kalingarayan Street, Ramnagar Tel: 223-8771, 11am-12am. A bottle of beer, Rs 230. MY BAR Balaji International Hotel, 300, 2nd Street, Gandhipuram Tel: 249-3555, 11am-11pm. A bottle of beer, Rs 250. NAYAGARA BAR Dava Hotel, 70, 3rd Street, Railway Station Road Tel: 230-0311, 11am-11pm. A bottle of beer, Rs 220. RAMBA BAR Raamus Hotel, 65, Geetha Hall Road Tel: 439-3388, 11am-11pm. A bottle of beer, Rs 260. RELAX INN BAR Hotel Vaidurya, 73, Geetha Hall Road Tel: 439-2777, 429-7777, 11am-11pm. A bottle of beer, Rs 220. EMPEROR BAR Hotel Thaai, State Bank Road Tel: 230-2736 11am11pm. A bottle of beer, Rs 210. SAMUTRA BAR Cheran Hotels, 48, TV Samy Road West, RS Puram Tel: 254-6000, 11am-11pm. A bottle of beer, Rs 200. 2016 // March // 51 LOUNGE BARS amp PUBS Botanical Gardens at Ooty REWIND, REBOOT, RESTART MUSEUMS, GARDEN, PARKS. ush green mountains and plantations abound in Ooty. Spread over 36 sq. km, its 7350 feet above sea level. Vast plantation of eucalyptus, pine and wattle stretch between the few untouched meadows that remain of the pre-British Ooty. No wonder, its the place to get away from it all. Here is where you can rewind, reboot and restart your life every season. With temperatures relatively consistent throughout the year, its the best summer retreat for anyone wanting to beat the summer heat. Enjoy LANDMARKS amp MONUMENTS COONOOR and hand-drawn cards, among other things. The club building was originally the mansion of Sir William Rumbold, a wealthy businessman from Hyderabad, who built it in the 1820s. Regal, imposing and exclusive, the club is still maintained as it was in British time. The club is for members and their guests only. STONE HOUSE This is the first bungalow to be built in town, which was the residence of John Sullivan, the founder of Ooty and at that time, the collector of Coimbatore. The tribals gave it its name Kal Bangla meaning Stone House. KANDAL CROSS SHRINE THE MUSEUM Opened in December 1989, this museum has a collection of objects unique to the district, including timber, insects, butterflies, rocks, wood carvings, Kurinji flower, stone sculptures, bronze works, models of Toda hut and coins. PARKS amp GARDENS A Roman Catholic Shrine, this is considered the Jerusalem of the East. Catholics consider the shrine as the Calvary of Tamil Nadu. Special Novena Prayers and Holy Masses are offered every Friday. The annual feast is held on 3rd August. NILGIRIS LIBRARY It is a treasure trove of precious documents, biographies and old books, many of them rare volumes on travel and Ooty. The library was begun as a public reading room and later built up as it stands today, in 1868. Today, it is run by a private committee. OOTY CLUB This club offers entertainment as well as information. It has a collection of albums of yellowing photographs, newspaper clippings Coimbatore BOTANICAL GARDEN The gardens were established in 1847 by the Marquis of Tweeddale and now maintained by the Agricultural Department of the Tamil Nadu government. From August-August, an Annual Flower Show is held by the Nilgiris AgroHorticultural Society and the Dog Show of the South India Kennel Club. A few minutes climb up from the garden is Toda Mund Othak-kalman-thu (one stone village) from which Ooty (Ootacamund) derived its name. Adjacent to the garden is Raj Bhavan used by governors when they are on tour. OOTY LAKE This small artificial lake was conceived in 1824 by John Sullivan as an irrigation tank. Hardly 4 sq. km in area, the lake is much frequented by picnickers. Row boats, paddle boats and motor boats are available for hire. The boat house also has a restaurant and a childrens garden. 2016 // marCh // 53 At a slightly lower altitude (2000 metres), this is the second largest hill station in the Nilgiri Hills and is a small tea garden town where the weather remains pleasantly cool throughout the year. The place is perfect for trekking and picnicking, with grassy spots and spectacular views. It is famous for bird watching and birds such as vultures, eagles, owls, bulbuls, thrushes, bablers, larks, cuckoos and robins. ST STEPHENS CHURCH AND GRAVEYARD This Protestant Church was Ootys first Church. One of the few remaining examples of original Anglican architecture in Ooty, its a Gothic, castle like structure, reminiscent of English village Churches. Adjoining the church is an old English cemetery. CENTENARY ROSE GARDEN This Institute was established in 1907 to research rabies and treat victims of the disease. Among other projects undertaken by the institute, the most note worthy is the manufacture of the polio vaccine. This rose garden was established at Vijayanagaram in Ooty, covering four hectares in five terraces, to commemorate the centenary Flower Festival in August 1995. It is situated on the lower slopes of the Elk Hill on the North-Western side, facing Ooty town. There are about 2150 varieties of roses in the Rose Garden, one of the largest such collections in India. SIGHT SEEING LAMBS ROCK (8 KM) Founded by JD Sim, a Secretary to the Madras Government in the mid-19th century as an amusement park, it has now evolved into a botanical garden with well-laid out terraces with rare flowers and shrubs. It contains several species of trees and shrubs that cannot be grown in the colder climate of Ooty. ARUVANKADU The Cordite Factory of the Government of India, which supplies ammunition for the countrys defence purposes, is located here. It was started in 1904. A sheer precipice several hundred metres high, Lambs Rock is on a motorable road that leads to Lady Cannings Seat (10 km), named after the wife of a British Viceroy. Dolphins Nose and the Droog are two other excellent heights, 10 and 15 km from Coonoor respectively to view the plains. They are also good picnic spots, with the former made attractive by a view of Catherine Falls and the latter by a still remaining ruins of an old fort built by Mysore ruler Tippu Sultan. 54 // marCh // 2016 GUDALAR ( 50 KM FROM OOTY) Located on the road leading to Mysore, Gudalur is the gateway to the Nilgiris from Kerala and Karnataka. The Mudumalai sanctuary is located around 16 km from here. The prime attractions are Frog Hill view point (14km). Needle point rock view (12 km), Numbalkottah (8km), Nellakotta (15km), hanging bridge (14km), Nelliyalayam (20km) and Cherambadi (35km). STANLEY PARK (3 KM) A popular camping ground for scouts and guides, it has a rest house and protected water supply. Coimbatore mental Centre of the Indian Army, which is the oldest regiment in the Indian Army. ST CATHERINE FALLS (8 KM) AND ELK FALLS (7 KM) This experimental fruit garden, one of the three in the Nilgiris, sprawls over 16 acres at a height of about 1,900 metres above sea level. It was established in 1920, along with the other stations at Burhar and Kullar on the Coonoor ampx20ACampx201C Mettupalayam Ghat Road. These stations are maintained by the Tamil Nadu Horticultural Department. WELLINGTON (5 KM) This British cantonment was developed in 1852. It has the countryampx20ACampx2122s only Defence Services Staff College, an institution rich in Indian military, especially modern tradition. Wellington is also the headquarters of the Madras Regi - 56 // March // 2016 are among the most beautiful cascades of the Nilgiris. From the Kodanad viewpoint (16 km), an all encompassing view of Coimbatore, Mysore, and Kerala can be seen, as well as the eastern slopes of the Nilgiris. The other major attractions here are the Rangaswamy pillar and peak: the former, a conical peak, 1,785 m high and considered sacred by the hill tribes of the plateau the latter, an unusual isolated rock formation with precipitous sides. SILKWORM REARING STATION Adjoining the Pasteur Institute is this research establishment of the Central Silk Board. It also renders expert guidance and special assistance to young entrepreneurs and others who approach them for advice on silkworm rearing. HAPPINESS CAN BE BOUGHT Silk sarees, handicraft, home decor, books. ith Coimbatore being a textile hub, the world of apparel beckons you like no other. With the neighbouring Tirupur being the manufacturing hub of world-famous clothing brands, its only natural to find a thriving retail scene in Kovai. Some of the MNC brands that get their clothes made in the Knit Capital of Tirupur include Switcher, Polo Ralph Lauren, Diesel, Tommy Hilfiger, MampS, Fila, HampM and Reebok. Thats the charm of Kovai. Its got all it takes to be the next best thing to Chennai. متجر. till you drop. BROOKEFIELDS 67-71, Krishnaswamy Road Tel: 254-9696, 254-0904, 11am-10pm. FUN REPUBLIC MALL 474, 2nd Floor, Avinashi Road Tel: 451-8414, 10am-10pm. 194, TV Swamy Road (West) RS Puram Tel: 255-4567, 424-4567, 9.30am9pm. One-stop-shop for exquisite Kancheepuram wedding silk sarees and all types of Indian silk sarees, cotton sarees, dress materials, salwar sets and more. PSR 942, Cross Cut Road Tel: 249-8694, 9.30am-9pm. Choose from a host of sarees in cotton, synthetic, silk and fancy varieties. Salwar materials are available too. SHREE KRISHNA COLLECTIONS 545, DB Road, RS Puram Tel: 329-8819, 9am10pm. LAKSHMI SILKS 16-18, Sri Lakshmi Complex, Cross Cut Road, Gandhipuram Tel: 223-5016, 9.30am-8.30pm. NYSHKA 21, Hindustan Avenue, Nava India Tel: 420-2939, 95009-08999, 95009-84999, 10am7pm. MAHAVEERS 9/6, Cross Cut Road, Gandhipuram Tel: 223-6861/4472 9.30am-9pm. Check out some of the hottest selling saree collections that range from pure silk sarees, fancy sarees, kanchipuram silk sarees, anarkali suits and salwar suits to traditional Indian wears, bridal wears and kurtis. SHRESHT 127, TV Samy Road West, RS Puram Tel: 254-2872, 10am-9pm. EXCLUSIVITY redefined at SHRESHT with fabulous collections of Kanjivarams, Fancy Designer Sarees, variety Silks, Tussars and Cottons and also exquisite Readymades, Dress Materials and Kurthis. MANTRA THE DESIGN STUDIO 66, Venkataswamy Road, West RS Puram Tel: 420-0009, 90920-33330, 9.30am7pm. Designer clothes stitched to perfection. SRI GANAPATHY SILKS l 244, Dr. Nanjappa Road, Gandhipuram Tel: 223-3445 l Oppanakkara Street Tel: 230-394, 8.30am-10.30pm. 2016 // marCh // 59 GHOSH MAJUMDHER 1, SRP Nagar, Saibaba Colony Tel: 245-4202, 98430-60373, 10am-8pm. THE CHENNAI SILKS l 636, Oppanakara Street Tel: 239-1555 l 966-672, Cross Cut Road, Gandhipuram Tel: 249-0888, 9.30am-9.30pm. THARAKARAM 9, Sathyamurthy Road, Ramnagar Tel: 223-0420/1859, 10am8.30pm. AAVARANAA 3/2, GD Road, Race Course Tel: 92444-03113, 9.30am-7.30pm, closed on Sundays. POTHYS 401-402, Oppanakkara Street Tel: 239-9933, 9am10pm. RMKV F11, Brookefields, 67-71, Krishnaswamy Road Tel: 281-44445, 11am-9pm. KALYAN SAREES 100 Feet Road, 5th Cross Street, Gandhipuram Tel: 252-9993, 9.30am-10pm. SUNDHARAM SILKS GARMENTS 1145, Big Bazaar Street Tel: 223-90423, SHANTHALA 41 B, Bashyakarli Road (west) DB Road RS Puram Tel: 427-2666. 9am - 9pm. THE GOLDEN WINDOW F7, Lakshmi Plaza, 1089, Avinashi Road Tel: 435-0580, 10am7pm. FASHION SILKS Avinashi Road, Sinnayapalayam Tel: 647-1888, 8.30am-10pm. DENCH UNION 54, Bharathi Park, 7th Cross, Near ICICI Bank, Saibaba Colony Tel: 420-8377,9677917733, 9.30am9pm. denchunion, Spread over 1500 sq ft. this multi-brand outlet for men offers no-compromise on quality at an affordable price. Also sells a wide range of materials and textures. SOCH S21-S24, Brookefields, 67-71, Krishnaswamy Road Tel: 225-5044/45, 11am-10pm. It is onestop shop for women interested in traditional and western wear. MAYBELL S5, 2nd Floor, Brookefields, 67-71, Krishnaswamy Road Tel: 225-5656, 10am-9pm. Best western clothes in the city. GRASP CLOTHINGS 1, Thirugana Sambandam Road, Race Course Tel: 420-4039/37, 10am9.30pm. BROCADE 555, DB Road, RS Puram Tel: 254-0550, 10am9pm. WILLS LIFESYLE G24, Brookefields, 67/1, Krishnaswamy Road Tel: 225-5544/5545, 10.30am-9.30pm, 60 // marCh // 2016 Sat amp Sun: 9.30am-9.30pm. DERBY F2, 1st Floor, Brookefields, 67-71, Krishnaswamy Road Tel: 225-5577, 10am-9pm. ARROW F21, Brookefields, 67-71, Krishnaswamy Road Tel: 225-5442, 10.30am-9.30pm. TANUSHIYA 40, East Lokamanya Street, RS Puram Tel: 435-6262. 10am9pm. NOW THE FASHIONISTA 6-3, Thirugnanamsambantham Road, Race Course Tel: 420-0606, 10am10pm. RAYMOND SHOP l 42/5, Ahuja Towers, TV Swamy Road West, RS Puram Tel: 254-2413, 437-7010 l 8/98, Race Course Road Tel: 439-3818, 231-1021 l 849, Cross Cut Road, Gandhipuram Tel: 249-5275, 98940-54241, 10am9pm. PANTALOONS Brookfields, 67-71, Krishnaswamy Road Tel: 225-5050, 11am9.30pm. SHOBIKA 752, Shobika Corner, Cross Cut Road Tel: 249-9190/0161, 9.30am9pm. WOODLANDS F17, Brookefields, 67-71, Krishnaswamy Road Tel: 225-5757, 10am-10pm. VAN HEUSEN G17B, Brookefields, 67-71, Krishnaswamy Road Tel: 225-5990, 10am-9.30pm. PRALOCHNA DESIGNS 177, Old No 127, Thiruganasambandam Road, Race Course Tel: 222-1137. 10am7pm. INDIAN TERRAIN l 267, Cross Cut Road, Gandhipuram Tel: 437-2653 l F16, 1st Floor, BrookeField Plaza, Brooke Bond Road Tel: 225-5553, 11am-10pm. PETER ENGLAND F4, Brookefields, 67-71, Krishnaswamy Road Tel: 225-5588, 10am-9.30pm. PEPE JEANS F5, Brookefields, 67-71, Krishnaswamy Road Tel: 223-3755, 11am-9pm. LEVIS G4, Brookefields, 67-71, Krishnaswamy Road Tel: 225-5001, 11am-9pm. LOUIS PHILLIPPE G17A, Brookefields, 67-71, Krishnaswamy Road Tel: 225-5311, 11am-9pm. WESTSIDE G12, Ground Floor, Brookefields, 67-71, Krishnaswamy Road Tel: 225-5225/5229, 11am-9pm. MAX F12, Brookefields, 67-71, Krishnaswamy Road Tel: 225-5665, 11am-9pm. GUUGU MAN 269, Race Course Road Tel: 80128-90999, 10.30am9pm. Coimbatore CROCODILE F7A, First Floor, Brookefields, 67-71, Krishnaswamy Road Tel: 225-5766, 10am9.30pm. BASICS LIFE F19, Brookefields, 67-71, Krishnaswamy Road Tel: 225-5255, 11am-9.30pm. RASA BOUTIQUE AND HOBBY STUDIO 510, DB Road, Opp Pazhamudir Nilayam, RS PuramTel: 94426-40063, 10am-6pm. TRIGGER APPAREL LIMITED 2, FCI Complex, Karamadai Tel: 439-8101, 8am-5pm. COLOR PLUS 197, TV Swamy Road, RS Puram Tel: 255-1165, 9.30am-9pm. STAR CREATIONS 1 amp 8, Kongunagar, Ganapathi Police Quarters Tel: 439-7113, 9am-8pm, closed on Sundays. M R COLLECTIONS 318, Cross Cut Road, Gandhipuram Tel: 223-0421, 10am-9pm. GEETANJALI 659, Oppanakara Street Tel: 435-9660, 10am-9pm. ASHIKA READYMADE SHOW ROOM 10 amp 11, Trichy Road, Corporation Complex, Ramanathapuram Tel: 231-3621, 8am-10pm. JM WHOLESELLERS amp RETAILERS 289, Sri Parasakthi Complex, Pollachi Main Road Tel: 80567-04530, 9am-6.30pm. NAIDU HALL 578, DB Road, RS Puram Tel: 255-2151, 9am-9pm. V F5A, Brookefields, 67-71, Krishnaswamy Road Tel: 225-5992, 10.30am-9.30pm. MAHAJAN 730 C2, Avinashi Road Tel: 435-4660, 439-4660, 10.30am8pm, closed on Sundays. TOMMY HILFIGER G25, Brookefields, 67-71, Krishnaswamy Road Tel: 225-5994, 11am-9.30pm. W S-5A, Dr Krishnasamy Mudaliyar Road, Sukrawar Pettai, RS Puram Tel: 225-5772 QUEENS ETHNIC TRENDS S2, Brookefields, 67-71, Krishnaswamy Road Tel: 225-5443, 11am-9pm. FASHION PALACE S6, Brookefields, 67-71, Krishnaswamy Road Tel: 225-5400, 11am-9pm. TRIGGER 90, Rangavilar Mill Lane, Peelamedu Tel: 420-4635, 9.30am8.30pm. KAJRI 105, 1st Floor, DB Road, RS Puram Tel: 254-1234, 10am9pm. JUST GIRLZ 61, Ramachandra Road, RS Puram Tel: 99944-02684, 86958-57995, 10am-9pm. MITRAS 114, West Venkataswamy Road, RS Puram Tel: 94423-50926, 10am-8pm. 62 // March // 2016 BIG BEN DRY CLEANERS l Thirugnanasambandar Road, Race course Tel: 429-2068 l East Venkatasamy Road, RS Puram Tel: 437-2161 l Maruthamalai Road Tel:433-3306 l Sivamani Complex, NSR Road Tel: 433-3305. G NEW MOON BABY SHOPPEE 1525/2, Trichy Road Tel: 230-2425, 97860-60608, 10.30am8.30pm. MOM amp ME S17-S19, Brookefields, 67-71, Krishnaswamy Road Tel: 225-5700/5703, 11am-10pm. SHIVASAKTHI BABY GARMEDS (P) LTD 69, TV Samy Road, East RS Puram Tel: 254-1626, 9am-9pm. CHELLAM THE BABY SHOPPEY 155/4, Cross Cut Road, 1st Floor, Gandhipuram Tel: 223-0250, 9.30am-9.30pm. BEST BABY 105, Ramachandra Road, RS Puram Tel: 437-0461, 9am-9.30pm. CHILDS PLAY 189, Thiruvenkata Swamy Road Tel: 439-9111, 10am-9pm. NEW MUMMY DADDY 119, Crosscut Road, Gandhipuram Tel: 223-2673, 10am-10pm. BABEE WORLD 727 C, Avinashi Road Tel: 420-4042, 9.30am-9pm. JUS BON amp KIDS 197, TV Swamy Road West, RS Puram Tel: 254-2949, 9.30am-9pm. Karpagam Aabarna Maligai, No 7, Cross Cut Road, Tel: 437-7771/2/3, 223-0230 l Karpagam Jewellers, No 491, Cross Cut Road Tel: 450-6001/2/3/4, 10am-8.30pm. Ethnic, traditional and contemporary fine gold jewellery. DURGAA DIAMONDS amp JEWELS KC Arcade, 1st Floor, 79/2, Sir Shanmugam Road, RS Puram Tel:255-1777, 435-6939, 10am-8.30pm. l PRIDAS DIAMOND JEWELLERY 206/3, DB Road, RS Puram Tel: 93631-22000, 9.30am-7.30pm. SRI LAKSHMI JEWELLERY 610, Raja Street, Tel: 656-2344, 239-4969, 9.30am-8.00pm. NEW JEWEL PALACE 72, Lakshmi Complex, Gandhipuram Tel: 223-3334, 9.30am-9.30pm. TANISHQ JEWELLERY 52, DB Road, RS Puram Tel: 255-3045, 9.30am8.30pm. SUMANGALI JEWELLERS l 318, Raja Street Tel: 239-1256, 239-6296 l 380, Cross Cut Road, Gandhipuram Tel: 437-8499, 438-0588, 10am8.30pm. JOYALUKKAS 911, Cross Cut Road, Gandhipuram Tel: 249-4777, 9.30am-8.30pm. VIHAA DESIGNER JEWELLERY 138, MR Complex, 1st Floor Karuppu Gounder Street, Raja Street Tel: 435-5575, 230-7388, 10am9pm. BARANI JEWELLERY 89, DB Road, RS Puram Tel: 436-8440, 10am2pm amp 3pm8pm. SREE KUMARAN THANGAMALIGAI l 555-557, Oppanakara Street Tel: 239-9888 l 636, Oppanakara Street Tel: 230-1555 l 366, NH Road Tel: 239-9183 l 180-180A, 9th Cross Street, Gandhipuram Tel: 248-0222 l Airport Lounge, Civil Aerodrame Post Tel: 98946-52444, 9.30am-8.30pm. JEWEL ONE 284-285, Cross Cut Road, Gandhipuram Tel: 427-3777, 9.30am8.30pm. MALABAR GOLD 69, Cross Cut Road, Gandhipuram Tel: 223-3916, 10am-8.30pm. RASI THANGA MALIGAI 1138, Shop No 6, RR Jewel Plaza, Big Bazaar Street Tel: 90037-33786, 10am10pm. SREE VELAN JEWELLERS 497, Cross Cut Road Tel. 2238-999/444, 10am8pm. BHIMA JEWELS 340, Bharathiyar Road, New Siddhapudur Tel: 236-2401/2450, 10am8.30pm. JOSCO JEWELLERS 796, Cross Cut Road, Gandhipuram Tel: 248-2222, 9.45am8.30pm. DAR JEWELLERY G9, Brookefields, 67-71, Krishnaswamy Road Tel: 225-5916/5995, 11am-8.30pm. PAVIZHAM JEWELLER 277, Cross Cut Road, Gandhipuram Tel: 2233849, 9am-9pm. ABOORVAA JEWELLERY 343, Big Bazaar Street, Tel: 230-7625, 10am-8.30pm. KALYANI JEWELLERS 1155, Big Bazaar Street Tel: 239-2471, 10.30am-9.30pm. 64 // March // 2016 AVATHAR JEWELLER l 500, Big Bazaar Street Tel: 239-2079 l 653, Raja Street Tel: 239-4318 l 919, 920, Cross Cut Road Tel: 421-2333 9.30am9pm, Sundays: 10.30am8pm. KALYAN 100 Feet Road, Gandhipuram Tel: 252-8883/8884, 10am9pm. JOS ALUKKAS 192, 100 Feet Road, Gandhipuram Tel: 249-1916, 10am9pm. R V THANGAMALIGAI 160/10, Srinivasa Trade Center, DB Road, RS Puram Tel: 436-5004, 94434-30080, 10.30am-8.30pm. SRI ANUPAV JEWELLERS 352, Big Bazaar Street Tel: 239-1815, 9am9pm, closed on Sundays. ASHOKA JEWELLERS 612, Raja Street Tel: 239-3463, 9.30am-8.30pm, closed on Sundays. KIRTILAL KALIDAS amp CO 913-917, Gandhipuram, Cross Cut Road, Tatabad Tel: 249-8911, 10.30am-8pm. KHAZANA JEWELLERY 838, Cross Cut Road Tel: 421-3900, 10.30am-8.30pm. ACHARYA JEWELLERS 136,1st Floor, Siva Subramanian Road, Near Sri Krishna Sweets, R. S.Puram Tel: 438-0601, 99430-92916 10am-6.30pm. acharyajewellersyahoo JEEVA TRENZ 190, TV Samy Road (west), RS Puram Tel: 437-9990, 10am9pm, Sundays: 4.30pm8.30pm VISRUTA 244, Cross Cut Road Gandhipuram Tel: 421-3351 10am-8.30pm FASHION BAY 48, Lokmanya Street (East), RS Puram Tel: 96008-00070, 10am9pm. SAKTHI GOLD 996-B, Cross Cut Road, Gandhipuram Tel: 249-4247, 98429-34225, 10am9pm. For fashion jewellery and silver articles. PANCHRATHNA GEMS 26-33, 7th Street, Tata bad Tel: 666-6555, 98422-66555, 10am8pm. SIDDHARTH JEWELLERY 64, BNS House, Rangai Gounder Street, Mettupalayam Road Tel: 94422-66455, 98652-66455, 10am9pm. coiMbatore JOCKEY F8, Brookefields, 67-71, Krishnaswamy Road Tel: 225-5566/5599, 10am9.30pm. PRABHAS INNERWEAR 47, Lakshmi Complex, Cross Cut Road, Gandhipuram Tel: 223-5035, 10am-9.45pm. CRUSOE T7, 3rd Floor, Brookefields, 67-71, Krishnaswamy Road Tel: 225-5767, 11am-9.30pm. LEATHER amp ACCESSORIES KALANJALI 201, Lakshmi Complex, 2nd Floor, Cross Cut Road Tel: 93603-41345, 10am-9pm. KANDASWAMY CHETTIAR amp COMPANY 551, Oppanakkar Street Tel: 239-5669, 9.30am-8pm. RELIANCE FOOTPRINT F9-F10, Brookefields, 67-71, Krishnaswamy Road Tel: 420-0395/0396, 11am-10pm. BATA G18, Brookefields, 67-71, Krishnaswamy Road Tel: 225-5655, 11am-10pm. KHALS FOOT WORLD Cross Cut Road, Gandhipuram Tel: 437-2805, NIKE G10, Brookefields, 67-71, Krishnaswamy Road Tel: 322-7778, 11am-9pm. PUMA G21, Brookefields, 67-71, Krishnaswamy Road Tel: 225-5440/5441, 11am-9pm. WOODLAND STORE No 79, DB Road, RS Puram Tel: 254-1248, 10am10pm. ADIDAS 144, TV Swamy Road, West RS Puram Tel: 437-0767, 254-3577, 9.30am-9.30pm. FABRIC amp TAILORING VIP LOUNGE 36/1, Ashirwad Complex, DB Road, RS Puram Tel: 254-1365, 10am-9.30pm. GENOUS AUTOMOTIVE Gokulam Complex, 4/4-Q13, Town Union Road, Kavundampalayam Tel: 93629-36656, 95855-36656, 10am-2pm amp 4pm8pm. BRIGHT LOOK 115-A, Patel Road, Ramnagar Tel: 99656-53435, 99424-10695, 10am-8pm. ARC LEATHER INC 136, East Ponnurangum Road, RS Puram Tel: 436-5800, 10am-9.30pm. SAMSONITE F6, Brookefields, 67-71, Krishnaswamy Road Tel: 225-5235, 11am-9pm. HIDESIGN G5, Brookefields, 67-71, Krishnaswamy Road Tel: 225-5257, 99651-51157, 10.30am9pm. HANDICRAFT amp HANDLOOMS KHADI CRAFT Avinashi Road Tel: 230-1051, 10am-8pm, closed on Sundays. KADHI BHAVAN 73-A, GN Mills Bus Stop, Mettupalayam Main Road Tel: 98422-91991, 10am-9pm. LAVANYA/SHIVANJALI CREATIVE ARTS amp CRAFTS 3, New Thilai Nagar, PN Pudhur, Marudhamalai Main Road Tel: 243-8255, 9.30am-9.30pm. HANDLOOM HOUSE 101 C, DB Road, RS Puram Tel: 255-2489, 10.30am8pm. coiMbatore SIYARAMS SHOP 21-D, DB Road, RS Puram Tel: 254-7721, 436-9280, 94435-47721, 10am9pm. THE RAYMONDS l Sachins, 849, Cross Cut Road Gandhipuram Tel: 249-5275 l Fifth Avenue, 42/5, Ahuja Towers, RS Puram, Thiruvenkataswamy Road West Tel: 254-2197 l F22, Brookefields, 67-71, Krishnaswamy Road Tel: 225-5667 ZIMSON G8, Brookefields, 67-71, Krishnaswamy Road Tel: 225-5993, 11am-10pm. TIME SQUARE 188, Thiruvenkataswamy Road (West), RS Puram Tel: 255-1349, 10am-9pm. HOME DECOR INNOVATIONS 10-B, Kalingarayan Street, Ramnagar Tel: 437-8156, 223-2790, 98430-22790 l 41, Zimson Shopping Arcade, Cross Cut Road Tel: 223-2790/5790, 10am8pm. innovations-cbe REST O FOAM l 57, Sathyamoorthy Road, Ramnagar Tel: 98430-23448 l 494, Cross Cut Road, Gandhipuram Tel: 437-0991, 88702-29991, 9am7.30pm. l 2016 // March // 65 SRI SARASWATHI SILVERS 71, Lakshmi Complex, Cross Cut Road, Gandhipuram Tel: 223-5532, 10am-8.30pm. SILVER PALACE 73,78, 1st Floor, Sri Lakshmi Complex, Cross Cut Road, Gandhipuram Tel: 223-3534, 9am9pm. ARTFUL HOME F6, Lakshmi Plaza, 1089, Avinashi Road Tel: 224-9825, 95785-10901, 9.30am10pm. LULLABY 64 A ,11th Street, Tatabad Tel: 249-1349, 438-0537, 10am9pm. GEM LIGHTS Madhukar Complex, 1st Floor, Avinashi Road Flyover Tel: 238-7348/7647, 9.30am9pm. MR LIGHT VJ Complex, 115, Avinashi Road Tel: 230-0330, 230-0623, 10am8pm. TRENDZ HOME DECORES 95/3, NSR Road, Saibaba Colony Tel: 98658-43758, 10am9pm. HOME 132, DB Road, RS Puram Tel: 247-3975/3976, 11am-9.30pm. FABINDIA 152, TV Samy Road West, Next to Vasan Eye Care, RS Puram Tel: 99449-87616, 10.30am8.30pm. AAVISHKAAR T1, 3rd Floor, Brookfileds, Tel: 225-5778, 225-5779, 10.30am-9.30pm. SHRANGA TRADERS (FRAMERS) 192-D, Vadavalli Road, Edayar Palayam Tel: 98947-92904, 10am-8pm. HOME MAGIC 289, 2nd Street, Gandhipuram Tel: 249-5226, 10am-7.30pm, closed on Sundays. PAGO LIFESTYLE 29, Race course Road, Opp Mosanic Hospital Tel: 439-4724. ACE INTERIORS 68, Dr Alagappa Road Tel: 249-1350, 9am-6pm. STYLE SPA 594, Obli Tower, DB Road, RS Puram Tel: 254-1233, 10.30am-8.30pm. SPECTRA TRADERS l Old 480, New 763, Avinashi Road Tel: 451-8380, 98940-25243 l 121, TV Samy Road, West RS Puram Tel: 420-0329, 8am-9pm, TEAK HOME 509 B, Avinashi Road, Nava India Tel: 438-8836, 10am-9pm. PRIYA DISCO DECORATION 914, Rangai Gowder Street Tel: 247-4180, 9am-9pm. VIBRANT INTERIOR STYLE 32/45, Bharathi Park, 2nd Cross, Sai Baba Colony Tel: 90035-91737, 9am-6pm. RAJASTHAN ACRYLICS 171, NH Road Tel: 239-7983, 98430-30500 KOVAI SLEEPWELL AGENCIES 11-A, 10th Street, Gandhipuram Tel: 248-2202, 10am9pm. PURPLE BAY HOME DECORS(P) LTD 27-27A, Kannuswamy Road, RS Puram Tel: 99445-55981, 9.30am8pm. INSCAPE 584, NSR Road, Saibaba Colony Tel: 86083-68800, 10am-8pm. 66 // March // 2016 BOOKS amp MUSIC CONNEXIONS LEISURE STORES F-1, Lakshmi Plaza, 1089, Avinashi Road Tel: 224-1168, 9.30am9pm. HIGGINBOTHAMS PVT LTD 192, Big Bazaar Street Tel: 239-0431, 93632-10721, 10am-2pm amp 3.30pm-7pm. VASANTHAM STORES 61, Cross Cut Road, Gandhipuram Tel: 223-4243, 10am - 10pm. CHERAN BOOK HOUSE 238, Big Bazaar Street Tel: 239-6623, 10am-8pm. RAJA BOOK HOUSE 441, NSR Road, Sai Baba Colony Tel: 243-9569, 9am-9pm. MUSIC WORLD 9/1, Bharani Complex. Edayarpalayam Thadagam Road Tel: 98438-62520, 9.30am8.30pm. BOOK LAND 10A, Raja Street Tel: 230-4485, 10am-9pm. CLS BOOK SHOP 775, Avinashi Road Tel: 230-1609 9am-1.30pm amp 3pm-7pm. NEWMEN AGENCY FURNITURE SHOPPE Trichy Main Road Tel: 231-9333, 9am-9pm. SHRI KRISHNA FURNISHING 229, 7th Street, Gandhipuram Tel: 249-0367 10am-8.30pm. SIMPLY SOFAS 13/1, Race Course Tel: 427-5328, 9600411111, 10am8pm. FEATHERLITE 1187, Avinashi Road, Pappanaikenpalayam Tel: 98422-20126, 9.30am-9.00pm. FURN PLANET 2/176, Avinashi Road, Chinniyampalayam Tel: 262-6555,10am -9.30pm FURNITURE ET AL 4, Nehru Nagar, Kalapatti Road, Aerodrome Post Tel: 434-1004/1005 10.30am7.30pm. THE FURNITURE PAARKK 49/1, East Sambadam Road, RS Puram Tel: 98947-24465, 9.30am8.30pm. SRI VINAYAKA FURNITURE 1, Shanthi Nagar, Avarampalayam Road Tel: 256-0555, 98431-59589, 9am10pm. DAMARO FURNITURE 576A, DB Road, RS Puram Tel: 322-1233, 9.30am8pm. FURN COMS 2/2, Karupparayar Kovil Thottam, Saravanampatti to Thudiyalur Road, Vellakinar PO Tel: 80123-71717, 10am8pm. SMART HOME 321/D 2, Mettupalyam Road Tel: 450-6005, 9am-8.30pm. MENAKA CARDS 1089, Lakshmi Plaza, Avinashi Road, Papanaickenpalayam Tel: 432-2436, 9.30am8pm. PRIA DHARSINI CARDS 13 A, SFI Apartments, Sathya Moorthy Road, Ram Nagar Tel: 434-6262, 9am8pm. LOVELY CARDS 77, Kongunad Hospitals, 11th Street, Tatabad Tel: 437-4181, 9.30am8.30pm. OPAL CARDS 116 B, Venkatasamy Road West, RS Puram Tel: 435-9222, 10am8pm. OLYMPIC CARDS 957, Raja Street Tel: 239-8826. 9.30am8.30pm. OPTICIANS OPTIC CRAFT l 336, Crosscut Road, Gandhipuram Tel: 249-4786 l 160/14, DB Road, RS Puram Tel: 247-0142, 301-3443, 9am-9pm. coiMbatore LUNETTES OPTICS 551A, West lokamanya Street, DB Road RS Puram Tel: 99945-53781, 10am9pm. OPTIC GARDEN 17-B Cowley Brown Road (East), RS Puram Tel: 255-0406, 9.30am9.30pm. LAKSHMI OPTICALS 901, Bala Medical Centre, Ramanathapuram Tel: 231-7545, 9am-9pm. HAAREE OPTICAL HOUSE 120/10, D B Road, RS Puram Tel: 98944-63662, 11am-9pm. AMERICAN OPTICALS 352, Kalingarayan Street, Ashwini Complex, Ramnagar Tel: 223-0620, 9am-9pm. SRI LAKSHMI OPTICALS 163, Argus, Hope College, Peelamedu Tel: 259-2362, 98941-14500, 10am-10pm. BROTHER OPTICALS 155-C, Sathya Main Road, Panner Selvam Complex, Ganapathy Tel: 253-2423, 9.30am-9.30pm. LENS AND FRAMES 87/88, DB Road Tel: 255-5202, 10am-9pm. TITAN EYE PLUS l 657, Five Star Towers, Ground Floor, Avinashi Road Tel: 420-2101 l 197, TV Swamy Road, West RS Puram Tel: 436-8017, 10.30am - 8pm. LAWRENCE amp AUGUSTO l 2, Arun Complex, SND Layout1, West Powerhouse Road, Tatabad Tel: 248-1515 l 21, AampB, DB Road, RS Puram Tel: 254-4515 10am-9pm. BINDHU OPTIC 1136, Rangai Gownder Street Tel: 420-0691, 10am-1.30pm amp 3pm-9pm. NEW BANGALORE OPTICALS l 581, Oppanakkara Street, Tel: 239-1358, l 324, Cross Cut Road, Gandhipuram Tel: 223-2974 l 356, Avinashi Road Tel: 259-0083, 439-7522 10am-9.30pm, Sundays: 10.30am-9pm, GKB OPTOLABS 760, Radhika Building, Gandhipuram, Cross Cut Road, Tatabad Tel: 329-7245, 10am-9pm. EYE CARE OPTICIANS 76, State Bank Road Tel: 230-0693, 94896-12600, 9am9pm. CKS OPTICALS 168, Raju Complex, BB Street Tel: 239-9338, RELIANCE VISION EXPRESS PVT LTD G-5A, Brookefields, 67-71 Krishnaswamy Road Tel: 225-5255/5266, 10.30am-8.30pm. EYE STYLE OPTICALS 171 C, Vijay Complex, NSR Road, Sai Baba Colony Tel: 245-4544, 9am-9.30pm. CLARITY OPTICS 409, Cross Cut Road Tel: 223-2464, 9am-9pm. PURPLE OPTICS PVT LIMITED 79/2, TV Swamy Road (East), RS Puram Tel: 254-2277, 9.30am9.30pm. 2016 // March // 67 CITY FURNITURE HOUSE 63, Variety Hall Road, Tel: 2304589, 98431-30984, 10am-9pm. THE TREND 7/48-D, Avinashi Road, Dream Towers, Goldwins, Civil Aerodrome Tel: 98422-17048, 9am-9pm. FURN WORLD 381 A, Palakkad Main Road Tel: 225-4477, 10am9.30pm. ELITE FURNITURE MART 39, Variety Hall Road Tel: 239-9122, 10am9.30pm. SATHYA FURNITURE WORLD 266, Mettupalayam Road Tel: 245-2929, 245-2930, 304-2929, 9.30am8.30pm. GOWRI FURNITURE 285, DB Road, RS Puram Tel: 247-0152, 10am-8pm. PHOTO CENTRE 178/1, RK Building, Race Course Tel: 439-3663, 9.30am1.30pm amp 2.30pm7.30pm. FLOATING WALLS FURNISHINGS 48, Lokmanya Street, RS Puram Tel: 437-0994, 10am8.30pm. ALANKAR FURNITURES 18/216, Variety Hall Road Tel: 239-2290, 10am-9.30pm. RANJITH SOFAS 221-E, Sathy Road, Saravanampatty Tel: 98429-66800, 98429-65800, 10am-8pm. KNOB SHOP 746/747, Mettupalayam Road, Tel: 255-0744, 254-1744. 9am-8.30pm. DAFNY FURNITURE MART 76G, Saibaba Colony, NSR Road Tel: 244-6888, 98430-20170, 9am-9pm. FURNTASTIC FURNITURE Sree Sai Complex, Thadagam Road Tel: 438-3836, 10am-9.30pm. FURNITECH INDIA PVT 256, TV Swamy Road East, Shop No 3, Hotel Navaratna complex, RS Puram Tel: 254-0179, 9.45am-8.30pm. ARASAN OPTICALS 10, Arasan Complex, Opp Annapoorna Hotel, RS Puram Tel: 255-4815, 10am-8pm. DEVI OPTICALS 77, State Bank Road, Coimbatore Central Tel: 439-1769, 9.30am8.30pm. SRI SAI EYE CLINIC amp OPTICALS 9/14, Cross Cut Road, Gandhipuram Tel: 223-6283, 10am-8.30pm. LED SIGNS BOARD GOLDEN SIGNS Golden Towers, 65, Ramachandra Road, RS Puram Tel: 97515-08340, 94430-81818, 8am11pm. SIGN MAXX 1395, Eran Thottam, Sathy Road, Ganapathy Tel: 84475-76882. 10am-9pm. SR DISPLAY BOARD 114, 115 Kongunadu Hospital Near Tatabad, Gandhipuram, Tel: 248-0614, 99948-80614, 9.30am - 7.30pm. AISHWARYA ENTERPRISES 334/1 F, Agarwal School Road, KNG Pudur, Thadagam Road, Tel: 96433-37320. 9am - 6pm. IDEAL AGENCIES 187, Addis Street Tel: 238-7202, 439-3203, 93455-01770, 10am-8pm. GIRIAS ELECTRONICS 446 amp 448, Cross Cut Road, Tatabad Tel: 223-0615, 223-0452,9.30am-9.30pm. RELIANCE DIGITAL S25, Brookefields, 67-71, Krishnaswamy Road Tel: 225-5900, 225-5909, 11am-9pm. IDEAL STORES 8, East Bashyagarulu Road, RS Puram Tel: 255-0136, 9am-9pm. SONY VAIO T5B, Brookefields, 67-71, Krishnaswamy Road Tel: 225-5558, 11am-9pm. SK ELECTRIC amp ELECTRONICS Kattoor Road, 10, Arihant Complex, SS Mill Road, Tel: 223-0882, 9.30am-8.30pm. E-MEDIA 89/99, NGN Street, New Sidhapudur Tel: 96000-02080, 24 hours. SUPER ELECTRICALS 32-A, Addis Street, Grey Town Tel: 238-0430, 9.30am-8pm. RAMDEV ELECTRICAL 134, Oppanakar Street Tel: 238-3116, 9am-10pm. SANGAM ELECTRONICS 643, Opannakara Street Tel: 239-7560, 9am-9pm. PRAKASH ELECTRONICS amp ELECTRICALS 779, Oppanakar Street Tel: 239-2310, 98431-12599, 10am-9pm, closed on Sundays. 68 // March // 2016 YUGAN COMMUNICATIONS TATA DOCOMO DEALERS 476 C, Kalki Nagar, Near Anjaneya Temple Peelamedu Tel: 95855-32000, 90429-27027, 9am-7pm. NEW PETS ZONE 1399-D, Lawley Road Signal, Thadagam Road Tel: 93451-92776, 9.30am-9.30pm. LOVELY PET SHOP 1321, Thadagam Road, RS Puram Tel: 98422-57779, 9am-9pm. QUALITY PETS l 1, SPM Complex, Kavundampalayam Tel: 98433-77700 l Ramu Complex, Thudilor Tel: 264-3777, 9.30am-10pm. RK PETS 71amp72, Perur Main Road, Selvapuram Tel: 98650-88404, 97893-88777, 9.30am-10.30pm. THE KOVAI PETS MART 1370, B Thadagam Road, RS Puram Tel: 245-0660, 98422-36369, 10am10pm. SRI OSCAR AQUARIUM 727 A, Trichy Road, Ramanathapuram Tel: 98942-14818, 7am-10pm. SV PET CARE 1492, Thadagam Road, Venkitapuram, Govt. College of Technology Tel: 99525-28867, 90033-43309, 8am-9pm. KOWSHIK PETS WORLD 15, 100 Feet Road, Gandhipuram Tel: 93631-44840, 10am-9pm. MUSIC PARK 301, NSR Road, Saibaba Colony Tel: 245-6744, 10am10.30pm. PHILLIPS ARENA 483, Ashok Plaza, Dr Nanjappa Road Tel: 223-3944, 9.30am9pm. MUSIC MAN 40, Thadagam Road, Velandi Palayam Tel: 98435-99982, 10am-10pm. coiMbatore MUSIC WORLD 9/1, Bharani Complex, Edayarpalayam, Thadagam Road Tel: 98438-62520, 9.30am-8.30pm. ORANGE ELECTRONICS 83 F, Sakthi Main Road Tel: 88700-00662, 99524-08203, 10am8.30pm. HOME MAGIC FAMILY STORES 7/31A, Mettupalayam Road, Thudiyalur Tel: 98422-10055, 8am-9pm. NILGIRIS SUPER MARKET l 64/1A, Maruthamalai Main Road, Vadavalli Post, Near Sriram Theatre Tel: 422-1305 l 103/107, TV Samy Road West, RS Puram Tel: 455-8300. KURLON 45, NSR Road Sai Baba Colony Tel: 243-8435, 10am-9pm. MATRESS GALLERY 81, Eleventh Street, Tatabad Tel: 249-8359, 9.30am-1pm amp 3pm-7pm. KALAIVANI MUSICALS 67, Kalaivani Illam, East Ramalingam Road, RS Puram Tel: 247-4650, 10am-2pm amp 4pm-9pm. SANGEETHA MUSICALS 320-N, NSR Road, Sai Baba Colony, Tel: 438-3676, 10am-8pm, closed on Sundays. SHRI KRISHNA MUSICALS 11, Sir CV Raman Road, RS Puram Tel: 99937-42695, 10am-6.30pm. KALYANI MUSICALS 958, Mettupalayam Road, RS Puram Tel: 658-4021, 10am-8.30pm. MODULAR KITCHEN amp INTERIORS 1335 C, Avinashi Road, Peelamedu Tel: 658-0800, 9am-8.30pm, closed on Sundays. SELVAN SHOPPING CENTRE 7, Cross Cut Road Tel: 223-0229, 9.30am-9.30pm. 67-71, Krishnaswamy Road Tel: 236-2800, Weekdays 11am-9.30pm Weekend 10.30am9.30pm. Comprises of Home Centre (Home Improvement stores) and Max (Value fashion chain) along with International fashion apparel brands UCLA and Bossini. SRI KANNAN DEPARTMENTAL STORE 286-A, Bera Naidu Layout, Cross Cut Road, Ram Nagar Tel: 423-8700, 99947-00166, 9.30 am-9.30 pm. PARVATHY DEPARTMENTAL STORES 2/20, Railway Station Road, Thudialur Tel: 95008-44441, 9am-9pm. SRI MAHALAXMI STORES Parsn Complex, Parsn Sesh Nestle Point, Nanjundapuram Tel: 430-8079, 231-7162, C A STORES 237/238, TK Market Raja Street Tel: 239-7803, 9am-10pm. NILGIRIS SUPER MARKET 328/1, Sathy Main Road, Ganapathy Tel: 436-4376 22, Lakshmi Thottam, Mettupalayam Road, Thudiyalur Tel: 264-4671 51/1E, Bharath Complex, Sathy Road, Saravanampathi Tel: 266-6185, 9.30am-9.30pm. coiMbatore MEDLEY 66, Lokmanya Street-East, (Behind Tanishq), RS Puram Tel: 427-3300, 98422-73300, 91508-59085, 10.30am9.30pm. GO GIZMO 49, East Sambandham Road, RS Puram Tel: 437-2515, 9.30am9.30pm. ARCHIES LTD l T-17, Dr Krishnasamy Mudaliyar Road, Sukrawar Pettai, RS Puram Tel: 225-5070 l F11, 1st Floor, Fun Republic Mall, Avinashi Road Tel: 437-4640, 10am-9pm. CELEBRATIONS l 87/F, Sathya Main Road Tel: 98946-25234 l 119/126, Cross Cut Road, Gandhipuram Tel: 437-1545.10am-9pm. AVILA FANCY STORE Venkatapuram Thadagam Road Tel: 244-8724, 8am-9pm. KASTHURI SREENIVASAN TRUST 16, Culture Centre, Avinashi Road Tel: 257-4110. VAMA ODDS N ENDS 1, Thirunanasambhandham Road, Race course Tel: 433-7161, 98940-40571 708, The Grand Regent, Avinashi Road Tel:429-4444, 10.30am-7pm. 2016 // March // 69 BABAA GIFT GALLERY 1502, 1st Floor, Thadagam Road, Velandipalayam Tel: 244-9656, 9.30am-9pm. NOVELTIES 1061/B, Cross Cut Road, Gandhipuram Tel: 249-4793, 9.30am-10.30pm. CENTRAL FANCY 590, Subbaiya Mudaliar Street, Tel: 239-6861, 10am-9.30pm. SANGAMAM STORES 26/932, RG Street, Near Flower Market, RS Puram Tel: 247-0949, 8.30am-10pm. STATIONERY SHOPS DEEVEEAR STATIONERS 211, Second Street, Gandhipuram Tel: 249-5645, 10am-8pm. SS STORE 272, Sasthri Road, Ratnapuri Tel: 249-0835, 7am-10pm. DINAMANI STORES 8/1, Old Post Office Road Tel: 230-0020,10am-8pm. ISHANA 79/2, KC Arcade, TV Samy Road, East RS Puram Tel: 655-3555, 96294-55055, 98946-55055, 10.30am-8pm. SRI RAM AND CO 82, Cross Cut Road Tel: 223-5191, 9.30am-9.30pm. PREMA STORES 1504, Thadagam Road, Venkatapuram Tel: 243-4030, 9am-10pm. POULOSE AND SONS 765, Raja Street Tel: 239-1743, 231-7618, 10am-8.30pm. PANDIAN STORE 481 A, 100 Feet Road, Gandhipuram Tel: 252-8987, 8am-10pm. RAJA BOOK HOUSE 441, NSR Road, Saibaba Colony Tel: 243-9569, 9am-9pm. THIRUMAKAL TRADERS 161, NSR Road, Tel: 244-1140, 9am-9pm. SKANDA 164, Aknes Middle School Pop, Eswaran Kovil Street, Town Hall Tel: 9677-889870, 10am-8.30pm. RAVISHANKAR PUBLICATIONS 954, Raja Street Tel: 99940-98487, 9.30am-6.30pm, closed on Sundays. AM BOOKS BAZAAR 1480, C2, 1st Floor, Near Krishammal Colony Tel: 98944-13191, 9am-10pm. CHERAN BOOK HOUSE 238, Big Bazaar Street Tel: 239-6623, 10am-8pm. PAI AND SONS Avinashi Road, Next to UCO Bank, Near Suguna Kalyanamandapam, Peelamedu Tel: 256-4239, 10am-7pm. SB AGENCIES 903, RG Street Tel: 230-1632, 9am-9pm. 70 // March // 2016 CHITRA PUBLISHERS DISTRIBUTORS 350, Raja Street Tel: 239-1741, 10am8pm. FERNSNPETALS Aura Flora, 733, Avinashi Road Tel: 451-4004, 8am9pm. NILLA BLOOMS 1047, COCO, HP Petrol Bunk, Avinashi Road Tel: 99659-08888, 6am9.30pm. BLOOM FLORIST 739, Nilgiri Super Market, Avinashi Road Tel: 222-2311, 7am8.30pm. PETALS THE FLOWER SHOP 69/31, East Bashygaralu Road, RS Puram Tel: 255-5837, 8am8pm. DECATHLON NEELAMBUR SPORTS INDIA PVT LTD Spictex-Neelambur, 50 mtrs from Le Meridien, GS No 716/2B amp 717/2B, Neelambur Village, Sulur Taluk Tel: 297-8700, 96555-23791, 9am9pm. Retailer of sports and outdoor goods. High quality products, world-class outlet, affordable equipment and facilities. Extensive range of more than 4000 specialised products for 40 different sports. COSMOS 112, Raja Plaza, Avinashi Road, Lakshmi mill junction Tel: 422 3180, 10am9pm. PLANET SPORTS F23-F24, Brookefields, 67-71, Krishnaswamy Road Tel: 225-5033, 11am-9pm. THE PUMA STORE G-21, 67 To 71, Brookefields Mall, Dr Krishnasamy Mudaliyar Road, RS Puram Tel: 225-5440, 10am-10.30pm. BABA SPORTS AND WEARS 316, Variety Hall Road Tel: 239-8549. SAMY SPORTS 41/1, Jayam Complex, LGB Nagar Bus Stop, Sathy Road, Sivanathapuram Saravanampatty Tel: 98948-52304, 9am10pm. VEDA SPORTS 173, Big Bazaar Street, Near Carnatic Theatre Tel: 230-0781, 9.30am-8.30pm, DNS SPORTS 14, West Arokiaswamy Road, South Side of Ratna Vinayakar Temple, RS Puram Tel: 245-3366, 10.30am-9pm. SHARP FITNESS SHOPPE 24 amp 25, West Arockiasamy Road, RS Puram Tel: 247-9999. 9.30am-9.30pm. SPORTS LAND 27 amp 28, West Arokiasamy Road, RS Puram Tel: 247-1717/5577, 9.30am9pm. REEBOK SHOWROOM 25, A/1, DB Road, RS Puram Tel: 225-5022, 10am-10pm. NIKE SHOWROOM 147 B, TV Swamy Road, West RS Puram Tel: 324-6226, 10 am-9.30 pm. coiMbatore Spas, beauty parlours, gyms, health clubs. he city offers a lot for the harassed soul. With a reservoir of services that treat you from sole to soul, Coimbatore is a veritable paradise. From health clubs to gyms, spas and beauty parlours, there is a reservoir of services up for grabs. Not to mention, ayurvedic centres, yoga schools and places where you can indulge in some aroma therapy and alternative medicine, namely Homeopathy. But visitor discretion is advised. What worked for somebody else August not work for you and vice versa. Therefore, research well before you try out a new establishment or treatment. SPAS Le Meridien, 762, Avinashi Road, Tel: 2364343. A range of professional services for the renewal of mind, body and spirit. Soothing massages and treatments for complete relaxation. MODERN SWEDISH MASSAGE THERAPY 145, Janani Nivas, Kalveerampalayam, Balaji Street, Phase II, Bharathiar University Tel: 9952409415, 24 hours. PREM HEALTH SPA amp CLINIC 24A, DSP Compound, Lakshmipuram, Ganapathi Tel: 9791706432, 9159274032, 7am6pm. CAUVERY AYURVEDA GRAMAM 126 N, 2nd Floor, Renaissance Terrace, Race Course Tel: 4394181, 6.30am7.30pm. SANTHIGIRI AYURVEDA SIDDHA HOSPITAL 119, West Arunachalam Road, RS Puram Tel: 2478282, 9042632120, 8am8pm. INDIAN AYURVEDIC HOSPITAL AND RESEARCH LIMITED 85, Raja Vignesh Nagar, Ganapathy Tel: 2510528, 2510526, 7am8pm. KERALA AYURVEDA 24 A, DSP Compound, Lakshmipuram Tel: 9245570513, 9am 8pm. THE ARYA VYDYA PHARMACY 42, Perumalkoil Street, Ramanathapuram Tel: 2315412, 2316220, 9.30am6pm. PRABHA AYURVEDIC RESORT l 409, Cross Cut Road Tel: 9843060401 l 12/213, A Amarjothi Nagar, Thudiyalur Tel: 9043040046, 9am6.30pm. The Residency Towers, 1076, Avinashi Road Tel: 2241414, 7am9pm. Leading unisex beauty salon in Coimbatore city, with exclusive car parking. TONYampGUY 160/1, TV Samy Road West, RS Puram Tel: 4270999/2766, 9am9pm. FEMINA BEAUTY PARLOUR Trichy Road, Ramanathapuram Tel: 9442106333, 10am8pm. NATURALS UNISEX SALON 1510 A, PKD Nagar, Avinashi Road, Peelamedu Tel: 4204646, 4510105, 9am9pm. VIKASHNI SKIN amp HAIR CLINIC l 46, 47, Zimson Complex, Xcut road, Gandhipuram Tel: 2233032 l 266 D, NR Complex, Avinashi Road, Peelamedu Tel: 9894425252, 9am8pm. ELEGANCE STYLE LOUNGE 14, Ramalinga Nagar, 1st Layout Tel: 4369970/9980, 9842252225, 11am8pm. GLOW BEAUTY SALOON amp BRIDAL STUDIO 17721, 1st Floor, Olymbus, Ramanathapuram Tel: 9788559766, 10am9pm. TURN STYLE 59, NSR Road, Saibaba Colony Tel: 4342416, 9952555878, 8am8pm. MAYR N DE SALON 88a, Race Course Road, Race Course Tel: 9655644000, 9am9pm. KAYALVIZHI BEAUTY CLINIC 780, Trichy Road, Senthil Prabhu Complex, Sowripalayam Pirivu Tel: 9943046921, 10am8pm. LOTTUS SALON 66, Arockyasamy Road West, RS Puram Tel: 9787770143, 10am7.30pm. POSH SALON AND SPA l 147148, DB Road, RS Puram Tel: 4367090 l Race Course Tel: 4845555, 8am8pm. FEMINA HITECH HERBAL BEAUTY PARLOUR 220, New Scheme Road, Papanaickenpalayam Tel: 2241104, 9442106333, 9944143787, 9.30am8pm. CINDRELLA BEAUTY SPA 131/132, Sathiayabama Nilayam, Perur Main Road, Selvapuram Tel: 9842344329, 10.30am9pm. NATURALS FAMILY SALOON 1, Jampala House, Race Course Road, Thiru Gnana Sambandham Road, Tel: 4393917/3971, 10am9pm. SHRI VIKA BEAUTY PARLOUR 107, Cross Cut Road, Gandhipuram Tel: 9843233244, 10am7.30pm. 2016 // March // 73 EVES BEAUTY PARLOUR l 2296, 7th Street, Cross Cut Road, Gandhipuram Tel: 9791475355 l 333, 1st Floor, Singapore Plaza, 229B, Cross Cut Road, 7th Street, Gandhipuram Tel: 9894875880. Weekdays, 10.30am7.30pm, PROFILE 147, TV Swamy West, RS Puram Tel: 7418150730, 2555533, 10am9pm. RAKAS UNISEX BEAUTY PARLOUR C2C3, Madani Complex, 100 Feet Road, Gandhipuram Tel: 2495870, 9842228491 7.30am10pm. PEACOCK 131A, 1st Floor, DB Road, RS Puram Tel: 2541595, 10am8pm. CUTS N CURLS 15 B, Trilok Vilas Tel: 7200818493, 10am8pm. J B BEAUTY PARLOUR 6amp7, Shakthi Main Road, Ganapathi Tel: 4341819, 9865215604, 10am7pm. HER BEAUTY PARLOUR 345, DJ Complex, 7th Street, Gandhipuram Tel: 2492345, 9894513166, 11am8pm, closed on Sundays. SRIHA BEAUTY PARLOUR 509B, Radhakrishnan Road, 6th Corner Tel: 9994585203, 10am9pm. THE BODY SHOP 67-71, G6, Brookefields, Krishnaswamy Road Tel: 2255335/5337, 11am10pm. BIOMEDICAL LAB 174, Bahukarulu Road, RS Puram Tel: 2552297, 2544696, 9am7.30pm, closed on Sundays. K G BLOOD BANK 1075 Arts College Road Tel: 2494373, 24 hours. SHEELA HOSPITAL 117, East Power House Road, Tatabad Tel: 4334500, 9am6pm. GANGA HOSPITAL BLOOD BANK 313, Mettupalayam Road Tel: 2485000 24 hours. 74 // March // 2016 POPULAR FRONT BLOOD DONORS FORUM 32, HMPR Street, Fort Tel: 4208073, 9786886691, 24hours. CMC BLOOD BANK HOSPITAL Coimbatore Medical College Compound, Trichy Road Tel: 2574375, 2301393, 24 hours. LIONS CLUB OF COIMBATORE LEGENT BLOOD BANK amp REASEARCH CENTRE 420422, DB Road, Red Rose Towers, RS Puram Tel: 2474412/0046, 24 hours. G KUPPUSAMY NAIDU MEMORIAL HOSPITAL 6327, Nethaji Road Tel: 4305276, 24 hours. PSG HOSPITALS Peelamedu Tel: 2570170/2121, 24 hours. SRI SAI SPORTS AND FITNESS 83/3, KKS Building, Civil Aerodrame post, Avinashi Road Tel: 3362372, 9am9pm. SUPREME FIT 382, Jayamahal Building. DB Road, Rathinasabapathy Puram Tel: 3356485, 9am9pm. AFTON HEALTH AND FITNESS EQUIPMENT 3/220, New Scheme Road, Pappanaickenpalayam Tel: 4350644, 9944673711, 10am9pm. FIT amp FIT EXERCISE EQUIPMENT 16, 100 Feet Road, Gandhipuram Tel: 3359410, 10am9pm. CLASSIC FITNESS EQUIPMENT CORPORATION 1478, Thadagam Road, Sai Baba Colony Tel: 2436123, 9am6pm. LOTUS EYE HOSPITAL Civil Aerodrome Post, Avinashi Road, NH 47 Tel: 4229900/9999, 8am7pm. ARAVIND EYE BANK Avinashi Road Tel: 4360400, 24 hours. K G EYE BANK Arts College Road Tel: 2212121, 9am5.30pm. SANKARA EYE BANK Sathya Road, Sivanadapuram Tel: 2666418, 24 hours. Coimbatore THE EYE FOUNDATION EYE BANK DB Road, RS Puram Tel: 2544243, 8.30am8.30pm. CARE AND CURE MULTISPECIALTY HOMEO CLINIC 21A, Sri Ram Layout, NSR Road, Saibaba Colony Tel: 2431043, 9600999379, 9am 1pm amp 5pm9.30pm, closed on Sundays. BABA SPORTS AND WEARS 316, Variety Hall Road Tel: 2398549 Weekdays, 10am9pm, Sun, 11am3pm. ORIGINAL HOMEO CLINIC 157amp158, Cross Cut Road, 3rd Street, Gandhipuram Tel: 2491556, 9894192926 11am1pm amp 5.30pm8.30pm, THE RESIDENCY TOWERS Avinashi Road Tel: 22414141, 6am6pm. Newly renovated Gym with latest equipment. Complete privacy. Car parking available. SNAP FITNESS 234A. Cowcoody Chambers, Race Course Road Tel: 9500822224, 5am10pm. FITNESS ONE 133/82, West Sambandam Road, RS Puram Tel: 3371129, 5.30am9pm. A P A HEALTH CARE CLINIC 14, Ragavendra Nagar, Kavundampalayam Tel: 9500739782, 10am12pm amp 2pm4.30pm. HOLY KINGS HOMEOPATHY CLINIC 241, Maruthamalai Road, PN Pudur Tel: 6576050, 9043287808, 9486382600, 10am1pm amp 6pm9pm, Sunday, 6pm9pm. SRI KRISHNA HOMEO CLINIC Sri Vijay Complex, NSR Road, Saibaba Colony Tel: 9443460783, 9.30am12.30pm amp 5.30pm7.30pm, closed on Sundays. DR SAITS HOMEOPATHIC CLINIC 42, Behind Lesieux School, Bharathi Park, 3rd Cross, Saibaba Colony Tel: 2448388, 9364545088, 9.30am1pm amp 3.30pm6pm, closed on Fridays. HOMEO ZONE HEALTH SERVICES l 5 A, Swathi Building, 100 Feet Road, Gandhipuram Tel: 2497859, 3276767 l 9A, SRP Nagar, Saibaba Colony Tel: 2450253 l 61, Ponnurangam Road, RS Puram Tel: 2540967, 10am2pm amp 5.30pm8pm. MADURA HOMEO CLINIC N19, CBM College Road, Kovaipudur Tel: 2609324, 9am12pm amp 5pm8pm. NANAS HOMEO MEDICAL CENTER 2930, Ramnagar Corporation Complex, Patel Road, Ram Nagar Tel: 2237855, 9344838657, 9.30am1pm amp 3.30pm7pm, closed on Tuesdays. ASWINI HOMEO CLINIC 4/2, MTP Road, KKG Complex, Avundampalyam Tel: 2445662, 9843064149 Weekdays, 10am2pm amp 6pm10pm. Sun, 10am2pm. Coimbatore SRI RAMAKRISHNA HOSPITAL SNR Sons Charitable Trust 395, Sarojini Naidu Street, New Siddhapudur Tel: 4500000 Institutions under them are SREC, SRIT, SRPC, SRCW and SNR Sons College. The trust also has Sri Ramakrishna Hospital. prosnrtrustgmail KRISSH PHYSIO CLINIC 6, Poombuhar Nagar, Edayarpalayam Tel: 9488076419, 9524207770 5.30pm8.30pm. CMC HOSPITAL Coimbatore Medical College Compound, Trichy Road Tel: 2301393/1394. ARAVIND EYE HOSPITAL Avinashi Road Tel: 4360400 MASONIC MEDICAL CENTRE FOR CHILDREN 232, Race Course Road Tel: 2220663/0664 SINDHU HOSPITAL 2A, Balasundaram Street, Avarampalayam Road Tel: 2566727, Open 24 hours. THE EYE FOUNDATION 582A, DB Road, RS Puram Tel: 4242000, 2544242, 8.30am7.30pm. KOVAI HEARING SPEECH amp BALANCE CENTRE 7A, Artsan Towers, Trichy Road, Ramanathapuram Tel: 4390909, 2317472, 9am9pm. KOVAI MEDICAL CENTER AND HOSPITAL 3209, Avinashi Road Tel: 4323800, 3083800. SANKARA EYE CENTRE l Sri Kanchi Kamakoti Medical Trust, Sathya Road Sivanadapuram Tel: 2666450/6451. 2016 // March // 75 HOSPITALS/ 24-HOUR PHARMACIES APOLLO PHARMACY l 67, East Power House Road, Tatabad Tel: 2494962 l 12/53, Rangai Gowdar Street Tel: 2471112 l 1147, Sathya Road, Ganapathy Tel: 2330415 l 1 A Ground Floor, Sullivan Street, Gandhipark Tel: 2341153 l 2270 amp 2271, Ground Floor, Trichy Main Road, Ondipudur Tel. 2272992. THULASI PHARMACIES l 225, 2nd Street, Gandhipuram Tel: 2495018, 4299523 l 79, West Venkatasamy Street, RS Puram Tel: 2541045. PGS HOSPITAL 14, Cowley Brown Road, RS Puram Tel: 6562955, 4366305. GANGA MEDICAL CENTRE AND HOSPITAL 313, Mettupalayam Road Tel: 2485000. G KUPPUSWAMY NAIDU MEMORIAL HOSPITAL 6327, Nethaji Road, Pappanaickenpalayam Tel: 4305300, 2245000. KTVR GROUP HOSPITAL 2750, Narayana Guru Road, Saibaba Colony Tel: 2445311/5451. NAVEEN HOSPITAL Trichy Road, Raja Nagar Tel: 2317065/7589. WOMENS CENTER 146 B Mettupalayam Road Tel: 4201000. GEM HOSPITALamp RESEARCH CENTRE 45A, Pankaja Mill Road, Ramanathapuram Tel: 2324100/5105. K G HOSPITAL Arts College Road Tel: 2212121/2129. LOTUS EYE CARE HOSPITAL 155 B, East Periyasamy Road, RS Puram Tel: 2552161/2811. GR HOSPITAL 30, Ram Gardens, Sowripalayam Road, Udayampalayam Tel: 2317012/6971. NG HOSPITAL 577, Trichy Road, Near Singanallur Police Station, Singanallur Tel: 2595963. INTEGRATED HOSPITAL DAISY HOSPITAL PVT LTD 198A, Katoor Street, PN Palayam, Tel: 9566990011, 4524200, 10am4pm. INSURANCE SPOT INSURANCE SERVICE 128/A8, Lakshmi Complex, Sathy Road, Ganapathy Tel: 9942030006, 2404977, 9am9pm. RUTHAMBRA YOGA CENTRE Kalki Nagar, Peelamedu Tel: 9344415670, 6am10am amp 2pm9pm. ISHA FOUNDATION Velliangiri Foothills Semmedu Post Tel: 2515345/5300, 6am8pm. ishafoundation. org AMRUTHA HEALTH CARE YOGA CENTRE 24 A, Bharathi Park, 5th Street, Saibaba Colony Tel: 2436012, 6am12.30pm amp 4.30pm 7.30pm. AUM YOGA THERAPY CENTRE 564, MS Complex 1st Floor, DB Road, RS Puram Tel: 2549514, 9894401836, 5.30am7am, 10am1pm amp 4.30pm7.30pm, closed on Sundays. THANAMBIKKAI YOGA CENTRE 13, AN Palayam, Jallikadu, Vadamadurai Kurudampalayam Tel: 9942169269, 8am10am. MEDICAL TOURISM DRAGON EYE 21/9, Bharathi Park Road, 4th Cross, Saibaba Colony Tel: 4212224, 9043444400, 9585444400, 10am9pm. UP BEAT THE FASHION STUDIO 135, TV Swamy Road, RS Puram Tel: 2547118, 10am10pm. GO BANNANAS 136, TV Samy Road West, RS Puram Tel: 4378234, 9363125234, 10am9.30pm 76 // March // 2016 DANVANTHIRI MEDICAL TOURISM 82A, 3rd Floor, Subbu Plaza, SB Road Tel: 4361814, 8870481704 We help foreign as well as Indian medical tourists to plan their travel to Coimbatore, india and help them with visa assistance, travel arrangement and accommodation. danvanthiri, infodanvanthiri ALL UNDER ONE ROOF Builders, developers, realtors, architects. eing Indiaampx20ACampx2122s seventh largest city, Coimbatore is experiencing a tremendous growth in property rates. Always billed as one of the most liveable cities in the country, Coimbatore is finding that its core strength in the manufacturing sector, particularly in engineering and textiles, has given a new impetus to the real estate industry. That Kovai is centrally located and close to Chennai, Bangalore and Kochi by road is an added advantage. The prospects of people preferring Coimbatore as a place to invest in real estate in Tamil Nadu rather than the already saturated Chennai is very high. لا عجب. SPRINGFIELD SHELTERS 101, Renga Villas, New Dhamu Nagar Tel: 437-6060, 320-6060, 93448-31222. Reputed builders across Residential, Retail and Commercial sectors. Following cosmic energy based Vaastu Sastra and Manaiyadi Sastra. World-class construction quality and amenities. FALCON STRUCTURES amp ENGINEERS 152 A, Subramaniam Road, RS Puram Tel: 420-0848, 9.30am-1pm amp 4pm-7.30pm. MA BUILDERS NMM Complex, 5436/C, First Floor, Palakkad Main Road Tel: 90033-88855, 90922-80005, 9.30am6.30pm. ARUN BUILDING CONSTRUCTION 63/15, KK Pudur, Anna Nagar, Sai Baba Colony Tel: 98945-34310, 10am-9pm. ORKAY CONSTECH INDIA 34/1, BK Ranganathan Street, Sidhapudur Tel: 94432-54632, 9am-7pm. V3 PROPERTIES INDIA 49, 11th Street, Tatabad Tel: 249-2373, 9.30am-6pm. AKSHAYA BUILDERS 444-A, 6th Street, KK Pudur, Sai Baba Colony Tel: 98421-95174, 9am-6pm. SREE VAISHNAVI REAL ESTATE 49, 1st Street, Sivananda Colony, Tatabad, Gandhipuram Tel: 249-7400, 9am-8pm. VISHNU REAL ESTATE Trichy Road, Ondipudur Tel: 93632-45895, 10am-6pm. SHREE SARAVANAS REAL ESTATE CONSULTING 9/125, Nehru Nagar, Civil Aerodrom Post, Kalappatti Main Road Tel: 97897-80559. CANDOR REALTOR 11, OM Ganesh Nagar, 4th Cross, Vadavalli Tel: 99445-55814, 10am-5pm. SATHIYA SAI REAL ESTATE 101/1, Vasantha Mill Road, Neelikonamplayam Singanallur Tel: 98429-11331. ADHITHYA VIGNESH REAL ESTATE CONSULTANCY 329, Old 242, Sastri Street, Bala Ranganathapuram, Hope College Tel: 98946-00843, 8am-8pm. BVS REAL ESTATE Iyyapan Koil Complex, Thondamuthur Road Tel: 99441-78073, 9am-6pm. SRI PALANI MURUGAN REAL ESTATE 2112, Singanallur, Trichy Main Road Tel: 98422-51780, 98430-59233, 8am-8pm FOWLER amp FOWLER 184A, Vellaore Road, Podanur Tel: 241-3379, 93631-04239, WORLD CIVIL ARCH 7/103-2nd street, AKC Avenue, Theetipalayam Village, Kalampalayam Post, Kalampalayam Tel: 98941-92261, 9am-6pm. KUMAR AND KUMAAR ASSOCIATES 42 C, Malaviya Street, Ram Nagar Tel: 98433-82233, 98430-82232. AVANT GARDE DESIGN CONSULTANTS 1280, Trichy Road, Tel: 230-1246. MARVEL DESIGN 91/8, Second Floor, DB Road, RS Puram Tel: 255-2770, 255-2618. E ART HABITAT 7C, Asbestos Company Road, Podanur Tel: 98430-13999, 9am-5pm. SREE RANGAA BUILDERS 90 D, Shanmugarajapuram, Selvapuram North Tel: 234-3770, 98944-66263. JEYAKUMAR ASSOCIATES 23, Kalidas Road, Viswa Paradise Tel: 223-6467, closed on Sundays. PRABHAKAR C ICON DESIGN STUDIO 87-A, First Floor Sathy Road, Ganapathy, Muniappakoil Thottam Tel: 654-4331. SWETHA ASSOCIATE Saravanampatti, 89A, Alagu nagar, Kalapatti Main Road Tel: 94440-53074. REAL ESTATE AGENCIES 2016 // March // 79 GREEN HOME LANDSCAPE 550, DB Road, RS Puram Tel: 254-6372, 9.30am-6pm. RAMANI REALTORS 1680, Ramanis Regency, Trichy Road Tel: 98422-20016, 9am-10pm. PARIVAR BUILDERS 8/1 M, Mansion Building, Race Course, Thomas Park Tel: 98414-24854, 98940-90036, 9am-6.30pm. DPS BUILDERS 2/106, Panguni Sivaram Nagar, Ganapathi Tel: 251-2728, 9am-7pm. DAN BUILDERS 594-C, Adhi Complex, Trichy Main Road, Singanallur Tel: 97150-70700, 10am-5pm. SRI LAKSHME RAM 15/27, Kongunagar, Ramnathapuram Tel: 76672-89900. VKV REAL ESTATES Sri Saravana Complex, Mettupalayam Road, Thudiyalur Tel: 98437-45006, 9.30am-6pm. SREEVATSA REAL ESTATES 8/2, Mettupalayam Road Tel: 245-4817. RMG HOMES 3/77, RMG Mansion, Maruthamalai Road, Vadavalli Tel: 242-2122, 10am-6pm. COIMBATORE ASSOCIATES 2/2, Jaganatha Colony, Avinashi Road, Peelamedu Tel: 98423-60577, 10am-6pm. DEEKSHEN BUILDERS, 2H, 6th Street, The Village Business Home, KK Pudur, Sai Baba Colony Tel: 99440-11907. LET YOUR HAIR DOWN Theme parks, art galleries, auditoriums, sports orgs. f you are in the mood for entertainment, head to the many amusement parks in the city. If you are the arty sort, you could visit the innumerable art galleries and auditoriums to watch artistry at its best. Not to mention, music, dance and theatrical performances. If sports is what you are looking at, there are places where you can do a spot of hot air ballooning, rappelling, micro light flying, kayaking, parasailing, trekking, wind surfing, banana boat riding and water skiing. The adventure is only limited by how much you can handle. Enjoy NATIONAL ADVENTURE AND LEADERSHIP SCHOOL 7, 1st Floor, RS Puram Tel: 254-2800, 9am5pm. enquirynals. in, nals. in Ooty Main Road, Mettupalayam Tel: 4254-226632, The only park in India with foam padding for the real rafting effect. Asias No 1 water theme park, with the green hills of the Nilgiris for a backdrop and the cooling shelter of trees. Jumping, sliding, swimming, floating over 60 acres of fun and adventurous rides. 9.30am 5.30pm. Adult Rs 680, Children Rs 570. KOVAI KONDATTAM 2/347, Siruvani Main Road Kalmpalayam Post Tel: 325-8667, 260-6696, 10.30am5.30pm, AdultRs 350, ChildrenRs 300, kovaikondattam MAHARAJA THEME PARKS Maharaja Entertainment Arena, Neelambur, Avinashi Road, Coimbatore Aerodrome Tel: 650-4128, 262-8998, 10.30am6.30pm, AdultRs 400, ChildrenRs 350. DELIGHT WORLD KTVR College Road, Off Mettupalayam Road, Press Colony Post Tel: 94439-31640, 10am5pm, Entry Free. TENDENCY SCHOOL OF FINE ARTS 11440, Avinashi Road, Peelamedu Tel: 98946-80859, 8am-7pm. KASTHURI SREENIVASAN ART GALLERY AND TEXTILE MUSEUM Kasthuri Sreenivasan Trust Culture Centre, Avinashi Road Tel: 257-4110, 9.30am-6pm. CONTEMPLATE ART GALLERY 338, The Uffizi, Avinashi Road Tel: 422-6356, 9am5pm. SWARNABHOOMI ART GALLERY 15016, Sree Sai Complex, Thadakam Road Tel: 553-9224, 10.30am-6pm. GASS FOREST MUSEUM Institute of Forest Genetics amp Tree Breeding, RS Puram Tel: 245-0307, 9am5.30pm. GD NAIDU MUSEUM 734, Avinashi Road, Pappanaickenpalayam Tel: 222-2548, 658-1939, 8am-5pm. PADMAVATHI AMMAL CULTURAL CENTER Avinashi Road, Peelamedu Tel: 257-0226, 9am-5pm. SRI AMUTHA SURABHI HALL 34, RG Street Tel: 98943-00020, 247-1466 9.30am2pm. MANI MAHAL Rama Lakshmi Nagar, Peelamedu Tel: 257-1376, 99525-86501, 9am-6pm. SPORTS DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF TAMILNADU District Sports Council Nehru Stadium, VOC Park, Coimbatore Central Tel: 238-0010, 6am9.30am amp 3.30pm6.30pm. sportsinfotn CBE AUTO SPORTS CLUB Coimbatore Central Tel: 238-0065, 10am5pm. THE CLUB East Club Road Tel: 230-2333. GOLF CLUB Chettipalayam Tel: 329-3949, 265-5258, 6am6pm. WOODEN OLD HANDICRAFT DESIGNEE Near Saibaba Colony Tel: 98422-47496, 99947-35689, 9am8pm. MANOJ MARBLE ART GALLERY 75, Avinashi Road, Nava India, 1st Floor, Peelamedu Tel: 421-8808, 10am8pm. Coimbatore THE CINEMA BROOKEFIELDS 67/71, 4th Floor, Brookefields Plaza, Krishnaswamy Road Tel: 647-3804, 10am-5pm. KARPAGAM MULTIPLEX 100 Feet Road, Gandhipuram Tel: 249-9169, 10am10pm. FUN CINEMAS FUN REPUBLIC MALL Peelamedu Tel: 451-8414, 10am-5pm. K G MULTIPLEX 3, Bungalow Road Tel: 221-1215 SENTHIL KUMARAN MULTIPLEX 87, Ambal Complex, Gokale Street, Ram Nagar Tel. 391-8886/8887. 2016 // March // 81 GIVING TIME A BREAK Kodaikanal, Pollachi, Valparai, Wayanad, Mysore. f youve never been to these places around Coimbatore, you have not met the right tour guide. Theres the Crocodile Farm in Amravathi Dam that is worth a dekko. Not to mention a stay in the many tree houses in Annamalai wildlife sanctuary. If you are a fan of hilly weather, nothing like Valparai and its streams, waterfalls and dense forests. But of course, who can miss the Queen of Hills, Ooty. Visit it during August and August and dont forget to watch the annual flower show at its terraced Botanical Gardens. The list is endless. read on. TIRUPUR This is a textile city. Hosiery centres are aplenty in this city. Just 50 km from Coimbatore, T-shirts and other banian materials are stitched here and sold overseas. There are thousands of banian textiles in Tiruppur. This is the place where the great Kumaran, who fought for the countrys freedom, lived. He died holding the national flag in his hands. Distance 50 Km TTDC 230-3176 Best time to visit all through the year METTUPALAYAM This small town is just placed at the foot hills of the Nilgiris. It is about 52 km from Coimbatore. The unique railway line between Mettupalyam and Ooty is adventurous and joyous as it passes through green hills, tea plantations and forests. Distance 52 Km TTDC 2303176 Best time to visit Dec-Mar MONKEY FALLS This is a wonderful waterfall that is located just some 65 kms from Coimbatore enroute to Valparai. Many tourists visit these falls on the way to Valparai, the queen of Annamalai Hills. Distance 65 Km TTDC 230-3176 Best time to visit - OctMarch PARAMBIKULAM-ALIYAR The place is known for the Aazhiyaar dam, situated 24 km from Pollachi and 84 kms from Kovai. The Aazhiyaar dam was built during the period of 1959 to 1969 on the banks of the river Aazhiyaar. The ultimate objective of constructing this dam is irrigation and power generation. The dam comprises several small dams that are interlinked with tunnels and canals for restraining the rivers, Aliyar, Sholiyar, Nirar, Thunakadavu, Parambikulam, Thekkadi and Palar. The Aazhiyaar dam is an excellent illustration for engineering masterwork. The dam stands tall at 81 metres and makes for a great picnic spot. Timings: 9am-6pm. Tel: 6611268. Distance 84 Km TTDC 230-3176 Best time to visit Oct-Mar BANNARI This town is 83 km from Coimbatore and 10 km from Bhavanisagar. Large numbers of devotees come to the famous Mariamman temple located here. The town is near the Western Ghats known for its massive, thick forests. Distance 83 km and 10 km from Bhavanisagar. TTDC 230-3176. Best time to visit Oct-Mar VALPARAI Rolling greens are a highlight of this choicest spot in the Annamalai range of 56 estates. A fine picnic spot, Valparai is the head of all these estates. Only 102 kms from Coimbatore, the main plantation here is tea. Dotted all over are several waterfalls, streams, dams and dense forests. One can travel to Kerala from Valparai through the mountain road. Distance 102 Km TTDC 230-3176 Best time to visit Sep-August 2016 // March // 83 POLLACHI At a distance of 40 km away from Coimbatore lies Pollachi. It is the second commercial centre of Coimbatore district. The Mariamman temples and Subramanya temples are famous here. The five-hooded cobra, a Yali with a chain inside its mouth and the Zodiac signs are some of the sculptures in the temple stones. Distance 40 Km TTDC 230-3176 Best time to visit August-Jan. KOTAGIRI This hill station lies in the Nilgiris. This is 105 km from Coimbatore and 28 km from Ooty. This is the ancient and the oldest hill resort of the Nilgiris hills. The British started their building activities early in 1819. This place too is surrounded by tea plantations. Distance 105 Km TTDC 230-3176 Best time to Visit all through the year BHAVANI This sacred and holy pilgrim town is 121 km from Coimbatore. It is known as the Triveni of South India. There is a famous temple namely Sangameshwarer Temple at the junction of rivers, Cauvery and Bhavani. This is dedicated to Lord Sangameshwarer and his better half, Vedanayaki. The British Collector William Garrow who was in Coimbatore and Salem districts during the reign of the British East India Company, had his office centre at Bhavani. He worshipped Goddess Vedanayaki. Distance 121 Km TTDC 230-3176 Best time to visit all through the year BANDIPUR NATIONAL PARK Yercaud is a popularly known hill station near Salem in Tamil Nadu that is 1,500 metres (4,920 feet) above the sea level. Known for coffee plantations and orange groves, it has an orchidarium run by the Botanical Survey of India. A summer festival is held during the middle of August every year, which includes a seven-day exhibition of flower shows, dog shows, boating races and a fair. Distance 137 Km Location Sheveroy Hills of North-Central of Tamil Nadu TTDC 044-2536-8358, 2538-3333/4444 Best time to visit Feb-Jun amp Sept-Nov MUDUMALAI The Mudumalai National Park lies on the northwestern side of the Nilgiri Hills (Blue Mountains), in Nilgiri District, about 123 km north-west of Coimbatore in Tamil Nadu. Places to visit include the Elephant Feeding Camp, Moyar River, Kallatty falls and Pykara Lake. You could also go on Elephant Safari and Van Safari conducted by Tamilnadu forest department. Distance 123 Km Location Northern Nilgiris Forest Ranger 0423-2444098/ 5971 Tourist Centre 080- 22286181 Best Time to Visit Feb-Jun Bandipur National Park is one of Indias best known sanctuaries at the foothills of the Western Ghats. It is home to around seventy tigers and over three thousand Asian elephants along with leopards, dholes, gaur and sloth bears. The best time to visit is throughout the year, but preferably in the monsoon when wildlife is plenty and forest is green. Distance 133.9 Km Location Forests of Mudumalai KSTDC 080-2227-5869 Deputy Conservator of Forests, Bandipur 08229- 236021/043 Best time to visit Mar-Jun amp Sept-Nov 84 // March // 2016 The town is famous for an ancient temple of Lord Vishnu. Other attractions include the Jumma Masjid (a Mosque) and the Daria Daulat Gardens. Near Srirangapattana is the Rangantittu Bird Sanctuary, the breeding site for several species. The summer palace of Tipu Sultan is nearby. Located 27 km upstream is the spectacular Sivasamudra Falls, the second biggest waterfall in India and the sixteenth largest in the world. Distance 220 Km Location On the banks of Cauvery, 12 kms from MysoreKSTDC 08236217454/55, 93410-22209, 2227-5869 Best time to visit Oct-Mar It receives the maximum number of tourists during the 10-day Dasara festival in March-December. One of the most visited monuments in India is the Ambavilas Palace (also known as Mysore Palace). The Jaganmohana Palace, the Jayalakshmi Vilas and the Lalitha Mahal are the others. The Mysore Zoo and the Karanji and Kukkarahalli lakes are popular hotspots. The city is also a centre for yoga-related health tourism. A short distance away is the Krishnarajasagar Dam and the adjoining Brindavan Gardens where a musical fountain show is held every evening. Places of historic importance lying close to Mysore are Srirangapatna, Somanathapura and Talakad. The hills, B R Hills and Himavad Gopalaswamy Betta and the hill stations of Ooty and Madikeri are all near Mysore. Popular destinations for wildlife enthusiasts near Mysore include the National Parks at Bandipur and Nagarhole, the wildlife sanctuaries at Melkote and B R Hills and the bird sanctuaries at Ranganathittu and Kokrebellur. Other tourist spots near Mysore include the religious locations of Nanjanagud and Bylakuppe and the waterfalls at Shivanasamudra. Distance 204 Km KSTDC 0821-2423652, 2425349 Regional Tourist office 08212422096 Best time to visit Oct-Mar WAYANAD It boasts of the picturesque waterfalls, the Ganganchukki and the Barachukki that cascade down 90 metres. These falls are the source of Asias first Hydro Electric Power Station called Shimsa. In full splendour during August and March. Distance 202.7 Km Location Skirts the Cauvery wild life sanctuary Travel by private vehicle Best time to visit Jul-Sept This unspoilt expanse of virgin rainforests in the Western Ghats in northeastern Kerala and south of Coorg is famous for its misty environs and offers a wide range of trekking opportunities, plantation visits and wildlife tours. Distance 207 Km Location Western ghats Kerala Tourism Information Office 0493-2602134 Best time to visit Oct-August 2016 // March // 85 YELAGIRI HILLS Great for easy-paced, relaxed weekends this is an ideal getaway. You can do trekking, go on long nature walks or indulge in some leisurely boating. Some of the tourist attractions include Punganoor Artificial Lake-cum-Park, Jalagamparai waterfalls, Swamimalai (the highest peak in the area), Murugan Koil temple and Telescope House. August and August each year is the time for a Summer festival at Yelagiri Hills. Distance 252 Km Location Near Jolarpet station Tourist Centre, Govt of Tamil Nadu 080-2228-6181 Chennai office 044- 2536-8358 Best time to visit Nov-Feb The enchanting 247 square-mile park in the Coffee land of Coorg boasts of huge herds of Asian Elephants, marsh crocodiles, monitor lizards, rock pythons, aquatic and terrestrial tortoises, frogs, toads and tree frogs and a myriad insects, including some very colourful butterflies. The best time to is between March and March. Location Part of Nilgiri biosphere reserve. Tourist/booking offices Distance 284 Km KSTDC 080- 2227-5869 Range Forest officer 08274-246331, 94292-16062 Deputy Conservator of Forest 08222-252041 Chief wildlife Warden 080- 2334-1993 Best time to visit Oct-August Listed as a World Heritage Site, the city of ruins is home to over 500 monuments, each with a story behind it. The other tourism hotspots around Hampi include Anegondi, Pampa Sarovar, Gagan Mahal, Hospet and the Tungabhadra Dam. 86 // March // 2016 BELUR AND HALEBID Located on the banks of the Yagachi River, Halebid and Belur are known for the Hoysala temples, which are world famous for their sculptures and architecture. The twin towns are about 16 km away from each other. The Belur and Halebid temples are cut from soft stone allowing for very intricate carvings on the walls. They are comparable to the Khajuraho temples of Madhya Pradesh. Distance 268 Km Location At the foothills of Western Ghat and 32 KMS from Hassan KSTDC 08177-273224 Regional booking office Halebid - 08172-268862 Best time to visit Oct-Feb MAHABALIPURAM Mahabalipuram has various historic monuments built largely between the 7th and the 9th century, and is classified as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Distance 484.8 Km Location North Tamil Nadu coast Best time to visit Oct-Mar Distance 635.4 Km Location Bellary district Department of tourism 08394-241339, 08394-228537 KSTDC 2227-5869 Best time to visit Oct-Mar This temple town in Tamil Nadu is a pit stop for spiritual awakening in the multi-lingual map of south India. The town brings together pilgrims, peace-seekers and tourists from around the world. Frozen in time, the holy hill of Arunachal and the ancient temple of Sri Arunachaleswara reside majestically in Tiruvannamalai. Many believe that the Supreme Being, Lord Shiva, has manifested his knowledge in the form of the hill. This Holy Spirit, said to permeate every inch of the town, can be felt with each step in every direction. It is said that goddess Parvati undertook the 14 km march around the hill bare-foot to repent her sins. After being forgiven by Lord Siva, she disappeared into Arunachal Hill. Distance 335.8 Km Location Beyond Krishnagiri. Directorate of Tourism, Tamil Nadu 044-24321694 Tamil Nadu Tourism Development Corporation 044-28547335 Best time to visit Oct-Mar MEENAKSHI AMMAN TEMPLE A historic Hindu temple dedicated to Parvati, known as Meenakshi, and her consort Shiva. The temple with an estimated 33,000 sculptures forms the heart and lifeline of the 2,500 year old city of Madurai. It is the most prominent landmark and most visited tourist attraction in the city. The annual 10-day Meenakshi Tirukalyanam festival, celebrated during April and May, attracts 1 million visitors. Best time to visit Oct-Mar Distance 213.5 km, about 4.5 hours by road, TTDC 0452-233-7471 Tel: 0452-234-4360 District Madurai PALANI The Union Territory of Pudhucherry (earlier Pondicherry) exudes a charming picture of a quaint French town with its neat, cobbled streets, elegant houses, policemen with red kepis, quaint signboards, statues of Dupleix and Joan of Arc and pretty gardens. The Aurobindo Ashram founded by Sri Aurobindo in 1926, and Auroville (10 km) draw people from all over the world. Distance 384.4 Km Location Bay of Bengal Pondicherry Tourism office 0143-2339497, 2330532 Best time to visit Oct-Mar This is a pilgrim centre and is one of the six places of Lord Subramanya. It is situated at an altitude of 140 m. The presiding deity is Sri Dandayuthapani. The idol in the shrine is made out of medicinal herbs and shrubs. A large number of pilgrims visit through the year. Located 107 kms from the city, a drive to Palani takes a little over two hours by car. Distance 140 Km 2.14 hours by car. TTDC 230-3176. Best time to visit Sep-Mar 2016 // March // 87 Mob: 9842014569 / 9677741086 4/1 ATTUKKAL ROAD, RAJ BHAVAN, THONDAMUTHUR, COIMBATORE KALAGRAM - A Non-Profit, Non Government Organisation for the Promotion of Art amp Culture Travelandshop Coimbatore March IssueHyderabad is the capital of Telangana in Southern India. located on the banks of the Musi River and on the Deccan Plateau. Hyderabad and Secunderabad are twin cities near Hussain Sagar Lake (also known as Tank Bund in local parlance) but both cities have grown so much that now they have become one big metropolis. The city and district of Hyderabad are coterminous. Hyderabad district is entirely contained within the Ranga Reddy district of Telangana. Many of the suburbs of Hyderabad were recently merged into the city, now called Greater Hyderabad. A city rich with history and tradition, Hyderabad now competes with Bangalore and Chennai for the crown of Indias IT capital Microsoft and Google have their India headquarters here. Districts edit The city of Hyderabad Many visitors never make it past the attractions in Old City, but you havent truly seen Hyderabad until you have ventured out into the neighborhoods. The city is split into north, west, east and south of the central district. There are differences in culture visible throughout the city. Districts of Hyderabad Central Zone (King Kothi, Abids, Lakdikapul, Mehdipatnam, Tolichowki, Banjara Hills, Jubilee Hills, Ameerpet, Punjagutta, Himayat Nagar, Kacheguda, Narayanguda, Chikkadpally and Nallakunta.) The center of Hyderabad has upscale neighbourhoods along with several venues of entertainment and dining. There is lots to see and do as well. South Zone (Charminar, Patthargatti, Afzalgunj, Shalibanda, Falaknuma, Dabirpura, Yakutpura and Purani Haveli.) This is where most of Hyderabads famous historical sights are. Also called Old City or Purana Shahr, the South Zone is home to Hyderabads most lively and authentic shopping experience. The Taj Falaknuma, an erstwhile palace now converted into a luxury hotel, is in the South Zone. North Zone (Begumpet, Secunderabad, Malkajgiri, Trimulghery, Alwal and Kundanbagh.) The North Zone is the erstwhile British Cantonment area of Secunderabad. Completely different from the South Zone, this zone is far more cleaner and organised than the former. West Zone (Kukkatpally, Miyapur, Bharat Nagar, Gacchibowli, Nanakramguda and HITEC City.) This is home to the newer CBD of Hyderabad. If youre in Hyderabad for a business trip, you are most likely to end up here. East Zone (Uppal, Kapra, Dilsukhnagar, LB Nagar, Gaddiannaram and Saroornagar.) Home to a lot of educational institutes, this region will be the first to see a Metro line run through. Understand edit If you are traveling to Hyderabad on business 8212 as is increasingly the case now 8212 it is easy to miss the 400-year-old Hyderabad. The city that immediately hits the eye is a sprawling metropolis of shopping malls and office buildings with glass facades. The whole of the city seems to be under construction or renovation and the roads are jammed because flyovers are being constructed. It is a magnificent city in many senses. The old city that was once the seat of the Nizam, the ruler of the largest and the most opulent princely state, and the twin city of Secunderabad where the British maintained a cantonment to keep the army within striking distance of the Nizam can be seen only if you take the time out to see them. Hyderabads many epithets include the City of Pearls . the City of Nawabs . the Biryani City and, because of its high-tech draw, Cyberabad . History edit In 1463 Quli Qutb-ul-Mulk established the fortress of Golconda about 8 km to the west of Hyderabads present day old city. He had quelled rebellion in the Telangana region and was appointed the subedar . or administrator of the region as a result. By 1518, he had become independent from the Bahmani sultan, declared himself the Sultan under the name of Quli Qutb Shah and established the Qutb Shahi dynasty . In 1589, Muhammad Quli Qutb Shah . a grandson of Quli Qutb Shah, made the decision to move his capital from the Golconda fort to the present day location of Hyderabad due to water shortages at the old location. In 1591, he ordered the construction of the Charminar, reportedly in gratitude to Allah for cutting short a plague epidemic before it could do too much damage. The name Hyderabad reportedly had its origins in an affair between Mohammad Quli Qutb Shah and a local Telugu courtesan named Bhagmati. He named the city Bhagyanagar after her, and after she converted to Islam and took on the name of Hyder Mahal, he named the city Hyderabad. Hyderabad was built on a grid plan with help from Iranian architects. French traveler Jean-Baptiste Tavernier favorably compared Hyderabad to Orleans. The Qutb Shahi dynasty lasted till 1687, when the Mughal emperor Aurangzeb defeated the sultanate and took over Hyderabad. He appointed his governor as ruler of the region and granted him the title of Nizam-ul-Mulk. However, Mughal rule was short-lived and in 1724, the Nizam Asaf Jah I gained independence from a declining Mughal empire. Legend has it that while on a hunting expedition, he met a holy man who offered him some kulchas and asked him to eat as much as he could. Asaf Jah ate only seven, and the holy man prophesied that his dynasty would last for seven generations. Sure enough, the seventh ruler in the dynasty was the last. In honour of the legend, the flag of the Nizams featured a kulcha . Around 1763, Asif Jah II, defeated by the Marathas and threatened by Tipu Sultan of Mysore. entered into a subsidiary alliance with a British. Hyderabad state became a princely state, protected by, and under the overlordship of the British. The British maintained their army in nearby Secunderabad to protect the Nizam and to ensure that he did not do any mischief. Hyderabad state was the richest in the country and in the 1930s Time magazine rated the Nizam the richest man in the world. في عام 1947، مع استقلال الهند، كان النظام السابع يتردد في التخلي عن إمارته للهند المستقلة حديثا، ويفضل باكستان بدلا من ذلك. India sent in its troops and the 200 year old prophesy was fulfilled. On September 17th 1948, it was merged in to India. Hyderabad become the capital city of Hyderabad state till November 1st 1956. After forced merger of hyderabad state with Andhra state and formed new linguistic state Andhra Pradesh on Nov 1st 1956. Thus, Hyderabad became the capital of the newly formed state of Andhra Pradesh. The new capitals administrative buildings were located around Hussain Sagar Lake . approximately between Secunderabad and the old city, as the Nizams city came to be called. In 1995, Chandrababu Naidu became chief minister of Andhra Pradesh. Among his key policies was a major initiative to turn the city into an IT hub. He cleaned up the streets, laid out IT parks and did much to attract technology companies into the city. Today, as Bangalores infrastructure is choked by the citys rapid growth, Hyderabads well-laid out streets are proving to be a major attraction for software and IT-enabled companies. The technology enclave of Madhapur has actually been officially named Hi tec city, and Cyberabad is commonly used as an alternative name to Hyderabad. In 2007, the suburbs of Hyderabad were merged with the city to form Greater Hyderabad . In 2009, the longstanding demand to have Telangana created as a separate state came to boil, with low intensity agitations and disturbances shaking up Hyderabad. While the traveller need not worry much (see the Stay safe section for more) it does call into question Hyderabads future status, as Telangana includes Hyderabad city. The city of Hyderabad Orientation edit The best way to orient yourself to Hyderabad is to think with reference to two water bodies - the Musi river and the Hussain Sagar Lake . The Musi river flows from the west to the east, a few kilometers south of Hussain Sagar Lake. The Old city lies mostly on the south bank of the Musi, though this guide will treat the Golkonda . which lies on the north bank, as part of the old city. Most historical attractions, including the Charminar lie on this bank. Map of Old City, Hyderabad Secunderabad lies to the north-east of Hussain Sagar lake. This has historically been a military cantonment, which means that the roads are better maintained and broader. It has nice parks, open spaces and some excellent restaurants. The New city . which contains the administrative offices of Andhra Pradesh lies on the north bank of the Musi, to the east and south-east of Hussain Sagar. Punjagutta to Gachibowli is a vast region to the west and north-west of Hussain Sagar, on the north bank of the Musi. This has developed in the past twenty years. Areas of interest here are Punjagutta and Ameerpet, which are enormous shopping areas. Banjara Hills and Jubilee Hills is where Hyderabads swish set lives, and contain some good parks and restaurants. The newly developed Hi tec city and Gachibowli are 9 km to the west of the new city. This is where most technology and business process outsourcing (BPO) firms have their campuses. Culture and attitudes edit In many senses, Hyderabad is the meeting ground between North and South India. The city has a culture that is distinct from the rest of Andhra Pradesh, showing Islamic influences and a courtly presence imparted from its period as the capital of the Nizamate. This is more evident in the old city. The new city resembles many provincial state capitals in India. Secunderabad is more cosmopolitan, as the Cantonment area is located in this part of the city. Due to a recent influx of young men and women from various parts of the country for better job opportunities, Hyderabads culture and attitudes have taken a turn towards modernity. However, it is good to keep in mind that the city is still a deeply conservative place and to dress appropriately, especially in the old city. Note that people have a very indifferent attitude towards time and a very laid back attitude. Climate edit Like many Indian cities Hyderabad has a tropical climate. The best time to visit the city is from mid-November to mid-February. Temperatures are mild with abundant sunshine during this time and average temperature range from a low of 15C (59F) to a high of 29C (85F). March to June is hot and dry with occasional thunderstorms. Highs can reach 45C (113F) or more and lack of air-conditioning can make it feel very uncomfortable. July, August, September and October can be quite warm and humid and low pressure systems from the Bay of Bengal during the monsoon season can cause heavy rain for days. Talk edit Telugu (the state language of Andhra Pradesh and one of Indias six living classical languages) and Urdu are widely spoken in Hyderabad, and most educated people speak Telugu, Urdu, Hindi and/or English. English signs are common. The city is one of the main places where Urdu developed, and the dialect spoken primarily by the large Muslim population is known as Deccani Urdu or Dakhani Urdu (which both translate to Urdu of the Deccan). Because of the influence of Urdu, a dialect of Hindi is also spoken in the city and your Hindi phrasebook may still be useful. Get in edit Hyderabad is well connected to all parts of the country by air, rail and road. By plane edit Hyderabads new Rajiv Gandhi International Airport (IATA. HYD ) 1 is located 22 km (14 mi) from the city. Note that the old airport at Begumpet is now closed, except for use by VIPs. The sleek and well-organized airport is one of the best aviation facilities in India. The elevated expressway 2 to the airport is now open and takes 20 minutes. Direct international connectivity from Hyderabad is available for many countries. International carriers operating from Hyderabad are Air India, British Airways, Emirates, Malaysia Airlines, Air Asia, Oman Air, Qatar Airways, Saudi Arabian Airlines, Silk Air, Etihad Airways and Thai Airways. Domestic connectivity is excellent with Indian airlines operating from here including Air India, Air India Express, Indian Airlines, Indigo Airlines, Jet Airways, JetLite, Trujet and SpiceJet. (Kingfisher is now defunct, and Trujet is new) Once you arrive at Hyderabad airport, one option is to take the air-conditioned buses run by the airport (Pushpak) 3 to various designated points in the city such as (1) Begumpet (Paryatak Bhavan) (2) Secunderabad (Keyes High School) (3) Hi-Tec City (Opposite Shilparamam) at prices varying between Rs 150 and Rs. 250 based on the distance of travel, and two designated points in the city (4) Charminar (City College) (5) Mehdipatnam (Sarojini Devi Eye Hospital). The buses have a frequency of a bus every 30 min from 3:30AM-11PM and every hour at midnight, 1AM, 2AM and 3AM and travel time varies from 45 mins to 2 hrs depending on time of the day and traffic conditions. You can reach the designated points and then take an auto or metered cab from there. (updated fares and travel time) Alternatively, you can hire metered air-conditioned radio cabs starting from Rs 40 for the first 2 km (see Get around section) Skycabs and Meru are approved by the airport 21 Rs/km and are available just after exiting the terminal building. For the rest, you need to call and book with a lead time of 15 minutes to 1 hour. These cabs charge 25 surcharge in the night (ie, Rs 26.25 per km between 2300 hours and 0500 hours). Hyderabad traffic police counter is on the ground floor with prepaid taxis. Beware of taxi soliciting tours at the airport greeting area they might try to scam you into exorbitant rates (especially so in case of non - locals) The Hyderabad Traffic Police has partnered with the Airport authorities to run a counter for prepaid taxis. This is a safe option with all taxis being registered with the police. The police also runs a SHE cab service now, especially for women travellers, with female drivers and safety equipment such as a GPS connected to the Police Control Room. One can also hire a cab from many app - based services such as Uber or Ola, whose fares are available in the apps and their websites (Please keep in mind that while these services are substantially cheaper than the radio cabs, they will charge Rs. 200 in addition to the fare as parking charges levied on them by the airport). This option is the best while travelling to the airport, as the parking charges do not apply for departures. (added new initiatives) Hired cars are also available from a booth just before walking outside of the airport. This gives you the advantage of paying in advance, thereby avoiding any disagreements over price. The airport can be contacted on their (toll free for BSNL/MTNL subscribers) number 1 800 419-2008 for all services and inquiries including arrivals / departure information, facilities, transport availability, etc. By train edit Indian Railways 4 has service to Hyderabad from all over India. There are three major railway stations serving the twin cities: Secunderabad . حيدر أباد. and Kachiguda and a minor station at Begumpet. Most of the trains bound for South India and North India originate from Hyderabad, and leave via Secunderabad. Hyderabad Deccan Station is popularly known as Nampally Station . Find all trains to Hyderabad - trainspy/static/station/(SC)SECUNDERABAD-JN By car edit Hyderabad is well connected to other major Metros by road. Bangalore is connected by NH7 and is at a distance of 560 km. The city is 752 km from Chennai (using highways NH9 and NH5) and 800 km from Mumbai (NH9 till Pune and the expressway to Mumbai.) The Bangalore Hyderabad section is part of the North South corridor which is being upgraded to a four-lane divided highway. By bus edit Hyderabad is well-connected to all parts of the Telangana and most parts of South and Western India. Both state government and private buses operate large number of luxury and ordinary services across the state and neighboring states. JBS . ( Jubilee Bus station ), is in Secunderabad. TSRTC runs direct A/C coaches to Mumbai, Bengaluru ( Bangalore ) and Chennai. Telangana tourism runs A/C coaches to, Mumbai, Chennai and Bengaluru. You have to book the tickets in advance. هناك العديد من بوابات التذاكر حافلة على الانترنت لحجز تذاكر الحافلات. Mybustickets is one such portal. MGBS or Imliban . is said to be the largest bus station in the world with around 84 bus bays side by side. TSRTC has pickup and drop points from various points in the city. In addition, government-run bus services of neighboring states also run buses to Hyderabad, as do various private companies. Private Buses . South India is largely well served by organised private bus operators. They run luxury buses like Volvo, Mercedes, Kinglong Cerita buses including multi axle buses. These are air-conditioned, semi sleeper or sleeper services with online ticket booking facilities. Important private travel hubs are KPHB Colony, Lakdi-Ka-Pool, Paradise centre in Secunderabad and Dilsukh nagar. Luxury services run to many cities from these places. Non-metropolitan areas and towns are often connected by non-A/C buses but are still provided with comfortable seating. It may be difficult to find direct buses from North India due large size of that part of the country. Get around edit There are many ways to get around in Hyderabad. It has good bus service, good autorickshaw service (although they never charge by meter and always overprice, making cabs cheaper) and well developed Radio taxi services as well as new app based services such as Uber and Ola. There is a local train service too, but it is grossly inadequate and unreliable. It is advisable that travelers using smartphones download the Hyderabad Police and Hyderabad Traffic Police apps from the app store, as these have some safety features such as and SOS button to the control room, as well as options to lodge complaints. By bus edit Hyderabad has good local bus connectivity and is run by TSRTC 5. a state-government owned corporation. Most intercity buses start and end at the Mahatma Gandhi Bus Terminus more commonly known as Imlibun, and there are numerous depots where city service buses start and end. One can use Google maps to plan travel by bus. There are five categories of buses (Ordinary, Metro Express, Metro Deluxe, AC, Volvo AC). The Volvo Buses are the most comfortable, with fares starting from Rs. 35. There are also monthly passes of Rs. 2100 that allow one to travel anywhere any number of times by any service across the city). Other buses tend to get extremely overcrowded and travelling on the footboard of a bus is very common. The routes displayed on buses are normally shown in at least two languages, one of which is English. The best way to get to a location by bus would be to get to a bus stop and ask people waiting there. You could also get into a bus going in your direction and ask the conductor for help. By autorickshaw edit Autorickshaws in Hyderabad should be metered, though it can be difficult for non-locals and locals alike to find an autorickshaw driver who ever agrees to a metered fare. (This is especially true when hailing an auto in front of a 5 star hotel, near bus stands, railway stations and near Hi-Tech area.) However, Traffic police are very helpful and will help engage an Auto with metered fare. Autos can carry a maximum of 3 passengers excluding the driver, but it is common to find them being overloaded to carry up to six passengers when one. The minimum fare is Rs 20 which covers the first 1.6 km. Each additional km is another Rs 11. The waiting charges are for Rs. 30 per hour. There are also shared 4 seater and 8 seater Maxi Vans available to and fro from the suburbs to a main location of the city in that direction. Fares are mostly 2 rupees more than bus fares, but are far more comfortable and fast for short distances up to 5 km. Fix the fare before you step into the autorickshaw. السائقين السيارات في حيدر أباد هي كابوس وغير متعاون على الاطلاق. Finding a needle in a haystack is easier than finding an auto driver who agrees to go by the metered rate with a common excuse that their meter is not functioning. They always demand a much higher fare even though the fare has been increased from time to time. It is advised to keep extra change with you since most of the auto drivers will claim that they dont have change, even if they have. If you have a choice then always opt for a prepaid cab. Reckless driving and accidents are very common here, as is the case with most cities in this part of the world. Most of the auto drivers want you to checkout pearls shop (which they claim are authorized by the Govt.) in exchange of less fare however they are okay if you dont buy anything from these shops, just sit there for 10 minutes. They are encouraged with incentives to bring customers into these shops. The pearl shops are notorious for persuasive sales tactics and they wont let you out easily. So pay the complete fare to auto drivers instead of being diverted to a pearl shop. Auto drivers get some percent of the entry fees (around Rs. 10/-) if they take you to the places like Chowmoholla Palace or Salarjung museum for free. If you are around these areas get into some auto instead of walking down and ask them to drop you there. Also in many parts of the city it is easy to find a shared auto running, just reach the nearest bus stop and ask the locals for a shared auto, they should readily guide you. If u see an over loaded auto-rikshaw, it is a shared one and you just need to wave at the next less-populated one. Auto Drivers in Hyderabad are especially reckless drivers. Better book a cab than take an Auto, even at a higher price, for the air conditioned comfort and protection from pollution, as well as for relief from the antics of the Auto wallahs. There are exemplary auto drivers too, but unfortunately the others outnumber them by far. By taxi edit It is best to use new app based cabs such as Ola and Uber, which assure service and courteous drivers. However, there have been cases of misbehavior by cab drivers (although few) and it is advised to us the Hyderabad Police app and enter the details of the cab you are getting into, to be safe. Fares for these start at Rs. 6 per km and Rs. 1 per minute of ride time. (Ola Micro). Availability is very good at busy locales, and most apps have tracking features as well as SOS features. Metered Radio taxis are available, but they cannot be hailed off the street. One needs to call their centralised call centre and book the service. Service is very good, especially if you are booking for longer distances. It can be next to impossible to be able to get a Radio cab without prior booking since demand far outstrips the supply. All metered cabs have digital meters that show the distance and fare. Operators offering metered taxis at Rs 10 per km (Most of them are now charging Rs 12 per km for an Indica, Rs 10 continues in case of Maruti Omni) with a minimum charge is Rs 80 in most cases. Many taxi services prefer not to book trips that are only a short distance. However covering the entire city with so many sightseeing locations, will be costly on a CAB, whereas hiring a Full Day Taxi / Car is suggested, which normally charge on 8 hrs or 80 kms basis Global Tourism Promotions 91 9440082627 provides all range of Cars, Buses AC and Non AC vehicles - Tata Indica, Toyota Innova, Tavera, 12 seater to 49 seaters buses, for individual and groups, city coverage. SLN Cabs 91 8121774433/8801003000 slncabs offers taxis at Rs. 12/- per Km. Detailed tariff of sln cabs Hyderabad can be viewed at website. Skycabs 91 40 49494949 offers taxis at Rs. 40/- for first two Kms and Rs. 18/- per Km after that. Yellow Taxi160: For bookings: 91 40 48 48 48 48 and 91 40 44004400 email:bookingsyellowtaxi. in OR visit: yellowtaxi. in. Offers City Tours, Hourly packages, outstation travel etc. Fleet includes Economy, Sedans and SUV (Sports Utility Vehicles) Yellow Cabs: 91 40 6690 6690 91 40 47 47 47 47 yellowcabshyd Minimum charges: Per hour, Rs.280/- for 20 Kms. offers taxis at Rs. 12/- per Km. Detailed tariff of Yellow Cabs Hyderabad can be viewed at website. All types of cars available. Meru Cabs 91 40 44224422 offers taxis at Rs. 40/- for first two Kms and Rs. 18/- per Km after that. Green Cabs 91 40 24606060 greencab. co. in offers taxis at Rs. 12/- per Km. Detailed tariff of Green Cabs Hyderabad can be viewed at website. Hyderabad cabs 91 40 2000-5000 Dot cabs 91 40 24242424 offers taxis in two variants, each with point-to-point fares and metered fares. Detailed tariff can be viewed at 6 The two variants are: i. Sedan (usually Renault Logan) ii. Family car ( Toyota Innova) Airport Cabs Hyderabad . 91 40 2233 2233 91 9493 777 111 airportcabshyd Minimum charges: Per hour, Rs.250/- for 20 Kms. Outstation taxis at Rs. 8/- per Km. For Best Offers and tariff of Airport Cabs Hyderabad visit our website. Note160: Taxi Will be Arranged to Travel in Hyderabad with in 20 Minutes and For Outstation 40 Minutes. By train edit MMTS Local Train Local trains called MMTS are available, albeit only for a few places in Hyderabad, The frequency ranges from 10 to 30 minutes, except during day time and Sundays, when there are fewer trains. It is a fast way of travel to the few stations it covers, and the cheapest option as well. If you plan to travel through MMTS check out the schedule on the website MMTS Train Timings. 7. If you are foreign traveler it is advisable to take first class. General class tend to get overcrowded and you can never find a seat at intermediate stations. If you have to catch a train do not rely on the MMTS schedule, as it is rarely followed and usually late Trains may also get cancelled without prior notice. Daily and monthly passes are also available at the MMTS stations. By car edit Hyderabad lacks an expressway system, leading to traffic jams during rush hours. However, an 160 km Ring Road Expressway 8 is currently under construction. Driving is exciting in Hyderabad not unlike in the rest of India. You find cycles, motor cycles, rickshaws, hand carts, autos, share autos, mini trucks, buses, vestibule buses, double deckers, Volvos jostling along. There are long stretches of roads passing through thickly populated areas that have no median breaks, so vehicles, including motorbikes and cars, simply drive on the wrong side of the road. Several modern flyovers now link the arterial roads. Several car rental agencies are available at the Rajiv Gandhi International Airport as well in the following locations. Gozocabs ( Gozocabs ), 09051877000 (infogozocabs ), 9. 24/7. 160edit BookCab ( bookcab ), 080 3000 3000 (bookingsbookcab. in ), 10. 24/7. 160edit Budget. Plot Number 902, Road Number 46, Jubilee Hills. 91 44 2355 8807 (customer. servicebudgetrentacar. co. in. fax. 91 40 23558809 ), 11. 24 hr. Budget car rentals are also available at the Rajiv Ghandi International Airport and the Hampshire Plaza Hotel 160edit Avis. Hotel Marriot Hyderabad, Tank Bund Rd ( opposite Hussain Sagar Lake ), 91 11 23890707 (crsavis. co. in ), 12. Open 24 hours. 160edit Savaari ( Savaari Car Rentals ), 1800 108 1000 (infosavaari ), 13. 160edit taxiGUIDE. in ( Hyderabad Car Rental ), Banjara Hills. 91 888 023 4455 (supporttaxiguide. in ), 14. Inquiry: 7am to 11pm. Hyderabad car rentals services on taxiGUIDE. in - a Chauffeur Driven Car Rental Service across 75 Cities in India. Fares starting Rs.687 for within city and Rs.10.75/km for outstation. 160edit Clear Car Rental ( Clear Car Rental ), 91 9730097777 (supportclearcarrental ), 15. Open 24 hours. 160edit Cabs24x7 ( online Car Rental ), 91 9243778005 (infocabs24x7 ), 16. 160edit By Tourist Bus edit The Telangana Tourism department runs a hop - on hop - off 17 bus service that takes one around the city. On foot edit Hyderabads interesting districts are fairly spread out, but are enjoyable to explore by foot on their own. The Old City is composed of a maze of disorienting alleyways that expand outward from the Charminar. Getting lost in the markets (where you can buy anything from hand-sequined saris to freshly slaughtered goats) and alleyways in the Old City can make for a thoroughly enjoyable afternoon. The famous Chudi Bazaar (Lad Bazaar) across from the Charminar is a chaotic tumble of goods, people, animals and vehicles are navigated quickly on foot. The Chowmahalla palace and the Mecca Masjid are both easily accessed from the Charminar. Necklace Road, Sultan Bazar (Koti) and Abids are worth taking some time to wander around. Please note that walking can be hazardous in Hyderabad. It is common for roads to be missing pavement, or simply unpaved, and bikes and autorickshaws may go to right up to the edge of the road and climb any barrier to get ahead in traffic. Walking alongside and crossing the road can be very dangerous and it is important to stay alert for erratic driving. It is always advisable to use the foot-over bridge if there is one available. See edit add listing Old city edit Old city is the historical region of Hyderabad. Most of the historical attractions are situated in the old city. Charminar. M-Sa 9AM-5PM, closed on F 1PM-2PM for prayers. Literally Four minarets, this structure was built at the very spot at which Quli Qutb Shah prayed for the end to the plague epidemic. The Charminar has long been the icon of Hyderabad. The towers rise to a height of 48.7 m above the ground. It has 140 steps. Graffiti on the walls have diminished the beauty of the Charminar. There is a mosque with 45 prayer spaces located inside in the upper storeys. The structure stands in the middle of a busy road with vehicular traffic, but a pedestrianization project is under way. Atop the minarets, you get a panoramic view of Hyderabad city. At the very bottom of one of the minar is a Hindu temple. The traffic is less than ideal. Plan an early morning trip around 9 a. m. if shopping is not on your to-do list. Rs 5, Children below 11 free (for Indians), Rs 100 (for foreigners), Video cameras are charged Rs 25 extra. 160edit Mecca Masjid. ( SW of the Char Minar ). Mecca Masjid is one of the oldest mosques in the city and easily the biggest. Muhammed Quli Qutub Shah began building it in 1617 under the supervision of Mir Faizullah Baig and Rangiah Choudhary. Mughal emperor Aurangzeb completed the construction in 1694. The mosque is a granite giant with awe-inspiring innards. The main hall of the mosque is 75 feet high, 220 feet wide and 180 feet long, big enough to accommodate ten thousand worshipers at a time. It is believed that Muhammed Quli commissioned bricks to be made with the soil brought from Mecca and inducted them into the construction of the central arch of the mosque, which explains the name of the mosque. It is mandatory for women to have a dupatta / shawl in order to be granted entry into the premises. 160edit Chowmahalla Palace. Khilwat, 20-4-236, Motigalli. 91 40 2452-2032. 18. Sa-Th 10AM-5PM, closed on National Holidays. Situated near Charminar, it was the seat of the Asaf Jahi dynasty where the Nizam entertained his official guests and royal visitors. Rs 40 (for Indians), Rs 150 (for foreigners), camera permit Rs 50. 160edit Falaknuma Palace. Built by Nawab Viqar al-Umra in 1872, Falaknuma is a stunning piece of architecture and the most opulent of the Nizams palaces. The interior is particularly impressive and features the works of Florentine sculptors and a 100-seater Dining Table. The palace has been converted into a hotel run by the Taj group and is no longer accessible to general public. 160edit Golconda Fort. 7AM-8PM. The Golconda Fort was the capital of the Qutb Shahi kingdom. Set aside a minimum of 2 hr to do justice to your visit -- the outer wall measures 10 km. Learning a little about the fort ahead of time is recommended as it is easy to get confused or lost in the massive space. If you accept one of the local guides - who hustle you at the entrance gate - try to pick one who actually knows his stuff (Rs 500 per tour and the guide would also ask you for tips in the end, however it is entirely up to you whether to give tips or not), rather than someone who was actually just passing by, spotted you and will tell you bits he once read in a guidebook. The genuine old Muslim guide who gained his encyclopedic knowledge of Golconda as an infant from his 118 year old grandmother knows the history of every inch of the place and will show you with expertise the echo/architecture system built into the fort that the ruler used as a communication/spying system. There is also a light and sound show - the story of Golkonda - for an hour, which could be a little boring,(price for foreigners Rs 50/100 for normal/executive ticket) after sunset lasting1h that tells you the story of the fort and is worth seeing. The English show runs Nov-Feb 6:30PM daily and Mar-Oct until 7PM daily. Hindi and Telugu shows are run afterwards in certain days. Afterwards, have a wander through the tiny streets and shops surrounding the fort. The beautiful scruffy old shops and houses will sell you everything from naan bread to bangles, and the fading and gaudy old painted gates and houses are a delight, as are the friendly locals. Rs 100 all. 160edit Qutb Shahi Tombs ( 1 km north of Golconda fort, approached via Banjara Darwaza ), 19. Sa-Th 9:30AM-5:30PM. The Qutubshahi mosques in Hyderabad are so named because they were built by the Qutubshahi dynasty. Most of them were built by Quli Qutb Shah, the founder. Sadly in May 2010 local newspapers revealed that shoddy restoration work allegedly using unskilled labour with road drills (bought in by one government department that didnt bother to seek professional advice or inform the local archaeological or environment departments) has been damaging these beautiful buildings. Rs 10, camera Rs 20. 160edit Qutub Shahi Tombs Site Museum. Hyderabad-8. 91 40 2351 341. Sa-Th 9AM-4:30PM. Rs 2. 160edit H. E.H The Nizams Museum. Purani Haveli, Hyderabad-2 ( Behind Princess Durru Shehvar Childrens Hospital ), 91 40 2452 1029. Sa-Th 10AM-5PM. Home to the famous wardrobe of Mahbub Ali Pasha, who is said never to have worn the same thing twice. It is the worlds longest wardrobe, built in two levels with a hand-cranked wooden lift(elevator) in place. This occupies the entire length of one wing of the palace. Hard to find, take small road next to Princess Durru Shehwar Hospital, entrance gate at N17 22.002 E78 28.975 Rs 50, students amp children Rs 15. ( N17 22.002. E78 28.975 ) 160edit Hussain Shah Wali Dargah. 160edit Moula Ali Dargah. 400 stairs brings you to a place of worship built by the Asif Jahis. The Moula Ali Dargah was built in the memory of Hazrat Ali, the son-in-law of the Prophet Muhammad. Legend has it that Yakoob, a eunuch in the court of Ibrahim Quli, went to the hill after he saw Hazrat Ali seated on it. To his surprise, he saw the impression of Alis palm on a stone, which he had dreamt. He had the impression cut out and installed in a shrine. Ibrahim Shah later built a mosque beside the dargah. A Ashurkhana. a Baradari (pavilion) and an Nqqar khana (place for beating drums) were built during the Qutb Shahi period. 160edit Osmania Arts College. Built during the period of the last Nizam, Mir Osman Ali Khan. The imposing facade of the building is a great sight. 160edit Paigah Tombs. Santoshnagar (Pisal Banda). daytime. These tombs belong to the Paigah nobles (tied by blood and marriage to the Nizams) and are about 200 years old. These unique lime and mortar tombs are beautifully carved and have marble inlay work on them. Relaxing environment with bird singing. N17 20.639 E78 30.248 seems free. ( N17 20.639. E78 30.248 ) 160edit Purani Haveli. Dewandevdi ( SE of Afzalganj Bridge ). Sa-Th 10:30AM-5PM. Originally, the palace of the Nizams Prime Minister, later it was renovated and became the quarters of the Nizams son. It is a U-shaped complex with a single-storeyed building in the European style. 160edit Raymond Tomb. Dilsukh Nagar, Asmaan Gadh. Michel Raymond, a French mercenary, was a military commander in the service of the second Nizam and also his close friend. His tomb is located at Saroornagar, and is made of black granite with beautiful sky view of the area 160edit Salar Jung Museum. Naya Pul, Afzalgunj ( Turn left once you reach the south bank of Musi using the Nayapul ), 91 40 2452 3211. Sa-Th 10AM-5PM, ticketing closes at 4:15PM. This collection belonged to the Salar Jungs, Prime Minsters of Hyderabad, but has been augmented since. The collection includes articles mostly from medieval and modern times, with a concentration of articles from the Islamic era. The western wing on the second floor is interesting. It contains paintings, furniture and other objects that the Salar Jung got from the West. The collection of Nizam jewellery is displayed only on special occasions. It is one of the best private collections and museums in India. Free guided tours lasting two hours each are available at scheduled times, four times a day. Inquire at the entrance. Cameras, bags and liquids are not allowed, but mobile cameras are winked at. Deposit your contraband at the free lockers available near the ticketing area. Rs 10 for Indians and Rs 150 for foreigners. 160edit Toli Masjid. Karwan. 300 years old. Known for its splendid architecture. 160edit New city edit Archival Museum ( T. S. State Archives and Research Institute ), Tarnaka, Hyderabad-7. 91 40 2701 8371. 160edit TS State Museum. Displays a stunning array of artifacts dating back to the 1st century to the 20th Century. Ranging from the Lotus Medallion of the 1st century to the Amazing Kalankari work that adorned the bed-spreads of the Nizams to a period room that displays the typical living room of the Nizam time to the Jain sculptures and Statues - this place has it all. 160edit The Birla Mandir. Birla Mandir. Adarsh Nagar, Naubat Pahad ( Two different routes depending on whether you want to drive right to the top or climb the stairs. ). 10AM-noon, 2PM-8PM. The industrial house of the Birlas have the tradition of building magnificent marble temples in cities of India. This one is one of the best. Located on top of Naubat Pahad (mountain), this clean, sparkling white temple dedicated to Venkateshwara has viewing areas that afford a great view of the city. Sadly, cameras and camera mobiles are banned your bags are checked at the entrance. Shoes are not allowed, so come early in the morning so the ground will not be too hot. There is a free cloakroom available for both electronics and shoes. Nowadays it is filled with tourists, who come to marvel at its architecture rather than for spiritual purposes. One should observe the intricate carvings on the marble walls and dome of the temple. حر. 160edit B. M. Birla Planetarium and Science amp Technological Museum. Adarshnagar, Hyderabad -63 ( Very close to Birla Temple, Naubat Pahad ), 91 40 2324 1067. Museum 10:30AM-8PM, Planetarium English shows 11:30AM, 4PM, 6PM, More shows in Telugu and one show in Hindi. F-W. The show at the planetarium lasts 35 min and is moderately interesting. The technological museum, on the other hand, is poorly maintained. The Dinosaurium at the upper level is interesting. It contains a complete skeleton of a dinosaur Kotasaurus yamanpalliensis discovered in the village of Yemanapalli in 1988. The lower level displays the personal collection of Nirmala Birla, also quite interesting Museum Rs 40, Planetarium Rs 40, combined admission Rs 70, Parking Rs 20. 160edit The High Court of Telangana. Nayapul. 160edit The Hyderabad Public School. Begumpet. Formerly a Nizams palace and the Jagirdars College. This Institution was founded in 1923 and is currently one of the oldest and largest public schools in the country. The campus is also an internationally recognised heritage site. 160edit Kala Bhavan. Ravindra Bharathi complex, Saifabad, Lakdikapul. An art gallery 160edit The Kothi Residency ( Womens College, Kothi ). 160edit Nehru Zoological park. Has some rare and interesting exhibits. There is a Lion safari and a Tiger Safari. Adult - Rs 20. 160edit Exhibition. Nampally (Vanitha College). An exhibition that runs in the months of January amp February every year. It showcases various items made across India. It runs every year starting 1 Jan-15 Feb in the Exhibition grounds. 160edit Punjagutta to Gachibowli edit Astrologer foretells a boys future. Village scene at Shilparamam Alankrita Art Gallery. Kavuri Hills, Madhapur. 91 40 2311 3709. 160edit Gallery Space. Rd No.12, Banjara Hills. 91 40 6554 1836. 160edit Kalahita Art Foundation. Lakshmi Towers, Nagarjuna Hills. 91 40 2335 0543. 160edit Le Cafe De Art. Rd No.1 Banjara Hills. 91 40 6550 6661. 160edit Pegasus Art Gallery. Road No.72 Jubilee Hills. 91 40 23608883. 160edit Shilparamam. Hi tec city, Madhapur. 11AM-8PM. Designed as a contrast to the futuristic Cyber tower that lies across the road, the crafts village of Shilparamam (sculpture village) guards the entrance road to Hi tec city. The intent is to showcase and preserve the old. There is a bazaar where you can buy assorted handicrafts and art work. There is also an entire village where you can find realistic - looking sculptures of villagers carrying out their traditional crafts. You can also find a rock museum which contains natural rock formations that allegedly look life-like. Make sure you carry cash to buy anything you like - credit cards are not accepted by most shops. You can bargain the price up to 1/3 of the quoted price. If you are a foreigner they try to fleece you, you need to bargain even more for a fair price. Also next to Shilpa Ramam is Shilpa Sandhya Vedika, a location for eating and shopping. Rs 40. 160edit State Gallery Of Art ( Chitramayee ), Road No. 1, Kavuri Hills, Madhapur, Jubilee Hills. 91 40 2311 3308. 160edit Vishwakarma arts gallery. Banjara Hills, Panjagutta, Dwarakapuri colony, Esteem House, Backside of Model House. 91 40 6661 5039 (vishwakarmartsyahoo ), 20. 10AM-9PM. 160edit Temples edit Birla Mandir. Birla Mandir on the Naubath Pahad is a magnificent Hindu temple of Lord Venkateshwara, entirely built in white marble located in Hyderabad, Telangana, India. The Birla Foundation has constructed several similar temples in India, all of which are known as Birla Mandir. The temple manifests a blend of South Indian, Rajasthani and Utkala temple architectures. In its entirety, it is made of 2,000 tons of pure Rajasthani white marble. The granite of the presiding deity is about 3.4 m (11 ft). tall and a carved lotus forms an umbrella on the roof. The consorts of Lord Venkateswara, Padmavati and Andal are housed in separate shrines. There is a brass flagstaff in the temple premises which rises to a height of 13 m (42 ft). حر. ( 17.34839. 78.39883E ) 160edit Balaji Temple ( Visa Balaji ), Chilkur. 21. 5AM-8PM. Chilkur is an important pilgrim center in Hyderabad, Telangana (India). The Lord here is Sri Venkateswara Swamy in a standing posture, beside whom is Goddess Sridevi and Goddess Bhudevi. People with wishes, take 11 rounds a round the core of the temple. Once their wish as been fulfilled they return to perform 108 more rounds. You will find people ticking away at the pieces of paper with the numbers to track the count. The god here is also referred as Visa Balaji because, people usually come here wishing for their US Visas to be approved. حر. ( 17.34839. 78.39883E ) 160edit Sanghi Temple. Hayat Nagar. حر. ( 17.34839. 78.39883E ) 160edit Karmanghat hanuman temple. karmanghat. 22. Free. ( 17.34839. 78.39883E ) 160edit Iskcon Temple. Sri Sri Radha Madanmohan Mandir, Nampally Station Road, Abids. 23. Free. ( 17.34839. 78.39883E ) 160edit Mahankali Temple. Laldarwaza. Site of the main annual Bonalu procession. حر. ( 17.34839. 78.39883E ) 160edit Ujjaini Mahankali Temple. سيكوندرأباد. حر. ( 17.34839. 78.39883E ) 160edit Peddamma Temple. Jubilee Hills. حر. ( 17.34839. 78.39883E ) 160edit Ashtalaksmi temple. dilsukhnagar. حر. ( 17.34839. 78.39883E ) 160edit Puri Jagannath Temple Mosques edit Hyderabad has many historical mosques. Churches edit St Josephs Cathedral. Gun Foundry Area. Established in 1820, this is the cathedral of the Archdiocese of Hyderabad. 160edit St. Georges Church. Abid Road. 24. St. Georges Church is one of the oldest churches in the city of Hyderabad, India. It was built in the year 1844 AD. The church was originally an Anglican church but is now under the auspices of the Church of South India. 160edit Lakes edit Hussain Sagar Lake. Hussain Sagar Lake ( Tank Bund ), Necklace Rd. 24 hrs. The artificial lake is a historical landmark, built during the reign of Ibrahim Quli Qutb Shah in 1562 by damming the Musi. This forms the boundary between Hyderabad and Secunderabad. Surrounding the lake are various parks, temples, statues and historical buildings. This is one of the few walkable places in the city. At the centre of the lake stands a famous statue of the Buddha installed in 1992. Boat rides to Budha Statue are available from Eat Street and Lumbini Park, and fares are low. Speedboats, however, do not stop at the Buddha statue. low. 160edit Osman Sagar Gandipet Himayat Sagar Durgam Cheruvu (Secret Lake) - this is quite close to Hi-Tec City area and now hosts various parties and events. كان يستخدم ليكون جوهرة خفية حقيقية في المدينة المزدحمة لكنها لا تزال بحيرة لطيفة للجلوس حولها. Shamirpet 24 km away to the north of Secunderabad, Shamirpet has a beautiful lake and a deer park. The peaceful environs make it a great picnic spot. TS Tourism offers comfortable cottages facilities for accommodation (under private management) while the forest lodge can be booked with the TS Forest Department office at Saifabad. Saroornagar - this lake is very famous as it has been lined by a solid strong wall on one side recently. A two lane undivided road is laid over this wall. The road is neat and exciting to drive. It has abundant lighting during nighttime and large pedestrian space provided. A problem is eutrophication which is caused due to water hyacinth. A pleasant space for young couples to spend their evening. Smells sometimes, but that is the nature of any waterbody in a metropolis. Another important event that takes place is vinayakachaturthy, (a festival for Hindus in which Lord Vinayakas statues are immersed (and thereby dissolved) in water). All roads lead to saroor nagar lake on the day of the Lord Ganeshs nimajjanam . Parks edit Public Gardens. Known as the Bagh-e-aam (Garden for the commoners), it has well laid out gardens and is surrounded by the imposing State Legislative Assembly building, the Jubilee Hall, the Jawahar Bal Bhavan, the Health Museum and the State Archaeological Museum. This was the old zoo and now is a beautiful place for both children and adults. حر. 160edit Necklace Road. The Chaupati of Hyderabad. Indira Park. A sprawling 76 acre park located near Tank Bund with a nice little pond and boating. Sanjeeviah Park Krishna Kanth Park Lotus Pond (Jubilee Hills) Botanical Garden (Madapur) Nehru Zoological Park (almost natural habitat for a great collection of animals. drive in Safari) KBR National Park (Chiraan Palace) Chilkur Wildlife Park Jalavihar Family Water Park (Necklace Rd) Mahaveer Vanasthali Wildlife park Lumbini Park - It also offers nice Laser Shows in the evening which is first in India. Chacha Nehru Park (Masab Tank) for pleasant morning walks with kids Jalagam Vengal Rao Park (JVR Park, Banjara Hills) NTR (Nandamoori Taraka Ramarao) Gardens (Necklace Rd) The wild life parks, botanical garden and zoo have several educational programs including lectures with live snakes The bad news is this has been almost occupied by some people and there is no surprise if you dont see this. Touts edit Recently, there has been a great rise in the number of complaints about harassment of innocent tourists in various destinations around the country. The Ministry of Tourism has adopted a strategy of introducing Audio Guide Devices at various places of interest around the country such as the Taj Mahal, Agra Fort, etc. to provide reliable and factual information to tourists. It is wise to hire such devices as you can avoid being ripped off or ambushed by desperate touts itching to make a buck. The Ministry of Tourism has also announced its partnership with AudioCompass, a company specializing in creating Audio Tours of all places of interest in the country including Hyderbad, Golconda Fort, etc in the form of Audio Devices available at the monuments and Smartphone apps that can be download from the App Store. Do edit add listing Heritage walk. Char Minar. 25. 7AM-9AM every Sunday and 2nd Saturday. They are organized by the TS tourism department and led by a knowledgeable guide and Tourist Police. There are two flavors of walks so far, one that ends at Chowmohalla palace, and the other that ends at Badshahi Ashoorkhana. Bonus - breakfast served too Its probably better to call up at 26 beforehand and confirm which walk is on. Ticket price is Rs 50 per head and can be bought at char minar on the spot. 160edit Bungee Trampoline at NTR Park NTR Gardens. NTR Marg ( West of Hussain Sagar lake ). 2 PM-8:30PM. Built in memory of N T Rama Rao, ex-Chief Minister, this is an amusement park which houses some nice attractions like a mini-train, a haunted house, a boat ride, etc. There is a cafe where the seating is in the shape of vintage cars. You can either spend money on the rides or generally stroll around and gape at the fountains and the giant insects. For rides, the Rs 45 combo you can buy at the entrance is a good deal. Rs 15 for entry, rides extra. 160edit Lumbini Park. NTR Marg ( West of Hussain Sagar lake ). 9 AM-9 PM. See water cascades, go on guided car rides. Go on a boat ride and see the Buddha statue at the centre of the lake. Rs 10, rides extra. 160edit Hyderabad Adventure amp Trekkers club ( HAT s ), 91 9985020105 (hatsfunclubgmail ), 27. Hyderabad Adventure amp Trekkers club is an active and well organized Trekkers group out of the Hyderabad area. It make an effort to be as inclusive as possible by offering Adventure Treks at all levels, from bouldering to trekking Exploring Wilderness. 160edit Dhola ri Dhani. Kompally, Medchal Rd ( 11 km from Secunderabad at Kompally on Medchal Highway ), 28. Ethnic Rajasthani village. A unit of Guptas Hotel amp Motels and is recognized by Telangana Government as a Theme Restaurant and Tourist Attraction. In the evening, the whole village is lit up with 2,000 lanterns and a village fair is staged. 160edit High View Swimming Pool . Maula Ali, 91 939 111 5019 Runway 9 29 91 98 8533 3160, 91 98 8533 3170. This park offers archery, air rifle (BB gun) target practice, and go-cart racing on a track with tight corners. Treasure Island . Gandipet Ramoji Film City holds the record for the worlds largest film studio, though most of the shooting takes place outdoors. Many Telugu and Hindi films are produced here. Tourists can tour the studios and there are two hotels. Its a 1 hour drive east of the city. GoGoa Acquarium is an exhibition of rare Sea water animals including Star Fish and Quran Angel and showcase of the Goan Marine/Aquatic life. Entry is Rs 100 for adults and Rs 50 for children. This place is on the Vijayawada Highway, 3 km from Ramoji Film City. Ocean Park . Gandipet, 91 40 2322 5660/2322 3824. A water-theme park Snow World . Asias largest Snow Theme Park. Entry ticket Rs 450, children Rs 250 if under 4 ft tall. Telephonic reservations Diginet Digital Experience Zone . Gamecentre. WiFi hotspot, coffee shop, shopping. 91 40 5558 0009 Friends of Snakes Society . For reptile conservation work and field trips. 91 8374233366/77/88. Great Hyderabad Adventure Club ( GHAC ), Inside A. K Enclave, Road No 3, Banjara Hills, Hyderabad ( Lane Next to Meena Bazar ), 91 40 68888197 (infoghac. in ), 30. 9:30 am to 6:30 pm. Hyderabads own non profit community based adventure club. Here you can meet local adventure professionals, amateurs and participate in many adventure activities like trekking, rock climbing, rappelling and adventure sports conducted in and around Hyderabad and rest of India. 160edit Rent a bicycle and enjoy the ride ( Hitech City Bike Station ), Lumbini Avenue, Gachibowli, Hyderabad ( Near Bio-diversity park ). 5 AM to 10 AM, 5 PM to 8 PM, Closed on Mondays. Hi tech City Bike Station is a popular place on weekend mornings for renting a bicycle for up to 4 hours. The bicycles are decent enough for a 50km ride but not great. Most people take the service road of Outer Ring Road and ride the scenic Gandipet lake route. 160edit For an insight into the contemporary cultural landscape of the city, do visit Lamakaan where various theater group perform in Telugu, English and Urdu/Hindi languages. This is also a good place to meet localities. Weekend Getaways edit Hyderabad has a number of options for weekend getaways. Places like Hampi, Bidar and resorts around Hyderabad are in close proximity for weekend getaways but if youre willing to travel a little more you can explore options like Dandeli, Gokarna and Badami. There are several companies that connect all of these places with individual travelers and corporate travelers from Hyderabad. LifeIsOutside. 91 88800 36677 (bookingslifeisoutside ), 31. LifeIsOutside is one of Indias leading short break and weekend getaway portal with a pan India coverage. LifeIsOutside provides an end to end solution for corporate getaways and outings. 32 160edit Golf courses edit EmaarMGF Boulder Hills Golf and Country Club . Manikonda Village, Gachibowli Mr. Sanjay Pan, 91 99 4943 0300, 91 92 4803 0300 (Golf and Country Club), ( enquiriesemaarmgf ) Hyderabad Golf Club . Satham Cheruvu, Beside Nadeem Colony, Golconda. 91 40 2356 7207 ACS Golf Course 4, 214 KPHB Colony, Kukatpally. 91 40 2315 6433, 2305 0211, 2315 7241 Army Golf Course Club . Risala Bazar, Bolarum, Secunderabad. 91 40 2786 1943 Bolarum Golf Club . Risala Bazar, Bolarum. 91 40 2786 1943 Tennis courts edit Park View Enclave Tennis Centre . Boinpally Secunderabad. 91 40 3296 0203. Ace Tennis Academy . Begumpet. 91 94404 22920 Learn edit Buddhism edit Bodhi Sampanna . 91 98 663 24910, ( infodharmamegha. org ), 33. The centre, whose name means an abode endowed with Bodhi, is a centre for the study and practice of Mahayana Buddhism following the lineage and example of Lord Buddha. Bodhi Sampanna was founded in 2009 and is a part of Dharma Megha Foundation The Centre offers courses in various Buddhist meditation techniques and teachings on different aspects of Buddhism. Teachings are offered free to the public and are conducted in English or in Tibetan (with translation in English). Work edit Buy edit add listing Jewellery edit Jagdamba Pearls. Gupta Estate, Basheer Bagh. 91 40 6656 6777. 34. Jagdamba Pearls, is one of the oldest and the largest pearl companies in India. 160edit C. Krishniah Chetty amp Sons-The Flagship Boutique. Taj Deccan. 91 40 3256 1869. 35. -1PM, on Sun 11-8PM. 160edit Lilac Boutique. Liberty Rd, Himayathnagar ( near TTD, opposite Dadu Sweets ), 91 92 4658 1851. Designer and made to order amp customised heavy suits, sarees and fancy blouses. 160edit Pearls of Hyderabad . ( Abids and Somajiguda Jewellery shops ). Choose from 3 varieties, natural pearls, cultured, and imitation. Mohal Jewells . On the Golden Mile Somajiguda for Pearls, Silver, Gold. phone 91 40 2341 9757 Ghanshyamdas Jewellers ( opp Abids Police Station ). Genuine pearls Ornaments ampmp jewellery (Punjagutta, Abids and Somajiguda) Imitation Jewellery . From Charminar. The Golden Mile of Hyderabad for shopping, consisting of shopping plazas, Malls, Designer Boutiques and upmarket shops - Starting from Lifestyle near the Begumpet Flyover and extending all the way till Road No.1 Banjara Hills. Ladida-lingerie store ( lingerie, ladies wear, nightwear ), 2,R, K.Plaza, Opp. Joyalukkas Jewelers, Greenlands Rd, Panjagutta. 91 40 40020267. 36. 11AM-9PM. Exclusive lingerie store where you can for shop lingerie and lounge wear. Rs 300-2,500. 160edit Handicrafts edit Lepakshi . 37 (Gunfoundry, Abids). 91 40 2766 8178 Kalanjali Margadarsi House, 5-10-195, Fathemaidan Raod, Opp: Ploice Control Room, Nampally, Hyderabad. 91 40 2323 1147, 91 40 2329 7196. (fax:91 40 2323 3204 ) Bidri Crafts . (Gunfoundry, Abids) 91 40 2323 2657, 91 40 2323 3663. Vishwakarmarts gallery . Esteemhouse opposite to model house in Punjagutta Dwarakarapuri colony, 91 40 6661 5039 38 . Shilparamam . ( Also Known As Night Bazaaz ), Madhapur. Exhibitions of handicrafts. United Designers . Banjara Hills Rd4. Designs by a new wave of young Hyderabadi fashion designers, they also have natural hand-made soaps for body and hair. Mon - Sat 10:30AM-8PM, 91 40 2335 5441, 91 98 85404944. Bazaars edit Laad Bazaar . ( next to Charminar ). Exotic lacquer and glass bangles market. Madina Market Bazaar . Wholesale market. Gulzar House . Retail market for ladies. Begum Bazaar . Wholesale market. Sultan Bazaar . Wholesale clothes market. General Bazaar . Budget clothes shopping. Monda Market . Vegetable market. Feel Khana Khadim Mozzam Jahi Market Eat edit add listing This article or section does not match our manual of style or needs other editing. Please plunge forward. give it your attention and help it improve. Suggested fixes . None specified. Please use the articles talk page to ask questions if you are not sure why this tag was added and whether it is safe to remove it. No visit to Hyderabad would be complete without sampling its unique cuisine - a rich blend of royal Mughlai flavours, Nizams special, and spice-up culinary traditions of South India such as: Hyderabadi biryani, pathar-ka-ghosht, nahari, haleem, double-ka-meetha, khubani-ka-meetha, seviyon-ka-meetha and kheer. A popular dish of Hyderabad is biryani. Ask anybody about their favorite dish of Hyderabad, and they will definitely tell you Hyderabadi biryani. It is prepared with a blending of Mughal kitchen and the style of cooking practiced by the Nizams. Hyderabadi biryani has a distinct aroma. Beautifully garnished with pudina, fried onion amp boiled eggs. Mostly it is served with dahi-ki-chutney and mirchi-ka-salan. Biryani has many variants like mutton biryani, chicken biryani, biryani khaam, biryani zard or zafrani or the most exotic of all joban malti biryani in which mutton, partridges and quails were cooked with rice. Hyderabadi dum biryani . is where dum refers to the baking process and basmati rice and meat or vegetables are mixed in a pot and heated for a long time. During the Nizams time, the biryani was made with lamb carefully cooked with rice. Culinary delicacies of Hyderabad include: Gosht . which is made from a buck/billy/young goat, and is associated with the Hyderabadi cuisine. Hyderabadis prize the meat of a male goat. Kachchi gosht ki biriyani . of Hyderabad, where raw meat is stir fried with spices (masala) for a couple of minutes and then covered with rice and put on dum. Today, Biryani is also made using vegetables, chicken, seafood and beef. The beef Biryani is known as Kalyani Biryani . available at many small eateries in the city. Although any Irani cafe might serve this delectable dish, there are a few places better known for tasteful food than their hygiene. Hyderabadi Haleem . is another dish which is available only in the month of Ramadaan (Ramzan). Mirchi ka salan . served with spicy chilly gravy, is another dish that serves as a tasty accompaniment to any rice item. Khubani ka meetha . is Hyderabads preferred dessert sweet. It is made from apricots boiled in sugar syrup till they achieve a thick consistency. It looks similar to, but tastes different from gajar ka halwa (carrot halwa). It is often topped with ice-cream or cream. Double Ka Meetha . is a dessert made from bread, milk and dry fruits. Falooda . is a favourite drink of Hyderabad. Irani chai is the tea of Hyderabad, available at any of the ubiquitous Chai shops. Although, not all of them have the best hygiene and it is best to go with a local. The crowd at the stalls is composed mainly of blue collared workers and college students so expect a noisy environment with conversational topics that range from movies to politics. Street food . in Hyderabad is better than most other cities in India and it is cheap. Gokul Chaat in Koti is a well known and pretty popular joint for snacks like Samosa Chaat, Dahi Puri and Sev Puri. Amazingly tasty Rajasthani street food (Kachori, Samosa and Aloo Mirch) is served by Rajasthan Namkeen Bhandar, also located in Koti (diagonally opposite Womens College bus-stop). Malai Plate. nampally-public garden road ( below the tree ). 6am-7pm. A milk bar that is located near the hyderabad railway station offers something really special apart from its famous milk and bun and that is fresh cream with a spoonful of sugar. A plate of fresh cream scooped from the boiling milk with a dash of sugar is truly a rare, warm and childhood reminder treat 30. 160edit Restaurants edit Hyderabads famous haleem In recent times, there has been an explosion in the number of restaurants in Hyderabad, fueled by demand from young professionals with money to spend. Quality and variety of food, however, has not kept pace. There is a disproportionately large number of restaurants that aspire to be called fine-dining restaurants, but the food they serve is usually indifferent. In general, keep away from restaurants that call themselves multi-cuisine or if you see multiple cuisines on the menu, as the chances are that they are attempting to serve every kind of palate and will not satisfy any. The older areas of Hyderabad are better places to find good and cheap food. Places close to Hi tec city, such as Madhapur and Kondapur, tend to have expensive and bad food, while in Banjara Hills and Jubilee Hills you will find restaurants that are expensive, but which sometimes serve good food. Those misled by the fact that Hyderabad is in South India and expecting South Indian food may be disappointed. While there are excellent South Indian restaurants in some of the older areas like Koti and Abids, the average South Indian food served here is quite bad. Two of the biggest names in Hyderabads restaurant business are Ohris 39 and the BJN Group 40. It will seem as if every second restaurant in the city is run by either one or the other. BJN generally runs upscale restaurants, while Ohris runs both upscale and mid-range restaurants. It also runs numerous fast food places all over the city, including at Prasads Imax, Banjara Hills, Somajiguda, EatStreet, Hyderabad Central amp Basheer Bagh. Budget edit Alpha. ( opposite Secunderabad Railway Station ), 91 40 2770 2291. Popular for beja fry, available only in the morning and served for breakfast. 160edit Cafe Bahaar. مقابل. Commissioner Office, Old MLA Quarters, Basheerbagh. 91 40 2324 3798, 91 40 2323 7605. Biryanis and meat curries, moderately priced. 160edit Baawarchi. Plot no. 66, RTC Cross Rds, Chikkadpally Musheerabad ( Opposite Sandya Theatre ), 91 40 2760 5308, 91 40 2763 4490. 41. 11:30AM-11PM. Biryanis Rs 150. 160edit Bowl OChina. 42. This is a chain restaurant started by the same folk who run Hyderabad House. It is present in multiple locations all over the city. Average Indian Chinese food. Rs 200. 160edit Chutneys. 1: 2: Nagarjuna Circle, Near Punjagutta flyover. 91 40 2335 0569, 91 40 2335 8484, 91 40 5557 8651. Vegetarian, and quite well-known in Hyderabad. South Indian dishes like dosas, idlis and uttappas. North Indian is also good. Is extremely crowded on weekend nights, and there is awaiting time of upto 30 min. Does not serve alcohol. Rs 150. 160edit Durga Mess. Prakash Nagar, Opp: Old airport ( Prakash Nagar, Opp: Old airport ), 9705557749. we serve better Taste 160edit Hyderabad House. Multiple locations. 43. This is a chain of restaurants, serving Hyderabadi style food all over the city. There are also outlets that comprise just a takeout counter. Try the Lukhmi. Vegetarians will have few choices. Rs 200. 160edit Kholanis Kitchen. 4-3-548/1, Shop No. 16 amp 17, Needs Arcade, Tilak Rd, Abids. 91 40 2475 3444, 91 40 2475- 657. 11AM-11PM. Try the excellent malai kebabs (chicken) and apollo fish Rs 200. 160edit Minerva Coffee Shop. This is a bit of a local institution, serving tasty vegetarian South and North Indian snacks and food. It is present in 4 locations: Rs 150. 160edit New Astoria Restaurant. 1-8-563/2, Surya Mukhi Complex, RTC X Rds. 91 40 2766 7115, 91 40 6662 5520. 160edit Shadaab. Madina Building. 91 40 2313 4446. Famous for its Hyderabadi Mutton Biryani and Jabda Gosht available only in the morning, served for breakfast. 160edit Sandarshini. Delicious South Indian dishes. Is present in over 5 locations 160edit Taj Mahal Restaurant. 4-1-999 Abids ( Part of Taj Mahal Hotel ), 91 40 2475-8250, 91 40 6551-1122. 11AM-11PM. One of the original Udupi style restaurants, this is strictly vegetarian and does not serve alcohol. It is part of the Taj Mahal Hotel, not to be confused with the nationally famous Taj chain of luxury hotels. The food in the restaurant is tasty and good, and like Udupi restaurants, serves South Indian, North Indian and Chinese. You are advised to stick to South Indian. The ambiance in the A/C section is old-school. Rs 200. 160edit Mid-range edit Barbecue Nation. Banjara Hills ( opp. City Centre Mall ). Enjoy unlimited starters on a barbecue grill right on your table. Desserts are just okay. In happy hours(before 8 pm) the price will be 650taxes Otherwise 850 650taxes. 160edit 4 Seasons. 9-4-77/3/D/4/5/6, Yousuf Tekri, Tolichowki ( opposite R. T.A Office ), 91 40 65578671. Serves multiple cuisines, but raved about for its Arabic and Lebanese food. Lunch and dinner. Credit cards accepted. Around Rs 800 for two. 160edit Aangan. 1-8-1/0/B, Yatri Nivas, Sardar Patel Rd, Secunderabad. 91 40 2781 6881, 91 40 2781 6882, 91 40 2784 0005. 10:30AM-11:30PM. Mughlai, Chinese and Hyderabadi dishes. Rs 300. 160edit Angeethi. Unit 701-703, 7th floor, Reliance Classic, Rd 1 Banjara Hills. 91 40 6525 5550. 44. 12:30PM-3:30PM, 7:00PM-11:30PM. The ambience is of a Dhaba, complete with a pan shop, a well and a quack peddling herbal remedies for marital problems. Interesting variations on traditional Punjabi dishes, but the dessert selection is meager. The beverage menu has a quirky location at the end of the main menu. Rs 500. 160edit Bombay Palace. 6-1-79 amp 80 Hampshire Plaza, Lakdi-Ka-Pul. 91 40 2333 5555. 7:30PM-11:30PM. Has a decor that reminds you of Mumbai. Menu specialities include ragda patties and other items popularized by Mumbais streets in addition to Mughlai and Hyderabadi dishes. Live Ghazals every evening. Rs 300. 160edit Celebrations. Plot No.66A, Rd No.1, Jubilee Hills. 91 40 4010 0888, 91 40 2360 2888. 45. A complex of four restaurants and one bar. 160edit Chinese Pavilion. Road Number 1, Banjara Hills ( opposite JVR Park ), 91 40 6678-5680. 11:30AM-3:30PM, 7:30PM-11:30PM. Makes an attempt to move away from Indain Chinese. Rs 500. 160edit Chung Hua. 11:30AM-3:30PM, 7PM-10:30PM. Try out the Thai varieties, nice, cozy place. Present at 2 locations Rs 300. 160edit MoMo Cafe. 1-3-1024 Lower Tank Bund Rd. 91 40 2752 1222. 46. 24 hr. Mughlai, Chinese and Hyderabadi dishes. Rs 300-500. 160edit Ginger Court. H No 1-74/1, Guttala, Hitech City, Madhapur. 91 40 23113732, 91 40 2311-3733, 91 40 2311-3734. Close to Hi tech city, Mughlai and Indian Chinese. 160edit Kabura. 12:PM-3:30PM, 7:00PM-11:30PM. Cuisine from the Northwest Frontier. Rs 500. 160edit IndieJoe. 5th Floor, City Center Mall, Road No. 1, Banjara Hills. 91 40 6657-0000, 91 40 6668-3333. 12:30PM-3:30PM, 7:30PM-11:15PM. Serves global cuisine. Only buffet for lunch and only a la carte for dinner. Rs 500. 160edit Malgudi. 6-3-1192/2/1-16, 1st Floor, My Home Tycoon, Begumpet ( Lifestyle Building ), 91 40 6662-8800, 91 40 6663-2277, 91 40 2383-9671. The name is inspired by the fictional South Indian town created by R K Narayan. It has an ambiance that suits the name, with waiters clad in dhotis . On the menu, you will find foodstuff from the four southern states that are rare to find in other restaurants, like gutti vankai or kodi pulusu. Service is extremely fast. In Hyderabad, it has 3 branches: Rs 500. 160edit Mings Court. Baseraa Inn Hotel, Basheerbagh ( opposite Old Gandhi Medical College ), 91 40 2329 8811, 91 40 2329 8822, 91 40 2329 8855. 11:30AM-3:30PM, 7PM-11:30PM. Mostly Indian Chinese. Rs 500. 160edit Nanking. 103 Parklane, S D Rd, Secunderabad ( near Hussian Travels ), 91 40 2772-9893, 91 40 2784-3634, 91 40 2784-8986. 47. 11:30AM-3:30PM, 6:30PM-11PM. Hyderabads oldest Chinese restaurant. 160edit Olive Garden. 1-98/90/1, Hi-Tech City, Madhapur. 91 40 2311 0900, 91 40 2310 0300. 11:30AM-3:30PM, 7PM-11PM. Do not be misled by the name and expect Italian. It serves passable Mughlai and Punjabi fare. Close to Hi tech city, so this is an option if you are looking for a quick place to eat. 160edit Our Place. 8-2-602/E, Charan Pahadi, Rd No. 10 Banjara Hills ( look out for a small lane that goes upwards ), 91 40 23353422. Has received great reviews for its kebabs and tandoori dishes. But avoid the Thai stuff, as it looks like a pale imitation. The ambiance is great, the seating is outdoors amidst much greenery. Often, they have live gazal music for dinner. Rs 350. 160edit Punjabi by Nature. MJ Towers, Rd No.12, Banjara Hills. ( opp. SBI Banjara Hills Branch ), 91 40 2331-7284,91 40 2331-7285. 48. 12 noon-11:30PM. Kitschy decor, good food, but overpriced. As the name suggests, serves Punjabi and Mughlai food, but the menu is entirely mainstream. The drink menu has exotic stuff like golgappa with vodka, and gulab jamun with brandy. Rs 500. 160edit Serengeti. 8-2-682/3, Rd No. 12, Banjara Hills ( Ohris Banjara ), 91 40 2330-2200. 12 noon-3:30, 7PM-11:30PM. Cuisine is from the Northwest Frontier Province while the decor tries to create the ambiance of an African safari. The food is good, the wine list is extensive and quite good. For a change, the dessert menu does not suck. Rs 600. 160edit Southern Spice. 8-2-350/3/2, Road Number 3, Plot Number 34, Banjara Hills. 91 40 2335-3802, 91 40 2335-3803, 91 40 6682-2619. 12PM-3:30PM, 7PM-11:30PM. Highly rated for Andhra delicacies like ragi sangati and gongura mamsam Rs 300. 160edit Mainland China. G. S. Plaza, Gr. Floor, S-2-672, Road No. 1, Banjara Hills. 91 40 2330-4500,91 40 5521-4500, 91 40 2330-4700. 49. 12:45PM-3:30PM,7:30P-11:30PM. Excellent Chinese place, though it tends more towards Indian Chinese. Try the dim sums and the darsaan for dessert. Good ambiance and excellent service. Rs 700. 160edit Moksh. Necklace Rd. 91 40 6620 0111, 91 40 6620 0112. 11AM-3:30PM, 7PM-midnight. The Rs 199 Non-Veg, Lunch-buffet is really tasty. Service, ambiance and the lake-side location is awesome. 199. 160edit Sahib Sindh Sultan. City Centre, 5th Floor, Road no. 1 amp 10, Banjara Hills. 91 40 66683337. 50. 12 noon-3:30PM,7PM-11.30PM. Themed on the eponymous 19th century train. Seating is available inside the carriage or on the railway station. Waiters are dressed in turbans and railway announcements are interspersed with the music. The food is good, the pickles interesting and you have a good choice of drinks. Try the licchi ki taheri for dessert. Rs 350. 160edit Terrace Bay. 501, 5th Floor, Babukhan Mall, Punjagutta. 91 40 2341-8545, 91 40 2341-8546. 11AM-11PM. A fairly successful attempt to recreate Mexican cuisine in Hyderabad. To be visited more for the food than for the ambiance. Rs 600. 160edit Tex Mex. Plot 217, Road No 2, Banjara Hills. 91 40 2354-1493, 91 40 2354-2835. 12PM-3PM-7:30-10:30PM. Indian and World cuisine. Rs 500. 160edit Tulips - The Coffee Shop. 1-26, Hotel Green Park, Greenlands Rd, Begumpet. 91 40 2375-7575, 91 40 6651-5151. 24 hr. Famous for its midnight biryani and buffet. 160edit Ullaasa. 7-1, 59/1, Athithi Inn, 5th Floor, Dharam Karam Rd, Ameerpet. 91 40 2373-9091, 91 40 2373-9097. 11:30AM-11AM. Nice ethnic ambiance and the rooftop setting is amazing, and the food is excellent. Rs300. 160edit Utsav. 221 Tivoli, Secunderabad. 91 40 2772-0638. 11AM-3:30PM, 7:30PM-11AM. Indian vegetarian cuisine, has got good reviews. Rs 400. 160edit Villa No 1-8-46. P. G. Rd, Sindhi Colony, Secunderabad ( next to Food world ), 91 40 66481846. 160edit Wangs Kitchen. 12:30PM-3:30PM, 7PM-11:30PM. An upmarket Chinese restaurant, present at two locations: Rs 500. 160edit Zafraan Exotica. Road No. 12, Banjara Hills. 51. 11AM-3:30PM, 7PM-Midnight. A rooftop restaurant with an exotic ambiance. Serves Mughlai and Chinese. Rs 500. 160edit Grand Fuze. Road No. 1,Alcazar Plaza, Opposite City Center, Banjara Hills. 040-64535350,7799434388. 52. 11AM-11PM. The Restaurant serves Indo-Chinese fusion cuisine at reasonable prices. Two Can Eat for Rs 500. 160edit Paradise Restaurant. Paradise Circle, M G Rd, Secunderabad. 11:30AM-11:30PM. This restaurant is branch of one of the oldest places serving Biryani and of late has lost some of its sheen owing to explosion of business. Also serves the best falooda in Hyderabad. It has both a sit-down restaurant and takeaway. They do have branches, but confusingly imitators with similar names have sprung up all over the city. A new branch has recently opened up at Masab Tank crossroad amp Hitec City near Shilpakala Vedhika priceRs.800 for 2 people. 160edit Rayalseema Ruchulu. 1st Main Rd, Shanti Nagar, In The Lane Behind JNTU, Masab Tank. 91 40 6510-0033, 91 40 6510-0044, 91 98 85650789. 12PM-3:30PM, then 7PM-11:PM. Mildly spiced food from Rayalaseema, rustic decor. Not for vegetarians. Rs 1000 for 2 people. 160edit Splurge edit Fusion 9. Number 4, First Avenue, Road Number 1, Banjara Hills. 91 40 6657-7722, 91 40 6657-7755. 11AM-4PM, 7:00PM-11:30PM. Lounge bar and restaurant, with an astonishing range of cuisines from different parts of the world. 160edit Hall Of Fame. Plot Number 1098, Road Number 36,Jubilee Hills. 91 40 64516969, 91 40 64526969. 11AM-11:30PM. Sports Grill. American, Italian and Mexican food with sport viewing . 160edit Golden Dragon. Taj Krishna, Road Number 1, Banjara Hills. 91 40 6666-2323, 91 40 2339-2323. 53. 12:30PM-2:45PM, 7:30PM-11:45PM. Opulent Chinese restaurant. Rs 800. 160edit Arena. Taj Deccan, Rd Number 1, Banjara Hills. 91 40 6666-3939. 54. 24 hr. Coffee shop serves Sunday brunch. Sushi Bar. 160edit Spice Junxion. Taj Deccan, Road Number 1, Banjara Hills. 91 40 6666-3939. 55. 12PM-3:30PM, 7PM-11:30PM. South Indian cuisine with a trendy twist. Lunchtime platters with 10 starters, 8 main course items and 4 desserts served in a span of 40 min. Regular menu items are dosa with mutton curry and idly with chicken curry. The condiment trolley has 17 different types of chutneys, pickles, spicy powders, papads and vadiyalu from South India. Desserts paan ice cream, all-spice chocolates and traditional south Indian sweets are made in-house. 160edit Kebab-e-Bahar. Taj Banjara, Banjara Hills. 91 40 2339-9999. 56. 7:30PM-11:45PM. Kebabs from all over, including Hyderabad and Northwest Frontier. 160edit Little Italy Bar and Restaurant. 275, Film Nagar ( opp. KBR Park, at Applo Crossing ), 91 40 2355 8001. 57. 12 noon-3:30PM, 7PM-11:30PM. Italian style, completely vegetarian. Rs 700. 160edit Waterfront. Beside Eat Street, Necklace Rd. 91 40 2330 8899, 91 40 6527 8899. Has a nice view of Hussain Sagar lake, but the food, at its best, is passable. Rs 700 (cover charge of Rs 300, Rs 500 on weekends). 160edit Bakeries, cafes, sweet shops and fast food edit Hyderabad has a large number of outlets that are positioned as bakeries . These are primarily takeaway places, where one can buy sandwiches, burgers, biscuits and puffs to go (called parcel in local parlance.) Usually, there are a few chairs and tables thrown in as an afterthought. Many Western chains have set up shop in the posh areas of Hyderabad. Among these are Texas Chicken . McDonalds . KFC . Pizza Hut . Dominos and Subway . Most of these have multiple outlets and all of them have Indianised their fare to varying extents. The Indian pizza chain Pizza Corner also has many outlets. Barista 58. Cafe Coffee Day 59 and Java Green 60 outlets are good places to have coffee and conversations. Deli 9. 9:30AM-10:30PM. Bakery and cafe. Cakes, pastries, quiches, and puffs. 2 locations. Rs 200. 160edit Pulla Reddy Sweets . is an iconic chain of sweet shops. The outlets are found all over Hyderabad and are so popular that it has spawned imitators who copy the distinctive yellow signs and choose some variation of Reddy (a common last name in Andhra Pradesh) as the name. Almond House. Shop No. 3-6-237, Lingapur Building Himayath Nagar. 91 40 2322-6068. 61. Quality Indian sweets. 160edit Karachi Bakery. Mozamjahi Market and Road No.1 Banjara Hills. 160edit famous for biscuits. King amp Cardinal. 3-5-907, Himayathnagar X Roads, Himayathnagar. 91 40 6661 5444. Pizzas and burgers. Also serves Indian Chinese snacks. Rs100. 160edit My Cafe Latte. Plot No. 1100, Road No. 36 Jubilee Hills. 91 40 2355 3709. Coffee, mocktails and sandwiches, with Hollywood themed decor. 160edit Ofen. Plot Number 49, Road Number 10, Banjara Hills. 91 40 2337- 2205, 91 40 2337 2235. 62. 8AM-11PM. Excellent place for breads and related foods - especially for health conscious. Includes breads like whole grain breads, ragi breads and sugar free cakes. Rs 150. 160edit Pista House. 20-4-140/1-8, Shalibanda Rd, Charminar. 91-93965-00786. 10AM-11PM. Famous bakery in Hyderabad world famous haleem only available in holy month of ramadan cost around Rs 150 per person. once you have it, you cant wait for the next year. 160edit Safeena Bakers. Charminar, Alijah kotla. 8AM-10PM. Baked biscuits, cakes and burgers. Has 3 outlets: 160edit Sarvi Bakers and Confectioners. Opposite Care Hospital, Road Number 1, Banjara Hills. 91 40 6663-1113, 91 40 6663-1114. Place for sandwiches, burgers and puffs. Rs 50. 160edit The Chocolate Room. Plot no 268, Kavuri hills ( near Madhapur Police Station Crossing, Jubilee hills ), 91 40 6458-9595. 63. Wonderful drinking chocolates and crepes. Also a good place to hang out and have a conversation, though it does get crowded on weekends during the evening. Rs150. 160edit Universal Bakers. 3-6-12, Himayatnagar, Himayathnagar Paradise, Himaythnagar amp Masab Tank. 8AM-10PM. Baked biscuits, cakes and burgers. Has 3 outlets: 160edit Sreejss Home Foods. B-43, Journalist colony, Apollo Road, Jubilee Hills, Hyderabad. 91 40 6663 2373. 10AM-9:30PM. Nice Andhra sweets and hot items, tasty carryout curries everyday. 160edit Drink edit add listing There is plenty to do at night in Hyderabad, though local regulations have most places serving last drinks by 11PM. On weekdays, drinks in the some of the pubs have best offers, as most clubs are empty until Thursday or Friday nights, when the clubbers emerge. But the sheer number of nightlife spots makes it hard to choose which ones to list. As a general rule they tend to be clustered around Begumpet and Road No.1, Banjara Hills. Alcohol is available easily from numerous Liquor Shops, known as wine shops in local parlance, spread across the twin cities, in restaurants with bars attached (includes most upscale ones) and in pubs. WARNING: Drunken driving is not tolerated and police enforce the rule strictly. After 11PM almost all the roads have police patrols and check drunk driving. If caught you may end up paying fines, apart from vehicle being seized and couple of rounds to police station in worst scenarios. Some of the good pubs and bars are part of hotels, and they have been covered along with their hotel listing under Sleep . Pubs edit 10 Downing Street. 10, Ground Floor, My Home Tycoon Begumpet. 91 40 6662-9323, 91 40 6662 0015. 11AM-11PM. Expensive place, nice music, good crowd, but small dance floor. Rs 300-1,000. 160edit Bottles and Chimney. 1-10/1, Prakash Nagar, Begumpet ( near old airport ), 91 40 2776-6464, 91 40 2776 2368. 12PM-4PM, 7PM-12AM. Large spacious pub with plenty of room to dance. Plays an eclectic variety in music. Rs 100-Rs 700. 160edit Easy Rider . Lakeview Palace, Road no 1, Banjara Hills, ( opposite Taj Banjara ). 91 498 4903 2297. 11.30AM-11PM Firangi paani. City Center Vth Floor, Road No. 1 amp 10 Banjara Hills. 91 40 6668 3336. 64. 12PM-11:30PM. 160edit Sparks. My home Tycoon, Building 6-3-1192/2/1-16 Begumpet. 91 40 6662 9977. 11AM-11:30PM. Redone pub, nice hip ambience, reasonable rates. 160edit Torque (The pub). Hotel Green Park, Greenlands Begumpet. 91 40 2375 7575. 6PM-2:30AM. No cover charge, large screen TVs for sports fans, a separate smoking room, reasonable prices, good food, and nightly dance music mixed by resident and guest DJs Monday-Sunday Saturday night is ladies night (ladies drink for free 8PM-10PM). 160edit Passport. Ramada Hotel Manohar, (Old) Airport Exit Road Begumpet. 91 40 2790 3333, 91 40 5531-3333. 160edit H20 Amrutha castle, ( near lumbini garden ). Rs 150-300. Club8 . Life style building Ameer pet, cheap beer, usually have a (11) offer available before 7PM. Cloud9 . ICICI bank near old airport. Have dance floor but not a very good crowd. Hard Rock Cafe . GVK 1 Mall road No 1 Banjara Hills. Part of world wide chain. Excellent ambiance, check their website for events. Bars edit Sync - Resto Bar. Hotel Ashoka, 6-1-70, Lakdi-ka-pul. 91 9666667632, 91 40 23230105. 65. 11AM-11:00PM. 160edit Atrium Bar. Taj Deccan, Road No.1 Banjara Hills. 91 40 2339 2684, 91 40 6666 3939. 66. 11AM-11:30PM. 160edit Liquids Again. 5th Floor, ABN Amro Bank Complex, Bhaskara Plaza, Road Number 1, Banjara Hills. 91 40 6625 9907, 91 406625-9908. 11AM-11PM. Sleek, trendy lounge bar. Rs 900. 160edit Touch. 1st Floor, Trendset Towers, Road Number 2, Banjara Hills. 91 40 2354 2433, 91 40 2354 2422, 91 40 6651 6666. 11:30AM-1130PM. Upscale, celebrity hang-out, great place but very expensive. Has a dress code, shoes mandatory Rs500. 160edit Fashion (FTV). Banjara Hills. Trendy lounge bar. 160edit Hydrate. 6-1-79 amp 80, Hampshire Plaza, Lakdi-Ka-Pul. 91 40 2333 5555. 67. Elegant bar at Hampshire Plaza. 160edit Seventh Heaven. 6-3-883/5, Seventh Floor, Venkat Plaza, Punjagutta. 91 40 6666 8833, 91 40 6666-8822. 11AM-11:30PM. Nice rooftop bar and restaurant. 160edit Sleep edit add listing This guide uses the following price ranges for a standard double room: Accommodation in Hyderabad is unlikely to bust your budget, especially when compared to cities like Mumbai or Bangalore, and rooms are usually easily available. However, because the city sprawls so much, you need to be careful about the hotel location if you want to avoid a long commute and traffic bottlenecks. Plenty of options are available with online booking facilities, with web based aggregator services like OYO rooms, Stayzilla, makemytrip, etc. providing good deals for advance bookings. Plentiful budget accommodation is to be found around the Nampally railway station and in Abids, Koti and other new city areas for a few hundred rupees a day, and tourist attractions arent very far off. However the facilities tend to be basic, the towels arent necessarily clean and air-conditioning tends to be extra. It might make sense to pay a little more and choose mid-range accommodation. The area around Hussain Sagar Lake, Begumpet, Punjagutta, Somajiguda, Banjara Hills and Lakdi-ka-Pul are close to both tourist attractions of the old city and the business areas of the new city. Hotels in Secunderabad might be slightly far for the tourist, but may still work for the business traveller. Unfortunately, hotel rooms tend to be expensive and scarce closer to Hi tec city, and commuting from any of the above areas, except perhaps Banjara Hills, is not a good option because of the traffic. Areas around Hi tec city are Madhapur, Kondapur and Gachibowli. For longer term stays, you might want to consider serviced apartments (See below) OYO Rooms. Kondapur Main Road ( Situated at a distance of 37 km from Rajiv Gandhi International Airport and 850 m from Secunderabad Railway Station. The nearest metro station is Secunderabad Metro Station (850 m) and the closest bus stop is Chilkalguda X Road Bus Stop (400 m). ), 919313931393. 68. checkin: 1200 checkout: 1200. OYO Rooms is Indias largest branded chain of hotels. روبية. 1299. 160edit Budget edit Aahwaanam. NTR Estate, Jawaharlal Nehru Road Abids ( Opp. Ramakrishna Cinema Hall ), 91 40 2474 0301, 91 40 2474 0305, 91 92 9133 3108. checkin: 24 hr checkout: 24 hr. Rs 700-1,000. 160edit Aahwaanam. NTR Estate, Jawaharlal Nehru Road Abids ( Opp. Ramakrishna Cinema Hall ), 91 40 2474 0301, 91 40 2474 0305, 91 92 9133 3108. checkin: 24 hr checkout: 24 hr. Basic budget hotel. Most rooms are not A/C. Rs 600-1,000. 160edit Classic Lodge amp Boarding. 5-8-112 to 173, 21th Century Commercial Complex, Nampally, ( Opp. Board of Intermediate ), 914023200159, 914023200537, 918121179866, 919000005320 (infoclassiclodge. in ), 69. checkin: 24 hr checkout: 24 hr. A/C and non-A/C Deluxe rooms amp 25 bed Dormitory Residence Hall along with multiple bathrooms, and all basic facilities available. Rs 300-1,600. 160edit Ashoka. 6-1-70, Lakdi-ka-Pul. 91 40 2323 0105, 91 40 6651 0222, 91 40 3062 0222, 91 40 6651 0220. A/C and non-A/C rooms. Rs 600-1,500. 160edit Dwaraka Heritage. 116، تشينوي مركز التجارة، باركلان، سيكوندراباد. 91 40 27845020, 91 40 2789 5111. 50 rooms, basic facilities, internet Rs 600-1,100. 160edit Hotel Geetanjali. 4-1-938/26/A, New Marketing Complex, Abids, Tilak Road. 91 40 66635500. 70. checkin: 24 hr checkout: 24 hr. A/C and non-A/C rooms. Budget hotel, offers room service, clean amp economical rooms and free wifi, online reservations, rated environmentally friendly, no restaurants. Close to transportation. Rs 800-1,500. ( 17.392477. 78.477294 ) 160edit Haridwar. 4-6-464, Esamiya Bazar, Koti. 91 40 2465 6711 91 40 2473 2780. 71. checkin: 24hr checkout: 24 hr. Basic functional hotel with attached vegetarian restaurant. Caters mainly to visitors from North India. Rs 300-900. 160edit Minerva. H. No. 3-6-199/1, Himayatnagar. 91 40 2322-0448. Close to the Birla temple and other attractions. Good budget choice in an area where there arent many budget hotels. Rs 1,300-1,800. 160edit OYO Rooms. Kondapur Main Road. 91 9313931393. 72. checkin: 1200 checkout: 1200. OYO Rooms is Indias largest branded chain of hotels. Rs 899. 160edit Parklane. 115, Park Lane, S D Rd, Secunderabad. 91 40 2784 0466, 91 40 2784 0399, 91 40 2784 0377. 30 years old and looks its age. Rooms are comfortable, with both A/C and non-A/C options. Breakfast is complimentary. The hotel caters mainly to senior government officials. Park Lane has a vegetarian restaurant Madhura. Rs 950-1,800. 160edit Sitara Paradise. No. 6-3-788/34, Opp. Lane of Chandana Bros, Ameerpet. 91 40 2373 5222, 91 40 2373 5333, 91 40 6684 4449. 73. Small hotel, bang in the middle of the Ameerpet shopping district. Dont expect a quiet stay, but the rooms are spacious and elegant. This hotel is geared more towards weddings and celebrations, not for business travellers or tourists. Rs 1,100-1,500. 160edit Mid-range edit There are plenty of Budget hotels at Kachiguda Near Venkutramana Theater. The price generally ranges from Rs. 1000 to Rs. 1500 for A/c Rooms. Kindly bargain at the hotels to get better price. Anmol International. مقابل. Public Gardens, Chapel Rd, Nampally ( Nr Sujatha Public School ), 91 40 2324 4041,91 40 2324 4042,91 40 2324 4043. 74. An adequate and comfortable hotel, located close to the Nampally railway station. Lar ge rooms, restaurant and fitness centre. Rs 2,500-3,500. 160edit Asrani International. Plot Number 179, M G Rd, Secunderabad. 91 40 2784 6901, 91 40 2784 2271, 91 40 2784 2267. checkin: 24hr. Has most basic facilities youd expect from a business hotel. Located in Secunderabad, which is far from Hi-tech city, but close to the main city. Hosts a popular pub called Spanish Fly . Rs 2,500-3,500. 160edit Athithi Inn. 7-1-59/1, Dharam Karam Rd Ameerpet. 91 40 2373 9091. 75. checkin: 12PM checkout: 12 noon. Cozy hotel, slightly far from the city centre. Room service and laundry available. Has conference room facilities. Houses 2 restaurants. Rs 2,000-4,000. 160edit Best Western Amrutha Castle. 5-9-16, Opp. Secretariat, Saifabad. 91 40 6663 3888. 76. Designed after castles from medieval Bavarian Europe. All-suite accommodations, meeting and event space, onsite restaurants, a fitness centre and swimming pool. Close to important attractions. 160edit The Central Court. 6-1-71, Lakdi-ka-Pul. 91 98 493-23232, 91 40 2323-2323, 91 40 2323-3262. 77. Centrally located and targeted at the business traveller who needs a place to sleep. Provides complimentary internet and most other business facilities. In addition, it has a couple of reasonable restaurants. 160edit Baseraa. 1-9-167/168, Sarojini Devi Rd, Secunderabad. 91 40 2770-3200. 78. checkin: 12PM checkout: 12PM. If the location fits, this is an excellent choice for a good, reasonably priced hotel. It has been recently renovated, and the rooms are plush without being opulent. Free WiFi and a complimentary breakfast. Dining is available at Mehfill a restaurant with live ghazal shows every evening. It also has a coffee shop and a cricket themed pub. Rs 2,500-6,500 (extra for foreigners paying in dollars). 160edit Falcons Nest Imperia Suites. 1299F, Road no 68,Jubilee Hills, Hyderabad ( Close to Apollo Hospitals, Film Nagar, Annapurna Studios, ), 91 40 2360 0060,91 40 2360 0029 (infofalconsnest. in ), 79. checkin: 12PM checkout: 12PM. This is an excellent choice for a good, reasonably priced hotel. It has been recently renovated, and the suite rooms are luxury. Free WiFi and a complimentary breakfast. 160edit Grand Solitaire. 1-240, 41 amp 43, Parklane, Secunderabad. 91 40 4433-3999. 80. Clean and functional hotel, suitable for business travellers. Rs 3,200-4,500. 160edit Harsha. 39,Public Garden Rd, Nampally. 91 40 2320- 2729, 91 40 2320 1188, 91 40 6663 1188. 81. checkin: 24hr checkout: 24hr. Close to the railway station. Basic, but adequate facilities. Vegetarian dining available. As it is close to the main road, it is somewhat noisy. Rs 1,600-2,500 (higher rates for foreigners, payable in USS. 160edit Hotel Mandakini Jaya International. 3/1 amp 3/2 Reddy Hostel Lane, Hanuman Tekdi, Abids. 91 99 9945 5063. 82. Chic hotel located at the market area of Abids and well connected with city and other business centres. Good for both business and leisure traveller and is very close to the airport. From Rs 1,700.00. 160edit I K London Residency. 6-3-656, Kapadia Lane, Somajiguda, ( in the lane diagonally opposite NIMS ), 91 40 6662 5555, 91 40 6675 9516, 91 40 6675 9517. 83. checkin: 24 hr checkout: 24hr. I K London caters to business travellers and has easy access to Punjagutta, Begumpet and the secretariat areas. Complimentary breakfast, WiFi and most other facilities youd expect from a business hotel are available. Rs 2,500-4,000. 160edit Kamat Lingapur. 1-10-44/2, Chikoti Gardens, Begumpet. 91 40 2776 4242. 84. checkin: noon checkout: noon. This used to be close to the airport before they moved the airport. Adequate place to stay for the average traveller who isnt looking for frills. Has a pretty good restaurant Shrirang which offers vegetarian food. Free breakfast, though the menu heavily favours South Indian vegetarian. Rs 2,500-3,500. 160edit Karan. 1-2-261/1, S. D. Rd, Secunderabad. 91 40 4022 3344, 91 40 2784 0191. 85. checkin: 24 hr checkout: 12PM. Good mid-range business hotel in Secunderabad. Wheelchair accessible. Rs 2,500-3,500. 160edit Kasani GR. Hi-tec City Madhapur. 91 40 4040-9999. 86. Rather adequate business hotel, the advantage being that it is in Madhapur, close to Hi tec city. Rs 4,500-7,000. 160edit Leo Continental. Number 2-4-77, M G Rd, Secunderabad. 91 40 4040-0400, 91 40 91 40 6633 3366. 87. Small rooms, but good facilities otherwise. Rs 2,500-6,000. 160edit Mango Hotels, Secunderabad - MG Road ( Mango Hotels ), 2-4-77, MG Road, Near to KFC, Secunderabad - 500003 Andhra Pradesh. 91 22 6150 6150,91-40-6050-0116. 88. checkin: 12:00 PM checkout: 12:00 PM. Mango Hotel is located conveniently on MG Road, close to KFC and Paradise Biryani, in a bustling industrial area of Secunderabad A kilometre away from the famous Hussain Sagar Lake Rs 2,500-5,500. ( 17.4353403. 78.4887899 ) 160edit Minerva Grand. Promoted as a Boutique Business Hotel. Rooms are elegantly furnished and provide a cozy atmosphere without pampering you too much. It has a business centre, internet in all rooms, and both locations have branches of Blue Fox . a multi-cuisine restaurant. Present in 2 locations: 160edit Minerva Grand Banjara. 8-2-616, Road No 11,Banjara Hills. 91 40 6612 7373. 89. This is a newer property. It has Stir . an all-day coffee shop. Rs 3,000-6,000. 160edit Minerva Grand S D Road. Sarojini Devi Rd, Secunderabad. 91 40 6611 7373. 90. This is closer to the city centre. It has a lounge bar Enigma and Fiesta a 24 hr coffee shop. Rs 4,000-8,000. 160edit Quality Inn Residency. 5-8-231/2,Public Garden Rd. 91 40 3061 6161, 91 40 2320 4080,91 40 5551 4060. 91. checkin: 24hr checkout: 24hr. Business hotel, internet, conference facilities. Venue . a vegetarian restaurant is part of the hotel, as is One Flight Down . a basement pub. The location is more suited for access to the main city rather than Hi tech city. Rs 3,300-11,000. 160edit Rukmini Riviera. 6-1-1062 ( behind Hotel Dwaraka Lakdi-ka-Pul ), 91 40 6678-5566, 91 92 4659 1237. 92. checkin: 24hr checkout: 24 hr. Basic, functional and clean hotel. 2 restaurants, one is vegetarian and the other has a bar. It is located near the city centre, at a reasonable distance from both tourist attractions and office complexes, though it is not suitable if you need access to Hi tech city. 2 banquet halls, geared more towards weddings and other celebrations. Rs 1,600-2,200. 160edit Sai Prakash. 5-4-434, Station Road, Nampally. 91 40 2461 1726. 93. Close to the airport, strictly adequate. Rs 1,500. 160edit Splurge edit Aditya Park. Aditya Trade Center, lane beside Huda Maitrivanam, Ameerpet. 91 40 6678 8888. Close to business areas, but far from tourist attractions or from Hi tech city. Free internet, and have a restaurant Promenade and a bar Harrys . Rs 4,500-6,000. 160edit Fortune Select Manohar. Old Airport Exit Road, Begumpet. 91 40 6654 3456. 94. checkin: 12PM checkout: 12PM. As the name suggests, this used to be the hotel closest to the old airport. Though it has lost that advantage now that the airport has moved, it hasnt lost the advantage of being located close to the busy commercial area of Begumpet. Free breakfast, and hi-speed internet is available, well-equipped business centre. Has good, but not great dining options. Rs 10,000-18,000. 160edit The Golkonda. 10-1-124, Masab Tank Crossroads ( opposite Polytechnic ), 91 40 6611 0101, 91 40 2332 0202, 91 40 2332-0404 (toll free: 1800 425-0202 ), 95. This is one of the few 4 star hotels in this area. Free breakfast and free internet. Has a fitness centre and a swimming pool. Suitable both for business travellers and tourists. Rs 5,000-9,000 (extra for foreigners paying in dollars). 160edit Green Park. Greenlands, Begumpet. 91 40 6651 5151. 96. checkin: 12PM checkout: 12PM. Close to the citys business areas. Rooms are well-furnished, free breakfast coffee shop, internet and access to the minibar. Once upon a time is the specialty restaurant. The Mustang Bar and Torque the pub. Rs 5,000-11,000. 160edit Hampshire Plaza. 6-1-79 amp 80, Diagonally Opposite To Amravathi Theater, Lakdi-ka-Pul. 91 40 2333 5555. 97. checkin: 12PM checkout: 12PM. Well worth a stay if the location is right. Well-appointed rooms, with WiFi and all amenities you would expect at the price. Rs 7,000-11,000. 160edit Ista Hyderabad. Road No. 2, Nanakramguda, Gachi Bowli. 91 40 4450 8888. 98. checkin: 12PM checkout: 12 noon. Centrally located in the citys new business district of Gachi Bowli. 166 rooms, suites, restaurants, meeting facilities and a spa. Rs 8,000-22,000. 160edit ITC Kakatiya. 6-3-1187, Begumpet. 91 40 2333 5555. 99. If price is no object, this is the place to stay. Located in the centre of the business district. It has 3 full-service restaurants. Deccan Pavilion is open 24 hr, and serves up a Sun brunch from 12:30PM-3PM. South Indian restaurant Dakshin and an Irish-themed pub Dublin . Rs 15,000-30,000. 160edit Marriott. has 2 properties within walking distance of each other in the Tank Bund area near Hussain Sagar Lake and the Courtyard. 160edit Marriott Hotel amp Convention Centre. opposite Hussain Sagar Lake, Tank Bund Rd. 91 40 2752-2999. 100. checkin: 3PM checkout: 12 noon. The more expensive rooms have a view of the Hussain Sagar Lake right across the street. WiFi and wired internet available in all rooms, charged extra. There are 3 restaurants and a bar, including Bidri an Indian restaurant serving Hyderabadi cuisine. Rs 7,000-16,000. 160edit Courtyard Hyderabad. 1-3-1024 Lower Tank Bund Rd. 91 40 2752 1222. 101. checkin: 3PM checkout: 12PM. Opened in December 2009. Business hotel, many rooms have a view of the lake. Rs 5,000-7,000. 160edit Novotel. 102. Novotel has 2 properties in Hyderabad. 160edit Novotel Accor. ( near Hitec City Izzatnagar Kondapur ), 91 40 6682 4422. 103. checkin: 3PM checkout: 12PM. One of few options for those who need to stay close to Hitec city. مرافق المؤتمرات والحلقات الدراسية التدريبية. Many dining options, and its bar is known simply as The Bar Rs 7,000-9,000. 160edit Novotel Hyderabad Airport. Rajiv Gandhi International Airport Hyderabad. 91 40 6625 0000. 104. checkin: 3PM checkout: 12PM. In the unlikely case that you actually need to stay close to the new airport. Rs 5,000-7,000. 160edit Taj Hotels. 105. Taj, a famous Indian hotel chain has 4 iconic hotels in Hyderabad, 3 of them on the same street in Banjara Hills. 160edit Taj Banjara. Road No. 1, Banjara Hills. 91 40 6666 2323. 106. checkin: 3PM checkout: 12 noon. Taj Banjara is located by the side of its own private lake. The lake is not very well-maintained or clean, but the rooms are. Conference facilities and good for business events. Open-air restaurant Kabab-e-bahar serves Indian BBQ. Underdeck . a basement pub. Rs 5,000-16,000. 160edit Taj Deccan. Road No. 1, Banjara Hills. 91 40 6666 3939. 107. checkin: 12PM checkout: 12 noon. The least expensive of the 3 Taj hotels. Restaurant Spice Junxion serves fusion South Indian cuisine, with a wide variety of pickles, spiced martinis are a specialty of the restaurant. Rs 5,000-13,000. 160edit Taj Krishna. Road No. 1, Banjara Hills. 91 40 6666 2323. 108. checkin: 3PM checkout: 12 noon. This is the closest that Hyderabad has to a grand old hotel. Taj bought a failing property and turned it into one of the premier hotels in Hyderabad. The hotel interiors are over the top, but rooms are tastefully done, though the hotels age shows in some places. Golden Dragon Chinese restaurant, Ahala the pub, conference facilities available. Rs 9,000-15,000. 160edit Taj Falaknuma Palace. Engine Bowli, Falaknuma, Hyderabad - 500053, India. 91 40 6666 2323. 109. checkin: 3PM checkout: 12 noon. This is the closest that Hyderabad has to a grand old hotel. Taj bought an erstwhile palace, the former residence of the nizam of Hyderabad and refurbished it into one of the premier and most luxurious hotels in the world. The hotel interiors are opulently designed, with large Venetian chandeliers, rare furniture, grand marble staircases and gurgling fountains, priceless statues, and objets dart, stained-glass windows, unique sketches and murals encased in ornate frames, a world-class collection of crystal as well as the Mughal, Rajasthani and Japanese gardens personally conceived by the Nizam. Adaa An indian specialty restaurant, Celeste a multi cuisine restaurant, conference facilities available. Starting from 447. 160edit Serviced apartments edit Typically, serviced apartments have tie-ups with corporate professionals and give good rates to them. Companies may hire apartments on semi-permanent basis to house even their short term visitors. Like hotels, you reserve rooms by calling or writing to the property, you follow a check-in and check-out schedule, and you dont have to pay extra for services such as housekeeping, maintenance and utilities. Serviced apartments are usually 40-50 less expensive than hotels. S-Cube xenizo Service Apartments for short and extended stays-Gachibowli. Jubileehills, Gachibowli ( near chiranjeevi blood bank at Jubilee Hills and ORR flyover bridge at Gachibowli ), 91 4032948686 (scubemyscube or Visit myscube ). A/C bedrooms, Wi Fi, gym and Swimming Pool, Power Backup. 160edit Falcons Nest Service Apartments-Gachibowli ( Service Apartments in Hyderabad ), Telecom Nagar colony, Gachibowli amp Madhapur ( next to Cyberabad commissioner office and 5 mins to Inorbit Shopping mall ), 91 94 40022129 (infofalconsnest. in or Visit falconsnest. in ), 110. Service Apartments in Hyderabad close to Major IT companies, MNC with A/C bedrooms, WiFi, gym and Swimming Pool, Power Backup. 1800. 160edit Studio Service Apartments-Madhapur. plot no 79,Phase 1,Kavuri hills, Madhapur amp Jubilee hills ( near to Pride Honda Showroom and 5 min walk to Ashok Hair Transplant and 5km to Apollo hospitals ), 91 98 66141982. 91 40 42024074 (sakhanfalconsnest. in or visit falconsnest. in ). A/C bedrooms, WiFi and a gym. 160edit Park View Service Apartments. Road No 2, Banjara Hills amp Jubilee hills ( next to LV Prasad and 5 min walk to Cancer and 2 km to Apollo hospitals ), 91 98 4906 2708 (bookings. parkviewgmail ). A/C bedrooms, WiFi and a gym. 160edit Cyber Serviced Apartments ( Serviced Apartments in Hyderabad ), Flat No160: 602, Vasantha Lotus Apartment, Vasantha Valley, White Fields, Kondapur ( opp road to Jayabheri Silicon County ), 91 93 96205656, 91 93 48205656 (cyber5656gmail ), 111. A/C bedrooms, WiFi and a gym. 160edit Alcove Service Apartments Hyderabad. Road no 13A, Happy Valley ( off Road no 13, Banjara Hills ), 91 99 0057 8231 (stayalcove. co. in ), 112. Single room, A/C in each room, cable TV. Independent 2-3 BHK apartment, refrigerator, microwave, washing machine in each flat, free breakfast, free WiFi. 160edit Homcourt Hyderabad Service Apartments. 1299 F, Rd No. 68, Jubilee Hills. 91 40 2360 0060 (HHreservationshomcourt. fax. 91 40 2360 0804 ), 113. A/C bedrooms, WiFi and a gym. 160edit Cleopatra Serviced Apartments. Road No. 2, Banjara Hills. 91 98 8544 1999,91 99 4917 1810 (reservation. cleopatragmail ), 114. 160edit Creative Service Apartments. 91 97 0144 2227, 91 97 0144 2226. 115. Rs 1,500. 160edit Ivorysands Grand Stay. H. No. 1-11-254 amp 255, Subhasri Estate, Naik Estate, Street No 1, Begumpet ( next to old airport exit road ), 91 95 73900009. 116. Rs 1,800taxes. 160edit Begumpet ( lane beside ICICI Bank, near old airport road ), 91 95 739 0009 . Cpr Maple Court Plot No 11, Brindavan colony Durgam Cheruvu, Rd Madhapur. 91 98 8539 1679 . Navlok Serviced Apartments. 91 93 9456 8888. 117. 160edit Service Apartment Touchinn. Srinagar Colony Main Road, Near SatyaSai Nigamagamam. 91 98 4828 8481 (infotouchinn ), 118. 160edit Treats Serviced Apartments. Ameerpet amp Begumpet. 91 98 4821 2462. 119. Rs 1,500. 160edit Contact edit Post Office edit India Post120. a govt-owned enterprise, has its headquarters at Abids known as GPO. And its second biggest centre is located in Secunderabad. Landlines edit The dialing code for Hyderabad is 040. When calling from overseas, dial 91 40 XXXX XXXX. If you have a non-working phone number with only 7 digits try to add 2 in front of it. There are public booths scattered around the city. Mobile phones edit